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1、备考2025云南省文山壮族苗族自治州砚山县中学教师公开招聘练习题及答案一单选题(共60题)1、经营环境的宏观分析是指对企业经营产生影响的()等各因素的集合。A.政治B.经济C.法律D.技术E.文化【答案】 A2、中国近代史上有人提出:“议院者,公议政事之院也昏暴之君无所施其虐,跋扈之臣无所擅其权”。其主张是( )。A.加强君主专制B.建立内阁制C.实行君主立宪D.倡导民主共和【答案】 C3、期末考试后,某历史教师将期末考试试卷的成绩作为评价学生学习成绩优劣的标准,这违反了中学历史教学评价的( )原则。A.全面性B.客观性C.广泛性D.多样性【答案】 A4、Such a sharp commen

2、t is an_to a bitter argument.A.appendixB.invitationC.intentionD.announcement【答案】 B5、B If I could have your attention, Id like to talk to you about young peoples screen time. Its a tempting habit for them to glance at their smartphone or tablet rather than make eye contacts with someone and make conv

3、ersations! There is so much to look at: photographs, social media feeds messages and emails; its no wonder they are glued to their screens. But is it good for them? There have been many claims about the damage looking at screens does to our eyesight. Some people feared staring at a small bright box

4、could make us short-sighted or lead to headaches. This is a particular concern for children and young people, who spend a higher percentage of time using electronic gadgets. BBC technology corespondent, Rory Cellan-jones, says: “There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that no matter how long teenagers

5、 are spending looking at screens. they are encountering material about issues such as anorexia (厌食症) and self-harm that could prove damaging to their mental health.” But a new study says time in front of computers and phones might not be as bad for young people as many think. Research by the Oxford

6、Internet Institute examined data from more than 17.000 teenagers in the UK. Ireland and the United States. Their study concluded that most links between life satisfaction and social media use were trivial accounting for less than 1% of a teenagers health. Professor Przybylski, director of the resear

7、ch at the institute, said: 99.75 of a persons life satisfaction has nothing to do with their use of social media. The research found that family, friends and school life all had a greater impact on well-being. Perhaps for now, deciding what the right amount of screen time is has to be up to personal

8、 judgments. 35. The first paragraph is designed to _. A.lead in the topicB.introduce a new type of screenC.promote a phoneD.show the finding of a stud【答案】 A6、一个人在考试的前夜出现了失眠现象,这种失眠属于( )。A.失律性失眠B.假性失眠C.药物性失眠D.情境性失眠【答案】 D7、乘法口诀的掌握可以广泛迁移于各种情境之中,这是一种()。A.水平迁移B.垂直迁移C.一般迁移D.具体迁移【答案】 C8、根据以下材料,回答题A.hateB.lo

9、veC.botherD.intend【答案】 C9、 下列关于新中国经济建设的说法,正确的是( )。A.三大改造的完成标志着新民主主义制度的建立B.“大跃进”期间国民经济协调发展C.19561966年经济建设在曲折中前进D.经济体制改革首先从城市取得突破【答案】 C10、德育中的基本方法是()。A.说服教育法B.榜样示范法C.陶冶教育法D.实际锻炼法【答案】 A11、一个人在不摄入水分的情况下,水分通过呼吸道、皮肤等散失的现象称为不感应失水,这种失水的意义在于()。A.是保持内环境相对稳定的渗透压所必需的B.是保持内环境温度的恒定所必需的C.对于保持机体水和电解质的动态平衡起着重要的作用D.对

10、于维持细胞内液pH的稳定性起着重要作用【答案】 B12、关于学校教育在人的发展中的作用,下列表述正确的是()。A.在人的发展中起决定作用B.在人的发展中起主导作用C.在人的发展中起塑造作用D.在人的发展中起定型作用【答案】 B13、根据以下材料,回答题A.give advice to job-seekers who areattractiveB.discuss the negative aspects of being attractiveC.demand equal rights for womenD.state the importance of appearance【答案】 B14、关于

11、心理危机特征,表述不正确的是( )。A.心理危机的后果具有模糊性。B.心理危机的应对缺乏万能和速效的方案C.心理危机的发生缺乏规律性。D.心理危机的反应具有必要性。【答案】 C15、我们对待中国传统道德的基本态度应该是()。A.取其精华,去其糟粕B.突出创新,全盘否定C.尊重历史,全盘吸收D.学习交流,洋为中用【答案】 A16、When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarshipHaving been a Straight A student, I believed I could_16_tough subjects and really

12、 learn somethingOne such course was World Literature given by Professor JayneI was extremely interested in the ideas he _17 _in class.A.takeB.discussC.coverD.get【答案】 A17、“天舟”一号货运飞船于2017年4月20日在文昌航天发射中心发射成功,与“天宫”二号空间实验室交会对接,开展空间科学实验。“天舟”一号货运飞船发射成功表明( )。A.我国把科技摆在优先发展的战略地位B.我国实施科教兴国战略取得显著成效C.自主创新是解决我国所有

13、问题的关键D.教育已成为综合国力竞争的决定因素【答案】 B18、财产所有权是一种直接与经济利益相联系的民事权利,其权能包括()。A.占有、使用、收益、处分B.占有、利用、收益、处分C.占有、使用、赠与、转让D.控制、使用、收益、处分【答案】 A19、下列结构或物质没有核糖参与构成的是()。A.线粒体B.核糖体C.质粒D.酶【答案】 C20、鬼城是指因资源枯竭而被废弃的城市,属于地理学名词。在我国,随着城市化的推进,出现了城区人口与建成区面积比值(鬼城指数)低于05的新城、新区,这些新城、新区居住人口少,也被形象地称为“鬼城”。A.产业结构过于单一B.严重依赖资源开发C.城市环境污染加剧D.片面

14、追求经济发展【答案】 C21、Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people.A.Science FictionB.The Popularity of Science FictionC.The Origin of Science FictionD.The Themes of Science Fiction【答案】 A22、将原有认知经验应用于新情境中时,需调整原有的经验,形成一种更高一级的认知结构,这种迁移方式称()。



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