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1、考概要考概要考续写考续写概要写作水平提升训练与指导n 要求与问题n 微技能n 教学建议2017-2018学年金华十校高三第一学期期末调研考试要求与问题:评分评分标准的四个方面:标准的四个方面:各方各方面的常见问题:面的常见问题:1.对原文的理解和呈现情况对原文的理解和呈现情况加入自己观点;细节过多;偏离原意;要点不完整或遗漏:2.应用语法结构和词汇的准确性应用语法结构和词汇的准确性语言有误;表达单一3.上下文的连贯性上下文的连贯性层次条理不清晰;衔接不自然或缺失4.对各个要点表达的独立性情况对各个要点表达的独立性情况整句抄自原文或部分摘抄东拼西凑2017-2018学年金华十校高三第一学期期末调

2、研考试“不增不减不同不曲不繁不乱”n不增:改写要忠于原文,不能增加自己的观点评论感想。n不减:要点信息的提取要完整,不遗漏。n不同:用自己的语言归纳表述原文,不能摘抄句。n不曲:使用自己语言的同时要避免曲解原意。n不繁:一是内容上要删除繁多的次要细节; 二是语言表达要简洁不繁琐。n不乱:要有清晰的写作框架,上下文应连贯流畅。概要写作微技能:n把握主旨结构把握主旨结构n筛选信息筛选信息n提炼关键词提炼关键词n合并信息合并信息n同义替换同义替换 n巧妙衔接巧妙衔接(一)(一)把握主旨结构把握主旨结构以2017-2018学年金华十校高三第一学期期末调研考试概要写作为例:常见的篇章结构有总分式和并列/

3、递进式。主题句通常在文章的开头或结尾,但有时需要自己概括。结构:总(para1)分(para2.3.4)总(para5) 观点 理由 结论主题句:第一段的第二句:“Meanwhile, they are the safest method for getting kids to and from school, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).”(二)(二)筛选信息筛选信息第一层:全文的主旨信息第二层:段落的主旨信息第三层:支持段落主旨的信息1. 总分式文章:第一、第二层信息必须写入

4、概要,第三层信息在不超出词数限制的前提下,可视需要筛选后写入概要。2. 并列/递进式文章:由于没有第一层信息,第二、第三层信息必须写入概要。3. 不同的第三层次信息的重要性不同,可依据先后顺序、篇幅长短等做判断。4. 如果不同的第三层次信息之间没有太大的主次之分,可选相对容易压缩概括的信息写入概要。第一、二句是段落的主旨信息,属于第二层信息,必须要写入概要。第三句是该段落主旨的支持信息,属于第三层信息,可筛除。 These school buses meet more of the nations motor vehicle safety standards than any other ve

5、hicles on the road. Also, several new technologies available today are making school buses even safer, such as video cameras on the inside and outside, stop arm cameras, GPS tracking and collision lessening systems. Another safety tool on school buses is high seat backs, closely-spaced seats and ene

6、rgy-absorbing seating.(三)(三)提炼关键词提炼关键词1.从语法角度提炼:2.从内容角度提炼:简单句:通常在主谓宾部分而非定状补部分;并列句:通常在表转折关系的连词(but、however等)之后, 在表并列关系的连词(and、or等)前后都有;复合句:通常在主句部分而非从句部分, 有宾语从句的除外,关键词应在宾语从句部分。删除具体描述、删除或减少事例、删除数据、论据、删除重复等。 These school buses meet more of the nations motor vehicle safety standards than any other vehicl

7、es on the road. Also, several new technologies available today are making school buses even safer, such as video cameras on the inside and outside, stop arm cameras, GPS tracking and collision lessening systems.分析:从语法角度看,提取的关键词都在两个句子的主干上, 删除定状补成分; 从内容角度看,删除第二句中的具体事例。(四)(四)合并信息合并信息1.不同段落的主旨信息一般不能合并在一

8、起,以免要点杂糅。2.各段主旨的支持信息应该尽量合并入该段落的主旨信息,以使要点句式紧凑。3.有效的合并方式有:1)使用从句 2)使用同位语 3)使用短语 4)使用并列连词4.信息合并以后,各要点的先后顺序和篇幅长短应该大致与对应段落的先后顺序、篇幅长短匹配。以范文为例:The school bus is the safest and wisest choice to school in the US for the following reasons. (要点1)Firstly, school buses not only meet high vehicle safety standards

9、 but also are technologically equipped. (要点2)Secondly, the bus drivers have to pass strict qualification tests and safety driving trainings. (要点3)Thirdly, school buses, powered by green fuels, are environmentally safe by reducing the number of private cars hitting the roads. (要点4)Therefore, children

10、 are encouraged to go to school by school bus.(要点5)分析:在要点2中,之前提炼的第二段关键词通过并列连词“not only but also”合并成了一句话。全文五个段落的五个主旨信息都单独成句,不作合并,层次清晰;各要点的长短与相应的段落篇幅匹配。(五)(五)同义替换同义替换1.词词替换2.词性变换3.单词与短语或短语与短语的替换4.句式替换原文:All drivers must obtain a Class B or C Commercial Drivers license (CDL).替换:The bus drivers have to

11、pass strict qualification tests原文:School buses are safe for the environment.替换:School buses are environmentally safe.原文:These school buses meet more of the nations motor vehicle safety standards than any other vehicles on the road.替换:School buses meet high vehicle safety standards.原文句子:Parents shoul

12、d remember that the safest and smartest choice is to put their children on the big yellow bus when they can.替换表达:Children are encouraged to go to school by school bus.(六)(六)巧妙衔接巧妙衔接范文中:概括性的上义词“the following reasons”;同一语义场词汇:“school bus”“school driver”“children”;同一词汇不同形式的复现:“safest”“safety”“safe”。范文中

13、:要点2、要点3、要点4为并列关系,使用了并列衔接词: “Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly.”; 要点5与前文呈因果关系,使用了因果衔接词“therefore”。1.词汇衔接法2.逻辑衔接法3.语法衔接法建议:n化整为零、分解训练n化零为整,模拟实战n积累同义替素材和衔接素材1.得到得到 get-acquire, obtain2. 减少减少 reduce-decrease, lessen3.改进 improve-promote, enchance4.帮助 help-assist, aid5. 拥有 have-possess, own6.同意 agree-approve7.感谢 thank-appreciate8.表达 express-convey9.解决 solve-cope with, deal with, resolve10.导致 lead to-bring about, result in, cause例:常用动词(短语)的替换高级词汇the reason forthe cause ofNow thatOne reason is that.,causing+ n.,leading to+ n.,resulting in + n. contribute toowe sth tohave an effect on例:表示因果高级衔接



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