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1、备考2025河南省信阳市光山县中学教师公开招聘题库与答案一单选题(共60题)1、The Worlds Loneliest Phone Booth For almost 40 years,a lone phone booth stood in the Mojave Desert.about 75 miles southwest of Las Vegas.It was likely installed for local miners around 1960.The glass panels were long gone from the 17 by 1990,and the phonebook

2、had been stolen.But a visitor to the booth in 1990 found that the telephone 17 worke A.inventionsB.attractionsC.discoveriesD.programs【答案】 B2、 针对计划生育政策带来的人H结构等方面的问题,我国开始逐步调整完善人口政策,以促进人口长期均衡发展。我国人口政策调整的哲学依据是()。A.改革是社会发展的根本动力B.主观与客观具体的历史的统一C.人民群众是社会变革的主体D.生产关系要适应生产力的发展【答案】 B3、篮球运动中,()A.熟练支配球B.假动作吸引C.转体

3、探肩D.推放球加速【答案】 B4、下列选项中,对心理健康理解不正确的是()。A.心理健康是比较而言的,从健康到不健康只是程度的不同,而无本质的区别B.心理健康反映的是某一段时间内的特定状态,而不应认为是固定的和永远如此的C.心理健康标准是一个发展的文化的概念,会随着社会的发展变化而发展变化D.心理健康等于没有疾病或疾病仅限于躯体疾病【答案】 D5、Khalidas fathersays shes 9-or maybe 10. As much as Sayed Shah loves his 10 children, thefunctionally illiterate Afghan farmer

4、 cant keep track of all their birthdates. Khalida huddles at his side, trying to hide beneath her chador andheadscarf. They both know the family cant keep her much longer. Khalidasfather has spent much of his life raising opium, as men like him have beendoing for decades in the stony hillsides of ea

5、stern Afghanistan and on thedusty southern plains. Its the only reliable cash crop most of those farmersever had. Even so, Shah and his family barely got by: traffickers may prosper,but poor farmers like him only subsist. Now hes losing far more than money.I never imagined Id have to pay for growing

6、 opium by giving up mydaughter, says Shah. The family s heartbreak began when shah borrowed$2000 from a local trafficker, promising to repay the loan with 24 kilos ofopium at harvest time. Late last spring, just before harvest, a governmentcrop-eradication team appeared at the familys little plot of

7、 land in Laghmanprovince and destroyed Shahs entire two and a half acres of poppies. Unable tomeet his debt, Shah fled with his family to Jalalabad, the capital ofneighboring Nangarhar province. The trafficker found them anyway and demandedhis opium. So Shah took his case before a tribal council in

8、Laghman and beggedfor leniency. Instead, the elders unanimously ruled that Shah would have toreimburse the trafficker by giving Khalida to him in marriage. Now the familycan only wait for the 45-year-olddrugrunner to come back for his prize. Khalidawanted to be a teacher someday, but that has become

9、 impossible. Its myfate, the child says.A.The AfghanfamersB.Best place forheroinC.LoanmarriageD.Man is born withgready nature【答案】 C6、教师采取的有效达到教学目标的一切活动计划叫()。A.教学策略B.学习策略C.教学计划D.教学目标【答案】 A7、1972到1978年我国排球处在恢复阶段,、( )的打法。A.后排进攻B.手拉扣球C.快速反应D.拉三拉四【答案】 D8、学生在美术学习中学会欣赏,关注生活中的美术现象,涵养人文精神,是美术课程追求( )。A.愉悦性B.实

10、践性C.人文性D.视觉性【答案】 C9、根据下面资料,回答题 A.南昌B.北京C.广州D.南京【答案】 B10、十一届三中全会后,深圳、珠海、汕头、厦门成为我国第一批经济特区。这些经济特区发展经济的有利客观条件是( )。A.B.C.D.【答案】 D11、宋代为监督地方官设立( )。A.知州B.郡守C.通判D.刺史【答案】 C12、“一把钥匙开一把锁”体现的是德育的()。A.导向性原则B.疏导原则C.教育一致性与连贯性原则D.因材施教原则【答案】 D13、The translator must have an excellent,up-to-date knowledge of his 11 la

11、nguages, full facility in the handlingof his target language, which will be his mother tongue or language of habitualuse, and knowledge and understanding of the 12 subject-matter in his field ofspecialization. This is, as it were, his professional equipment. In addition tothis, it is desirable that

12、he should have an 13 mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quicklythe basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work on hisown, often at high speeds, but should be humble enough to 14 othersshould his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in h

13、and. He shouldbe able to type fairly quickly and accurately and, if he is working mainly forpublication, should have more than a nodding 15 with printing techniques andproof-reading. If he is working basically as an information translator, let ussay, for an industrial firm, he should have the flexib

14、ility of mind to enablehim to 16 rapidly from one sourcelanguage to another, as well as from one subject-matter to another, since thisability is frequently required of him in such work. Bearing in mind the natureof the translators work, i.e. the processing of the written word, it is,strictly speakin

15、g, 17 that he should be able to speak the languages heis dealing with. If he does speak them, it is an 18 rather than a hindrance, but this skillis in many ways a luxury that he can do away with. It is, however, desirablethat he should have an approximate idea about the pronunciation of his sourcelanguages even if this is restricted to 19 how proper names



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