商务英语教学课件:Unit3 Whatever Happened to Manners

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1、Unit3Do you remember a time when people were a little nicer, a little softer, a little gentler with each other?Detailed reading1- Do you remember Paraphrase: Years ago, people were kind and generous with each other, but now people are less gentle, less friendly or less polite than people in the past

2、. Detailed readingappreciate: vt.1) recognize with gratitude; be grateful forDetailed reading1 appreciate1 e.g.如果有人对我的工作提出意见我将感激不尽。 Id appreciate some feedback on my work. e.g. 你太肤浅,无法欣赏这类文学巨著。 Youre too superficial to appreciate great literature like this.Detailed reading2) to recognize or understa

3、nd that something is valuable, important or as describedDerivations:appreciation: n. appreciative: adj.Detailed reading1 appreciate2 Synonyms: enjoy, understandDetailed readingComparison:appreciate: It means “to be thankful or grateful for something,” as well as “to like or value something for its g

4、ood qualities.”e.g. We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.appreciate, enjoyDetailed reading1 appreciate3 Detailed readingNow that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while.既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。enjoy: It stresses taking pleasure in a situation one is in, esp. to find satisfaction in doi

5、ng something, and often appears in the structure of “ enjoy oneself”.e.g.pull out:Detailed reading1- pull oute.g. 他正要驶离车流超前面那人的车。 He was about to pull out to overtake the guy in front of him.Detailed reading1) (of a motor vehicle, boat, etc.) to move out of a sideways2) to leave or departe.g. When I

6、 arrived, the train was pulling out of the station.Detailed reading2- we cant be Detailed reading. we cant be truly stylish without good manners Paraphrase: If we do not have polite ways of treating other people and behaving in pubic, we cant be truly fashionable and attractive.Translation:没有良好的习惯,我

7、们不可能真正成为时尚的人。Detailed reading3- I think of Detailed reading I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret.Paraphrase: I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret whose nature cant be understood and explained.Question:What will good manners lead us to be?Good manners will le

8、ad us to be beautiful and attractive figures.gracious: adj.1) behaving in a pleasant, polite, calm wayDetailed reading4- graciouse.g. 如蒙光临,不胜荣幸。 We shall be greatly honoured by your gracious presence.Synonyms: courteous, niceDetailed reading2) characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially o

9、f a king to his subjectse.g. The queen was gracious enough to invite us.女王亲切地邀请了我们。He is gracious to his inferiors.他待下级和蔼可亲。Detailed reading4 priceless1Detailed readingpriceless: adj. describing an object which has such a high value, especially because it is rare, that the price of it cannot be calc

10、ulatede.g. In its spacious halls are displayed over 8,000 priceless relics. 在它宽敞的大厅里,展出了8000多件珍贵文物。 它们是独一无二,不可替代的无价之宝。 They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable.Synonym: preciousDetailed reading4 priceless2Detailed readingComparison: priceless, preciouse.g.Pandas are precious creatures.熊猫是珍贵的动物。p

11、riceless: referring to something that is worth a lot of money or can not be calculated in monetary termsprecious: emphasizing the fact that something is valuable, rare and important, and should not be wasted, lost or used badlyDetailed reading4 priceless3 Detailed readinge.g.You should make good use

12、 of every precious minute to study.你应很好利用宝贵的每一分钟去学习。Her knowledge and experience would make her a priceless (= extremely useful) asset to the team.她的知识和经历对于整个团队来说是无价之宝。panache: n. a stylish, original and very confident way of doing things that makes people admire youDetailed reading4- panache e.g.Th

13、e orchestra played with great panache.交响乐团的演奏十分优雅动听。Synonyms:dash, style, eleganceDetailed reading but it adds priceless panache to your image Detailed reading4- but it adds Paraphrase: but a kind, gracious manner makes you look much more stylish, charming and admirable, contributing invaluably to y

14、our image Detailed readingDetailed reading2wondersDetailed readingwonders: n. objects that cause a feeling of great surprise and admirationCollocation:do wonders for: If you say that a person or thing does wonders, you mean that they have a very good effect on something.e.g. Regular physical exercis

15、es will do wonders for your health.Synonyms:miracle, marvel, phenomenonDerivation:wonderful adj.Of course, saying “Thank you.” does wonders for the person on the receiving end too.Detailed reading2- Of courseExplanation:“Do wonders for” means achieving positive results for somebody or something.Para

16、phrase:Without doubt, saying “Thank you.” will bring benefit to the person who receives the thank-you remark. Detailed readinge.g. It does wonders for your self-confidence. Believe plimentary: adj. praising or expressing admiration for someonecompliment: n.Detailed reading2 compliment1Detailed readi

17、ngcompliment vt. to praise or express admiration for someoneCollocation:compliment sb. on sth.e.g. 他夸奖我的英语好。 He complimented me on my English.Synonyms: praise, applaud, flatterDerivations:Detailed reading3 compliment2Detailed readingcompliment, complementComparison:praise somebody for somethingcompl

18、iment:make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with itcomplement:Translation:1) 他连看都没看一眼,就称赞了她的新衣服。He complimented her on her new dress without even looking at it.2) This wine complements the food perfectly.用这种酒配这种菜肴最妙不过了。Detailed reading3 compliment3Detailed reading7 mood1D

19、etailed readingmood: n. the way you feel at a particular timee.g.His mood suddenly changed and he became calm.他的情绪突然一变,冷静了下来。The public mood changed dramatically after the bombing.爆炸案发生后,公众的气氛急剧转变。Im not in the mood to disagree with you.我没有心思跟你争论。Hes always in a bad mood (ie irritable and angry) on

20、Mondays.他每个星期一情心情都很差。Detailed reading7- mood 2Detailed readingCollocations:1) be in no mood for sth./to do sth.: to not want to do something with someone else, often because you are angry with them I was in no mood for chatting.Hes in no mood for (telling) jokes/to tell jokes.他没心情说笑话。2) be in the mo

21、od: to feel like doing or having somethingIm not really in the mood for shopping.e.g.e.g.put off: to hold back to a later timeDetailed reading7- put offe.g.She keeps putting off going to the dentist.她老是拖延着不去看牙病。Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today.今日事今日做。Synonyms:postpone, delay, prolo

22、ngDetailed readingDetailed reading7- I bet the Detailed readingI bet the note my guest sent me didnt take long to write.Paraphrase: I am sure that to finish writing a thank-you note will not take my guest too much time.Translation:我敢打赌,客人给我写的信不需要太多时间就可以写完。Detailed reading7- barrelDetailed readingbar

23、rel: vi. (inf.) to travel somewhere very quickly e.g.We were barreling along the free way at 180 kph.Detailed readingirritation: n. when someone is made angry or annoyed, the person tends to develop irritation or feel annoyed by a source of irritation or annoyancee.g.The traffic noise is a constant

24、irritation to city dwellers.车辆的噪音对城市居民是永无止境的骚扰。Derivations:irritate vt.irritable adj.irritating adj.Detailed reading7- irritationDetailed readingpunctuality n. the quality or habit of being on timee.g. Our boss urged on us the significance of punctuality.老板向我们强调守时的重要性。Derivation:punctual adj.Detaile

25、d reading7- punctuality他因为经常不准时而受到批评。Hes been taken to task for his habitual lack of punctuality. Detailed readingcount1) vt. to say the names of numbers one after the other in order, or to calculate the number of people or things in a groupe.g. Count your money carefully to make sure its all there.

26、2) vi. to have value or importance; to mattere.g. Ive always believed that happiness counts more than money.Every point in this game counts.Detailed reading9 count1贵在心意。Its the thought that counts.Detailed readingCollocations:count sb. in: to include someone in an activity or arrangement “Do you wan

27、t to come swimming tomorrow?” “Yes, count me in.”count on sb.: to be confident that you can depend on someone I can count on my parents to help me. e.g.e.g.Derivation:countable adj.Detailed reading9 count2Detailed readingAnd for heavens sake, we shouldnt forget to use good manners with our own famil

28、ies. Explanation:The phrase “for goodness/Petes/heavens/pitys sake” can be used when one asks strongly for something.However, the phrase “for Gods/Christs sake” might be considered offensive or taboo by some people, and should be used with care.Translation:看在上帝的份上,我们不应该忘记在家里也要表现出良好的行为举止。Detailed rea

29、ding9- And for Never do that again, for heavens sake!For heavens sake dont let her know what I told you!e.g.Detailed readingcherish1) vt. to love, protect and care for someone or something that is important to youe.g. One of our cherished privileges is the right of free speech.我们所珍视的权利之一是言论自由。Althou

30、gh I cherish my children, I do allow them their independence.2) vt. to keep hopes, memories or ideas in your mind because they are important to you and bring you pleasure e.g. I cherish the memories of the time we spent together.我们在一起的时光珍藏在我的记忆当中。Synonyms: care for, treasure, valueDetailed reading10

31、- cherishDetailed readingroutine:1) adj. ordinary and not special or unusuale.g. It was a rather routine performance.那是很一般的演出。2) n. a usual or fixed way of doing thingse.g. They did it as a matter of routine.他们那样做只是例行公事。Detailed reading10- routineI take for granted that you have read this book.We mu

32、st not take our parents care for granted. 我们不能认为父母的关心是理所当然的。Detailed readingtake for granted: 1) take sth. for granted: to believe something to be true without even thinking about ite.g. I didnt realize that Melanie hadnt been to college I suppose I just took it for granted.2) take sth. or sb. for g

33、ranted: if you take situations or people for granted, you do not realize or show that you are grateful for how much you get from them e.g.Synonyms: assume, presumeDetailed reading10- grantedDetailed readinginfectious: adj.1) able to pass a disease from one person, animal or plant to anothere.g. Flu

34、is an infectious disease characterized by fever, aches and pains and exhaustion.流感是一种传染病,其特征是发热、全身疼痛和疲乏无力。2) describing something that has an effect on everyone who is present and makes them want to join ine.g. He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters.他对他的选民表现出的热情很有感染力。Detailed reading11 inf

35、ectious1Detailed readingDerivations:infect vt.infection n.Synonym:contagious Detailed reading11 infectious2Detailed readingGood manners are infectious.Paraphrase: Good manners are easy to catch.Detailed reading11 Good manners Consolidation Activities-Phrase practice 1get away from sth. = become diff

36、erent from what it should be like 避免,与不同e.g.The book produces a new image of teacher which gets away from the stereotype. 这本书描绘了一个与以往大不相同的教师形象。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities-Phrase practice 2pull out into traffic =move out onto t

37、he main road 驶入车流e.g. The murderer winded down the window and pulled out into traffic. 凶手摇下车窗,将车驶入车流。He waved me goodbye and pulled out into traffic. 他向我挥手告别,将车驶入车流。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities-Phrase practice 3on the receiving

38、 end =who receives sth. 接收方;be the one who suffers something unpleasant 承受不愉快、接受打击的人e.g. No one want to be on the receiving end of game playing. 游戏中,谁也不想成为被动的一方。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar 但不要相信别人所说的读者只能处在接受的位置。 But dont let anybody tell you that a r

39、eader be solely on the receiving end.Consolidation Activities-Phrase practice 4go a long way = produce a far-reaching effect 有长远的影响e.g. Tomorrows game will go a long way toward determining their teams future. 明天的比赛对决定他们队的未来意义重大。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGr

40、ammar 对爱情来说,一个小小的眼神就够了。 A little gesture will go a long way when it comes to love.Text Comprehension - IV1.A gracious manner adds great splendour to your image.2.I dare say the note my guest sent me didnt take long to write.3.The simple phrase “Excuse me” made most of your irritation disappear.4.Bei

41、ng punctual has always been considered a virtue, both in the past and at present; it has not become outdated.5. You shouldnt accept the other persons presence without thinking of how much it means to you.6. Good manners can be communicated from one person to another.Vocabulary - I1.Become different

42、from what it should be like 2.Displaying gratitude by waving a hand or nodding the head; move out onto the main road3.Be of great significance 4.Who receives the thank-you remark5.Produce a far-reaching effect 6.Practice good manners Vocabulary - II1.Punctuality 2.Routine 3.Infectious 4.Bet 5.Terrif

43、ic 6. Board7. Valued 8. Count 9. Cherishes 10. Irritations IV.To praise someone or something is to express approval for their achievements or qualities;Compliment often applies to praise given insincerely as an empty formality or as a self-interested gesture, as well as to a genuine admiration, and

44、this word often appears in the structure “compliment sb. on sth.”Enjoy is to find pleasure and satisfaction in doing something, and often appears in the structure of “enjoy oneself,” meaning “take pleasure in a situation on is in.”Appreciate means “be thankful or grateful for something,” as well as

45、“like or value something for its good qualities.”The differences between these two words can be very subtle. While precious emphasizes the fact that something is valuable,rare and important, and should not be wasted,lost or used badly;Priceless refers to something that is worth a lot of money, or th

46、at cannot be calculated in monetary terms.Notice suggests the taking in, almost by chance, of a small detail that may yet be important to some larger pattern. It can also be used in the imperative as a call to attend to some small detail that might otherwise be overlooked.See is a general word to su

47、ggest an accidental or deliberate viewing of an occurrence and it carries few connoations beyound those the context may give it.V. 1.thanks(recognition)2.activeness(liveliness, briskness, eagerness)3.fashionable,(graceful, elegant)4.selfish(mean, ungenerous)5.nice(courteous, polite, friendly)6.leisu

48、rely(relaxed, idle, unoccupied, lazy)7.annoyance(vexation, displeasure, dissatisfaction)8.promptness(timekeeping, reliability)VI.1.Unfriendly 2.Boyhood 3.Understanding 4.Reception 5.Disappearance 6.Decision 7.Differing 8.Elevated Translation-I1.譬如,我在纽约就看到这样的差别,与我20多年前刚搬来时大不相同了;人们蜂拥走进电梯,却没有让电梯里面的人先出来

49、;别人为他们开门时,从来不说“谢谢”;需要同事给他们递东西时,从来不说“请”;当其他开车人为他们让道时,也从不挥手或点头表示谢意。2.难道你没有注意到那些最和蔼,最慷慨的人似乎越来越漂亮吗?3. 那封短信已经够可爱了,然而更加可爱的是这位客人还在信中附上了一道小菜的制作方法,那是在前一次聚会时我对她大加赞赏的一道菜。4. 准时赴约和他人共进午餐是向对方表示:我们珍惜自己的时间,也同样珍惜他/她的时间。Translation-II1.I am sorry I am late, but I was at a meeting and coundnt get away.2.At the concert

50、, whenever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audience would burst into loud cheers to show their appreciation.3.She is always wearing stylish clothes, but she seldom cares about what she eats or drinks.4. The nurse told me that the doctors had done wonders for your heart disease.5. Whe

51、n awarding the prize, the chairman complimented the winner on his great contribution to mankind.6. This problem has bothered the experts for many years.7. The crowd of demonstrators melted away when the police arrived.8. Since punctuality is such a good habit, we should pay close attention to it and

52、 make every effort to cultivate it.9. The old man cherishes that girl, as if she wre his own daughter.10. It is just a routine physical checkup, nothing to get worried about.Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- advocate 1friend (n.) friendly (adj.&adv.)friendship (n.)friendliness (n.)friendles

53、s (adj.) unfriendly (adj.)VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar朋友,友人,支持者朋友,友人,支持者友好的,友善的友好的,友善的友谊,友好友谊,友好友好,亲切友好,亲切没有朋友的,无依无靠的没有朋友的,无依无靠的不友好的,有敌意的不友好的,有敌意的e.g. She smiled at him, a friendly smile. 她向他微笑着,一种友好的微笑。她向他微笑着,一种友好的微笑。Cheerfulness is the basis of frie

54、ndliness. 令人愉快是友谊的基石。令人愉快是友谊的基石。1.Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- advocate 2VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammare.g. What we are doing now is wasteful of resources and unfriendly to environment. 我们现在做的是浪费资源、对环境不利的事情。我们现在做的是浪费资源、对环境不利的事情。It had perh

55、aps been his boyish defiance. 这也许是少年时代放荡不羁的表现。这也许是少年时代放荡不羁的表现。The picture reminds me of my boyhood. 这张照片让我想起了我的童年。这张照片让我想起了我的童年。He was conscious of colouring , and was annoyed at his boyishness. 他感到一阵脸红,为自己的幼稚而感到烦恼。他感到一阵脸红,为自己的幼稚而感到烦恼。Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1boy (n.) boyi

56、sh (adj.)boyhood (n.) boylish (adj.)boyishness (n.)VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar男孩,男孩, 儿子,男服务员儿子,男服务员像男孩子的像男孩子的少年时代少年时代男孩样的,很帅气的男孩样的,很帅气的少年,幼稚,孩子气少年,幼稚,孩子气2.e.g.Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1understand (v.) understanding (n.)under

57、standable (adj.)misunderstand (v.)misunderstanding (n.)VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar理解,懂,听说,获悉理解,懂,听说,获悉了解,理解,个人见解,非正了解,理解,个人见解,非正式协议式协议可理解的,能够懂的可理解的,能够懂的误会,误解误会,误解误会,误解误会,误解3.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGramma

58、rConsolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 2He did not understand the importance of this question. 他不理解这个问题的重要性。他不理解这个问题的重要性。It is understandable that he wishes to study in the USA. 他要在美国学习的愿望是可以理解的。他要在美国学习的愿望是可以理解的。They pretended to misunderstand me. 他们假装听错了我的话。他们假装听错了我的话。We must clear awa

59、y the misunderstanding. 我们必须消除这个误会。我们必须消除这个误会。e.g.Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有什么比接受教育更重要的了。没有什么比接受教育更重要的了。In the modern world, smoking is no longer be considered to be a receivable activity in social communication. 在当今的世界上,在社交时吸烟不再为人们所接受。在当今的世界上,在社交时吸烟不再为人们所接受。Consolidatio

60、n Activities- Word deriv ation- respect 1VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningreceive (v.)received (adj.)receiving (n.)receiver (n.)receivable (adj.)receivability (n.)e.g.Grammar收到,接到,受到收到,接到,受到被一般承认的,公认的被一般承认的,公认的接收,买卖赃物接收,买卖赃物接收器,收款员,接待者,听筒接收器,收款员,接待者,听筒可收到的,应收的可收到

61、的,应收的可以接受,可接纳可以接受,可接纳4.Freckles appear on her face every summer. 每年夏天她脸上都显露(日晒的)斑点。每年夏天她脸上都显露(日晒的)斑点。In appearance it is a very strong building. 从外表来看,这座大楼是很坚固的。从外表来看,这座大楼是很坚固的。One by one his symptoms disappeared. 他的症状一个一个地消失了。他的症状一个一个地消失了。No one could tell the reason of the disappearance of the mon

62、ey. 谁也说不清楚这些钱丢失的原因。谁也说不清楚这些钱丢失的原因。Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningappear (v.) appearance (n.)disappear (v.)disappearance (n.)e.g.Grammar出现,显得,出版,抵达出现,显得,出版,抵达外表,外貌出场,露面,出现外表,外貌出场,露面,出现消失,不见消失,不见消失消失5.Theyve dec

63、ided to buy the house in the country. 他们已拿定主意购买那所乡下的房子。他们已拿定主意购买那所乡下的房子。Have they reached a decision yet? 他们作出决定了么?他们作出决定了么?He has a decisive character. 他性格果断。他性格果断。Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1decide (v.) decided (adj.)decision (n.)decisiveness (n.) decisive (adj.)VocabularyT

64、ranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g.Grammar决定,判断决定,判断确定的,坚决的确定的,坚决的决定,决策决定,决策坚决,果断坚决,果断决定性的决定性的6.Every country has something that differences it from another. 每个国家自有与别国不同之处。每个国家自有与别国不同之处。He shook his head, for he thought differently. 他摇了摇头,因为他有不同想法。他摇了摇头,因为他有不同想法。Each writ

65、ers style differs from that of another. 每个作家的风格各不相同。每个作家的风格各不相同。Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1difference (n.) different (adj.)differ (v.)differential (adj.)differentiate (v.)differentiation (n.)VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g.差异,

66、分歧,差额,不同差异,分歧,差额,不同不同的,差异的不同的,差异的不同,相异,有区别不同,相异,有区别差别的,特定的,微分的差别的,特定的,微分的识别,使差异,求导数,区分识别,使差异,求导数,区分区别,分化,变异区别,分化,变异7.You can take the escalator to your right, or the elevator to your left. 您可以搭您右手边的电扶梯,或您左手边的升降梯。您可以搭您右手边的电扶梯,或您左手边的升降梯。Good books may elevate the mind. 好书可以提高思想修养。好书可以提高思想修养。My elevati

67、on watch just shew 5,600 meters. 我看了一下海拔表,只有我看了一下海拔表,只有5600米。米。Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1elevator (n.) elevate (v.)elevation (n.)elevatory (adj.)VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g.电梯,飞机升降陀电梯,飞机升降陀举起,提拔,素养提升,鼓舞举起,提拔,素养提升,鼓舞 海拔,提拔

68、,提高海拔,提拔,提高向上举的,升高的向上举的,升高的8.Consolidation Activities- Vocabulary main“more than” construction“as . as” constructionVocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListening“the most” constructionConsolidation Activities- Grammar11. “more than” construction You use more than cons

69、truction to indicate that there is a greater amount of something than before or than average, or than something else.VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g. This parcel is heavier than that one.John is a worker more efficient than Jack. You can use “a little

70、”, “ a lot”, “a bit”, “a great deal”, “any”, “far”, “ even” “still”, and “much” in front of more than construction.e.g. Tom is a little younger than Tim.You get far more than you pay for it.1. Children used to be quiet. Nowadays they seem to be much .2. Im getting old. This is a job for a man.3. You

71、re standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit ?4. China has a population than any other country in Asia.Consolidation Activities- Grammar2PracticeComplete the sentences using a comparative form.younger_larger_VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarmore noi

72、sy_further_5. The weather of Harbin in winter is than that of Beijing.6. He ran a fever yesterday but feels far today.Consolidation Activities- Grammar3colder_better_VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarListening skills are just as important as speaking.Maybe

73、I didnt love you quite as often as I should have.Consolidation Activities- Grammar42. “as as” construction The basic pattern of “as . as” construction is as +adjective / adverb + as.e.g. John is as bright as Bob. The swimming pool isnt as wide as that one. e.g.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skills

74、Oral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar You can use “just”, “almost”, “nearly” , “quite” in front of “as as” construction. Consolidation Activities- Grammar51. Mary is just (pale) before. She needs more exercises.2. Are you going to watch the football game? I believe it will certainly be much (exciti

75、ng) it was last year.3. Dont worry about Susan. She hasnt been (unlucky) she pretends.PracticeComplete the sentences using the “as as” construction or the comparatives of the adjectives given.as pale as_more exciting than_VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammara

76、s unlucky as_Consolidation Activities- Grammar64. Are you feeling any (good)? Yes,Im fine now.5. The experiment was much (easy) than we had expected.6. The fashion show is not nearly (bad) people imagined.as bad as_easier_better_VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningG

77、rammarVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar3. the mostThe superlative construction is used when three or more than three people or things are compared. In this construction there is usually a scope of comparison which may be expressed by a prepositional phrase

78、, a relative clause, or a non-finite clause. Sometimes the scope of comparison is understood in the context and need not be expressed. In some set expressions, a scope of comparison is unnecessary at all. The negative form of the superlative construction is “the least”, which, in practical usage, is

79、 usually replaced by the superlative degree of antonymous adjectives or adverbs.Consolidation Activities- Grammar7VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammare.g. This is the least difficult book I have ever read.The idea of highest degree can also be expressed by ot

80、her constructions. In some contexts the positive or comparative degree expresses the same meaning as is usually conveyed by the superlative.e.g. George did more work than anyone else.Nothing in my life shook me so deeply as my first visit to China.Consolidation Activities- Grammar8VocabularyTranslat

81、ion Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarPractice:Use superlatives or comparatives of the adjectives given to complete the sentences.1. I prefer this chair to the other one. Its (comfortable).2. Thats (funny) joke I have ever heard.3. Now Ive realized that giving up my job is (bad)

82、 mistake I have ever made.the worst_more comfortable_the funniest_Consolidation Activities- Grammar9VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar4. Racing is (interesting) sport Ive ever known.5. The Yellow River is the second (long) river in China.6. Which is the (la

83、rge) country, Canada or Australia?larger_the most interesting_longest_Consolidation Activities- Grammar10Consolidation Activities- Grammar5.11. as pale as The premodifier is “just”.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarConsolidation Activities- Grammar5.12. mor

84、e exciting than The premodifier is “much”.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar1. more comfortable2.The comparative form is used because two chairs are being compared.Consolidation Ac

85、tivities- Grammar9.1VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar2. the funniestWhen a noun is postmodified by a relative clause or a prepositional phrase, a superlative is used to premodify it.Consolidation Activities- Grammar9.2VocabularyTranslation Integrated skill

86、sOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar5. longest When there is an ordinal number before a noun, a superlative is used after the ordinal number.Consolidation Activities- Grammar10.1VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar6. larger The comparative form is used bec

87、ause two countries are being compared.Consolidation Activities- Grammar10.2Consolidation Activities- Translation11. 在音乐会上,歌手每唱完一首美妙动听的歌曲,观众便在音乐会上,歌手每唱完一首美妙动听的歌曲,观众便高声喝彩表示欣赏。高声喝彩表示欣赏。(appreciation)“Appreciation” means the act of understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of someth

88、ing. At the concert, whenever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audience would burst into loud cheers to show their appreciation. VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningTranslate the following sentences into English.Consolidation Activities- Transl

89、ation2Practice: Translate the following sentences into English.对美酒的赞美和良好的分辨力总是相配的。对美酒的赞美和良好的分辨力总是相配的。对于艺术作品的欣赏必然受到一种特殊的兴趣爱好的支配。对于艺术作品的欣赏必然受到一种特殊的兴趣爱好的支配。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarThe appreciation of fine wine and that of fine intellectual distinctio

90、ns often go together. Appreciation of works of art is bound to be dominated by a particular kind of interest. Consolidation Activities- Translation3爱因斯坦的天才受到如此广泛的赞赏似乎相当引人注目。爱因斯坦的天才受到如此广泛的赞赏似乎相当引人注目。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarIt seems remarkable that

91、there was such general appreciation of Einsteins genius.Consolidation Activities- Translation42. 她是个穿着时髦的人,但对饮食很少讲究。她是个穿着时髦的人,但对饮食很少讲究。(stylish)If you are stylish, you have elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress, or you are in accordance with current social fashions.VocabularyTranslatio

92、n Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarShe is always wearing stylish clothes, but seldom cares about what she eats or drinks. Consolidation Activities- Translation5Practice: Translate the following sentences into English. 他身穿吊带西裤,跳起舞来非常潇洒。他身穿吊带西裤,跳起舞来非常潇洒。阿玛尼所推出的夹克宽松而有型,一般大众都乐于接受这阿

93、玛尼所推出的夹克宽松而有型,一般大众都乐于接受这种变化。种变化。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarHe is wearing a suit with shoulder straps and doing a stylish dance.Armanis loose, stylish jackets were seen as a welcome change.Consolidation Activities- Translation6重庆不是一个时尚的城市,这对重庆女孩来说,当然有

94、些遗重庆不是一个时尚的城市,这对重庆女孩来说,当然有些遗憾。憾。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarChongqing is not a stylish city, and this is, of course, a pity to its girls.Consolidation Activities- Translation73. 颁奖时,主席赞美获奖者为人类做出了巨大贡献。颁奖时,主席赞美获奖者为人类做出了巨大贡献。(compliment)“Compliment” is a

95、n expression of praise, congratulation or encouragement.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarWhen awarding the prize, the chairman complimented the winner on his great contribution to mankind. Consolidation Activities- Translation8Practice:Translate the follow

96、ing sentences into English. 威尔逊太太不屑地把眉毛一扬,否定了这句恭维话。威尔逊太太不屑地把眉毛一扬,否定了这句恭维话。他沽名钓誉。他沽名钓誉。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarMrs. Wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in distain.He angled for compliments.Consolidation Activities- Translation9他会说

97、动听的恭维话。他会说动听的恭维话。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarHe can turn pretty compliments.Consolidation Activities- Translation104. 这只是例行的体格检查,无须太紧张。这只是例行的体格检查,无须太紧张。(routine)“Routine” is a course of action to be followed regularly; a standard procedure or a set of

98、 normal procedures, often performed mechanically. VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarIt is just a routine physical checkup, nothing to get worried about.Consolidation Activities- Translation11VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListe

99、ningGrammarPractice: Translate the following sentences into English.我厌倦了这日复一日、一成不变的日常工作。我厌倦了这日复一日、一成不变的日常工作。你需要从日常工作中抽身去休息一下。你需要从日常工作中抽身去休息一下。Im bored with the same old routine day after day.You need a break from routine. Consolidation Activities- Translation12VocabularyTranslation Integrated skills

100、Oral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar那天傍晚,他没有把报告按规定送去存档,而是放进一那天傍晚,他没有把报告按规定送去存档,而是放进一个夹子,锁进了自己的抽屉。个夹子,锁进了自己的抽屉。Later that day, instead of sending it for routine filing, he placed the report in a folder in a locked drawer of his desk.Consolidation Activities- Integrated skillsVocabularyTranslation I

101、ntegrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarDictationYou will hear a passage read three times. At the first reading, you should listen carefully for its general idea. At the second reading, you are required to write down the exact words you have just heard (with proper punctuation). At the

102、 third reading, you should check what you have written down.Dictation Mothers Day is celebrated / on the second Sunday in May. / On this occasion, / Mother usually receives greeting cards and gifts / from her husband and children. / For most mothers, / the rarest and best gift / is a day of rest. /

103、Often, / families honor Mother / by taking her out for dinner. / In some households / the husband and children / take over meal preparations / so that Mom can spend a whole day / away from the kitchen. / Serving her breakfast in bed / is another family ritual. / Later in the day, / parents may take

104、their children / to visit their grandparents. / Flowers are an important part of the day. / Mothers are often given corsages / for the occasion, / particularly if they are elderly.Consolidation Activities- Integrated skillsVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar



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