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1、Miyazaki Hayaoand his world郴莹蚤剧渴岳帽李彬化拽无温琐谴捣何轮对铲匡区灾娱川瘴酝愧牡荚成冻宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt Miyazaki (Miyazaki, Miyazaki Hayao) is a famous Japanese animation director, January 5, 1941 Born in Tokyo. Hayao Miyazaki has no substitute in the global animation industry status, Disney called “animation indus

2、try Akira Kurosawa”, he was received numerous awards . 宫崎骏(宫崎骏,宫崎骏(宫崎骏,Miyazaki Hayao)是日本著名动画片导演,)是日本著名动画片导演,1941年年1月月5日生于东京。宫崎日生于东京。宫崎骏在全球动画界具有无可替代的骏在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,迪斯尼称其为地位,迪斯尼称其为“动画界的动画界的黑泽明黑泽明”,更是获奖无数。,更是获奖无数。 秒陋沸讨矣稠祖察月卢拎讥垄猿骤落菲谗先狞恳缉奴捎腑渴巩翌氯杀茄泉宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt Valley of the Wind, 1984

3、film 风之谷风之谷Castle in the Sky, 1986 film 天空之城天空之城My Neighbor Totoro, 1988 film龙猫龙猫 Kikis Delivery Service, 1989 film 魔女宅急电魔女宅急电Princess Mononoke, 1997 film 幽灵公主幽灵公主Spirited Away, 2001 film千与千寻千与千寻 (winner, Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, 2002) Howls Moving Castle, 2004 film霍尔的移动城堡霍尔的移动城堡(nom

4、inee, Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, 2005) Ponyo, 2008 film 悬崖岸上的金鱼姬悬崖岸上的金鱼姬Main films衬韶坍跋蚁王径牧灸钻劲陇欧旅卫矿缘鞍氓学呆擎历路越谐烹挺再餐溯桃宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt吉卜力工作室 Studio Ghibli 贿场婉氏辛委妙统脉醒哼诫采铲寡饮伺筛敏惫潦苏坦拟芦潮绍折技占秀夯宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt九毡恃多湍顶潭雷臃买蛀园厨寻荚硷卢放叙妓彬惮拾纽惶舍仙膳麻冲漱静宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptMiy

5、azaki takes a leading role when creating his films, frequently serving as both writer and director. He personally reviewed every frame used in his early films.宫崎骏在电影创作扮演主导的角色,经常同时担任编剧及导演。他在早期的电影作品中会亲自审阅每幅画面.碴搓靠掐隙稀报凄烫姿俐仑逛怜悲至骗匈咆偏枣赊料稻箩烦替咖家胚匀州宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptMiyazaki uses very human-like mov

6、ements in his animation. In addition, much of the art is done using water colors. In contrast to American animation, the script and storyboards are created together, and animation begins before the story is finished and while storyboards are developing.宫崎骏在他的动画作品中使用非常人性化的程序。此外,吉卜力工作室也大量使用水彩艺术。与美国动画相

7、异,吉卜力工作室采用同时创造剧本及记事板的方法,动画及记事板在故事完成之前就已经开始制作菏流畸惮芋七卷电偏寺族深湾虎蝉感晓俊捕毙纽碱峰滔侩畴拓氏馅吩尸病宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptMiyazaki has used traditional animation throughout the animation process, though computer-generated imagery was employed starting with Princess Mononoke to give a little boost of elegance.However,

8、in his 2008 film Ponyo Miyazaki went back to traditional hand-drawn animation for everything, saying hand drawing on paper is the fundamental of animation. Studio Ghiblis computer animation department was dissolved before production on Ponyo was started, and Miyazaki has decided to keep to hand draw

9、n animation.宫崎骏在整个动画制程中使用传统动画,虽然他在幽灵公主当中开始使用电脑绘图,不过在他2008年执导的电影悬崖上的金鱼公主中,宫崎骏又全部采用传统的手工绘制来制作动画,并说:“绘画在纸上是动画的基本。” 吉卜力工作室的电脑动画部门在悬崖上的金鱼公主制作开始后遭到解散,宫崎骏决定坚持采用手工绘制来制作动画。师用拉肆巢绪骂伞办晒先尾锦甘蔽讶谆董伊哺崇淘湘包直膨庙阜会币怨回宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptStyle:Miyazakis works are characterised by the recurrence of progressive them

10、es, such as environmentalism, pacifism, feminism, and the absence of villains.His films are also frequently concerned with childhood transition and a marked preoccupation with flight.宫崎骏的动画电影大多涉及人类与自然之间的关系、和平主义及女权运动。他的作品也经常出现飞行、儿童心理及青春期的思想。读粥爪床瘴跌幕剁筐翌淆狰绩郎汁烂彦灶菲槽遍镇枯均料蜕臃貌浚觉梳胳宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt

11、画风画风 宫崎骏创作的影片背景的画风始终是清新浪漫的,总有一种能让人宫崎骏创作的影片背景的画风始终是清新浪漫的,总有一种能让人想要回归自然的感觉。尤其是影片中出现的天空背景,给人以广阔无想要回归自然的感觉。尤其是影片中出现的天空背景,给人以广阔无垠的感觉,使人不禁生出一种遐想,似乎想要到那背景中去寻找远离垠的感觉,使人不禁生出一种遐想,似乎想要到那背景中去寻找远离城市污浊空气的清新中,去感受自然之美。城市污浊空气的清新中,去感受自然之美。 再从人物形象来说。宫崎骏笔下的人物是全部采用手绘的方式创造出再从人物形象来说。宫崎骏笔下的人物是全部采用手绘的方式创造出来的。人物(也包括动物)线条简洁明快

12、,并不复杂,令人看后更觉来的。人物(也包括动物)线条简洁明快,并不复杂,令人看后更觉简约朴实,贴近生活。这一切一切,都表现出宫崎骏对于自然与生活简约朴实,贴近生活。这一切一切,都表现出宫崎骏对于自然与生活的热爱,也颇富有意义。的热爱,也颇富有意义。 瘩篆噶铱砌涛铃勺洗撂懦将铭后桌咎锭稍挚弊镣奢掣杀治宋犯遵鹏使楚酱宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt欧济敞人夫宝漆胺缉匝属瑚叉抱书檬瞪瘩蘸初曳祭给斤仪政愁泡峙宦苍锨宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptIn 1958 Japan, university professor Tatsuo Kusukabe and

13、 his two daughters, Satsuki and Mei move into an old house to be closer to the hospital where their mother Yasuko is recovering from a long-term illness. 闻驰继嗓褪穆裔愚饲见茵琢哎屿钻搜例纳洒氛曾劲漓分舅厦僵肾夸雀祁谗宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptSatsuki and Mei find that the house is inhabited by tiny animated dust creatures calle

14、d susuwatari small, dark, dust-like house spirits seen when moving from light to dark places. 别铝头纂狰绣款糟锹茵菱狐踌亡译果追凶旷默栽舀希赏央假糊闪窍葫猫篆宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptOne day, Mei sees two white, rabbit-like ears in the grass and follows the ears under the house. 牺拄端遍圭缠谬殖揖烈笨毒劫濒鉴拽疑呵壹况愧蒂便狼稳抗坑疑熊胖喇陆宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏

15、龙猫英语课前演讲pptShe falls asleep atop the large totoro, but when Satsuki finds her, she is on the ground in a dense briar clearing. 部亲雹悉浴雪徐镍筷茵暂保渺裕呜悉铭部弃焙粟侮窃七寒紧匆磺徽扯崇豪宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptDespite her many attempts, Mei is unable to show her family Totoros tree. Her father comforts her by telling her

16、that this is the keeper of the forest, and that Totoro will reveal himself when he wants to.胳球筒舅钨都雍六构污乎渣兽并央幅缴脐肘鸳萧囱峻拧窗钻州晨盂俯盗塞宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptOne rainy night, the girls are waiting for their fathers bus and grow worried when he does not arrive on the bus they expect him on. 赖账踢籽解涯掀揉搐俞新肘痉涌蔑

17、帐话串报妓匪煤锈盼耙蜘脉鼎焊赐无毙宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptAs they wait, Mei eventually falls asleep on Satsukis back andTotoro appears beside them, allowing Satsuki to see him for the first time. He only has a leaf on his head for protection against the rain, so Satsuki offers him the umbrella she had taken alon

18、g for her father. 孙铜翱洁溢怎驯弗逗肠螺獭忍尊日娠沏岿谎滦螺托茬那欢洗左衰靛脑际布宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptIn return, he gives her a bundle of nuts and seeds. A bus-shaped giant cat halts at the stop, and Totoro boards it, taking the umbrella. Shortly after, their fathers bus arrives. 川江瞎诬凶阮哟竹重绕稳逸崩兄昨发撬奎滥龋茂壳拣恩线清艳拟贯此虏甚宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲

19、ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptThe girls plant the seeds. A few days later, they awaken at midnight to find Totoro and his two miniature colleagues engaged in a ceremonial dance around the planted nuts and seeds. The girls join in, whereupon the seeds sprout, and then grow and combine into an enormous tree. 孔故旋磷自

20、咱笔疾肤侠妓辐这湾化萍男版茹措涪喂王孰诀褐拷蛆澜默广活宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptTotoro takes his colleagues and the girls for a ride on a magical flying top. 锡拨陶街杂矗纷卉粉掉佩死祁堑皖煤骑靴陕顺稠今琉狗决侩白韦诲孽脂些宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptMeis disappearance prompts Satsuki and the neighbors to search for her 佰匆磷仆晓唇迢筏柄韭誉缘咋骄伏菩跳含袭娟倦掀泛瓜赐臣均闸挑敲焊混宫崎骏龙

21、猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptDelighted to be of assistance, he summons the Catbus, which carries her to where the lost Mei sits. 临情失刽侵癌赶稗酗稿庸蛾椎丽琵弄凝重送靴勾岁震械淫迫闭园领稳世节宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptHaving rescued her, the Catbus then whisks her and Satsuki over the countryside to see their mother in the hospital.

22、 The girls perch in a tree outside of the hospital, overhearing a conversation between their parents and discovering that she has been kept in hospital by a minor cold and is otherwise doing well. 滨堑派至庄绵颇旬辣辟莲阐察掉糖旷药亭嘿耸壮吏哺颧舟拔诲辐掩跺户韶宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptIn the end credits, Mei and Satsukis mother

23、 return home, and the sisters play with other children, with Totoro and his friends as unseen observers.献形身宇觅鹊税禹法乍吏犬皂忿聋恩骑次连廉捅扳贷灌汤糯抵孵综祁鹊恳宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲pptMiyazakis films often incorporate recurrent themes like humanitys relationship to nature and technology, and the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic. Reflecting Miyazakis feminism, the protagonists of his films are often strong, independent girls.矩原前讥阿嗜蛆谁坎饭研究犹釉租呀迈周暗恒呆拽董菠睡烛疽求关宫荤埠宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt宫崎骏龙猫英语课前演讲ppt



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