Unit 4 Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language

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《Unit 4 Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、语语篇篇理理解解课课时时跟跟踪踪检检测测Unit 4Unit 4Section Section 语言点一语言点一语言点二语言点二语言点三语言点三识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实返回返回返回返回.Read the text and then choose the best answers.1What is the most expensive gift in the list?AA well and water pump.BTwenty tree seedlings.CA truck

2、library.DSchool books.2When you want to give child vaccinations against 6 killer diseases, you must send _.A$50 B$20C$8 D$85返回3The purpose of the Internet Page is to _.Alet people give an unusual gift to the poorBlet people get an unusual cardClet people learn something usefulDlet people make money4

3、You can use the card for the following occasions except _.Aanniversaries BbirthdaysCburials Dweddings返回5Where can you probably read the article?AIn the newspaper. BIn the magazine.COn TV. DOn the Internet.答案:答案:15ABACD返回.Read the text carefully and fill in the form.The use of the gift For some of th

4、e worlds 1. To bring hope for a better future to a community 2. What you get if you purchase an itemAn attractive 3. for you to send to your special personItems of some gifts20 tree 4. school books, water for a family, oxen for ploughing, a(n) 5. librarypoorestin needseedlings,trunkcard返回返回(一一)根据英文根

5、据英文释义及首字母提示写出及首字母提示写出单词1 a person who travels in a spacecraft2 yearly return of the date of an event, celebration of this3 part of a plant from which a new plant of the same kind can grow4 to make a slight short sound5 private or specialized hospitalastronautanniversaryseedclickclinic返回(二二)根据根据词性和性和

6、汉语意思写出意思写出单词6 vt.捐捐赠 n捐献;捐捐献;捐赠 n捐捐赠者者7 adj.自愿的;志愿的;无自愿的;志愿的;无偿的的 n志愿者志愿者 8 n公牛公牛 (pl.) 9 adj.政治的;政党的政治的;政党的 n政治政治donatedonationdonatorvoluntaryvolunteeroxoxenpoliticspolitical返回10 vt.分配;分分配;分发 n分配;分分配;分发;分布状;分布状态11 vi.工作;运工作;运转 vt. 操作操作 n操作;操作;手手术12 vt.& n买;购买 n买方;方;购买者者13 n安全;保安全;保护;保障;保障 adj.安全的;

7、安全的;可靠的可靠的distributedistributionoperateoperationpurchasepurchasersecuritysecure返回1donate vt.捐捐赠教材教材P34原句原句Would you like to donate an unusual gift?你是否想要捐献一份特殊的礼物?你是否想要捐献一份特殊的礼物?(1)donate . to .把把捐赠给捐赠给donate blood/organs 献血献血/捐器官捐器官(2)donation C 捐赠物捐赠物 U 捐赠;赠送捐赠;赠送make a donation/donations to .向向捐赠捐

8、赠(3)donator n. 捐赠者捐赠者返回It is reported that Zhang Ziyi has donated a large sum of money to charity.据据报道章子怡已向慈善机构捐道章子怡已向慈善机构捐赠了一大笔了一大笔钱。All the teachers and schoolmates to the nation annually.全校全校师生每年都向国家献血。生每年都向国家献血。The businessman made a donation of a lot of money to my school.那个商人那个商人给我校捐了很多我校捐了很多钱

9、。donate blood返回2purchase教材教材P34原句原句When you purchase an item, we will send you an attractive card for you to send to your special person.你你选购一份礼物一份礼物时,我,我们都会都会给你提供一你提供一张精美的卡片,精美的卡片,让你送你送给你的某个特殊的人。你的某个特殊的人。(1)vt.买;购买purchase sth.(from sb.)(向某人向某人)购买购买返回Where did you purchase your new coat? It looks g

10、ood you.你在哪儿你在哪儿买的的这件新外套?穿在你身上很漂亮。件新外套?穿在你身上很漂亮。You can purchase the equipment from the local supplier.你可以向当地的供你可以向当地的供应商商购买这种种设备。返回(2)n.C,U买;购买; C购买的的东西西You simply use your card .只要用只要用银行卡就直接行卡就直接购买东西。西。to make a purchase返回3distribute vt.分配;分分配;分发The young man distributed leaflets to passersby.这个年个

11、年轻人向行人分人向行人分发传单。The teacher distributed the pupils into three groups.老老师把学生分成三把学生分成三组。返回distribute sth.to/among 把把分成分成distribute .into . 把某物分配把某物分配/发给返回4operate教材教材P35原句原句This gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary schools that operate in poor or remote villages.这

12、份礼物包含了支援份礼物包含了支援贫困或偏困或偏远山村社区小学的山村社区小学的练习本本和和课本的本的费用。用。(1)vi.工作;运工作;运转;动手手术operate well/badly 运转运转/经营好经营好/坏坏operate on sb.(for sth.) (因因)给某人动手术给某人动手术返回Some people can only operate well under pressure.有些人在有些人在压力下才工作得好。力下才工作得好。Well have to the little girl without delay.我我们得立刻得立刻给这个小女孩个小女孩动手手术。operate o

13、n返回(2)vt.操作;操作;经营Young as he is, he operates the company very well.尽管他很年尽管他很年轻,却把公司,却把公司经营得很好。得很好。The man who cant operate a machine.开工厂的那个人不会操作机器。开工厂的那个人不会操作机器。operates a factory返回operation n运作;运转;操作运作;运转;操作do/perform an operation on sb. (for sth.) (因因)给某人做手术给某人做手术be in operation 在经营中;在运转中在经营中;在运转中

14、come into operation 开始工作;生效开始工作;生效put sth.into operation 使使开始运作开始运作The school has been in operation for many years.这个学校已建校多年了。个学校已建校多年了。返回点此进入返回返回1fall in love 爱上上2be married sb. 和某人和某人结婚婚3find 查明;弄清明;弄清(情况情况)4have knowledge 了解了解5do some research 研究研究6bring hope . 为带来希望来希望withtooutofonto返回7 need 在困在

15、困难中;在危急中中;在危急中8 hungry 挨挨饿9provide oneself 自自给自足自足10become aware 意意识到到11benefit 受益于受益于ingoforoffrom返回in need在困在困难中;在危急中中;在危急中教材教材P34原句原句Choose from this catalogue a really useful gift for some of the worlds poorest and bring hope for a better future to a community in need.从从这份清份清单中中选择一份确一份确实有用的礼物,送有

16、用的礼物,送给世界上最世界上最穷苦的人,苦的人,给急需帮助的社区急需帮助的社区带去改善未来的希望。去改善未来的希望。返回We are collecting money for families in need.我我们正在正在为有困有困难的家庭募捐。的家庭募捐。Is he often offered help when he is in need of help?他需要帮助的他需要帮助的时候,有人候,有人经常主常主动提供帮助提供帮助吗?They will offer more books to satisfy/meet the students needs.他他们将提供更多的将提供更多的书来来满

17、足学生的需求。足学生的需求。There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.你明天不必早起。你明天不必早起。返回in need of . satisfy/meet ones needs There is no need to do sth. 需要需要满足某人的需要足某人的需要没必要干某事没必要干某事返回点此进入返回返回1句型展示句型展示She was dying to see him again but what if he didnt want to see her?她渴望再她渴望再见他一面,但是如果他不想他一面,但是如果他不想见她怎么她怎

18、么办?典例背典例背诵What if we cant finish the work tomorrow?要是我要是我们明天完不成作明天完不成作业怎么怎么办?返回2句型展示句型展示The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.你送的礼物不是你送的礼物不是给你所你所爱的人留念的,而是的人留念的,而是给那些的确那些的确有需要的人的一有需要的人的一项生活上的无生活上的无偿捐助。捐助。典例背

19、典例背诵I found that high school life is not so boring, but colorful.我我发现高中生活并不是那么索然无味,而是多姿多彩。高中生活并不是那么索然无味,而是多姿多彩。返回3句型展示句型展示Just 20% more produce will mean the difference between sickness and health, between families going hungry and families providing for themselves.仅仅提高提高20%的的产量就意味着会量就意味着会对人的患病与健康,家

20、人的患病与健康,家庭庭饥饿与自足与自足产生影响。生影响。典例背典例背诵Do you know the boy swimming in the river?你你认识那个在河里游泳的男孩那个在河里游泳的男孩吗?返回4句型展示句型展示They are easy and fun for children to care for.孩子孩子们照看它照看它们既既轻松又有趣。松又有趣。典例背典例背诵These questions are difficult for little children to reply to.这些些问题对小孩子小孩子们而言很而言很难回答。回答。返回1She was dying to

21、 see him again but what if he didnt want to see her?她渴望再她渴望再见他一面,但是如果他不想他一面,但是如果他不想见她怎么她怎么办?句中句中what what should she do, if引引导条件状条件状语从句。从句。what if意意为“倘使倘使将会怎将会怎样;即使;即使又有什么关系又有什么关系”。返回What if he gets angry? Im a little worried.倘若他生气倘若他生气该怎么怎么办?我有点儿担心。?我有点儿担心。Weve already ordered a table. What if they

22、 do not come?我我们已已经定好了位子。要是他定好了位子。要是他们不来不来该怎么怎么办呢?呢? this time? I can do it better next time.即使即使这次我失次我失败了又会怎么了又会怎么样?下次我能做得更好。?下次我能做得更好。点津点津What if .?可?可还原原为What would happen if .?此?此时须用虚用虚拟语气;气; What if .?也可?也可还原原为What does it matter if .?这时则多用多用陈述述语气。气。What if I fail返回what for .为为目的目的what about ./

23、how about 怎么样怎么样(表建议表建议)How come? 怎么回事?怎么回事?So what? 那又怎么样?那又怎么样? going to the cinema tonight? A new film is on show.今天晚上去看今天晚上去看电影怎么影怎么样?有一部新?有一部新电影正在上演。影正在上演。I hate you talking during our class.我我讨厌你在你在课上上说话。So what?那又怎那又怎样?What about返回2Just 20% more produce will mean the difference between sickne

24、ss and health, between families going hungry and families providing for themselves.仅仅提高提高20%的的产量就意味着会量就意味着会对人的患病与健康、家庭人的患病与健康、家庭饥饿与自足与自足产生影响。生影响。“going hungry” “providing for themselves”现在分在分词作定作定语,修,修饰名名词“families”。Dont touch the boiling water, or youll be burnt.别碰那沸开的水,否碰那沸开的水,否则你会被你会被烫伤的。的。返回Make

25、 less noise.Theres a sleeping child.少弄出点噪音,有个孩子在睡少弄出点噪音,有个孩子在睡觉。Those the club should sign here. Those who wish to join the club should sign here.那些想加入那些想加入这个俱个俱乐部的部的应在在这儿儿签字。字。wishing to join返回点津点津现在分在分词与所修与所修饰的名的名词之之间是主是主谓关系。若与所关系。若与所修修饰的名的名词之之间是是动宾关系,关系,则用用过去分去分词作后置定作后置定语。Everybody attended the meeting .所有的人都参加了上星期所有的人都参加了上星期举行的会行的会议。held last week返回点此进入返回点此进入



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