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1、备考2025四川省乐山市沙湾区中学教师公开招聘通关提分题库及完整答案一单选题(共60题)1、下列适用于递进分解教学法的是()A.少年拳B.广播操C.蹲距式跳远D.侧向滑步推铅球【答案】 D2、期末考试后,某历史教师将期末考试试卷的成绩作为评价学生学习成绩优劣的标准,这违反了中学历史教学评价的( )原则。A.全面性B.客观性C.广泛性D.多样性【答案】 A3、下列关于免疫细胞的叙述中,正确的是( )。A.一个浆细胞可以合成和分泌不同的抗体B.辅助性T细胞表面具有能与HIV结合的受体C.效应细胞毒性T细胞能分泌淋巴因子D.B细胞分化成记忆B细胞后,其膜表面接受抗原的受体类型已改变【答案】 B4、新

2、课程倡导的研究性学习、合作学习、教学对话等教学方式,其主要理论依据是()。A.建构主义理论B.结构学习论C.认识学习论D.联结学习论【答案】 A5、We ll get you informed of the meeting the moment the manager becomes _A.accessibleB.usefulC.availableD.convenient【答案】 C6、根据以下材料,回答A.StartedB.ClosedC.CompetedD.Developed【答案】 A7、对于数学、物理、化学等主要包含高度有结构的知识和技能的教学,宜采用()。A.师生互动策略B.以教师为

3、中心的讲授策略C.合作学习策略D.以学生为中心的发现学习策略【答案】 B8、马克思主义认为实现人的全面发展的唯一方法是( )。A.城市与农村相结合B.脑力劳动与体力劳动相结合C.教育与生产劳动相结合D.知识分子与工人农民相结合【答案】 C9、在高中体育()A.选修选学B.必修选学C.必修必学D.选修必选【答案】 D10、根据以下材料,回答A.consistedB.composedC.concludedD.comprised【答案】 D11、学校素质教育的特征是( )。A.全体性全面性主动性基础性B.全体性全面性主体性主动性C.主动性全面性主体性基础性D.全体性全面性主体性基础性【答案】 D12

4、、“一切以自我为中心”的思维特征出现在()。A.感知运动阶段B.具体运算阶段C.前运算阶段D.形式运算阶段【答案】 C13、根据以下材料,回答A.take flowers to the hostB.send an expensive gift to the hostC.have sauna with the hostD.present a business card【答案】 C14、根据以下材料,回答题A.Because he/she began to think about themwhen very youngB.Because many people are too old to lea

5、rnC.Because a lot of people cant grasp theopportunityD.Because many people have little theylove【答案】 A15、在古代希腊先哲中,苏格拉底的思想与智者学派的思想有许多共同点,主要表现在( )。A.都把人类及其环境作为探究的课题B.都肯定人的价值,强调人的作用C.都重视人的伦理道德D.都强调思想来源于教育【答案】 B16、Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as

6、science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people.A.takes the place ofB.is more meaningful thanC.develops more quickly thanD.develops more slowly than【答案】 C17、黄遵宪有诗“国初海禁严,立意比驱鳄。借端累无辜,此事实大错。”下列对“大错”的理解最具理性的是( )。A.限制外商来华阻碍中外贸易B.隔绝大陆与台湾的正常往来C.禁止国人海外经商限制了商品

7、市场D.自我封闭扼杀了社会进步的可能性【答案】 D18、_is known to the world, Mark Twainis a great American writer.A.ThatB.WhichC.AsD.It【答案】 C19、合唱中标有下代表的部位是A.女高;B.女低;C.男高;D.男低【答案】 C20、Lisa was running lateLisa,25 ,had a lot to do at work,plus visitors on the way: her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown

8、But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warnBy the time she got to the platform, Lisa felt weak and tired- maybe it hadn t been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thoughtShe rested herself against a post close to the tracks.A.When the train was leavi

9、ngB.After she was back on the platformC.After the police and fire officials cameD.When a man was cleaning the blood from her head【答案】 B21、根据以下材料,回答题A.To show the worry that technology mayeventually destroy our worldB.To tell the readers that as a humancreation, technology may go wrong and do harm to

10、 humanC.To emphasize the responsibility we havein ensuring human safety in a technological worldD.To stress the fact that technologyusually goes wrong if not given close examination【答案】 B22、I remember being a student teacher in1974, sitting for two weeks in the back of my cooperating teachers classr

11、oomwatching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. Her lessons flowed 16from beginning to end, leading me to believe that teaching would be easy. Iremember how 17 I was the first time I stood in front of25 ninth-graders and attempted to teach them Spanish.A.issuesB.designsC.tasksD.goals【

12、答案】 A23、根据以下材料,回答A.The coffee cup in the office must be putin the microwave to cleanB.Its easy to get infected if you oftenuse the same unwashed cupC.The coffee cup shouldnt be shared inthe officeD.It s good way to grow bacteria in anunwashed cup【答案】 C24、高中生物课程的必修学分为()。A.2B.4C.6D.8【答案】 C25、Even when

13、 _to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.A.exposingB.exposeDC.exposeD.to expose【答案】 B26、在以自我意识为核心的人格调控系统中,()是自我意识在行为上的表现,是实现自我意识调节的最终环节。A.自我控制B.自我评价C.自我体验D.自我认识【答案】 A27、世界文明史介绍:罗马成文法的组成部分之一“是罗马城市行政官在执法过程中所做的决定行政官可以根据每一个别案例的情况做出裁量,而不必僵硬地按照有关法律条文的字面含义进行判决。他的这种决定成为事实上的判例法。”由此可见,罗马法的显著特点是( )。A.具有较为明显的习惯法传统B.内容庞杂且受行政因素影响C.结构松散但有普遍的适用性D.具有高度的灵活性和实用性【答案】 D28、史学家甲:“文艺复兴不只是文学或艺术的再兴,也是人类智识和个人之觉醒或再生。而为近代世界的开始。”史学家乙:“文艺复兴是中古时代转移至近代的过渡时代。它同时具备了两个时



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