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1、冀教版小学四年级英语上册期末试卷笔试部分(70分)一.读单词,按照规律补全单词并与相应的图片连线。(4分)1.chicken duck clo_ _ A.2.traffic tree _ _ain B.3.wearing going walk_ _ _ C.4.drum drink _ _iver D.二.读单词,圈出相应的数字。(10分)1.thirteen (30,23,13) 2.twenty-four (7,24,17)3.twenty-night (28,12,14) 4. twenty (25,20,30)5.twenty-two (2,26,22)三.给下列图片选择合适的短语。(

2、6分)( )1. ( )2. ( )3.( )4. ( )5. ( )6.A.go to school B.go to the zoo C.traffic lightsD.turn left E.turn right F.go straight四.单项选择。(10分)( )1.Is it from here?Yes, it is.A.far B. from C.no( )2. Let help you.A.my B. me C.I( )3.Excuse me, is the computer room?I can show you.A.what B.which C.where( )4. You

3、 will some traffic lights.A. look for B.see C. look at( )5. Lets go to park!A.a B.an C.the五.读下列每组对话,选择与其相符的图片。(10分)( )1.Look,this is my school! A. B.Your school is great.( )2.How do you go to school? A. B.By bus.( )3.What is this? A. B.It is a bike.( )4.Where is the library? A. B.Here it is!( )5.Is

4、the bus stop far from here?No,its near. A. B.六.情景交际。(10分)( )1.新来的同学想去图书馆,但是他不知道在哪里,他可以问:A. I go to the library. B.Where is the library?( )2.当你想问路时,你应该先说:A. Excuse me! B. How are you?( )3.当你想问别人公园离这儿远吗,你可以说:A. Is the park near here? B.Is the park far from here?( )4.当有人问路,你要告诉他“在公共汽车处向左转。”时,你可以说:A.Tun

5、 left at the bus stop. B. Go straight and turn left.( )5.当你想告诉同学你骑自行车去上学时,你应该说:A.I go to school by bus. B. I go to school by bike.七.读一读,排序。(10分)( )Youre welcome.( )You can go there by bus.( )Where is the zoo?( )Thank you.( )Excuse me. Im lost.( )Its not near here.八.看图,补全短文。(10分)My home is far my school. My father drives a (car/bike) to take me to school. In the morning,we go straight on the street. But the traffic lights are .We stop. The light is green. We turn (right/left) at the traffic lights and go straight again. Then we get to the (school/library).



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