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1、备考2025吉林省通化市梅河口市中学教师公开招聘高分通关题型题库附解析答案一单选题(共60题)1、他来自一个贫寒的家庭,为省下每次坐车的9元钱,他坚持跑步30公里到校或回家,两年多跑了2 000多公里,他婉拒同学和老师的资助,利用假期打工挣学费和补贴家用19岁的河南禹州市高二学生闫明强的()感动了我们。A.自强不息的精神B.乐观豁达的性格C.志存高远的品质D.特立独行的表现【答案】 A2、 从20世纪90年代初开始。美国经济实现了长达10年的持续增长,美国一家杂志称这一现象为“新经济的胜利”。在技术方面主导美国“新经济”增长模式的是( )。A.信息技术B.原子能技术C.生物技术D.化工技术【答

2、案】 A3、假定质量与能量、热与体积、遗传与变异为已知的关系,现在要学习需要和价格的关系,这属于()。A.上位学习B.下位学习C.并列结合学习D.概念学习【答案】 C4、下列关于区域地理特征的说法,正确的是()。A.香港的经济支柱是制造业B.台湾分布有广泛的原始热带雨林C.珠江三角洲地区能源短缺,可大力发展水电事业D.澜沧江穿过西双版纳出境后改称湄公河【答案】 D5、湖北民歌龙船调是一首()唱歌曲。A.齐B.对C.重D.独【答案】 B6、义务教育思想品德课程标准(2011年版)对教师的教学提出了一些建议,下列属于教学建议的有()。 A.B.C.D.【答案】 B7、根据以下材料,回答A.happ

3、ierB.upsetC.pitifulD.frightened【答案】 A8、 When it was time for our ticket to be_, I couldnt find mine.A.controlledB.boughtC.checkedD.overlooked【答案】 C9、 东晋的孙盛讨论A.叙事B.褒贬C.考证D.史论【答案】 C10、Everyone becomes a little more forgetful as they get older, but mens minds decline more than womens, according to the

4、results of a worldwide survey.A.Men do better than women when it comes to learning EnglishB.Women stand out at remembering peoples namesC.Men excel at typing as many words in a particular category as possible in the given timeD.Women excel at dealing mathematic problems【答案】 B11、一些年轻人为了爱美而盲目去痣后引发恶性色素

5、瘤导致死亡的病例并不鲜见,专家提醒人们,如果身上的黑痣有逐渐长大、边界不清和周围长毛、自己出血、痒痛等情况时,需要及时找医生手术治疗,切忌自己动手去痣。下列关于痣细胞的说法正确的是( )。A.黑痣周围出血、痒痛是细胞凋亡的表现B.痣细胞的细胞特点之一是能无限增殖C.痣细胞的产生是细胞分化的结果D.痣细胞中色素多,是衰老的表现【答案】 C12、被称为东方“踢踏舞”的是()。A.秧歌B.安代舞C.木卡姆D.堆谐【答案】 D13、“世界上最遥远的距离莫过于我们坐在一起,你却在玩手机”。这句话蕴涵的哲理是()。A.对立统一的关系B.质变和量变的关系C.肯定与否定的关系D.主观与客观的关系【答案】 A1

6、4、根据以下材料,回答题A.walkB.runC.standD.exercise【答案】 A15、Scientists havelong argued whether hypocrisy is driven by emotion or by reason. In other moraljudgments, brain imaging shows, regions involved in feeling, not thinking,rule. The role of emotion in moral judgments has overturned the Enlightenmentnotion

7、 that our ethical sense is based on high-minded philosophy and cognition.That brings us to hypocrisy, which is almost ridiculously easy to bring out inpeople.A.have reasonedthat hypocrisy is beneficialB.are self-centeredC.have realizedthat it costs to be moralD.are insensitiveto misbehaviors【答案】 A16

8、、下列陈述中,的心理特点是( )A.精力旺盛B.感情丰C.渴望独立D.认识能力高,全面看问题【答案】 D17、对下列各句中引号的作用分析正确的一项是( )。 A.讽刺强调引用特殊含义特定称谓B.强调引用引用特定称谓特殊含义C.讽刺引用强调特定称谓特殊含义D.强调强调引用特殊含义特定称谓【答案】 A18、The California region boasts a wide variety of climates and geographical features, rivaling any other area of comparable dimensions. Nearly all but

9、the eastern-edge California Native Americans lived where environmental conditions were favorable, making food relatively accessible. Along the Pacific Coast, they hunted fish and sea mammals by boat. Included were such California tribes as the Chumash, Yurok and Pomo. The Maidu and Pomo principally

10、ate acorns, which have a higher calorie rating than wheat. They pounded the hard nuts with stones and washed out the bitter taste with water.A.There are over 100 languages in California nowB.There were nearly 2,000 houses in a communityC.The Pomo mainly fed on acorns as well as the MaiduD.All Califo

11、rnia native Americans lived in environmental places【答案】 C19、下列乐器中属于“竹”类材料制作的有()。A.磬B.笙C.箫D.筚篥【答案】 C20、根据以下材料,回答A.noticeB.signalC.informationD.photograph【答案】 A21、The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _ rising steadily in the past ten years.A.wasB.wereC.has beenD.have been【答案】

12、C22、文化是相对于经济、政治而言的人类全部精神活动及产品。下列不属于文化范畴的是()。A.世界观B.自然科学C.文字D.生产资料【答案】 D23、教学工作的中心环节是()。A.备课B.上课C.练习复习D.考试【答案】 B24、下列关于反射活动的叙述正确的是()。A.神经系统活动的基本方式是条件反射B.神经细胞兴奋时膜外电流方向与兴奋传导方向一致C.反射分为条件反射和非条件反射D.刺激传出神经纤维引起肌肉收缩属于反射【答案】 C25、下列各句中,画横线成语使用正确的一项是()。A.翘首西望,海面托着的就是披着银发的苍山。苍山如屏,洱海如镜,真是巧夺天工B.在今年的“排队推动日”活动中。虽仍有凤

13、毛麟角的几个“不自觉者”,但广大市民不论乘车还是购物都能自觉排队C.有些地方的球迷,对主队的平庸表现绝不谩骂,而是将大家耳熟能详的老歌即兴换上新词,齐声歌唱,委婉地表达不满D.运动会上,他借的一身衣服很不合身,真是捉襟见肘【答案】 C26、I recently went to a charity party. At the end of the visit our host told us that the following Monday was his birthday. He asked21, as a gift to him, we would do something kind for someone else on that day. I thought that was a terrible birthday 22 !A.askedB.thoughtC.rememberedD.reminded【答案】 C27、制度化教育建立的典型表现特征是()。A.学校的产生B.学制的建立C.教育实体的出现D.定型的教育组织形式的出现【答案】



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