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1、Unit Eleven Information Asking Etiquette询问礼仪询问礼仪1Focal Points1. Some basic rules of the etiquette of asking 2. How to request effectively in business situations 3. How to request information on a product or service2ContentsLead in1Reading A2Reading B3Reading C45Exercises3Complete the following sente

2、nces with appropriate expressions1.Hello,_speakwithMr.Jackson?2.Hello,isMr.Jackson_,please?3.MynameisHackand_abouttheassistantposition.4.Pleaseletmeknowiftheresabetter_tocallyou.Illbehappytodoso.5.Wouldyoumind_ tellingmeabouttheposition,please?6.Arethereother_ thatyouarelookingforinthisposition?7.Ih

3、opewecan_anddiscussthepositionfurther.8.IsthereanythingelseI_theposition?Warming upavailabletime or dayIm callingspending a minute or two unique qualificationsshould know aboutget togethermay Imay IavailableIm callingtime or dayspending a minute or two unique qualificationsget togethershould know ab

4、out4Learn the Etiquette of Asking You cant go through life without having to ask others forthings.Whetheratworkorathome,youconstantlyneedtoaskothersto do something for you, get something for you, or look aftersomething for you. But, the way you ask for something stronglyinfluencesthereaction,theresp

5、onseandtheultimateansweryougetfrom those other people. Whether dealing with a boss, a fellowemployee, your children, other family members, or even moreimportantly yourspouse, how youaskfor something is important.Andifyouaskthewrongway,youlikelywontgetwhatyouwant,notjustthen,butinthefutureaswell.Read

6、ing A5Learn the Etiquette of Asking Othersmightbeabletodecodeyourimpoliteorcontrollingwayofasking,andconcludethatyoureallyintendedtoaskinaniceway.Butatothertimes,theymayonlyhearexactlywhatyousaid,andmaynotlikewhattheyheard.Inthosecases,youlikelygetaverynegativeresponse for them. If this hashappened,

7、 and yourewondering whythishappened,takeacloselookathowyouaskforthings.Discoverifyouareusingeffectiveorineffective waysofasking.Ifyouimproveyouretiquetteofasking,youlllikelygetwhatyouwouldaskformuchmoreoften. Reading A6Learn the Etiquette of Asking Ineffectivewaysofasking:“Whatabout.”“Bytheway,wereg

8、oingto.”“Doyoumind.”“Arentwe(oryou)goingto.”“Whydontwe.”Reading AInallthesesituations,youaresupposedlyaskingsomeonetodosomethingforyou.But,areyouasking?Or,areyouonlyusingdifferentwaysoftellingtheotherpersonwhatyouwantthemtodo,andexpectthemtodoitforyou,withoutyourfirstcheckingouttheirfeelingsandviews

9、ontheissues?.7Learn the Etiquette of Asking When you use a positive etiquette of asking, you share yourrequest,butinaway,thattheotherpersonmayfeelfreetoturndownyourrequestiftheysowish.And,iftheyagreetoyourrequest,theyneedtobeabletoagreeit,withoutfeelinganycoercionorpressurefromyou. Letslookatchangin

10、gsomeoftheabovepoorwaysofasking,listedabove,intomorepositiveandequalitybasedformsofetiquette.Reading A8Learn the Etiquette of Asking Reading AIneffectivewaysofaskingEffectivewaysofaskingWhatabout.lIaminterestedin.(doingsomething).lIwouldliketoknowifitalsointerestsyou.Doyoumind.lIwouldliketo.(dosomet

11、hing).lAreyouinterestedindoingitwithme?Whydontwe.lIwouldliketodo(something).lIamespeciallyinterestedindoingitwithyou.lIamwonderingifyouareinterestindoingittoo.9Learn the Etiquette of Asking Bytheway,“wearegoingto.”isnotevenasking.Itstellingyourpartneraboutadecisionafteryouhavemadeit,andwithoutyourpa


13、Theyalsoignoretheirpartnersfeelings.Theyforgetthataskingdoesnotalwaysmeangetting,andthattheyhavenorighttodemandtheirpartnerstodothingsforthem.Reading A10Learn the Etiquette of Asking But,ifpeopledevelopapositiveetiquetteofasking,theywillnot only get more requests, but also a more relaxed and happyre

14、lationshipwiththeotherperson.Ifyourecognizethatyouvebeenusing anyof the negative waysof asking, try using a morepositiveetiquette. You may or may not get what you ask for, but, yourrelationshipwillbenefitfromdoingso.Reading A11How to Make Effective Requests in Business Situations When dealing with p

15、eople in business situations it is, ofcourse, essential to be as polite as necessary. English has a ratherunique,diplomaticstylewhenspoken-itisimportanttonotsoundtoodirectwhenyouaremakingrequestsasthiscansoundimpoliteandmorelikeademand.Modifyingyourlanguageisaveryeffectivetacticin business dealings

16、when you are trying to establish a friendly andcooperative atmosphere, especially when negotiating in meetings oraskingforassistancefromcolleagues.Politeuseoflanguagewilltakeyoufar. However,therearedifferentlevelsofpolitenessandhowyouusethemdependsonthreethings:Reading B12How to Make Effective Reque

17、sts in Business Situations 1)Yourrelationshipwithyourlistener.Isheorsheyourbossoracounterpartoracolleagueyouconsideragoodfriend? 2) How important you consider your request to be. If something is very important and/or urgent you may need to be more polite than usual. Reading B 3) How much inconvenien

18、ce your request could cause the listener. For example, if you are asking a colleague to work your shift, you are more likely to get a positive response from them if you are more polite than usual and appreciate the hassle it may cause them. So, what are these different levels of politeness? Well, yo

19、u can scale them from 1 to 5 in terms of directness, ranging from very direct (not so polite) to very indirect (very polite): 13How to Make Effective Requests in Business Situations Reading Bvery indirect (very polite)very direct (not so polite)1) Help me papers (please).This is very direct and soun

20、ds more like a demand.2) (Please) will you help me papers?This is less direct and perhaps more suitable if you are asking a friend for help.3) Could you help me papers (please)?This is neutral and therefore the most suitable for the majority of business situations.4) Do you think you could possibly

21、help me papers?This is indirect and therefore much more polite. This phrase is suitable for people you dont know very well.5) I was wondering if you could possibly help me papers.14How to Make Effective Requests in Business Situations Thisisveryindirectandthemostpoliterequestofthebunch.Thisphraseisb

22、estkeptforsituationswherethetaskisurgentand/orinconvenienttothelistener. Generally,themoreindirectthephrase,themorepoliteyouwillappearandthemorewordsyouwilluse!Itmightseemthattheindirectphrasesareoverlypoliteandinmanycasesthatistrue,butbearinmindthattheyarestill effectivetacticsingaininghelpfromcoll

23、eaguesorbusinessassociates.Everyonelikestobespokentowithrespectandcourtesyandwhatareafewextrawordsifitmeansyougettheassistanceyouwantandneed? Reading B15How to Request Information on a Product or ServiceWhen approaching a company, government agency or otherorganizationforinformationaboutaproductorse

24、rvice,asatisfactoryansweroftendependsontheinformationweprovideandthequestionsweask. 1Getorganized.Lookattheinformationyoualreadyhaveathandabouttheproductorservice.Writedownthequestionsyouwantto ask or the problem you are trying to solve. Leave some spacebetweeneachquestionorstepoftheproblemsothatyou

25、canwritedowntheanswersyoureceive.(Thisisespeciallyimportantifyouarecomparing services or products by telephone; you cannot expect toremembereverythingyouaretold.)Reading C16How to Request Information on a Product or Service2Bepreparedtoaskforinformationinthewaythecompanyoragencyrequestsit.Thismaybea

26、seasyasasingledirectphonecall.Itmay,however,alsoinvolvewaitingforcustomerservicetotakeyourcall.Somecompaniesaskthatinquiriesbesubmittedbyemailinstead.Bepreparedtospendsometime getting theanswers.Keep inmindthat most companies and offices work very hard to provide goodcustomerservice. Reading C17How

27、to Request Information on a Product or Service3Makecertainyouprovidealltheinformationacompanyoragency needs to answer your questions. If you are shopping for alawnmower,youneedtoknowthesquarefootageofyourlawnortheoverallsizeofyourproperty.Ifyouneedhouseholdhelp,youmustbespecificaboutthetasksthatneed

28、tobedone.Ifyouneedtoreplaceaninstruction booklet for an appliance or electronic device, have themodelnumberhandy. Reading C18How to Request Information on a Product or Service4 Have an alternative prepared if you receive poor orincompleteinformation.Iftelephonecustomerserviceispoor,asktospeakwithasu

29、pervisor. Ifemailsgounanswered,considersnailmail.Ifyouhaveaskedforinformationintheformthecompanyoragencyrequestedwithoutresult,youareentitledtocomplain.Mostcompaniesmaintainapublic relationsorcustomerrelationsdepartmentforjustthat reason. Government and other agencies are likely to provideaccess thr

30、ough the department or agency directors office. Yourcomplaintwillbehandledmoreefficientlyifyoucanexplainhowmanytimesyoucalledorhowlongyouhavewaitedforhelp. Reading C19How to Request Information on a Product or Service5Be prepared for additional mail if you send an inquirypostcard,couponoremailform.S

31、omecompaniessharemailinglists,andif,forinstance,youveaskedaboutarototiller,youmayreceiveinformation from other companies about gardening magazines ortractors.Checkgeneralinquirycards,catalogsandemailsitesfordo-not-sharecheckoffblanks.Thiswillslowtheflowofjunkmailandjunkemail. Reading C20How to Reque

32、st Information on a Product or Service6Use consumer protection resources if you receive poorinformationorrequestsforlotsofpersonalinformationnotpertainingto your problem (your vacuum cleaner still makes that funny noiseirrespective of your general annual income, for example). Reportrequests like thi

33、s to the Better Business Bureau or your areagovernmentconsumerprotectionoffice. Reading C21IRole-play: Requesting Travel InformationStudent A: Choose a city in your country. You are going to travel to this city for a business meeting over the next weekend. Telephone a travel agency and reserve the f

34、ollowing:Round-trip flight Hotel room for two nights Restaurant recommendation Prices and departure times ExercisesStudent B: You work in a travel agency. Listen to Student A and offer him/her the following solutions: Round-trip flight: Air JW $450 Coach, $790 First Class Hotel room for two nights:

35、Hotel City $120 a night in the downtown area, Hotel Relax $110 a night near the airport Restaurant Recommendation: Chez Marceau - downtown - average price $70 a person 22II. Role play: Requesting Product Information Student A: You need to purchase six new computers for your office. Call JAs Computer

36、 World and ask for the following information: Current special offers on computers Computer configuration (RAM, Hard Drive, CPU)Guaranty Possibility of discount for an order of six computers ExercisesStudent B: You work in JAs Computer World and answer Student As questions using the following informa

37、tion: Two special offers: Multimedia Monster - with latest Pentium CPU, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB Hard Drive, Monitor included - $2,500 AND Office Taskmaster - cheaper CPU, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB Hard Drive, Monitor not included - $1,200 1 Year guaranty on all computers Discount of 5% for orders of more than five

38、computers 23ultimateadj. 最终的;极限的;根本的 例:Indeed, many college students do not select their ultimate career path until after they graduate.当然,很多大学生直到他们毕业才会选择他们的最终职业道路。Words & Expressions24decode vt. 计通信 译码,解码 vi. 从事破译工作例:We can encourage older kids to decode media messages, by asking: Who created it?我们

39、鼓励年龄大些的孩子通过几个问题来认识广告:谁制作了它?Words & Expressions25intended adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 v. 打算;准备(intend的过去分词) 例:Those facilities are intended to civilize people.那些设施的目的在于教化民众。Words & Expressions26supposedly adv. 可能;按照推测;恐怕 例:Having a century or more of experience is supposedly a big advantage for family firms in

40、 difficult times.在这样艰难的时刻里,拥有一百多年的经验对于家族企业来说,本应是一大优势。Words & Expressions27coercion n. 强制;强迫;高压政治;威压 例:Force, violence and psychological coercion have convinced them to accept it.权势、暴力与心理胁迫使他们接受了自己的命运。Words & Expressions28intentionally adv. 故意地,有意地 例:I would never intentionally hurt your feelings.我决不

41、会有意伤害你的感情。Words & Expressions29ignorevt. 驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬 例:A realistic examination of world food production cannot ignore these systems.现实的考察世界粮食生产不能忽视这些系统。Words & Expressions30 essential adj. 基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的 n. 本质;要素;要点;必需品例:It is an essential principle that we must combine theory with practice .我们必须把理

42、论与实践相结合是个重要的原则。Words & Expressions31diplomatic adj. 外交的;外交上的;老练的 例:But there are political and diplomatic considerations, too.但是也有政治和外交的考量。Words & Expressions32 tactic n. 策略,战略 adj. 按顺序的,依次排列的例:The new tactic was put into operation early in 1939.这个新的战略是在1939年初开始运用的。Words & Expressions33inconvenience

43、 n. 不便;麻烦 例:For any inconvenience due to product or service problems, Hewlett-Packard earnestly apologizes to customers, the company said on its Chinese Web site Monday.该公司周一在其中国网站上说,由于产品和服务问题给客户带来的不便,惠普向客户郑重道歉。Words & Expressions34associatesn. 同伴;合作人;联合公司(associate的复数形式) 例:It also involves a securi

44、ty of knowing that you have the love, trust, and support not only of family, but also of friends and associates as well.成功也包括经济保障之外的安全感:认识到自己拥有爱、信任和支持,不仅来自于你的家庭,也来自于你的朋友和同事。Words & Expressions35submittedv. 递交;主张;屈服(submit的过去分词)例:The financial department reviews projects submitted for the board of di

45、rector s approval.财政部门检查提交给董事会审批的各项目。Words & Expressions36lawnmowern. 建 剪草机 例:The big deal is that it doesnt matter what youre listening tomusic, a podcast, even standing near a loud lawnmower or watching fireworks.最大的问题是无论你听的是什么,无论是音乐,博客,甚至是站在一个大声的割草机旁边,或者在看烟火。Words & Expressions37footage n. 英尺长度;连

46、续镜头;以尺计算长度 例:But over the past week, Iraqi television has endlessly replayed video footage of a lorry inching towards the foreign ministry and blowing up.但刚刚过去的几个星期,伊拉克电视新闻里反复播出卡车缓缓冲向外交部引起爆炸的录像。Words & Expressions38booklet n. 小册子 例:You can get more details about Medicare in the booklet I gave you ju

47、st now.你可以在我刚刚给你的小册子里知道更多细节。Words & Expressions39coupon n. 优惠券;息票 例:You really can save a lot of money using coupons.使用优惠卷可以省下一大笔钱。Words & Expressions40rototillern. 旋转式耕耘机;旋转碎土器 例:Having analysis on the working principle of the whole tractor system including diesel engine and rototiller, we worked o

48、ut the way of how to eliminate the impotence of tractor with rototiller.通过对拖拉机、发动机和旋耕机整个系统工作原理分析,找出了解决拖拉机带旋耕机“无力”问题的方法。Words & Expressions41catalogsn. 目录;分类(catalog的复数);一览表 例:You probably receive many catalogs in the mail selling all types of things. But have you ever seen a catalog that sells houses?您可能收过许多邮购目录,贩售各式各样的物品;但您看过贩售房屋的目录吗?Words & Expressions42vacuum cleaner吸尘器;真空吸尘器;环境 真空清洁器 例:Ive got a perfectly fine vacuum cleaner.我已经有了一个很好的吸尘器。Words & Expressions4344



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