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1、备考2025河北省沧州市献县中学教师公开招聘自测提分题库加精品答案一单选题(共60题)1、一次心理辅导活动主要是由导入、,具体归纳一下,主要组织环节不包括( )A.起始活动B.评估活动C.主体活动D.结束活动【答案】 B2、某校建立了“野菜文化资源库”用于初中生物教学以下资源可用于说明生物多样性具有潜在价值的是( )。A.不同野菜的采摘时令不一样。如:三月三采荠菜B.诗词歌赋中对野菜的描述,如:呦呦鹿鸣,食野之蒿C.野菜属于不同的生物类群,如:蕨菜属于蕨类植物,地皮菜是真菌和藻类的结合体D.屠呦呦从当地野菜黄花蒿茎叶中提取青蒿素,而该地区生长着大量不为人知的生物体系【答案】 D3、法律是治国之

2、重器,良法是善治之前提。建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,坚持科学立法、民主立法,必须问法于民、立法为民,既要发挥人大代表在立法活动中的作用,又要拓宽公民有序参与立法的途径。这意味着()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 C4、关于考试焦虑的干预和治疗,表述不正确的是( )A.对于考试焦虑的干预,认知疗法是一种辅助的途径B.认知疗法可以有效治疗考试焦虑中的认知成分。C.放松训练法有很多种,但总得来说可以分为生理和心理放松D.系统脱敏疗法对于治疗考试焦虑中的情感成分无效。【答案】 D5、下列与D宫调的宫音相同的调是()。A.#F商调B.E徵调C.A角调D.A徵调【答案】 D6、海菜腔是哪个民族的名歌?( )

3、A.苗族B.侗族C.彝族D.瑶族【答案】 C7、Published in 1926, The Sun Also Rises isa novel written by _, a famous American writer.A.Jack LondonB.Ernest HemingwayC.Mark TwainD.William Faulkner【答案】 B8、海菜腔是哪个民族的名歌?( )A.苗族B.侗族C.彝族D.瑶族【答案】 C9、在教学计划和教学大纲之外,社会力量利用课余时间。对学生实施的各种有目的、有计划、有组织的教育活动是()。A.课外教育B.校外教育C.业余教育D.课外、校外教育【答

4、案】 B10、下列关于学生的亲人不幸病故,表述不合理的是( )。A.以开放、尊重的态度倾听学生的心声。B.学生很容易从不幸事件中转移,因为他们忍受痛苦能力比较高。C.如果学生表示出不适症状,可以考虑心理咨询。D.如果学生出现头疼、失眠,很可能是因为内心不安所致。【答案】 B11、全球主要温室气体有二氧化碳、甲烷、氟氟烃、一氧化二氮等,它们在大气中的含量自工业革命以来呈上升趋势。据此完成题。 A.能强烈吸收太阳辐射中的可见光B.能强烈吸收地面辐射中的紫外线C.能强烈吸收太阳辐射中的紫外线D.能强烈吸收地面辐射中的红外线【答案】 D12、周访字士达,本汝南安城人也。汉末避地江南,至访四世。吴平,因

5、家庐江寻阳焉。访少沉毅,谦而能让,果于断割,周穷振乏,家无余财。为县功曹,时陶侃为散吏,访荐为主簿,相与结友,以女妻侃子瞻。访察孝廉,除郎中、上甲令,皆不之官。 A.除郎中、上甲令,皆不之官B.而自归于帝,帝不之罪C.访率军追之,获鞍马铠杖不可胜数D.将士用命,访何功之有【答案】 B13、一个测验能测出它所要测量的属性或特点的程度,这是测验的()。A.信度B.可靠度C.区分度D.效度【答案】 D14、缠足这种怪诞的风俗逐渐传开的时期是( )。A.秦汉时期B.隋唐时期C.宋元时期D.明清时期【答案】 C15、从童声过渡到成人声音的变化时期,变音期一般为A.69岁,B.1215岁,C.1619岁,

6、D.1821【答案】 B16、C A decline in memory as a result of ageing can be temporarily reversed using a harmless form of electrical brain stimulation, scientists have found. The study focused on a part of cognition called working memory, the brain system that holds information for short periods while we are

7、making decisions or performing calculations. Working memory is crucial for a wide variety of tasks, such as recognising faces, doing arithmetic and navigating a new environment. Working memory is known to steadily decline with age. One factor in this decline is thought to be a disconnection between

8、two brain networks. In the study, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, 42 people aged 20-29 and 42 people aged 60-76 were assessed in a working memory task. The older group were slower and less accurate on the tests. The scientists then subjected them all to 25 minutes of non-invasive brain

9、 stimulation. This aimed to make the two target brain regions work together by passing gentle pulses of electricity through the scalp(头皮)and into the brain. After the treatment, working memory in the older adults improved to match the younger group and the effect appeared to last for 50 minutes afte

10、r the stimulation. Those who had scored worst to start with showed the largest improvements. While these results were exciting and promising. Dardo Tomasi, a scientist at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in Bethesda, who was not involved in the work said that larger studies wou

11、ld be needed to confirm the findings and assess how they might be applied clinically. D. James Picket e head of research at the Alzheimers Society, said, “We cant cure, prevent or even slow down dementia (痴呆 ),so it vital we explore all possible areas for treatments. Altering and correcting the circ

12、uitry of the brain with technology is a new exciting avenue of research for dementia. Deep-brain simulation a surgical procedure used in Parkinsons, is proof of principle that this approach may one day be fruiA.SkepticalB.OptimisticC.FrustratedD.Embarrassed【答案】 B17、It is no good on dwelling the past

13、. Whatexisted or happened in the past may have been beautiful or exciting and may nowbring profound and precious memories, but the past is dead, and it is nothealthy for living spirits to linger over a world inhabited by ghost. The pastmay also be a place of horror, of regret, of spilled milk, of un

14、fortunate deedsthat cannot be undone, of sad words like might have been. However,it is painful and pointless to fixate on a period that cannot be relieved orrepaired. It is unproductive self-punishment. The past must be kept in itsplace, outlive and outgrow.A.Let the pastoutlive and outgrow our lifeB.Repair what hasbeen done wrong in the pastC.Put aside thepast no matter it is good or badD.Keep the sweetmemories and abandon the bitter ones【答案】 A18、德国海德堡某印刷机公司创始人及其合作者设计了轮转式印刷机开创了现代印刷业的先河。至1930年,海德堡已成立了6家大的印刷机公



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