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1、Unit 3 A healthy life课前课前1010分钟分钟概括大意概括大意Central Park is a beautiful green oasis in the middle of New Yorks concrete desert.It is surprisingly big,with lakes and woods,as well as organized recreation areas.New Yorkers love Central Park,and they use it all the time.In the winter,they go iceskating,an

2、d in the summer rollerskating.They play ball,ride horses and have picnics.They go bicycling and boating.There is even a childrens zoo,with wild birds and animals.此段落的大意是:此段落的大意是:_ Central ParkA Place of Recreation for the New Yorkers. 袁玉淹伎膏县哆藐平漫艳赂祝仕方米治浸渭哥粪绸洱坦囱减焊藕奢翌旭调高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语

3、一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑漫画欣赏漫画欣赏 画面描述画面描述 The saleslady on the left is examining the banknote carefully while the customer on the right is checking the goods on sale.Both of them are wondering whether they are cheated by the other. 烦舌枷焙充携期楚寂洁自姐支姜琅绽疟墅饯折氓杏聊蹋乞纳乃折银谈跌意高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮

4、复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑寓意理解寓意理解 One of the common social problems is that people dont trust each other.They hold a doubtful attitude toward everything,which is a big barrier to a harmonious society. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?词左右的小短文?.词义辨析词义辨析1The government has set up a working party to l

5、ook into the problem of drug _. Aban Babuse Canxiety DloadB课堂双基回归课堂双基回归贤扰脂苫零辐坞鹤揪圃有些攻慈笺谜番吸慰成傅组骸姚虱语窘谢裳吊岸宙高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑2We forgave his bad temper because we knew that his sons illness had put him under great _. Astress Brisk Cfaith DBarrier3Once your body is

6、 _ to nicotine,its very hard to stop smoking. Atough Bsensitive Caddicted Dautomatic4It took a while for me to _ myself to all the new rules and regulations. Asubmit Bconcentrate Caccustom Dexpose5The employees were tired of working extra hours and some even _ their jobs. Ateased Bacquired Ctolerate

7、d DquitACCD管洼奔肖宫竭摹逊伐筒休肤纪几繁例焊擒旱澳拣歉桩屋琐厅藐宰榴秸种姚高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑6You ought to be _ of yourselftreating your sister like that! Aashamed Bembarrassed Cdesperate Dabnormal7How she managed to pass her exam after doing so little work is beyond my _. Amotivation Bconcl

8、usion Cimpression DComprehension8The doctor told her that her badlyinjured husband had a 5050 chance of _. Aconflict Bsurvival Cwithdrawal Dconvenience9He was accused of having a _ against his women employees. Aprejudice Breputation Csymptom DprofessionADBA汤篮脸坐懊尹兵辕提坪律耐健菲犹犁籽跑臀肝斟肢赠叛毡鸭字腔养杖白凑高考英语一轮复习选修U

9、nitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑10At about the age of twelve,girls started feeling _ about changing clothes in front of other people. Adelicate Bspecific Cflexible DEmbarrassed.短语填空短语填空 due to;be accudtomed to;reach for;decide on;feel like in spite of;take risks;get into;become addict

10、ed to;in some way1“Have you _ a date for your wedding?” the girls mother asked.2Thank you for reading my comment and I hope it helps _.3He has _ the habit of making notes when he is reading.4He _ hearing noise,because he lives right in the center of the city.Ddecided on in some way got into is accus

11、tomed to 脂淄篮婪漏藉门婆锣骡痊闻址徐烹侣善蛾眨催钨絮厚兴菊掷雌震沮瓢纶肃高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑5One cannot be successful in business unless one is willing to _.6The child _ computer games,which makes his parents very worried.7_ repeated failures,he kept on until he succeeded.8It was reported tha

12、t all the flights were delayed _ the terrible weather.9Do you _ taking a walk along the river after supper?10He set the papers on one side,turned round and _ the telephone.完成句子完成句子1I think my long and active life _ (要归功于我的健康生活要归功于我的健康生活)(due) take risks is addicted to In spite of due to feel like re

13、ached for is due to the healthy life I live 升川龟辽齐闸捡旦谅笼熏苟戮览鸣樊援汉五缸匆慰馒判锰同躲研悟慎惊舟高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑2Do some relaxation exercise _ (每当每当 感到紧张时感到紧张时)(every)3For the same reason,some AIDS patients _ (找不到任何人来照顾他找不到任何人来照顾他 们们) when they are sick.(find) .模仿造句模仿造句1I remem

14、ber feeling badtempered and sometimes even in pain. 翻译翻译我记得我们出来前关灯了。我记得我们出来前关灯了。 _ 2I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. 翻译翻译英国不再是过去那样强大的国家了。英国不再是过去那样强大的国家了。 _ every time you feel stressed cannot find anyone to look after themI remember switching the lights o

15、ff before we came out.Britain is not as powerful a country as it used to be. 入疮邱姐雕医决我西尧辅撞昏聂臣耿飘锑涯攒担捉延讹传瞪葫酪絮翌绞瑞高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑3It is not easy to stop smoking,but millions have managed to quit and so can you.翻译翻译我爷爷曾经经历过大地震,我爸爸也经历过。我爷爷曾经经历过大地震,我爸爸也经历过。_4Every

16、time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker.翻译翻译如果她不想说话的话,我们就听其自便吧。如果她不想说话的话,我们就听其自便吧。_5Blood could have spilt on it.翻译翻译爆炸可能是由煤气泄漏引起的。爆炸可能是由煤气泄漏引起的。_ My grandfather has experienced a big earthquake,and so has my father. If she doesnt feel like talking,we just let

17、 her be. The explosion could have been caused by a gas leak. 绅痛珐伺暗映尺剧柔淆峨诬统银末坚拉塔轩散犁坤泊怜奴篙售孙倡漫归峪高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑核心词汇梳理核心词汇梳理1due adj.预定的;应付的;到期的预定的;应付的;到期的 句型句型 be due to do sth.预定要做某事预定要做某事 be due for sth.期望得到某物期望得到某物 The case is due to go to court next month.

18、该案件预定下月开该案件预定下月开 庭。庭。 Im due for a pay rise soon.不久就该给我加薪了。不久就该给我加薪了。 识记识记 due to由于;因为由于;因为 The teams success was largely due to her efforts. 该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。 He almost died due to lack of oxygen.他因缺氧而差点死去。他因缺氧而差点死去。 知识要点整合知识要点整合源消桌粥遍瞧惧且毋壳舆半琉遭棉陷酉答镣凡队若奔旅霹寡客哺俘默鹿放高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhe

19、althylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑2ban n禁令禁令vt.禁止禁止 搭配搭配a ban on sth对对的禁令的禁令There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.这剧院内禁止吸烟。这剧院内禁止吸烟。 The president supports a global ban on nuclear testing.总统支总统支 持全球性禁止核试验。持全球性禁止核试验。 The government has lifted the ban on importing from Japan. 政府已解除了从日本进口的禁令。

20、政府已解除了从日本进口的禁令。 句型句型ban sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事 Charlies been banned from driving for a year.查理斯被禁止查理斯被禁止 驾车一年。驾车一年。 They banned the magazines from publishing these pictures.他他 们禁止杂志刊登这些照片。们禁止杂志刊登这些照片。皇峭晒柒犁脯辽迭盏痢证耍勾裂捆皿刹在赐倘蛹胺突凡挎魏仍补沃故肖郝高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑

21、3addicted adj. 成习惯而离不开成习惯而离不开 搭配搭配be addicted to对对有瘾;痴迷于有瘾;痴迷于 She is addicted to chocolate.她嗜吃巧克力。她嗜吃巧克力。 He was addicted to smoking.他吸烟成瘾。他吸烟成瘾。 She is addicted to drawing.她酷爱绘画。她酷爱绘画。4accustomed adj. 通常的;习惯了的通常的;习惯了的 搭配搭配be/get accustomed to习惯于习惯于 You will soon get accustomed to the climate here.

22、你会很快你会很快 习惯这里的气候的。习惯这里的气候的。 I am accustomed to sleeping late.我习惯于睡到很晚。我习惯于睡到很晚。篮拭皿订枪孝玲虽琳蝴姚帐若救橡缸灿懂万衅稻周悉赡糖廓焙久蕉钨逆绘高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑5 5quit v. 停止;中止停止;中止 He quit the show last year because of bad health. 去年他因身体欠佳而退出了表演。去年他因身体欠佳而退出了表演。 句型句型 quit doing sth.停止做某事停止做

23、某事 I wish youd all quit complaining.我希望你们都别抱怨了。我希望你们都别抱怨了。 He quit studying to take a walk.他中止学习去散步。他中止学习去散步。 链接链接 stop doing sth.停止做某事停止做某事 cease doing/to do sth.停止做某事停止做某事 give up doing sth.停止做某事停止做某事 豢酶难彝模瘁八机惫滇即憨催以购瑞斑智续蓑蛹巫琅菇换涝宰钵才碉式苟高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑6risk v

24、t. 冒冒之险之险 When children start smoking,they dont realize that theyre risking their health. 儿童开始抽烟时,并没有意识到是在拿自己的健康去冒险。儿童开始抽烟时,并没有意识到是在拿自己的健康去冒险。 句型句型 risk doing sth.冒险做某事冒险做某事 Weve been advised not to risk traveling in these conditions. 我们受到忠告,在这种条件下不要冒险出行。我们受到忠告,在这种条件下不要冒险出行。 Workers who broke the st

25、rike risked being attacked when they left the factory. 破坏罢工的工人在离开工厂时有遭受攻击的危险。破坏罢工的工人在离开工厂时有遭受攻击的危险。 n. 冒险;风险冒险;风险 I never walk home alone at nightits not worth the risk. 我从不在夜里独自步行回家我从不在夜里独自步行回家不值得冒这个险。不值得冒这个险。 帕示挡陆赴鹰甲揽妈矣翘呸祭奇瓜榆绝帜堤为坤鲸戒哪矮范妆骇孝办蠕层高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编

26、辑搭配搭配 take/run a risk或或take/run risks冒险冒险take/run the risk of doing sth.冒冒的风险的风险The fuel tank could blow up,but thats a risk well have to take.燃料罐有可能爆炸,但我们必须冒这个险。燃料罐有可能爆炸,但我们必须冒这个险。 You have no right to take risks with other peoples lives.你没有权力拿别人的生命去冒险。你没有权力拿别人的生命去冒险。识记识记 at risk处于危险中处于危险中at the ri

27、sk of冒着冒着的危险的危险at any risk不顾一切不顾一切 As with all diseases,certain groups will be more at risk than others.所有的疾病都是如此,一些人比另一些人更容易受到威胁。所有的疾病都是如此,一些人比另一些人更容易受到威胁。链接链接 take a chance/take chances冒险,碰运气冒险,碰运气 左捏儒臣懦豪箔委坑队篮呵馏仕芝王酱垣巫戊样撞镐伐沽亡侈帚爽铃草轿高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑重点短语例释重点短语

28、例释1 1decide on 对对作出决定;选定作出决定;选定 Dont decide on important matters too quickly. 重要的事不要过于匆忙地做出决定。重要的事不要过于匆忙地做出决定。 We decided on Spain for our holiday this year. 我们今年决定去西班牙度假。我们今年决定去西班牙度假。2 2feel like 想要想要 Well go for a walk if you feel like it. 如果你愿意,我们去散散步。如果你愿意,我们去散散步。 Do you feel like going to a mov

29、ie?你想看电影吗?你想看电影吗?侣嘴篙快厦涛沪峰粟冠碱镶勾凛担统认万汤炎著垫治累浙彼冷盾萍取哥淑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑3in spite of 不顾;不管不顾;不管 We held on for two days in spite of the violent attacks of the enemy. 尽管敌人进行了猛烈攻击,我们坚守了两天之久。尽管敌人进行了猛烈攻击,我们坚守了两天之久。 Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he d

30、rank too much. 虽然她丈夫喝酒很凶,凯莉仍然爱着他。虽然她丈夫喝酒很凶,凯莉仍然爱着他。4get into 陷入;染上陷入;染上(坏习惯坏习惯) How did she get into drugs?她是怎么吸起毒来的?她是怎么吸起毒来的? He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school. 他还在上学时就与警方发生过纠葛。他还在上学时就与警方发生过纠葛。尚屿伎奥陷逝甩丸享躺坠萧吉既填敬耗词融稼锑碎碴招起钙倍温听么白生高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修Uni

31、tAhealthylife可编辑疑难语句细解疑难语句细解1I also noticed that I became breathless quickly,and that I wasnt enjoying sport as much. 我还发现我跑得不如以前那么快了,也不像以前那样爱好体育我还发现我跑得不如以前那么快了,也不像以前那样爱好体育 运动了。运动了。 【要点指南】【要点指南】 I wasnt enjoying sport as much是副词原级比较的是副词原级比较的 一种省略形式,后面省略了一种省略形式,后面省略了as分句。在形容词或副词的原级比分句。在形容词或副词的原级比 较结构

32、中,这种省略现象很常见。要注意的是,在肯定句中,较结构中,这种省略现象很常见。要注意的是,在肯定句中, 形容词或副词前只能用形容词或副词前只能用as,但在否定句中,可用,但在否定句中,可用as或或so。汗四去服伴嫡此阶胁态歼杀术骗龙冕州效杯嘻詹沟层致松浊佐磊妊蹄氓匹高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑The piano in the other shop may be cheaper,but not as good.另外一家商店的钢琴或许便宜一些,但没有这家商店出售的质量好。另外一家商店的钢琴或许便宜一些,但没有这

33、家商店出售的质量好。He writes faster than I,but not so carefully.他写得比我快,但不如我认真。他写得比我快,但不如我认真。It was not only you who made many mistakes.I made just as many.不只是你出了很多错,我也出了同样多的错。不只是你出了很多错,我也出了同样多的错。提示提示 句中的句中的so或或as不可去掉,也不可换成不可去掉,也不可换成very,quite等一类的词。等一类的词。He is taller than I,but not as heavy.他比我高,但没我重。他比我高,但没我

34、重。 核淳旨侗墨途取延鹅殷塞筏如疼旦乾卞馁售殴摔憎檬武爹倍惕浇酣檀朴鼻高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑2Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker. 每当你想要吸烟的时候,你就提醒你自己:你每当你想要吸烟的时候,你就提醒你自己:你(已经已经)是不吸烟是不吸烟 的人了。的人了。 【要点指南】【要点指南】 every time作连词用,引导时间状语从句。类似作连词用,引导时间状语从句。类似

35、 用法的短语还有:用法的短语还有:each time,any time,next time,the first time,the last time,the moment,the minute等。等。 Make sure you bring that novel next time you come to me. 你下次来我这里时一定要把那本小说带来。你下次来我这里时一定要把那本小说带来。 He brings his mother flowers each time he comes to see her. 他每次来看望他妈妈时都带些花来。他每次来看望他妈妈时都带些花来。内惑枚以冠纷补疟住鲁甭

36、阑砍阶粤睡淄矿扼各残知畦埂叛钢拆景浮眉踊撒高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑The moment I saw him I knew that there was no hope.我一看到他就知道没希望了。我一看到他就知道没希望了。提示提示 这时,也可把这时,也可把the first time改为改为when.for the first time。 They discovered the island the first time they sailed across the Pacific Ocean.They discovered the island when they sailed across the Pacific Ocean for the first time.点击此处进入点击此处进入 课后能力训练课后能力训练榨侵疫艾险翟拷誊掷逼但钞刀石亏瓣缨兑愤刁末闲添霄获秸苟晤质凛醉恬高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑高考英语一轮复习选修UnitAhealthylife可编辑



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