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1、Chinese Traditional Wedding&Western WeddinguDo you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?Chinese Traditional WeddingChineseTraditionalWedding仪式(仪式(Ceremony)说媒(Proposal)定亲(Engagement)聘礼(Betrothalgifts)迎娶(Weddingceremony)拜堂(Performingritualkneelinginwedding)喝交杯酒(Drink

2、“crosscuppedwine”)闹洞房(Celebrateweddinginbridalchamber)The red letter date will be picked by the grooms parents. Both the bride and the grooms house will be decorated in red in advance. The grooms family will send out a procession of servants, entertainers and a carriage which is carried by four serv

3、ants to the brides family to bring the bride back. The bride and the groom will worship the heaven and the earth, the grooms ancestors and they will also serve tea to all their superiors in the family. After the meal, the new couple will return to the bridal room and some naughty friends may tag-alo

4、ng(follow closely) and play tricks on the groom. Then, the couple will finally be left with themselves and the groom can take off the red cloth that covers the brides face. You know in the ancient times, a man may probably marry a woman that he had never met before, that is to say, the first time to

5、 see the wifes face was in their bed, which was really exciting.Western WeddingWedding ceremony 西方教堂婚礼西方教堂婚礼中会有下面的人物中会有下面的人物:Groom(新郎)Bestman(伴郎)Groomsmen(男傧相)Bride(新娘)Maidofhonor(伴娘)Bridesmaid(女傧相)Flowergirl(花童)Ringbearer(戒童)Minister(神父)Usher(引宾员)Wedding ceremony 西方教堂婚礼中会有下面的人西方教堂婚礼中会有下面的人物物:Groom(

6、新郎)Bestman(伴郎)Groomsmen(男傧相)Bride(新娘)Maidofhonor(伴娘)Bridesmaid(女傧相)Flowergirl(花童)Ringbearer(戒童)Minister(神父)Usher(引宾员)Bridewearswhite gown&white veil(standsforpurity).Thebrideshouldalsohave:nsomethingnewsomethingoldsomethingborrowedsomethingblueSomethingOld母亲传下来的婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切。SomethingNew朋友送的礼物如

7、裙子,饰物,象征新的生活。SomethingBorrowed可向任何人借东西回来,据说从富裕亲友借来金或银放在鞋内,象征带来财运。SomethingBlue新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁bridal veil The first bridal veil In 1840, the British queen Victoria get married, she wear a white dress that made of Chinese brocade, and the tail was 18 foot, and with a white veil ,it from hea

8、d to foot of a pure white amazed at the queen Victoria. But before it , the royal wedding dress is a jewel in crown with pearls and jewels, with a silver ornament of the evening, in a fur coat up the traditional. The surprise of her, its fast become a fashion .The bride wear a white wedding dress is

9、 become to the traditional customs.Withthe,thebridesfatherleadshertothealtar.婚礼开始,伴随着婚礼进行曲新娘挽着其父的手臂,缓缓通过走廊向圣坛走去。MusicstopsMinisterwillask:Whogivesthiswomantobemarriedtothisman?Father:MywifeandIdo.(Thenthebrideisgivenawaytothegroom.)Wedding Vows发誓发誓 I(name),chooseyou(name)tobemy(husband/wife),torespe

10、ctyouinyoursuccessesandinyourfailures,tocareforyouinsicknessandinhealth,tonurtureyou,andtogrowwithyouthroughouttheseasonsoflife.Change the ringA:Thisringisatokenofmylove.Imarryyouwiththisring,withallthatIhaveandallthatIam.B:Iwillforeverwearthisringasasignofmycommitmentandthedesireofmyheart.Wishtomeetyourangleagainlovelygirlinyourdream!但愿会在梦中再见到你心爱的女孩!WishtomeetyourMr.Right祝愿遇见你心中的白马王子Thank you!



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