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1、Theme parks第一页,共97页。课时作业课时作业考点互动探究考点互动探究基础知识回顾基础知识回顾与名师对话高考总复习高考总复习课标版课标版英语(专版)英语(专版)contents1.识记填读识记填读2.联想填读联想填读3.构词填读构词填读4.语境填读语境填读5.句式句式(j sh)填读填读6.核心词汇核心词汇7.单元语法单元语法8.微型考场微型考场9.名师讲坛名师讲坛第二页,共97页。.识记填读识记填读1 1_ n. _ n. 题目;主题题目;主题( (曲曲) ) 答案答案(d n)(d n)themetheme2 2_ pron. _ pron. 无论哪一个;任何一个无论哪一个;任何

2、一个 答案答案(d n)(d n)whicheverwhichever3 3_ n_ n秋千;摇摆;秋千;摇摆;vt. & vi. vt. & vi. 摇摆;摆摇摆;摆 答案答案(d n)(d n)swingswing第三页,共97页。4_ adj.独一无二的;独一无二的;仅有的有的答案答案unique5_ n少数;少数民族少数;少数民族(shoshmnz)答案答案minority6_ n允允许进入;入入;入场费答案答案admission第四页,共97页。.联想想(linxing)(linxing)填填读1 1_adj._adj.各种各各种各样的的a_a_各种各各种各样的的 答案答案 vari

3、ousvarious;variety ofvariety of2 2_难怪;不足怪;不足为奇奇no doubtno doubt毫无疑毫无疑问 答案答案 no wonderno wonder3 3_vt._vt.保保存存;保保留留;n.n.保保护区区be be well well preservedpreserved保保养养/ /存的好存的好 答案答案 preservepreserve第五页,共97页。4be_仿仿造造be_根根据据命命名名(mng mng)答案答案modelled after;named after5_提前提前ahead of time提前提前答案答案in advance6_活

4、活跃起起来来come to苏醒醒_.back to life使使苏醒醒答案答案come to life;bring第六页,共97页。 .构词填读构词填读1_ adj.中心的;中央的中心的;中央的centre n中心,中央中心,中央答案答案central2_ n消消遣遣;娱娱乐乐(活活动动)amuse vt.逗逗笑笑(du xio)/乐;乐;(使使)娱乐娱乐_ adj. 逗乐的,觉得好笑的逗乐的,觉得好笑的答案答案amusement;amused3_ n. 吸吸引引;有有吸吸引引力力的的事事物物_ vt. 吸引吸引答案答案attraction;attract第七页,共97页。4tourism n

5、. 旅游旅游业_ n旅游者旅游者答案答案(d n)tourist5engine n. 引擎,引擎,发动机机_ n工程工程师答案答案(d n)engineer6length n长度;度;长_ vt.使使变长答案答案(d n)lengthen第八页,共97页。.语境填读语境填读1 1She She _(_(以以闻闻名名(wnmng) (wnmng) sweet sweet voicevoice,so_(so_(无无 论论 哪哪 里里 ) ) she she goesgoes, she she will will be be recognized.recognized. 答案答案 is very f

6、amous foris very famous for;whereverwherever2 2Disneyland Disneyland is is famous famous as as an_(an_(娱娱乐乐主主题题 ) ) park park with with many_(many_(卡卡 通通 ) ) characters. characters. _(_(难怪难怪) so many kids are attracted by it.) so many kids are attracted by it. 答案答案 amusement themeamusement theme;car

7、tooncartoon;No wonderNo wonder第九页,共97页。3 So many people like to_(接接 近近 ) nature,so_(入入场费) fees for some areas are higher and for most of them,you have to book tickets _(提前提前)答案答案get close to;admission;in advance4All the leather clothes made by the factory_(模模仿仿(mfng) some very famous_(商商标牌牌子子). _(难怪

8、怪) they sell well.答案答案are modelled after;brands;No wonder第十页,共97页。5 When the famous singers appeared, the whole hall_(活活跃起起来来(q li);however, I _(对不熟悉不熟悉) them.答案答案came to life;am not familiar with第十一页,共97页。.句式句式(j sh)(j sh)填读填读1 1_ _ ( (无无论论你你喜喜欢欢哪哪一一个个,不不管管你你喜欢什么喜欢什么), there is a theme park for you

9、!), there is a theme park for you! 答案答案 Whichever and whatever you likeWhichever and whatever you like2 2With With all all these these attractionsattractions,_ _ ( (难难怪怪) ) tourism tourism is is increasing increasing wherever wherever there there is is a a Disneyland.Disneyland. 答案答案 no wonderno won

10、der第十二页,共97页。3Futuroscope is _ (不不但但) for individuals,_ is _ (而而且且(r qi) the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.答案答案not only;but;also4One day,_ (消消息息传来来) Britains old king had died without a son.答案答案news came that第十三页,共97页。5Futuroscope has many excellent hotels nearby,_ (其中其中(qzhng)大多

11、数大多数) provide a shuttle service to the park.答案答案most of which第十四页,共97页。第十五页,共97页。必会a variety ofvarieties ofall sorts/kinds of各种各样的vary with sth. 随而变化vary from.to.从到不等;在到之间变动第十六页,共97页。A用用various的不同的不同(b tn)词性填空性填空There are _ ways of working out the maths problem.答案答案variousThe hotel offers its guests

12、 a wide _ of amusements.答案答案varietyThere are _ of people on the earth.答案答案varieties第十七页,共97页。B语法填空法填空Opinions on this matter vary _ person _ person.对于于(duy)这件事,人人意件事,人人意见不一。不一。答案答案from;toThe variety of apples _ increasing. 苹果的种苹果的种类在增多。在增多。答案答案is第十八页,共97页。必会to ones amusement 让人感到愉快(有趣)的是for amusemen

13、t 为消遣amuse vt. 使发笑;使愉快be amused at (with/by)以为乐,对觉得有趣(好笑)amusing adj. 有趣的,引人发笑的第十九页,共97页。A用用amuse的适当的适当词性填空性填空Though many people are_by the_performances of cheerleaders,they dont think highly of them.解解析析考考查形形容容词辨辨析析。amused 感感到到有有趣趣(yuq)的的;amusing 有趣有趣(yuq)的,引人的,引人发笑的。笑的。答案答案amused;amusing第二十页,共97页。

14、Much Much toto my my _,the the actor actor fell fell off off the the stage.stage. 答案答案 amusementamusementReading and seeing movies are among my _.Reading and seeing movies are among my _. 解解析析 amusement“amusement“娱娱乐乐,消消遣遣”。句句意意为为“阅阅读读(yud)(yud)和看电影也是我的娱乐活动和看电影也是我的娱乐活动”。 答案答案 amusementsamusements第二十

15、一页,共97页。第二十二页,共97页。用用attract的适当词性填空的适当词性填空Niagara Falls is a great tourist _ drawing millions of visitors from all parts of the world every year.解解析析句句意意:尼尼亚亚加加拉拉大大瀑瀑布布是是一一处处非非常常壮壮观观的的游游览览胜胜地地 , 每每 年年 吸吸 引引 来来 自自 世世 界界 各各 地地 的的 数数 百百 万万 游游 客客 前前 来来 观观 光光(gunggung)。attraction“有吸引力的事物有吸引力的事物”。答案答案attr

16、action第二十三页,共97页。His new book has _ my attention.His new book has _ my attention. 答案答案(d n)(d n)attractedattractedIn In my my childhood childhood the the sea sea was was so so _ _ that that I I became a sailor.became a sailor. 答案答案(d n)(d n)attractiveattractive第二十四页,共97页。第二十五页,共97页。The The problem p

17、roblem is is by by no no means means unique unique _ _ this this school.school. 答案答案(d n)(d n)toto第二十六页,共97页。Police Police can can easily easily recognize recognize your your fingerprints fingerprints by by machinemachine,because every persons fingerprints are _.because every persons fingerprints ar

18、e _.A AoutstandingoutstandingB BregularregularC CordinaryordinaryD Duniqueunique 解解析析 句句意意:警警察察借借助助机机器器能能轻轻易易识识别别你你的的指指纹纹,因因为为每每个个人人的的指指纹纹都都很很独独特特(unique)(unique)。outstandingoutstanding突突出出的的,杰杰出出的的;regularregular有规律的;有规律的;ordinaryordinary普通普通(ptng)(ptng)的。的。 答案答案 D D第二十七页,共97页。第二十八页,共97页。类词辨析preser

19、ve侧重指为某人或某种用途保存、储藏或保护某物不受危害或影响。reserve保留或储存某物以备以后使用。预定。第二十九页,共97页。No No hunting hunting is is allowed allowed _._.在在这这个个保保护区内不许打猎。护区内不许打猎。 答案答案(d n)(d n)in the preservein the preserveThe The society society was was set set up up toto _ _ endangered endangered species species _._.成成立立这这个个协协会会是是为为了了保保

20、护护濒濒危危物物种种不不至灭绝。至灭绝。 答案答案(d n)(d n)preservepreserve;from dying outfrom dying out第三十页,共97页。(2013(2013江江苏苏卷卷)The )The town town is is so so beautiful! beautiful! I I just just love it.love it.Me Me too. too. The The character character of of the the town town is is well_.well_.A Aqualified qualified B

21、 Bpreserved preserved C Cdecorated decorated D Dsimplifiedsimplified 解解析析 考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意:这这个个小小镇镇太太漂漂亮亮了了!我我很很喜喜欢欢。我我也也很很喜喜欢欢。这这个个小小镇镇很很好好地地保保留留了了自自己己(zj)(zj)的的 特特 色色 。 qualify“(qualify“(使使 ) )有有 资资 格格 , ( (使使 ) )合合 格格 ”;preserve“preserve“保保 护护 , 保保 持持 , 保保 留留 ”; decorate“decorate“装装 饰饰 ”;simplif

22、y“simplify“简化简化”。 答案答案 B B第三十一页,共97页。第三十二页,共97页。必会advance on/upon/towards朝前进advance sb. to. 把某人提升为in advance 预先,提前(指事先)第三十三页,共97页。用用advance的适当词性填空的适当词性填空(tinkng)You should make a careful plan in _.答案答案advance第三十四页,共97页。As is known to all,China will be an_and powerful country in 20 or 30 years time.解

23、解析析考考查查定定语语从从句句。“先先进进(xinjn)的的”国国家家,用用形形容容词词“advanced”修饰。修饰。答案答案advancedWe _ _ towards the village when suddenly we were stopped by a stranger.答案答案were advancing第三十五页,共97页。第三十六页,共97页。第三十七页,共97页。必会(Its) no wonder (that) 难怪wonder at/about 对感到奇怪wonder vt.想知道,后面常接when,where,why,how,if,whether等引导的宾语从句第三十

24、八页,共97页。第三十九页,共97页。用用no wonder和和no doubt填空填空(tinkng)There is _ that our team will finally win the match.答案答案no doubt_ you sing so well. You are practising every day.答案答案No wonder第四十页,共97页。第四十一页,共97页。必会be modeled onbe modelled after 模仿,仿效;仿制model yourself on以为榜样model n模型;模范;典型;模特vt.做的模特;模仿after the m

25、odel of以为模范第四十二页,共97页。The The mascot mascot _ _ a a lovely lovely young young goat.goat.这这个个吉吉祥物以一只可爱的小羊为原型。祥物以一只可爱的小羊为原型。 答案答案(d n)(d n)is modelled afteris modelled afterShe is a model _ her mother.She is a model _ her mother.她长得极像她的母亲。她长得极像她的母亲。 答案答案(d n)(d n)ofof第四十三页,共97页。第四十四页,共97页。必会close to靠近

26、;几乎keep close to 紧跟come close to 差一点儿提醒:在以上短语中to为介词。类词辨析close用作副词时多指实际距离近,用作形容词时表示“亲密的;严密的”。closely副词,表示抽象意义“密切地;紧密地;紧紧地”。第四十五页,共97页。I I tell tell you you I I was was so so angry angry that that I I came came _ _ toto hitting her.hitting her.我告诉你我很生气,差一点打了她。我告诉你我很生气,差一点打了她。 答案答案 closecloseThis This

27、case case is is _ _ connected connected with with that that young young lawyer.lawyer.这件案子这件案子(n z)(n z)和那位年轻律师密切相关。和那位年轻律师密切相关。 答案答案 closelyclosely第四十六页,共97页。It It was was raining raining heavily.Little heavily.Little Mary Mary felt felt coldcold,so so she stood_to her mother.she stood_to her mothe

28、r.A Aclose close B Bclosely closely C Cclosed closed D Dclosingclosing 解解析析 考考查查closeclose用用法法。空空格格处处所所填填词词需需要要修修饰饰前前面面(qin (qin mian)mian)的的动动词词stoodstood,所所以以可可以以排排除除C C和和D D,又又因因为为表表示示“站站得得很很近近”,表示具体的,表示具体的“接近接近”,修饰的是,修饰的是stoodstood,所以用,所以用closeclose。 答案答案 A A第四十七页,共97页。必会come back to life 苏醒过来co

29、me to oneself 苏醒过来when it comes to. 当谈到时bring.to life 使更有趣/更生动第四十八页,共97页。When When the the children children heard heard that that their their teacher teacher _,the the whole whole class class came came toto life life at at once.once.当当孩孩子子们们听听说说(tn (tn shu)shu)老师苏醒过来时,整个班立刻活跃起来了。老师苏醒过来时,整个班立刻活跃起来了。

30、 答案答案 came came toto life lifeAfter After the the earthquakeearthquake,the the villagers villagers tried tried their their best best toto bring bring the the village village _._.地地震震后后,村村民民们们尽尽力力使使村庄恢复生机。村庄恢复生机。 答案答案 back back toto life life第四十九页,共97页。When When it it came came toto literatureliterat

31、ure,he he _ _ immediately.immediately.当谈到文学时,他马上来了精神当谈到文学时,他马上来了精神(jngshn)(jngshn)。 答案答案 came came toto life life第五十页,共97页。第五十一页,共97页。第五十二页,共97页。第五十三页,共97页。A完成句子完成句子(j zi)There _ somebody else in the lecture hall,doesnt there?报告告厅里似乎里似乎还有有别的人,的人,对吧?吧?答案答案seems to be第五十四页,共97页。B语法填空法填空_ happened to b

32、e no one in that house when the typhoon hit the area.解解析析考考查固固定定句句型型。句句意意:当当台台风袭击那那个个地地区区(dq)时,那那座座房房子子中中碰碰巧巧没没有有人人。本本句句是是there be句句式式,“there happened to be.”表示表示“碰巧有碰巧有”。答案答案There第五十五页,共97页。第五十六页,共97页。第五十七页,共97页。Not Not only_we only_we raise raise money money for for them them but but also also we

33、we should should help help them them rebuild rebuild their their home.home.我我们们(w (w men)men)不仅应该为他们筹集资金,也应该帮助他们重建家园。不仅应该为他们筹集资金,也应该帮助他们重建家园。 答案答案 shouldshouldNot Not only only you you but but also also he he _(have) _(have) toto leave.leave.不只是你,他也得离开。不只是你,他也得离开。 答案答案 hashas第五十八页,共97页。第五十九页,共97页。第六

34、十页,共97页。用括号内动词的正确用括号内动词的正确(zhngqu)形式填空形式填空The students were busy doing their homework,only_(stop) once in a while to have a rest.答案答案stopping第六十一页,共97页。HiHi,Mary. Mary. Would Would you you like like toto go go toto the the concert concert this this evening?evening?SorrySorry,Tom._(not Tom._(not prep

35、are) prepare) tomorrows tomorrows lessonslessons,I I have no time have no time toto go out with you. go out with you. 答案答案(d n)(d n)Not having preparedNot having preparedDinaDina,_(struggle) _(struggle) for for months months toto find find a a job job as as a a waitresswaitress, finally finally took

36、 took a a position position at at a a local local advertising agency.advertising agency. 答案答案(d n)(d n)having struggledhaving struggled第六十二页,共97页。_(translate) _(translate) into into EnglishEnglish,the the sentence sentence was was found found toto have an entirely different word order. have an entir

37、ely different word order. 答案答案(d n)(d n)TranslatedTranslatedLilys Lilys mobile mobile phone phone was was left left in in a a taxi taxi accidentallyaccidentally,never_(find) again.never_(find) again. 答案答案(d n)(d n)toto be found be found第六十三页,共97页。基基础知知识.语境境(y jn)填填词1The room is 4 meters in width and

38、 6 meters in _ (长度度)答案答案length2DNA is different from person to personits _ (独特的独特的) to each person.答案答案unique第六十四页,共97页。3As we all know,China is a country with a total of 55 _ (少数民族少数民族)答案答案(d n)minorities4The _ (中中心心的的)theme of this novel is the desire for money.答案答案(d n)central5It is said that the

39、 first _ (移移民民)of the island were prisoners from Britain.答案答案(d n)settlers第六十五页,共97页。.选词填空填空(tinkng)get close to;more than;a variety of;be based on;be modelled after;in advance1She is always complaining,which is _ I can put up with.答案答案more than2The countrys parliament _ the British system.答案答案is mo

40、delled after第六十六页,共97页。3 For _ reasons, he didnt turn up at our English evening last weekend.答案答案(d n)a variety of4They agreed to cut the price by another 10% if we paid them _.答案答案(d n)in advance5The theory he put forward _ his twenty years of research.答案答案(d n)was based on第六十七页,共97页。基本技能基本技能.微微语法法

41、动词的的ing形式作状形式作状语A语法填空法填空1Which do you enjoy _ (spend) your holiday,going abroad or staying at home?解析解析(ji x)考考查非非谓语动词。分析。分析题干可知此干可知此处应用不定用不定式作目的状式作目的状语,表示将来会,表示将来会发生的生的动作。作。答案答案to spend第六十八页,共97页。2The old man,_ (work) abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.解解析析考考查非非谓语动词。句句意意:这

42、位位老老人人在在国国外外工工作作了了20年年之之后后(zhhu),踏踏上上了了回回归祖祖国国的的征征途途。The old man与与work之之间存存在在主主谓关关系系,且且work表表示示的的动作作先先于于句句子子的的谓语动词表表示示的的动作作发生生,故故用用现在在分分词的的完完成成式式,此此处相相当当于于“after he worked abroad for twenty years”。答案答案having worked第六十九页,共97页。3_ (reflect) on his past mistakes,Ted realized that he had stayed around th

43、e wrong people.解解析析考考查(koch)非非谓语动词。句句意意:认真真思思考考过去去的的错误,Ted意意识到到他他交交错了了朋朋友友。根根据据语境境可可知知主主语Ted和和动词reflect之之间是主是主谓关系,故用关系,故用现在分在分词短短语作状作状语。答案答案Reflecting第七十页,共97页。4It was yesterday that Tom went to the police station,_ (wonder) why he was wanted by the police.解解析析 考考查非非谓语动词。分分析析题干干可可知知,此此处Tom与与wonder之之

44、间存存在在逻辑上上的的主主谓关关系系,故故用用现在在分分词短短语(duny)作伴随状作伴随状语。此。此处空格前空格前为强强调句型。句型。答案答案wondering第七十一页,共97页。5 _ (tell) many times, he finally understood it.解解析析考考查非非谓语动词。此此处tell与与句句子子的的主主语he之之间存存在在动宾关关系系,应该使使用用表表示示被被动含含义的的非非谓语动词形形式式。同同时强强调动作作先先后后的的时候候往往往往要要用用现在在分分词的的完完成成被被动式式,这里里强强调“被被告告诉(o s)过许多次之后,他最后理解了多次之后,他最后理

45、解了”。答案答案Having been told第七十二页,共97页。B完成句子完成句子(注意使用非注意使用非谓语动词)1George returned after the war,_ that his wife had left him.乔治治战后回来,却被告知他妻子已后回来,却被告知他妻子已经离开离开(l ki)了他。了他。答案答案only to be told2We are invited to a party _.我我们被被邀邀请参加下星期五在我参加下星期五在我们俱俱乐部部举办的晚会。的晚会。答案答案to be held in our club next Friday第七十三页,共97

46、页。3_ for over ten hours a day,he wants to quit the job.厌倦了一天倦了一天(y tin)工作十多个小工作十多个小时,他想辞,他想辞职。答案答案Tired of working4 _, the park looks even more beautiful.从山从山顶上看,上看,这个公园个公园显得更加美得更加美丽。答案答案Seen from the top of the hill5They go round the streets,_.他他们在大街上到在大街上到处转,敲人家的房,敲人家的房门。答案答案knocking on the doors

47、of peoples houses第七十四页,共97页。.微完形微完形A list of Benjamin Franklins inventions shows a man of many talents and interests. It was the scientist himself that_1_the inventor. His natural_2_about things and the way they work made him try to find ways to make them work better.第七十五页,共97页。Everyone knows the st

48、ory of Bens famous_3_flight. Although he made_4_discoveries and advancements,Ben did not “invent” electricity. He did,however,invented the lightning rod which_5_buildings and ships from lightning damage.第七十六页,共97页。1A. madeB. got C. tookD. had解解析析动词使使用用以以及及句句意意。此此句句为强强调(qing dio)句句,意意思思为正是科学家自己成就了一切。

49、所以正是科学家自己成就了一切。所以选择make,意,意为使成使成为。答案答案A第七十七页,共97页。2A. devotion B. interest C. curiosityD. imagination解解析析名名词词义以以及及句句意意。句句意意为他他们天天生生对于于周周围事事物物的的好好奇奇和和工工作作方方式式使使他他尽尽力力寻求求使使工工作作变得得更更好好的的途途径径。所所以以(suy)选择C。也也可可以以结合合常常识,科科学学家家是是一一直直对周周围事事物物充充满好奇心的。好奇心的。答案答案C第七十八页,共97页。3A. kiteB. bird C. planeD. balloon解解析

50、析常常识。结合合常常识可可知知,富富兰克克林林是是因因为在在下下雨雨雷雷电天气放天气放风筝筝闻名于世。名于世。答案答案A4A. necessary B. importantC. unbelievable D. imperfect解解析析前前后后句句关关系系,句句意意理理解解。尽尽管管富富兰克克林林有有很很多多重重要要的的发明明(fmng)和取得了很多的和取得了很多的进步。步。答案答案B第七十九页,共97页。5A. separatedB. guardedC. protectedD. removed解解析析(ji x)考考查动词词义辨辨析析和和句句意意理理解解。富富兰克克林林发明明了了避雷避雷针,

51、能,能够防止建筑物和防止建筑物和轮船遭到雷船遭到雷击。答案答案C第八十页,共97页。.微微阅读(yud)(yud)Accommodation Office (Room 114)Accommodation Office (Room 114)The The Accommodation Accommodation Office Office is is the the place place toto find find everything everything concerning concerning accommodation accommodation during during your

52、 your studying at this university.studying at this university.Medical Center (Room 115)Medical Center (Room 115)The The staff staff of of the the Medical Medical Center Center aim aim toto provide provide convenient convenient and and comprehensive comprehensive medical medical care care for for stu

53、dents students and staff of the university.and staff of the university.第八十一页,共97页。Food Service (Room 127)Tasty nutritious meals and a wide variety of snacks are available from the cafeterias on campus.Library (Room 215)There are various books and reference materials on every subject here including l

54、iterature art and math.第八十二页,共97页。Whom do you think the author most probably writes to?AAnyone who is new in the university.BSomeone who wants to get information.CA newcomer who visits the university.DA person whose child is studying here.解解析析写写作作意意图题。根根据据文文章章中中的的“during your studying at this univer

55、sity”“for students and staff of the university”及及“on campus”可可知知,这篇篇文文章章最最可可能能(knng)是是写写给刚上上大大学学的的学生的。故学生的。故选A项。答案答案A第八十三页,共97页。第八十四页,共97页。【连句成篇连句成篇】_第八十五页,共97页。答案答案(d n)Our classmates organized an outing to the water theme park where there are various amusements and attractions in the central city.

56、 Many of us bought souvenirs and we all enjoyed ourselves.第八十六页,共97页。第八十七页,共97页。2写作意写作意图推断。推断。写写作作意意图推推断断题要要求求考考生生根根据据文文章章的的论述述,揣揣测作作者者的的写写作作意意图及及运运用用某某种种写写作作手手法法的的目目的的。作作者者一一般般不不直直接接陈述述自自己己的的意意图,而而是是通通过文文章章所所提提供供的的事事实,客客观地地使使读者者信信服服某某种种想想法法或或观点点。这种种题型型要要求求考考生生不不但但能能理理解解文文章章的的大大意意,同同时还要要具具备对作作者者阐述述问




60、活常识和经验,通过逻辑推理和判断,理解文章的言外之意,从而揭示文章的深层含义。推理判断题的答案章的言外之意,从而揭示文章的深层含义。推理判断题的答案不可能在文章中直接找到,因此推理时考生务心要忠于原文,不可能在文章中直接找到,因此推理时考生务心要忠于原文,在文章中寻打并确定可推断的依据,即已知部分在文章中寻打并确定可推断的依据,即已知部分推理的前推理的前提,从中推断出未知部分提,从中推断出未知部分推理的结论,切忌妄加评伦,把推理的结论,切忌妄加评伦,把自己的观点当成作者的观点。自己的观点当成作者的观点。第九十二页,共97页。第九十三页,共97页。What can be inferred fro

61、m the paragraph?ASome graduates were too busy to listen to Ms. Yates speech.BMany graduates disliked Ms. Yates ways of teaching.CSome people got tired from the reunion activities.DMost people had little interest in the reunion.第九十四页,共97页。解解析析推推理理判判断断题。本本段段语境境表表示示:Ms. Yates要要讲话时,许多多人人发出出嘟囔声声并并借借故故离离开

62、开,因因为她她很很少少表表扬学学生生,而而且且让学学生生付付出出的的劳动是是其其他他所所有有老老师要要求求的的总和和。由由此此可可以以推推出出许多多学学生生不不喜喜欢(x huan)她她的的教教学学方方式式,并并不不是是同同学学们太太忙忙,聚聚会活会活动使他使他们感到感到厌烦,或是,或是对聚会不感聚会不感兴趣。故趣。故选B。答案答案B第九十五页,共97页。第九十六页,共97页。Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from?AA news report. BA book review.CA lesson plan. DAn advertisement.解解析析文文章章来来源源推推断断题。根根据据文文章章的的标题和和语气气,以以及及文文章章最最后后一一段段“要要是是我我们的的课程程不不能能让你你完完全全满意意,你你可可以以换成成我我们所所提提供供的的其其他他课程程,或或者者是是直直接接(zhji)退退款款”可可以以看看出出这篇篇文文章章来来源源于于一一则广告。故广告。故选D。答案答案D 第九十七页,共97页。



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