高三英语二轮复习 第五篇 完形填空 Passage 6 综合演练课件.ppt

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1、解题指导解题指导请运用上述五种解题技巧解答本篇题目。请运用上述五种解题技巧解答本篇题目。搭配关系:第搭配关系:第8、11、15、19题;题;句内语境:第句内语境:第2、4、14题;题;句间语境:第句间语境:第2、5题;题;篇际语境:第篇际语境:第1、6、7、9、12、16、18题;题;逻辑语气:第逻辑语气:第10、13、17、20题。题。My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend. On the way, we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said,

2、 “ 1 my job. Family to Feed.” At this store, a 2 like this is not normal. 2015新课标1卷 1. A. Lost B. Changed C. Quit D. Finished 2. A. condition B. place C. sight D. show 文章讲述了作者在周末带孩子去超市,在路上看到一个需要帮助的人。作者和孩子在超市里买了许多东西给这个人,这一经历让孩子们体会到助人的乐趣,并将让他们受益终生。1. 短语lose ones job失业。在路上我们注意到一个男人握着一张纸,纸上写到:“失业,需要养家。”

3、2. 在这家商店,像这样的场景(sight)并不常见。My 10-year-old noticed him and make a 3 on how bad it must be to have to stand 4 in the cold wind. In the store, I asked each of my kids to 5 . something they thought our “friend” there would 6 . 3. A. suggestion B. comment C. decision D. call 4. A. outside B. proudly C. b

4、y D. angrily 5. A. draw B. say C. arrange D. pick 6. A. order B. supply C. appreciate D. discover 3&4. make a comment on 对发表看法。我10岁的孩子注意到他,并评论说在寒风中站在外面(stand outside)一定很糟糕。5&6. 我让每个孩子挑选(pick)一些他们认为我们那位“朋友”会需要、会感激(appreciate)的东西。They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old s

5、uggested giving him a 7 . I thought about it. We were 8 on cash ourselves, but well, sometimes 9 from our need instead of our abundance is 10 what we need to do! 7. A. dollar B. job C. hot meal D. gift card 8. A. easy B. low C. soft D. loose 9. A. giving B. saving C. spending D. begging 10. A. yet B

6、. even C. still D. just 7. 根据倒数第二段可知,我17岁的孩子建议给他一张礼物卡。8. 根据下句的转折可知“我们自己的现金并不多”,be low on cash 现金不足。9&10. 把我们不充足的东西给予(giving)别人,而不是充足的东西,这正是(just)我们真正需要去做的。All the kids 11 something they could do away with for the week. When we handed him the bag of 12 , he lit up and thanked us with 13 eyes. When I

7、handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for 14 his family might need, he burst into tears. 11. A. declared B. shared C. ignored D. expected 12. A. toys B. medicine C. food D. clothes 13. A. sleepy B. watery C. curious D. sharp 14. A. whoever B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 11. 所有孩子都声明了

8、(declare)他们能够为这个周末放弃自己想要的东西。do away with 废除,去掉。12. 根据上文的apples, sandwich and a bottle of juice 可知是食物。13. 他泪眼汪汪地(with watery eyes)感谢我们。14. 动词need缺少宾语,故用whatever。他可以用礼品卡买他家人所需要的任何东西。This has been a wonderful 15 for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can 16 ! Things would hav

9、e played out so 17 if I had simply said, “No, we really dont have 18 to give more.” 15. A. experience B. example C. message D. adventure 16. A. rely on B. respect C. learn from D. help 17. A. suddenly B. vividly C. differently D. perfectly 18. A. time B. power C. patience D. money 15. 这对我们家庭是一次极好的经历

10、(experience)。16. 多少天来,孩子们一直在寻找我们能够帮助的对象。17&18. 如果我当时草率地说了“我们没有这么多的钱来支出”,那么事情的结局会完全不同。Stepping out not only helped a brother in 19 , it also gave my kids the 20 taste of helping others. Itll go a long way with them. 19. A. fear B. love C. need D. memory 20. A. strong B. sweet C. strange D. simple 19&

11、20. 不仅开始帮助了在危难中的(in need)兄弟,也让孩子们尝到了帮助他人的甜蜜滋味。词汇积累spot /spt/ v. 发现;认出normal /nml/ adj. 正常的cash /k/ n. 现金abundance /bndns/ n. 丰富;充裕burst /bst/ v. 爆裂;迸发quit /kwt/ v. 停止condition /kndn/ n. 条件;情况comment /kment/ v. 评论decision /dsn/ n. 决定;决心supply /spla/ v. 供应;提供declare /dkle/ v. 宣布; 声明watery /wtri/ adj.

12、泪水汪汪的rely on /rla/ 依靠;信赖vividly /vvdli/ adv. 生动地patience /pens/ n. 耐心1. 看到一个男的握着一张纸1. Body language speaks louder than words.2. 对发表评论2. according to the specialist3. 现金不足3. send out messages4. 他面露喜色,泪眼汪汪地感谢我们。4. attempt to communicate across culture5. 眼泪夺眶而出5. express friendship6. 让孩子们尝到了帮助他人的甜蜜滋味6. keep moving closer



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