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1、备考2025江苏省连云港市灌云县中学教师公开招聘能力提升试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、羽毛球比赛中,()A.补充蛋白质B.增强饱腹感C.补充水分D.调节电解质平衡【答案】 B2、新民主主义革命时期,在下列历史现象中,体现党勇于纠正错误的有( )。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B3、某老师讲授圆的周长时,还介绍了我国古代数学家祖冲之的突出贡献。同学们不仅学会了知识,也增强了民族自豪感。该老师遵循的教学原则是()。A.启发性原则B.科学性与思想性统一原则C.因材施教原则D.知行统一原则【答案】 B4、地理学习评价结果的解释就是对利用评价工具所获得的信息数据进行分析和处理,得出结论。这个重点应放

2、在()。A.提升学生的地理学习成绩B.发现学生闪光点,鼓励自信心C.学生在课堂教学中的参与程度D.学生在地理学习中存在的问题【答案】 B5、教育教学活动取得成功的必要保证是良好的( )。 A.同学关系B.同事关系C.师生关系D.上下级关系【答案】 C6、I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it. This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends

3、, and 13 even my own daughter. Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 15 as well. Then one day my daughter told me in anger, Dad, please just read a book one 16 at a time like everyone else!A.cheeredB.criedC.lostD.smiled【答案】 D7、I had a bad habit of skipp

4、ing to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it. This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends, and 13 even my own daughter. Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 15 as well. Then one day my daughter

5、told me in anger, Dad, please just read a book one 16 at a time like everyone else!A.bookB.riverC.pictureD.play【答案】 A8、罗斯福说,工业复兴法是美国国会制定的“最具深远意义”的法规,实施该法的直接原因是( )。A.防止盲目竞争B.增加就业机会C.国家干预经济D.实现经济复兴【答案】 A9、This is the dormitory_I lived three years ago.A.in thatB.thatC.in whichD.which【答案】 C10、Khalidas f

6、athersays shes 9-or maybe 10. As much as Sayed Shah loves his 10 children, thefunctionally illiterate Afghan farmer cant keep track of all their birthdates. Khalida huddles at his side, trying to hide beneath her chador andheadscarf. They both know the family cant keep her much longer. Khalidasfathe

7、r has spent much of his life raising opium, as men like him have beendoing for decades in the stony hillsides of eastern Afghanistan and on thedusty southern plains. Its the only reliable cash crop most of those farmersever had. Even so, Shah and his family barely got by: traffickers may prosper,but

8、 poor farmers like him only subsist. Now hes losing far more than money.I never imagined Id have to pay for growing opium by giving up mydaughter, says Shah. The family s heartbreak began when shah borrowed$2000 from a local trafficker, promising to repay the loan with 24 kilos ofopium at harvest ti

9、me. Late last spring, just before harvest, a governmentcrop-eradication team appeared at the familys little plot of land in Laghmanprovince and destroyed Shahs entire two and a half acres of poppies. Unable tomeet his debt, Shah fled with his family to Jalalabad, the capital ofneighboring Nangarhar

10、province. The trafficker found them anyway and demandedhis opium. So Shah took his case before a tribal council in Laghman and beggedfor leniency. Instead, the elders unanimously ruled that Shah would have toreimburse the trafficker by giving Khalida to him in marriage. Now the familycan only wait f

11、or the 45-year-olddrugrunner to come back for his prize. Khalidawanted to be a teacher someday, but that has become impossible. Its myfate, the child says.A.It forces thegirls to marry old menB.It enables thegirls to pay off their debtsC.The girls familycan get much money from itD.It is a shame fort

12、he girls and their family【答案】 C11、在巴甫洛夫的经典条件作用实验中,铃声引起狗的唾液分泌,这时的铃声是()。A.无条件刺激B.中性刺激C.无关刺激D.条件刺激【答案】 D12、初中阶段学生记忆力的发展()。A.是稳定时期B.是最佳时期C.是较慢时期D.已开始有所下降【答案】 B13、 威廉二世一书描述道:“他(威廉二世)冲动鲁莽的性格,以及在对待问题或别人时显出傲慢的态度(这一)性格肯定造成他的施政弊病,例如革退俾斯麦的事件。”这些描述从侧面反映了( )。A.领袖的个人素质决定国家的施政效果B.君主立宪制之下。国家元首和政府首脑的矛盾难以调和C.德国的代议制不够

13、成熟与完善D.封建君主专制政体得以保存【答案】 C14、清乐七声调式的偏音是()。A.宫、角B.清角、变宫C.闰、变徵D.清角、变徵【答案】 B15、某位教师用PowerPoint软件给学校制作一个招生宣传材料()A.分别在每张幻灯片中插入校徽B.将校微插入母版中,应用母版制作C.复制插入的校徽又分别粘贴到每张幻灯片中D.将校徽插入幻灯片中作为模板,复制使用【答案】 B16、“嫦娥三号”月球探测器于2013年12月2日成功发射,展开奔月之旅。“嫦娥三号”主要目标是实现在月面上软着陆并展开月面巡视勘察,此目标的确立说明()。 A.B.C.D.【答案】 B17、Among the most pop

14、ular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people.A.Science FictionB.The Popularity of Science FictionC.The Origin of Science FictionD.The Themes of Science Fiction【答案】 A18、按照智力测验的标准,智力超常儿童的智商最低临界值应是()。A.130 B.140C.150 D.160【答案】 B19、教学的社会环境涉及课堂纪律、社会文化背景和()等。A.自然条件B.教学设施C.空间布置D.师生关系【答案】 D2



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