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1、关于创新的英文作文范文关于创新的英文作文范文Recently, there is an exciting news that Alibaba Grouphas appeared on the market in the NYSE. It changes thetraditional business model and provides a bran-new petitiveindustry, E-business. As we all know, it must be ascribedto the creative force of Jack Ma,chairman of Alibaba.

2、So,werealize that creative spirit plays a vital role in ourmodern life.As the old saying goes, innovation is the soul of thenation. With the rapid economy development in the wholeworld, human beings greatly reckon on creativity in varietyof aspects and it is extremely nesessary in our life. Firstof

3、all, creativity depends the progress and prosperity of acountry. For example, our country has achieved anythingsince we followed the policy of reform and opening. Whatobvious feature is, the ine of people is increasing and theliving standard is greatly improved. All changes which havebeen taken plac

4、e benefit from creative of our country.Secondly, it has huge effects in technology. If human wantto be strong,we can overe difficulties, such as seriousdisease, environment pollution, food shortage and so on,therefore we need to use creative spirit to processtechnology innovation drastically. In add

5、ition, everyonealso have consciousness of innovation. Everybody have theduty to do some thing to promote the advancement of oursociety, whatis more, we can obtain joyfully from creativework.To sum up, human need creativity. It is closely relatedwith our life, and I believe creative spirits areindisp

6、ensable parts in our lives, and will be more and moreimportment in the future.Dear my tiger parents:To be honest, its still gratifying to know that youset down some rules for me thoroughly. Because I know it isyour love that makes you to do so. You establish them inorder to let me own a bright futur

7、e and not regret for whatI have done today. Nevertheless, what I really need is justa room to learn this plex world through my consecutivetrying.Since I was in primary school, you have driven me toschool to learn to play the piano every week while I waskeen on guitar. Although I have made some achie

8、vementsthrough your strict training, there is no denying that I amstill unhappy. However, as is known to us all, only whenpeople put their hearts into music can they createbeautiful sound.In your opinion, nothing is more important than to beethe top student. Under such stress, I need some ways torel

9、ease them, but you forbid me attending sleepovers evenhanging out with my friends. To speak frankly, I feel I ambeing a “study machine” day by day. There is no passionin my life and I just spare no effort to gain knowledge.Forbids on TV and Inter make me lose contact with the world.Its universally a

10、cknowledged that if a student onlyburies himself in studying and dont concern about thesociety, he will make no contribution to the world.Substantial as my life is, the qualities of my life ison no aount satisfactory. My dear tiger parents, soprecious is my adolescent that Icant make it suchdull. Pl

11、ease give me a sky, just let me fly. Im sure Iwill give you a surprise to see how strong I bee.Yours sincerely,Experts are not single-mindedDoctor: Well, then tell me your symptoms and I willjudge your illness. Patient: But I dont need yourdiagnosis. Just give me the pills I want.Doctor: Hey, who do

12、 you think is the expertAs a medicalexpert, I am quitefamiliar with almost all thediseases. Youd better follow my order!Patient: You have to learn about thousands of diseases,but I only have to focuson fixing whats wrong withME! Now which one of us do you think is the expertThe patient regards herse

13、lf as an “expert”, taking itfor granted that expert only means specialized. Apparently,she is wrong about not only the definition of an expert butalso herself. Unfortunately, she jumps into the narrow welland bee a frog that is conceited and ignorant. But is thedoctor an expertWhat on earth is a rea

14、l expertFrom myown perspective, it is extensive knowledge that an expertshould basically have. After all, all the things in theuniverse are connected and so is knowledge. Just as an oldsaying goes, youll never know where your hometown isunless you go out of it. Being learned is the way to go outof h

15、ometown and only that will make a person be clear-headed in his subject and be superior to others as anexpert.Of course, professional knowledge is another necessaryquality. For instance, my aunt got ill the other day. Shethought she caught a cold so shedrank some hot waterto get over it. But that di

16、dnt take any effect and shefelt even worse. So she went to the hospital. With thedoctors treatment, she made a prompt recovery. Her wrongjudgment prolongs her pain and that teaches me thesignificance of professional knowledge.However, all the theories must be applied to practice.So an expert should

17、also be acquainted with sufficientconcrete cases. Experts who dont have experience canthelp us to solve problems in our daily life so that theyare not useful to our society. Thats why most expertsarent at a very young age. Time is needed for them toaumulate a wealth of experience and be proficient i

18、nsolving mon problems.Finally, the most indispensable quality of an expert isnoble moral. An ordinary person is only concerned aboutevery aspects of himself. But anexpert has to beconcerned about a single aspect of other people. Thatrequires the expert to have the equal heart to love andcare others

19、and give his shoulder to others climbing. Soan expert doesnt simply mean professionalism but alsomeans sacrifice.In brief, an expert must have extensive andprofessional knowledge, abundant experience and noble moral.I think Yuan Long ping has all thequalities. Hedevotes his entire life to hybrid ric

20、e and solves the grainissues of over six billion people. He has an unselfishheart to make sacrifice. Hisachievements tell us how to write the word “expert”!As for the doctor in the picture, we cant judge whetherhe is an expert or not because there is no safeevidence of whether he has all of the qual

21、ities. Virtually,it is not easy to be an expert. Some self-appointed“experts” should take off their conceited coats and beengrossed in studying and aumulating.The direction I seekWe all have a direction in ourmind. When you are at a loss, it will lead the way for you.When are disappointed, it will e

22、ncourage you to move on.Without exception, I have a hero whose spirit inspires mein my heart. His name is Michael Jackson.Michael Jackson is an American black. When he was alittle boy, American blacks were not respected. His fatherhad great ambitions for his children. So he was oftensevere with him.

23、 There was a little time for him to relaxeveryday, on the contrary he must spend all the timestaying at recording studio. It was hard for such a littlechild to stick to it, but instead he did not quit.No pains, no gains. He sueeded in music. Five of hissolo studio albums had became some of the words

24、 bestselling records. He became the spiritual leader of theAmerican blacks.However, life is full of ups and downs. In 1986,Michael Jacksons skin began to turn white. People havealmost made an assumption that he did an operation onpurpose. The whole deserted him. But he didnt care aboutother peoples

25、opinions. He insisted on making music andmitted to the cause of charity.Nowadays, most students hate studying. They cantconcentrate their attention on studying. Even if they do it,they are lacking persistence. I cant do it too. When Iwant to give up, Michael Jacksons inspiring storyalways reminds me

26、 to move on. It tells me there is noshortcut to suess. Our lives are filled with beingquestioned. Everyone has been questioned. Some peoplecant stand it and even worse they feel depressed, becauseof this. When I was questioned, I always think if I wereMichael Jackson, what would I doMaybe I would le

27、t it go andcarry on with my life. He is my goal to study forever. Hisspirits inspires me forever. He will live in my heartforever. Thank him from the bottom of my heart.Ones achievement isnt for money and fame,but forbeing well.Franklin.D.Roosevelt once said:“Suess is doing whatyou want to do.”I bel

28、ieve it firmly. Personal satisfactionthat you got from the process for the dream, is the bestreward for your achievement, which gives you spirituallegacy. As a matter of fact, spiritual legacy is morevaluable than wealth and fame in my thought, because thelatter can only make you happy for a short w

29、hile.Those men,aimed at fame and wealth, couldnt insist on working hardfor their dreams all the time and easily meet theirwaterloo. Besides, they sometimes are called“dogs in themanger.”It is obvious that if you just long for moneyand power, your dreams arent real dreams. Also, as for me,it is in or

30、der to make my life meaningful that I study hardeveryday. I sometimes thought of Madam Gurie, a greatscientist who twice won The Nobel Prize, concentrated herthought and energy on her research and experiments all herlife. But what impressed me most arent her achievementsshe got then, but her attitud

31、es towards wealth and fame.How it surprised me that she gave her medals to herdaughter as toys and contributed her bonus to research. Didshe love wealth and fame better rather than personalsatisfactionThe answer is obvious.When I was young ,my father often went fishing with meon weekends. After havi

32、ng sought out a good place andhaving made everything prepared, we could lie on the grassfor a whole day. Not expecting for any fishes, we relaxedourselves and enjoyed the sightseeing around us. Thehappiness and fulfillment we got were more valuable to merather than the cheap fishes.To care for wisdo

33、m and truth and improvement of thesoul is far better than to seek money and honor andreputation. Although I still have a lot of difficultiesachieving my goals, the happiness and fulfillment I havereceived will motivate me to go on with them.In a word, I am a man who agrees that the personalsatisfact

34、ion is the best reward for ones achievement. Iam a slow walker, but Ill never walk backwards.How to promote college students creativity As weknow,there are signs that college students are lack ofcreativity in China.This condition is caused by manyreasons.Frist of all,in Chinese tradition”teaching by

35、holding his hand”is the best way to develop skills,whichmakes students lose the ability of thinkingdeeply.Besides,solving problems with puters makes studentsvery lazy,so much so that they lose the interest ofcreativity.Whats worse,quantities of students hold theview that creativity is useless. In my

36、 opinion,measuresmust be taken to promote college studentscreativity.There are many things that we can do.On the onehand,the government should issue some polices which aregood at creativity.On the other hand,we should learn someuseful experience from Western style,for example,payingmore attention to

37、 originality and independence.Whatsimportant is that we college students should set up theideas that creativity create new world and we havepotential to create new world.In conclusion,only if we make concerted efforts we canown the sprirt of creativity.Dear Mr. President,Id like to show my opinionso

38、n students scientific and technological abilities forinnovation and give some suggestions.I dont think ourschool is well engaged in improving students innovationabilities. In my eyes, students in our school do littleinnovative jobs other than study. In most of their parttime, they listen to music, r

39、ead books, or play puter games,which neednt be much creative.In order to improve abilities for innovation, firstlyuniversity leaders can show the importance of innovation bylectures, posters, etc. Then secondly, lessons andatmosphere in class can be improved by teachers, forexample, to encourage cre

40、ative thinking and innovativeassignments. Finally, large numbers of creative activitiessuch as scientific inventions also help a lot. Byparticipating in those activities, students can not only bemore creative, but also eich their lives.In a word, scientific and technological innovation isof great im

41、portance. With more excellent and creativestudents in science and technology, our school will be morepowerful, so will our country.InnovationWith the development of social economy,innovation has received more and more attention as to theobbligato role of innovation in social development.Why do so ma

42、ny people think that innovation isimportantLater on, I will demonstrate this problemfrom three aspects. First of all, for individuals,innovative thinking has a significant impact on the futureof human beings. People make progress by way of innovationday by day. Furthermore, for enterprises, innovati

43、on is thebasis of thesurvival and development. Innovation can improveproduction efficiency and petitiveness of enterprises. Lastbut not least, for countries, innovation is the soul ofnational prosperity and nationalprogress. Withoutinnovation, countries couldnt survive in the world.So how do we prom

44、ote innovationAs far as I amconcerned, both individuals and governments should take anactive part. For individuals, we should enhance theinnovative thinking and improve the ability of innovation.In addition, we should actively participate in innovationactivities. For governments, they should encourage socialinnovation, providing preferential policies and favorableconditions. Merely in this way, can we create a socialenvironment conducive to innovation virtually.



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