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1、备考2025吉林省松原市宁江区中学教师公开招聘通关提分题库(考点梳理)一单选题(共60题)1、对明暗交界线正确的理解是( )。A.背光面与阴影相交接的部分B.受光面与高光面相交接的部分C.背光面与反光面相交接的部分D.受光面与背光面相交接的部分【答案】 D2、下列教学策略中,不属于个别化教学的教学策略是()。A.计算机辅助教学B.程序教学C.掌握学习D.合作学习【答案】 D3、 根据我国宪法规定,在各少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治,设立自治机关,行使自治权。对此理解正确的是,自治机关可以()。A.享有行政管理权、独立立法权和司法权B.根据本地实际制定自治条例和单行条例C.同外国签订双边经济、文

2、化、科技等协定D.自行变通执行或停止执行上级国家机关的决议【答案】 B4、1632年,大教学论的出版标志着教育学的建立,其作者是()。A.赫尔巴特B.杜威C.裴斯泰洛齐D.夸美纽斯【答案】 D5、我国现存最早的用文字谱记写下来的古琴曲的名字叫什么?()A.幽兰B.广陵散C.高山流水D.梅花三弄【答案】 A6、将课程分为国家课程、地方课程、学校课程是从( )来进行划分的。 A.课程功能的角度B.教育阶段的作用C.课程制定者或管理制度的角度D.课程核心组织的角度【答案】 C7、根据以下材料,回答题A.badB.worseC.goodD.better【答案】 D8、与新教师相比,专家型教师的课时计划

3、简洁、灵活、以学生为中心并且有()。A.系统性B.结构性C.预见性D.实效性【答案】 C9、根据以下材料,回答题A.traveling abroadB.service businessC.social activitiesD.acting on the stage【答案】 B10、下列有关生物群落演替的叙述,错误的是( )。A.火灾后的草原,过量砍伐的森林、冰川泥地上进行的演替都属于次生演替B.演替过程中由草本植物阶段渐变为灌木阶段.主要原因是灌木较为高大,能获得更多阳光C.在生物群落发展变化过程中.一个群落被另一个群落代替的过程,就是群落的演替D.群落演替的根本原因是群落内部因素的变化【答案

4、】 A11、根据以下材料,回答A.solar energyB.geothermal energyC.hydrogenD.electricity【答案】 D12、衡量和评价教育实施效果的根本依据和标准是()。A.教育目的B.教育任务C.教育规律D.教育原则【答案】 A13、重整河山待后生与说唱音乐()比较接近。A.京韵大鼓B.单弦C.四川清音D.苏州评弹【答案】 A14、经济结构的内容一般包括()。A.产业结构B.交换结构C.技术结构D.消费结构E.分配结构【答案】 A15、人的血友病属于伴性遗传,苯丙酮尿症属于常染色体遗传。一对表现型正常的夫妇生下一个既患血友病又患苯丙酮尿症的男孩。如果他们再

5、生一个女孩,表现型正常的概率是()。A.916B.34C.316D.14【答案】 B16、根据以下材料,回答题A.To tell us the bad effects caused bysmoking cigarettesB.To introduce the history of smokingC.To let us know what the cigarettes aremade fromD.To tell the readers that Columbus foundthe Indians smoking【答案】 B17、根据以下材料,回答题A.turns out to be an obs

6、tacle to menB.is more of an obstacle than an advantageto womenC.affects men and women alikeD.has as little effect on men as on women【答案】 B18、Khalidas fathersays shes 9-or maybe 10. As much as Sayed Shah loves his 10 children, thefunctionally illiterate Afghan farmer cant keep track of all their birt

7、hdates. Khalida huddles at his side, trying to hide beneath her chador andheadscarf. They both know the family cant keep her much longer. Khalidasfather has spent much of his life raising opium, as men like him have beendoing for decades in the stony hillsides of eastern Afghanistan and on thedusty

8、southern plains. Its the only reliable cash crop most of those farmersever had. Even so, Shah and his family barely got by: traffickers may prosper,but poor farmers like him only subsist. Now hes losing far more than money.I never imagined Id have to pay for growing opium by giving up mydaughter, sa

9、ys Shah. The family s heartbreak began when shah borrowed$2000 from a local trafficker, promising to repay the loan with 24 kilos ofopium at harvest time. Late last spring, just before harvest, a governmentcrop-eradication team appeared at the familys little plot of land in Laghmanprovince and destr

10、oyed Shahs entire two and a half acres of poppies. Unable tomeet his debt, Shah fled with his family to Jalalabad, the capital ofneighboring Nangarhar province. The trafficker found them anyway and demandedhis opium. So Shah took his case before a tribal council in Laghman and beggedfor leniency. In

11、stead, the elders unanimously ruled that Shah would have toreimburse the trafficker by giving Khalida to him in marriage. Now the familycan only wait for the 45-year-olddrugrunner to come back for his prize. Khalidawanted to be a teacher someday, but that has become impossible. Its myfate, the child

12、 says.A.It forces thegirls to marry old menB.It enables thegirls to pay off their debtsC.The girls familycan get much money from itD.It is a shame forthe girls and their family【答案】 C19、唐朝前期设立政事堂作为宰相议事处所,凡遇军国大事,皆由政事堂会议商议决定,经皇帝批准后,以诏令形式颁布执行。当时所有以皇帝诏敕形式颁行的政府诏令,既须皇帝画敕,又须中书、门下两省共同认可,并经政事堂盖印,否则便不具有合法性。由此可

13、知( )。A.皇帝与宰相的权力都受到了限制B.政事堂会议形成了民主政治的雏形C.朝议制度减少了君主的决策失误D.独立于皇权之外的决策机构已形成【答案】 A20、下列属于完全协和的音程是()。A.14B.16C.26D.13【答案】 A21、提出“超越遏制战略”的美国总统是()。A.克林顿B.尼克松C.卡特D.布什【答案】 D22、The Worlds Loneliest Phone Booth For almost 40 years,a lone phone booth stood in the Mojave Desert.about 75 miles southwest of Las Veg

14、as.It was likely installed for local miners around 1960.The glass panels were long gone from the 17 by 1990,and the phonebook had been stolen.But a visitor to the booth in 1990 found that the telephone 17 worke A.ringB.clickC.ceaseD.crush【答案】 A23、8个篮球队参加比赛共进行( )场比赛A.14B.16C.28D.32【答案】 C24、教育学的任务在于()。A



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