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1、The Romantic PeriodRomanticMovementInthelatterhalfofthe18thcentury,anewliterarymovementaroseinEurope,calledtheRomanceRevival.ItmanifesteditselfnotonlyinEnglandbutalsoinGermanyandFrance.Itdisplayedthespiritofidealismasopposedtorealism.DuringtheRomanticperiod,Englishletterswerecharacterizedbyanemotion

2、alandimaginativequalityandbyindividualityinstyle.oldergroupMajorwritersyoungergroupOldergroup:(NegativeRomanticism)uThe so-called Lake School of English poets (WilliamWordsworth,SamuelTaylorColeridge,RobertSouthey.)expressed new theories as to the subject-matter andlanguageofpoetry.Thesethreepoetswe

3、reoftencalledas the older poets. They made an impressivecontributiontopoetry.uConservativeYoungergroup:(PositiveRomanticism)uThe later romanticists (George Gordon Bryon, PercyByssheShelley,JohnKeats)werepoetsofrevoltwho,unliketheLakeSchool,neverrecantedtheirrevolutionary principle. These three poets

4、 were oftencalledastheyoungerpoets.Theydidawonderfulworkinshapingverse.uRebelliousandaggressiveuSothesethreepoetswerecalled“theSatanicSchool”byRobertSouthey.William Wordsworth WilliamWordsworth(1770-1850)wasoneofthegreatestpoets of England.As theleading figure of the EnglishRomantic Movement, he has

5、madegreatcontributioninpoetictheory.“PoetLaureate”桂冠诗人Born in 1770Went to Grammar School in 1778Published a sonnet in The European Magazine in 1787summer tour to France in 1790Met Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1795Produced Lyrical Ballads in 1798 Published his Poems in Two Volumes in 1807Became the Poe

6、t Laureate in 1843 Died in 1850William Wordsworths lifeCompleted The Prelude in 1805Married Mary Hutchinson In 1802Biography:familyandeducationBorn on 7 April 1770 in a lawyers family at Cockermouth in Cumberland part of the scenic region in north-west England, the Lake District. After the death of

7、their mother in 1778(when William was 13) , their father sent William to Hawkshead Grammar School and sent Dorothy, his sister, to live with relatives in Yorkshire. He and Dorothy did not meet again for another nine years. His father died when he was 13. Wordsworth made his debut (首次露面;初次登台 ) as a w

8、riter in 1787 when he published a sonnet in The European Magazine. That same year he began attending St Johns College, Cambridge, and received his B.A. degree in 1791.Relationship with Annette Vallon In November 1791, Wordsworth visited Revolutionary France and became enthralled( enr:ld被迷住的被迷住的;被吸引住

9、的被吸引住的 )with the Republican movement. He fell in love with a French woman, Annette Vallon, who in 1792 gave birth to their child, Caroline.Because of lack of money and Britains tensions with France, he returned alone to England the next year. The circumstances of his return and his subsequent behavi

10、or raise doubts as to his declared wish to marry Annette .But he supported her and his daughter as best he could in later life. During this period, he wrote his acclaimed It is a beauteous (bju:tis美丽的美丽的,美妙的美妙的)evening, calm and free, recalling his seaside walk with his wife, whom he had not seen fo

11、r ten years . War between France and Britain prevented him from seeing Annette and Caroline again for several years. In 1802 ,with the Peace of Amiens again allowing travel to France, Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy visited Annette and Caroline in France and arrived at a mutually agreeable settle

12、ment regarding Wordsworths obligations .Wordsworths principle of poetryuHe declared that “all good poetry is the spontaneousoverflowofpowerfulfeeling.”(“诗歌是强烈感情的自然流露”)uHe appealed directly to individual sensations as thefoundationinthecreationandappreciationofpoetry.(个人感觉是诗歌创作和鉴赏的源泉)uHe held the vie

13、w that poetry “takes its origin fromemotionrecollectedintranquility”.(“诗歌是平静中回忆起来的情感”)uAstolanguageusedinpoetry,headvocatedusingthelanguageofthecommonpeople.uImaginationwasveryimportantinpoeticcreation.Wordsworths writing styleWilliamWordsworthspoemswerefreshinimagination,simple,plainandvividinlangu

14、age.He was especially good at writing about nature andcommonpeople.Hencehewascalledthepoetofnature.His Major Works1.Lyrical Ballads (抒情歌谣集,1798) 2. Lucy Poems(露茜,1799)3. Poems in Two Volume (1807)4.The Excursion(远足,1814)5. The Prelude(序曲,1850)William Wordsworth, with his friendColeridge,collaborated

15、andpublishedthe Lyrical Ballads which marks thebreakwithclassicismandthebeginning of the Romantic revival inEngland.Lyrical BalladsSome of the best poems in the collection are: Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey (丁登寺旁丁登寺旁)Lines Written in Early Spring (早春诗行早春诗行)The Rime of the Ancient Ma

16、riner (古舟子咏古舟子咏; 老水手之行老水手之行) I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (我像一片孤独的云我像一片孤独的云)Wordsworthsprinciplesofpoetry were stated in thePrefacetotheLyrical Ballads,whichservedasthemanifestooftheEnglishRomanticMovementinpoetry.I Wandered Lonely as a CloudI Wandered Lonely as a CloudWilliamWordsworthsIWanderedLon

17、elyasaCloud” is a lyric poem focusing on the poetsresponsetothe beauty of nature.MeterThe lines in the poem are in iambictetrameter, as demonstrated in the thirdstanza:.|beSIDE|themDANCED;|butTHEY.|theSPARK|lingWAVES|inGLEE;.|etCOULD|notBUT|beGAY;.

18、UCH|aJOC|undCOM|paNY:.|andGAZED|butLIT|tleTHOUGHT.|theSHOW|toME|hadBROUGHT:StructureandRhymeThepoemcontainsfourstanzasofsixlineseach.Ineachstanza,thefirstlinerhymeswiththethirdandthesecondwiththefourth.Thestanzathenendswitharhymingcouplet.Wordsworth unifies(使统一) the c

19、ontent of the poem byfocusingthefirstthreestanzasontheexperienceatthelake and the last stanza on the memory of thatexperience.(前三个部分写景,后一部分抒情。)WilliamWordsworthsIWanderedLonelyasaCloud”isalyric poem focusingonthepoetsresponsetothe beauty of nature.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我好似一朵孤独的流云,高高地飘游在山谷之上,突

20、然我看见一大片鲜花,是金色的水仙遍地开放,它们开在湖中,开在树下,它们随风嬉舞,随风波荡。 I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high oer vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze顾子欣顾子欣 译译 Continuous as the stars that shine And tw

21、inkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.它们密集如银河的星星,像群星在闪烁一片晶莹;它们沿着海湾向前伸展,通往远方仿佛无穷无尽;一眼看去就有千朵万朵,万花摇首舞得多么高兴。顾子欣顾子欣 译译 The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves

22、 in glee: A poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company: I gazedand gazedbut little thought What wealth the show to me had brought粼粼湖波也在近旁欢跳,却不如这水仙舞得轻俏;诗人遇见这快乐的旅伴,又怎能不感到欣喜雀跃;我久久凝视却未领悟这景象所给我的精神至宝。顾子欣顾子欣 译译 For oft when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward

23、 eye Which is the bliss of solitude, And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils后来多少次我郁郁独卧,感到百无聊赖,心灵空漠;这景象便在脑海中闪现,多少次安慰过我的寂寞;我的心又随水仙跳起舞来,我的心又重新充满了欢乐。顾子欣顾子欣 译译Analysis“IWanderedLonelyasaCloud”isapoemaboutnature.Withhispure andpoeticlanguage, Wordsworth brings usintoabeautiful

24、worldwheretherearedaffodils,treesandbreeze.Wefollowthepoetateveryturnofhisfeelings.Wesharehismelancholy(忧郁)whenhe“wanderedlonelyasacloud”andhis delight the moment his heart “with pleasure fills ”. Wecometorealizethegreatpowerofnaturethatmayinfluenceourlifedeeplyasrevealedinthepoem.Similarities and D

25、ifferences on Pastoral Poems between Tao Yuanming and WordsworthThey both express their disappointment about the society and the joy after returning to nature, but they hold different views toward nature: Tao unites himself with nature and they become one, whereas Wordsworth holds nature as guidance

26、 to soul and he emphasizes the value of self. Characteristics of Wordsworth Poems & His Achievements William Wordsworth is the leading figure of the English romantic poetry, the focal poetic voice of the period. His is a voice of searchingly comprehensive humanity & one that inspires his audience to

27、 see the world freshly, sympathetically & naturally. The most important contribution he has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry, the poetry of the growing inner self, but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language & by advocating a return to nature. DeathWilliamWordsworthdiedbyre-aggravating(再次加重的)caseofpleurisy(胸膜炎)on23April1850,andwasburiedatSt.OswaldschurchinGrasmere.(格拉斯米尔,英格兰坎布里亚郡格拉斯米尔湖畔一村庄)Gravestone of William Wordsworth



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