八年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 3 Language in use课时作业课件 (新版)外研版

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1、Unit 3 language in use.Module9Population目录contents语法探究法探究语法法专练中考中考链接接写作写作训练语法探究法探究目录contents语法探究 Work seriously一、数字的用法。一、数字的用法。 (一)基数词的表示方法: 1.112 的基数词: one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve 2.1319的基数词,在个位数上加后缀-teen构成,并有两个重音。如: thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eig

2、hteen,nineteen 3.2090等十位数由29 加后缀-ty构成。语法探究 Work seriously如: twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety 4.2129由十位数20加个位数19 构成,十位和个位之间加连字符号“-”,其他十位数以此类推。如: 21 twenty-one,44 forty-four,98 ninety-eight 语法探究 Work seriously5.多位数的读法: 从后向前数,每三位数加一个“,”;第一个“,”号前为thousand (千),第二个“,”号前为million(百万),然后

3、再逐段表达。 三位数数词要在百位和十位(若无十位则和个位)之间加and。语法探究 Work seriously如: 45,632,798 读作 forty-five million,six hundred and thirty-two thousand,seven hundred and ninety-eight 语法探究 Work seriously(二二)序数序数词的表示方法:的表示方法: 序数词 = 基数词+th,但以下几个特殊: onefirst twosecond threethird fivefifth eighteighth nineninth twelvetwelfth twe

4、ntytwentieth a hundreda hundredth 语法探究 Work seriously(三三)分子用基数分子用基数词表示,分母用序数表示,分母用序数词表示,分表示,分子子为2 以上以上时,分母,分母(序数序数词)应变为复数。复数。 三分之一one third/a third 五分之三three fifths 由“分数(或百分数)+of+名词”构成的名词词组作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由of 后面的名词来决定,名词为可数名词复数,语法探究 Work seriously则谓语动词用复数;名词为不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。如: A third of the land is cove

5、red by forests.三分之一的陆地被森林覆盖着。 Two thirds of the workers are working hard.三分之二的工人正认真地工作。一、一、单项填空。填空。( )1. _of the farmland here _with rice.A.Two thirds;is covering B.Two third;is coveredC.Second third;are covering D.Two thirds;is covered 语法专练 Work seriouslyD( )2. Please open the _page.We are going to

6、 learn Lesson _.A.eight;Two B.eighth;Second C.eight;Second D.eighth;Two ( )3. He wrote his _novel when he was _.A.five;fifties B.fifth;fifty C.fifth;fiftieth D.five;fiftieth 语法专练 Work seriouslyDB( )4. Did you know that the earth is home to _animals? A.million B.millions C.million of D.millions of (

7、)5. About _of the students attended the meeting.A.two thirds B.two three C.second thirds D.two third 语法专练 Work seriouslyDA( )6. I think _of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam _easy.A.three fourths;is B.third four; are C.three fourths;are D.third four; is 语法专练 Work seriouslyC( )

8、7. The teacher was very angry because the boy made _mistakes in his homework.A.five B.fifth C.five of D.fifth of ( )8. The book Journey to the West is very popular.Yeah, more than _students in our school bought it.A.three hundred B.three hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of 语法专练 Work seriouslyAA( )9.

9、 Sunday is _day of a week.A.the sixth B.the first C.the seventh D.the second ( )10. December is _and last month of the year.A.the twelfth B.twelfth C.the twelve D.twelve 语法专练 Work seriouslyBA二、完成句子,二、完成句子,词数不限。数不限。1. 我14岁,我妹妹7岁,所以我的岁数是我妹妹的两倍。Im _years old.My sister is _years old.So Im_as old as my s

10、ister. 2. 我们班上百分之十的学生住在学校。_percent of the students in our class _in the school. 语法专练 Work seriouslyfourteenseventwiceTenlive3. 他们昨天种了三百六十棵小树苗。They planted _ young trees yesterday. 4. 大约三分之二的学生都通过了考试。About _of the students passed the test. 语法专练 Work seriouslythree hundred and sixtytwo thirds5. 星期四是一个

11、星期的第五天。Thursday is _ day of a week. 语法专练 Work seriouslythe fifth语法探究 Work seriously二、冠二、冠词。 冠词是置于名词之前,用以说明名词所指的人或事物的一种虚词。冠词有三种形式:不定冠词 a (n),定冠 the和零冠词。 (一一)不定冠不定冠词a,an的用法。的用法。 1.表示数量,泛指同类事物中的“任何一个”,含有“一”的意思。如: Tom had an apple for breakfast.汤姆早餐吃了一个苹果。 2.表示某类人或物,此时的不定冠词一般不译为“一”。语法探究 Work seriously如:

12、A panda eats bamboo.熊猫吃竹子。 3.表示在文中第一次提到的人或物前。如: This morning Mr Wang told us an interesting story.今天早上王老师给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。 注意:注意:不定冠词a常用于以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前;an常用于以元音音素开头的单数可数名词前。 语法探究 Work seriously(二二)定冠定冠词the的用法。的用法。 1.特指某(些)人或物。如: I like the red clothes.我喜欢红色衣服。 2.特指上文提到过的人或物。如: I have a camera.The camer

13、a is white and I like it very much. 我有一台相机。这台相机是白色的,我非常喜欢它。 3.指世界上独一无二的事物。如:the sun,the moon,the earth 语法探究 Work seriously4.用于序数词、表示方位的名词或形容词最高级前面。如: the first boy第一个男孩,in the north在北方,the tallest boy最高的男孩 5.用于表示乐器的名词前面。如:play the piano弹钢琴 6.用于姓氏的复数形式前面,表示“一家人”或“夫妇俩人”。如: The Blacks are having a picn

14、ic now.布莱克一家现在正在野餐。 语法探究 Work seriously7.与形容词连用,表示某一类人或物。如:the rich富人,the old老人 8.用于某些专有名词前面。如:the Great Wall长城 9.用于一些固定短语中。如:in the morning在早上,by the way顺便问一下 语法探究 Work seriously(三三)零冠零冠词的用法。的用法。 1.表示节日、星期、月份、季节等的名词前面一般不加冠词。如: on Teachers Day在教师节,on Monday在星期一,in September在九月,in winter在冬天 注意:注意:in

15、the summer of 2010 在2010年的夏天(表示特指,故加the) 2.表示一日三餐的名词前面一般不加冠词。如:have lunch吃午饭 3.表示球类运动和棋类的名词与play连用时,一般不加冠词。语法探究 Work seriously如: play basketball打篮球,play chess下国际象棋 4.表示语言的名词前面一般不加冠词。如: David can speak Chinese very well.戴维汉语讲得很好。 5.名词前面有指示代词或形容词性物主代词时,不再加冠词。语法探究 Work seriously如: May I have a look at

16、your dictionary?我能看看你的词典吗? 6.在一些固定短语中,名词前面用零冠词。如: go to bed去睡觉,go to school去上学,by bus乘公共汽车,at night在晚上语法法专练目录contents【语法法专练2】一、一、单项填空。填空。( )1. Be careful! There is _dog lying on the ground. Thanks a lot. A.a B.an C.the D./ 语法专练 Work seriouslyA( )2. There is no living thing on _moon. A.the B.a C./ D.

17、an ( )3. Bill likes playing _basketball,but he doesnt like playing _piano. A.the;the B./;the C.the;/ D./;/ 语法专练 Work seriouslyAB( )4. Beijing is one of _most beautiful cities in _world.A.a;the B.the;/ C.the;the D.a;/ ( )5. _is your mother? She is _English teacher.A.Who;the B.What;/ C.What;an D.Who;a

18、 语法专练 Work seriouslyCC( )6. What _useful book it is!Yeah.It tells you how to play _guitar.A.an; the B.a; a C.a; the D.an; a 语法专练 Work seriouslyC( )7. What do you usually have for_breakfast?A piece of bread and _egg.A.a; an B./; the C.a; the D./; an 语法专练 Work seriouslyD( )8. Does your father go to wo

19、rk by _car every day?No, he sometimes takes _bus.A.a; the B.the; a C./; a D.a; / 语法专练 Work seriouslyC( )9. Dannys grandmother is ill in _hospital.Hell go there to see her after school.A.an B.the C.a D./ ( )10. Many people gave away money to _poor after the earthquake.A.the B.a C.an D./ 语法专练 Work ser

20、iouslyDA二、用二、用a, an, the, / 完成句子。完成句子。 1.Which is _biggest, _sun, _earth or _moon?2. Lets play _soccer. I dont have _soccer ball. 语法专练 Work seriouslythethethethe/a3. Do you know _woman in red?Yes, shes a teacher of _university. 4. How is _film you saw last night?You mean_one,Where Are We Going,Dad?

21、Thats wonderful!语法专练 Work seriouslytheathethethe5. Does Heze have _airport? No,but we can take _bus to Jinan or Zhengzhou. 6.We went to _bed early last night. 语法专练 Work seriouslyana/the /目录contents中考中考链接接一、完形填空。一、完形填空。 The population problem may be the 1 one of the world today.The worlds population

22、is growing 2 .Two thousand years ago, there were only 250 million people 3 the earth.Four hundred years ago, the number was 4 500 million.But at the beginning of the 5 century, the worlds population was about 1,700 million.In 1970, the number was 3,600 million.In 1990, the number was five billion. 中

23、考链接 Work seriouslyA 6 report said that the worlds population had passed six 7 by the end of the 20th century.This is just ten 8 after it 9 five billion.The UN estimated(估计) the worlds population will grow by more than 10 by the year 2050.中考链接 Work seriously( )1.A.great B.greater C.greatest D.more gr

24、eat( )2. A.faster and faster B.fast and fast C.fastest and fastest D.faster and fast ( )3.A.in B.on C.at D.for中考链接 Work seriouslyCAB( )4.A.little B.more C.much D.over( )5.A.twenty B.twelve C.twentieth D.twelfth( )6.A.USA B.UN C.PRC D.PLA( )7.A.billion B.million C.thousand D.hundred中考链接 Work seriousl

25、yDCBA( )8.A.weeks B.months C.seasons D.years( )9.A.went B.got C.reached D.arrived( )10.A.a three B.one thirds C.one of three D.one third中考链接 Work seriouslyDCD二、二、阅读理解。理解。中考链接 Work seriouslyCityPopulation (million)Persons per roomTelephones per 100 peopleOf children in middle schoolTokyo28.70.94497Se

26、oul15.82.02290中考链接 Work seriouslyLondon11.00.65058New York17.40.55695Moscow13.21.339100( )1. _had the most people.A.Tokyo B.Seoul C.London D.Moscow ( )2. People in London didnt live as spaciously (宽敞地) as those in_.A.Moscow B.New York C.Seoul D.Tokyo 中考链接 Work seriouslyAB( )3. It was the most diffic

27、ult for people in_to make a phone call.A.Tokyo B.London C.New York D.Seoul ( )4. People in Tokyo or New York owned more telephones than people in_.A.Seoul or London B.Seoul or MoscowC.Moscow or London D.Seoul,Moscow or London 中考链接 Work seriouslyDB( )5. Every child could go to school in _.A.Tokyo B.N

28、ew York C.Moscow D.London 中考链接 Work seriouslyC三、配三、配对阅读。 左栏是5种环境问题的例子,右栏是7种环境问题,请为每种例子选择对应的环境问题。( )1. The dark water from factories has made our rivers and lakes dirty.It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water.( )2.The traffic and the noise of cars make us talk louder and become angry more e

29、asily.中考链接 Work seriouslyCD ( )3.It is the most serious kind of pollution to all living things in the world.Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day.( )4.The Amur tiger (东北虎) is in danger.People kill them for their meat and fur.They also cut down trees,making them homeless.( )5.The p

30、opulation in our country is growing larger and larger.That makes our cities crowded and brings too much rubbish. 中考链接 Work seriouslyFEAA.The increasing population.B.Global warming (全球变暖).C.Water pollution.D.Noise pollution.E.The extinction (灭绝) of wild animals.F.Air pollution.G.The decrease (减少) of

31、forest area.中考链接 Work seriously四、短文填空。四、短文填空。 As we all know,China is 1._ developing (发展中的) country with the largest population in the world.There 2._ about 1.37 billion people in China.The large population caused many 3._ both in cities and the countryside.For 4._,in the poor countryside,farmers do

32、nt have enough land to plant crops and people dont have enough food to 5._.中考链接 Work seriouslyaare problemsexampleeatIn some cities,many young people cant find jobs.And there is more pollution. Traffic problems become more and more serious (严重的).Streets become one of the most dangerous 6._ because o

33、f the traffic accidents.Then,how can we 7._ the problems? We must 中考链接 Work seriouslyplacessolvethink 8._ some ways to control the increasing population.Our government should control (控制) the population growth and make some traffic rules.And its important for us to 9._ the environment.If all of us m

34、ake some efforts,our world will become 10._ more beautiful.中考链接 Work seriouslyabout/ofprotectmuch写作写作训练目录contents4美文美文鉴赏学学习学会写有关学会写有关环境保境保护的文章。的文章。 Do you know what an aging population (人口老龄化) is? An aging population is when there are more and more older people (60 and older) than before.In the 20th

35、 century the proportion (比例) of older people kept growing,and this will continue (持续) in the 21st century.For example,the proportion of older people was 8% in 1950 and 10% in 2000, Work seriously写作训练and it may get to 21% in 2050.By 2050,the number of older people in the world will be larger than the

36、 number of the young (under age 15) for the first time in history. The older population itself is also growing older.The “oldest old” (80 and older) population is the fastest-growing group among the old Work seriously写作训练population.Because people in this group are more likely to have illness,the nee

37、ds of this group will keep growing in the 21st century. Among the worlds countries,the developed (发达的) countries have higher proportion of older people.However,the developing countries will begin to age much faster in the following years.As a result,the developing countries will have more and more o

38、lder population in the future. Work seriously写作训练一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。Information Card写作训练 Work seriously60 and olderThe age of older people according to the passage 1._The possible proportion of older people in 20502._The age of the fastest-growing group among the older population 3._2

39、1%80 and olderThe kind of countries which have higher proportion of older population 4._The kind of countries which will have more and more older population in the future 5._写作训练 Work seriouslyThe developed countries The developing countries二、重点二、重点词汇积累。累。6.保持增长_ 7.第一次_8.结果_ 9.将来_写作训练 Work seriously

40、keep growingfor the first timeas a resultin the future三、三、 重点句型解析并造句。重点句型解析并造句。As a result,the developing countries will have more and more older population in the future. as a result 结果 10. 结果,在我们的努力下我们赢得了比赛。_,we won the match with our hard work. Work seriouslyAs a result写作训练写作步步高写作步步高随着地球上人口的不断增加,

41、环境污染问题也变得越来越严重。假如你是某国际学校的学生会主席李峰,请你根据以下现状提示和写作要求写一封英文倡议书,号召全校同学为保护环境做出自己的贡献。 Work seriously写作训练现状提示:状提示: 1.水污染和大气污染越来越严重;2.森林被砍伐;3.塑料袋 (plastic bags) 随处可见。 写作要求:写作要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。2.语句连贯,注意分段,80词左右。 Work seriously写作训练思路点思路点拨第一步:审题。人称_ 时态_第二步:列提纲。第一段:引出话题,描述环境污染的现状。写作训练 Work seriou

42、sly第一人称第一人称一般一般现在在时参考句型: 1.The pollution of the environment is more and more serious today. 2.The water and the air becometreesplastic bags 第二段:针对现状提出对策,列出应采取的措施。写作训练 Work seriously参考句型: 1.In order to live a better life, we should protect our environment. 2.First/Second/Third/Fourth, we should/shoul

43、dnt/must 第三段:总结全文,发出倡议。参考句型:Lets try together now! 写作训练 Work seriously第三 步:列出主要的单词和短语。1.环境污染_ 2.严重的_3.砍倒_ 4.到处;处处_5.保护我们的环境_ 写作训练 Work seriouslythe pollution of the environmentseriouscut downeverywhereprotect our environment6.扔垃圾_7.关灯_ 8.减少污染_9.种树_ 10.阻止做_ 写作训练 Work seriouslythrow rubbish cause less

44、 pollution plants treesstop(from) doingturn off lights第四步:运用and, or, so, because, but, first, then等连接词将以上要点连成文章,并注意句型多样化。【小【小试牛刀】牛刀】_ Work seriously写作训练写作训练 Work seriouslyDear schoolmates, The pollution of the environment is more and more serious today.The water and the air become dirty.People cut d

45、own a lot of trees.Plastic bags are everywhere. In order to live a better life,we should protect our environment.First,we shouldnt throw rubbish everywhere.写作训练 Work seriouslySecond,we should use less paper and turn off lights when we are not using them,because this saves money and causes less pollution.Third,we must plant more trees and stop people cutting them down.Fourth,we should use fewer plastic bags. Lets try together now!Li Feng 谢谢观看!



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