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1、备考2025贵州省铜仁地区中学教师公开招聘能力测试试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、京剧的板式是指唱腔的板眼结构形式,下面说法正确的是()。A.一眼板(相当于14拍)B.三眼板(相当于34拍)C.无眼板(既无板也无眼)D.散板(既无板也无眼)【答案】 D2、根据以下材料,回答题A.such asB.asC.likeD.for【答案】 B3、在教学过程中实施的,使教师能够了解学生学习进展情况的评价是()。A.诊断性评价B.形成性评价C.终结性评价D.持续性评价【答案】 B4、我国现存最早的用文字谱记写下来的古琴曲的名字叫什么?()A.幽兰B.广陵散C.高山流水D.梅花三弄【答案】 A5、德育

2、过程结构的构成要素是()。A.教育者、受教育者B.教育者、受教育者、德育内容C.教育者、受教育者、德育内容、德育方法D.教育者、受教育者、德育环境【答案】 C6、走中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,向着建设社会主义文化强国的宏伟目标前进,关键是()。A.丰富人民的精神文化生活B.增强对中华文化的自豪感C.增强全民族文化创造活力D.保障人民的基本文化权益【答案】 C7、秧歌剧兄妹开荒的曲作者是()。A.王酩B.谷建芬C.朱践耳D.安波【答案】 D8、根据以下材料,回答题A.privateB.individualC.personalD.own【答案】 C9、 Sometimes the student

3、 may be asked to write about his _ to a certain book or article that has some beatingon the subject being studied.A.commentB.reactionC.impressionD.comprehension【答案】 B10、贝多芬为拿破仑所写的第一部明确反映重大社会题材的交响乐作品是( )。A.维也纳森林的故事B.英雄交响曲C.春之声D.蓝色多瑙河【答案】 B11、下列选项中,对心理健康理解不正确的是()。A.心理健康是比较而言的,从健康到不健康只是程度的不同,而无本质的区别B.心

4、理健康反映的是某一段时间内的特定状态,而不应认为是固定的和永远如此的C.心理健康标准是一个发展的文化的概念,会随着社会的发展变化而发展变化D.心理健康等于没有疾病或疾病仅限于躯体疾病【答案】 D12、根据以下材料,回答题A.TarB.NicotineC.Lung diseaseD.Leave【答案】 B13、初中阶段学生记忆力的发展()。A.是稳定时期B.是最佳时期C.是较慢时期D.已开始有所下降【答案】 B14、今夜无人入睡是一首脍炙人口的经典音乐作品。A.威尔第B.普契尼C.比才D.拉威尔【答案】 B15、 孟德斯鸠说:“中国是一个专制的国家。它的原则是恐怖。在最初的那些朝代,政府的专制精

5、神也许稍微差些;但是今天的情况却正好相反。”下列最能够反映引文中“今天的情况却正好相反”含义的史实是( )。A.唐朝完善三省六部制B.明朝废除宰相制度C.元朝行省制度的建立D.清朝设置军机处【答案】 D16、教育作为一种特殊的文化现象,具有双重文化属性,即传递和深化文化与()。A.培养文化本体B.构成文化本体C.支持主流问题D.繁荣多元文化【答案】 B17、王阳明曾镇压过江西等地的人民起义并由此心生感触:“破山中贼易。破心中贼难。”由此可见,王阳明的“心学”本质上是( )。A.要求人们注重自身修养B.主张以“致良知”求理C.要求人们服从专制统治D.主张良知和行动的统一【答案】 C18、碳元素是

6、构成细胞的最基本元素,对此最有说服力的说法是()。A.碳在细胞的各种化合物中含量最多B.碳在自然界中含量最为丰富C.在细胞的各种化合物中都含有碳D.碳链构成了有机物的基本骨架。【答案】 D19、Did you have any problems in your English study A.findB.foundC.findingD.to find【答案】 C20、我国古代有很多德才兼备的人,通常被称为“圣人”。“书圣”“画圣”“诗圣”分别指( )。A.王羲之、吴道子、李白B.王羲之、吴道子、杜甫C.王羲之、阎立本、李白D.王羲之、阎立本、杜甫【答案】 B21、I remember bein

7、g a student teacher in1974, sitting for two weeks in the back of my cooperating teachers classroomwatching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. Her lessons flowed 16from beginning to end, leading me to believe that teaching would be easy. Iremember how 17 I was the first time I stood i

8、n front of25 ninth-graders and attempted to teach them Spanish.A.toB.uponC.fromD.by【答案】 B22、根据以下材料,回答题A.romanticB.friendlyC.lovelyD.active【答案】 A23、心理辅导的途径有多种,下列陈述不正确的一项是()。A.专门开设的心理健康课程一般有两种形式,一种是以讲授为主的有关课程,另一种是开设心理辅导活动课B.心理辅导与班级、团队的日常活动没什么区别C.心理健康教育可以渗透在学科教学中来实施D.个别辅导最能体现心理辅导中因材施辅的原则【答案】 B24、Parent

9、s and toddlers who read paper books together speak and interact more when compared with those who read e-books,researchers foun D.Reading with a child is a hugely important developmental activity as it helps youngsters learn new words, broadens their knowledge and provides time to bond with loved on

10、es. So scientists wanted to see if parents and children acted differently when they read books together using traditional media versus electronic devices like tablets.To investigate, the researchers found 37 pairs of parents and healthy toddlers between two and three years ol D. They asked them to r

11、ead from three different types of media: enhanced electronic books with sound effects or animation, a basic electronic book, and a print books Researchers found parents and toddlers spoke more when interacting with a paper book rather than a story on an electronic tablet. Whats more, parents used ri

12、cher language when using print books compared with tablets, and collaborated more with their children. But parents were less responsive and children were less engaged with their parents when reading e-books, said Dr. Tiffany Munzer, corresponding author of the study at the University of Michigan C.S

13、. Mott Childrens Hospital. The findings were published in the journal Pediatrics.Munzer pointed out. however, that the study was limited in several ways, including that the team did not test the toddlers reading comprehension. It was also limited by the small sample size, and the fact that the team

14、used only one commercially-available app for the e-books. That isnt to say there is no benefit to electronic book reading compared with doing nothing. Just less compared with print books. Print books are just better for promoting rich language from their parents and more conversations between parents and c



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