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1、备考2025四川省凉山彝族自治州西昌市中学教师公开招聘强化训练试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、以十一届三中全会召开为序幕,中国人民历经十四年的探索和实践。中国特色社会主义道路终于在1992年有了明确方向。这里的“方向”指( )。A.坚持独立自主的和平外交政策B.对内进行改革同时对外开放C.长期推行家庭联产承包责任制D.建立社会主义市场经济体制【答案】 D2、在下面的音高中最高的是()。A.5B.6C.4D.7【答案】 D3、医生给病人进行输液治疗时,常把药剂溶解于生理盐水(09的NaCI溶液)中,而不是直接溶解于蒸馏水或纯水中,这是因为()。A.无机盐在生命体的生命活动中是不可缺少的B.

2、蒸馏水不含营养物质C.蒸馏水可增大细胞质自由水比例,使细胞代谢加快,加剧病情D.生理盐水能维持细胞的形态和功能,防止细胞过度吸水或失水【答案】 D4、海外凡中国人聚集的地方多称为“唐人街”,这说明唐朝在世界上享有很高的声誉。大唐帝国建立的时间是( )。A.581年B.589年C.618年D.681年【答案】 C5、 1938年初,国民政府颁布多部法规,要求将每一工厂、商号、银行、钱庄都纳入同业工会内,又将每一同业工会纳入当地商会内。这些法规( )。A.抑制了官僚资本膨胀B.挫败了日军经济掠夺C.防止了国民经济崩溃D.积聚了抗战经济力量【答案】 D6、“主张把一切知识教授给一切人和教育要适应自然

3、,提出了统一的学制系统以及新颖的教学原则、教学方法。”后来人们将其简称为泛智教育,泛智教育是()提出的。A.教育过程B.大教学论C.教育漫话D.教学与发展【答案】 B7、What is Dr. Munzers proposal for choosing what to read? A. Children should read more comics and magazines B. Tablets are better for developing rich language C. Parents should choose more apps for e-books. D. It shou

4、ld depend on childrens interests photographs, social media feeds messages and emails; its no wonder they are glued to their screens. But is it good for them? There have been many claims about the damage looking at screens does to our eyesight. Some people feared staring at a small bright box could m

5、ake us short-sighted or lead to headaches. This is a particular concern for children and young people, who spend a higher percentage of time using electronic gadgets. BBC technology corespondent, Rory Cellan-jones, says: “There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that no matter how long teenagers are sp

6、ending looking at screens. they are encountering material about issues such as anorexia (厌食症) and self-harm that could prove damaging to their mental health.”But a new study says time in front of computers and phones might not be as bad for young people as many think. Research by the Oxford Internet

7、 Institute examined data from more than 17.000 teenagers in the UK. Ireland and the United States. Their study concluded that most links between life satisfaction and social media use were trivial accounting for less than 1% of a teenagers health. Professor Przybylski, director of the research at th

8、e institute, said: 99.75 of a persons life satisfaction has nothing to do with their use of social medi A. The research found that family, friends and school life all had a greater impact on well-being. Perhaps for now, deciding what the right amount of screen time is has to be up to personal judgme

9、nts. 35. The first paragraph is designed to _.A.lead in the topicB.introduce a new type of screenC.promote a phoneD.show the finding of a stud【答案】 D8、When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarshipHaving been a Straight A student, I believed I could_16_tough subjects and really learn somethin

10、gOne such course was World Literature given by Professor JayneI was extremely interested in the ideas he _17 _in class.A.ambitionB.confidenceC.effortD.method【答案】 C9、When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarshipHaving been a Straight A student, I believed I could_16_tough subjects and really

11、 learn somethingOne such course was World Literature given by Professor JayneI was extremely interested in the ideas he _17 _in class.A.scholarshipB.courseC.degreeD.subject【答案】 A10、新中国成立以来,非洲各国与中国有着密切的交往与合作,其主要表现为:非洲发展中国家( )。A.B.C.D.【答案】 A11、常见异常心理特征不包括( )A.认知障碍B.心理障碍C.情感障碍D.意志行为障碍【答案】 B12、 已知BD为正方形

12、ABCD对角线,M为BD上不同于B、D的一个动点,以AB为边在ABCD侧边作等边三角形ABE,以BM为边在BD左侧作等边三角形BMF,连接EF、AM、CM,当AM+BM+CM最短时,BCM=( )。A.150B.450C.300D.600【答案】 A13、目前发现的中国新石器农业遗址,时间较早者,聚落内除了某个大型房舍外,鲜少其他类型的建筑遗址。但是,时间愈晚的遗址,除了该类大型房舍外,在大型房舍四周分散着数量不等的小型建筑;而且越到后来,这种小型建筑的数量越多。关于这一变化,以下说明最为适当的是( )。A.原始社会解体B.私有财产制萌芽C.族长权威萎缩D.财产公有制强化【答案】 B14、A

13、persons calorie requirements vary_ his life.A.acrossB.throughoutC.overD.within【答案】 B15、When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarshipHaving been a Straight A student, I believed I could_16_tough subjects and really learn somethingOne such course was World Literature given by Professor JayneI

14、 was extremely interested in the ideas he _17 _in class.A.rememberingB.guessingC.supposingD.realizing【答案】 D16、评定学业成绩时,信度好,效度却往往不高的试题是()。A.问答型试题B.论文式试题C.主观性试题D.客观性试题【答案】 D17、由紧张、不安、忧虑、担心的复情绪状态是( )。A.抑郁B.焦虑C.挫折D.躁狂【答案】 B18、学生掌握了大量的词汇,能写出通顺的句子,但在写自己熟悉的题材时仍然写不出高水平的作文。原因是学生缺乏( )。A.陈述性知识B.认知策略C.言语信息D.动作技能【答案】 B19、古人云:“蓬生麻中,不扶而直;白沙在涅,与之俱黑。”这句话说明()对个体身心发展的影响作用。A.遗传素质B.环境C.教育D.个体主观能动性【答案】 B20、比“M0derato”所要求的速度慢



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