现代大学英语精读4 第二版 unit1 Thinking as a Hobby

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1、 Thinking as a HobbyWilliam GoldingR einforcementT ext AnalysisThinking as a HobbyB ackgroundW arming upUnit1Questions / ActivitiesCheck-on PreviewObjectivesWBTRThinking as a HobbyUnit1WarmingupWarming upQuestions/ActivitiesFirst, lets THINK about the title for a while:ppWhat do you do for a hobby?W

2、hat do you do for a hobby?ppWhat does a hobby mean for you?What does a hobby mean for you?ppWhat does the author mean by saying “thinking as a hobby”?What does the author mean by saying “thinking as a hobby”?ppWhat kind of content did you expect or predict with such a title?What kind of content did

3、you expect or predict with such a title?ppHas the text met your expectation or has it given you a Has the text met your expectation or has it given you a surprise? Do you like the text?surprise? Do you like the text?ppHave Have youyou ever considered thinking as a hobby? ever considered thinking as

4、a hobby? WBTRCheck-onPreview(1)Definition:Argument flagged. (Para. 26)I was given the third degree to find out what had happened. (Para. 28)WBTRWarming upParaphrase: If either happened to be prominent in current affairs, no argument could make Mr. Houghton think well of it. (Para. 21)Grade-two think

5、ing, though it filled life with fun and excitement, did not make for content. (Para. 29)Warming upCheck-onPreview(2)ObjectivesContent: Understand the authors classification of three grades of thinkingSummarize the characteristics of each grade of thinkingComment on the authors classificationSolve yo

6、ur own questions about the storyWriting & LanguageAppreciate the use of humor, sarcasm, and exaggerationAnalyze the rhetorical devices used: similes, metaphors; metonymy, parallelism, etc. WBTRWarming upBackgroundMemorable QuotesAuthorBWTRThinking as a HobbyUnit1BackgroundAuthorBWTR,“His work is cha

7、racterized by exploration of the darkness of mans heart, deep spiritual and ethical questions.”William Golding (1911 1993), British writer,1983 Nobel Prize WinnerBackgroundAuthorHisInfluenceBWTRAt the Nobel Prize ReceptionTwenty-five years ago I accepted the label pessimist thoughtlessly without rea

8、lising that it was going to be tied to my tail Critics have dug into my books until they could come up with something that looked hopeless. I cant think why. I dont feel hopeless myself Under some critical interrogation I named myself a universal pessimist but a cosmic optimist”To listen to his Nobe

9、l lecture, please visit http:/nobelprize.org/literature/laureates/1983/golding-lecture.html BackgroundHisWorksAuthorBWTRHis most well-known work: Lord of the Flies (1954)About a group of small British boys who lapse into violence after they have been stranded on a desert island and lost all adult gu

10、idance. Ironically the adult world is devastated by nuclear war. Human nature is inherently corruptible and wicked ?Some other works198019951964AuthorBackgroundLearningwithoutthoughtislaborlost.- ConfuciusManisbutareed,themostfeeblethinginnature,butheisathinkingreed(一株会思考的芦苇一株会思考的芦苇).- Blaise Pascal

11、Readingfurnishesthemindonlywithmaterialsofknowledge;itisthinkingthatmakeswhatwereadours.- John LockeEducationisthemethodicalcreationofthehabitofthinking.- Ernest DimneWhat do people say about THINKING?BackgroundMemorableQuotesDetailedAnalysisStructureThemeThinking as a HobbyUnit1TextAnalysisTWBRText

12、 AnalysisThemeWhat is the central idea of the text?Who was the author addressing to?What was his purpose?TWBRText AnalysisStructureTWBR The first part: p1-15 The second part: p16-24 The third part:p25-29IntroductionGrade-two thinking The fourth part:p30-35Grade-one thinkingGrade-three thinkingText A

13、nalysisDetailedAnalysisComprehension QsStudents ActivitiesWords & ExpressionsExercisePart I Part II Part III Part IV TWBRText AnalysisDetailedAnalysisSection I(Para. 1 Para. 15)At the headmasters officeText AnalysisDetailedAnalysisDont you ever think at all?Then youd better learn hadnt you?Thats wha

14、t a man looks like when hes really thinking.Text AnalysisDetailedAnalysisWhywasheafrequentvisitortotheheadmastersstudy?Whatwouldhedowhenhefoundhimselfinapenalpositionbeforetheheadmastersdesk?Whatwouldheseewhenhewasdemandedtolookup?Howdidhedescribethethreestatuettes? Text AnalysisDetailedAnalysisComp

15、rehension QsDidhechangehisidealater?Whycouldnthecommunicatewiththeheadmaster?Whatwastheconclusionhecametointheend?Canyoubrieflyintroducethetwocharacters:theheadmaster&theboy?Text AnalysisDetailedAnalysisFor Further ThoughtIn the original essay, Golding mentioned he later changed the positions of the

16、 three statuettes and also told us if he had had chance again, he would rearranged them in a different way. Besides the humorous effect, does it imply anything else? How would you arrange the three statuettes?Text AnalysisDetailedAnalysisStatuette (para. 2)Nothing but: only (para. 2)Lest (subjunctiv

17、e mood in its clause) (para. 2)In a position to: to be able to do (para. 2)Next to (para. 2)Being natural (para. 3)If anything: on the contrary (para. 4)endowwith(para. 15)“there + be” patternPart I words & expressions DetailedAnalysisText AnalysisPartIExerciseFillintheblanks:He did not tell his fat

18、her about the exam _ he get mad at him.The two tall buildings used to stand right _ each other.He is not known for his generosity. He is, _, quite miserly.While Im unemployed, Im _ to support a family.All men are created equal. They are _ by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. lestnext to

19、 if anything in no positionendowedDetailedAnalysisText AnalysisSection II(Para. 16 24)Grade-three ThinkingText AnalysisDetailedAnalysisMr. HoughtonNow, boys! Deep breaths! Feel it right down inside you huge draughts of Gods good air!He would stand before us, put his hands on his waist and take a tre

20、mendous breath. You could hear the wind, trapped in his chest and struggling with all the unnatural impediments. His body would reel with shock and his face go white at the unaccustomed visitation. He would stagger back to his desk and collapse there, useless for the rest of the morning.Text Analysi

21、sDetailedAnalysisComprehension QsWhat kind of person was Mr. Houghton?What kind of person was Mr. Houghton?WhatheclaimedTelling me to thinkHe had thought a bit himself.Always talking about the clean life and the virtues of fresh air.High-minded monologues about the good life, sexless and full of dut

22、y.WhathedidHeavy drinkingHealth ruinedUnaccustomed to fresh airWatching girls out of sightSettled detestation of France & AmericaDetailedAnalysisText AnalysisWhat is grade-three thinking?How did the author deal with grade-three thinkers at first?Did he changed his idea about this group of people lat

23、er? What do you think happened with his encounter with the pious lady?Text AnalysisDetailedAnalysisStudents activityText AnalysisDetailedAnalysisSimulate a conversation between the author & the “pious lady.”Golding seemed to regard the mass as unthinking cows who only wanted to follow the crowd or j

24、ump on the bandwagon. What do you think of his attitude towards mass wisdom?What do you think of mass wisdom?Food for thoughtDetailedAnalysisText Analysisthe virtues of fresh air (para.16)be given to(para. 20)be exalted by (para. 17): oratory (para.17)(cf. oral, orally, orator, oration)turn of itsel

25、f (para. 20): come to a settled detestation (para. 21): confront sb. with/about sth.(para.24)Part II words & expressionsDetailedAnalysisText AnalysisTranslate the following sentences into English, using words in the brackets.他在赞扬互联网的长处。(virtue)我们必须乐观地面对未来。(confront)她惯于用尖酸刻薄语言挖苦人。(given)莎士比亚的抒情诗激发了听众

26、的想像力。(exalt)DetailedAnalysisText AnalysisPart II ExerciseSection III(Para. 25 29)Grade-two thinkingDetailedAnalysisText AnalysisWhat is grade-two thinking? What kind of follies and contradictions did the author detect?What did he realize after his failed romance with Ruth?Text AnalysisDetailedAnalys

27、isComprehension QsDetailedAnalysisText AnalysisThere were an awful lot of Methodists, and they couldnt be wrong, could they not all those millions?If we were counting heads, the Buddhists were the boys for my money.The combination of my arm & thosecountless Buddhists was too much for her.Retell the

28、story of Ruth in your own words.Students activityDetailedAnalysisText Analysisstampede n. & v.(para. 25)literally inspired (para. 26)(cf. respire, conspire, expire) make for (para. 29)DetailedAnalysisText AnalysisPart III words & expressionsTranslate:The larger print makes for easier reading. (E-C)正

29、在加大的贫富差距不利于社会稳定。(C-E)DetailedAnalysisText AnalysisPart III ExerciseSection IV(Para. 30 35)Grade-one thinkingText AnalysisDetailedAnalysisFisch.Fisch. Ja. Ja.Heres a real grade-one thinker! How I aspire to them!DetailedAnalysisText AnalysisWhy did the author decide to become a grade-one thinker?What

30、were the benefits and costs of his grade-one thinking? What happened to his hobby in the end?Text AnalysisDetailedAnalysisComprehension QsWhat was the authors system of living like? What is your system of living like?Mini-DiscussionDetailedAnalysisText Analysisaspireto(para.30)bestoftimes(para.31)co

31、meupwith(para.31)standtogain/lose(para.33)Text AnalysisDetailedAnalysisPart III words & expressionsFillintheblanks:If the dispute is settled in her favor, she _ to gain $200,000.The girl was not pretty _ but after shed been crying she looked really ugly.Scientists will have to _ new methods of incre

32、asing the worlds good supply.It was clear that Mrs Thatcher _ to the leadership of the party.DetailedAnalysisText AnalysisPart III ExerciseRWBTThinking as a HobbyUnit1ReinforcementRecap Recap DiscussionDiscussionRecap: ContentRecapIts not true!What you said is self-contradictory!Look, I dont care wh

33、at everybody says.heres the truth!I think so, because they all say so!Grade-threeGrade-twoGrade-oneReinforcementRecap: Stylistic featuresuse of humor, sarcasm, exaggeration (examples from portrayal of Mr. Houghton)use of parallel structures(examples?)use of simile & metaphor (examples?)use of metonymy (转喻) substitution of the name of an attribute of a thing for the name of the thing itself eg. DetailedAnalysisReinforcementReinforcementDiscussionWorkingroupsoffour: What has impressed you most in this text? What kind of thinker are you? How can we develop a habit of thinking? RWBT



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