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1、Essay writing:1.Paragraph writing2.Narrative writing 3.exposition writing4.Argumentative writing1.Paragraph writing1.1 topic sentence1.2 supporting sentence1.3 ending sentence1.4 如何写好段落如何写好段落1.1 topic sentence1.1.1写好主题句应注意以下方写好主题句应注意以下方面:面:a. 必须是一个完整的句子表达必须是一个完整的句子表达一个完整的主导思想一个完整的主导思想b. 内容必须清楚、具体、准确

2、内容必须清楚、具体、准确Eg: (1)“Internet is important”“Internet brings a lot of benefits to us .”(2) “To improve English proficiency, one needs to acquire some skills” “To improve reading ability, one needs to acquire reading skills”(3) They moved to a new apartment last week.c. 一个段落只能有一个主题、一个中心一个段落只能有一个主题、一个中心

3、d. 最好置于段首最好置于段首Example1: I didnt like the idea of visiting Calabria. Calabria is a dangerous place. Strangers are not welcome there. Of all strangers, the least welcome are the French (I am French). There are many stories about French men and women who came to a bad end in Calabria.Example2:American

4、s have many superstitions. In some buildings there is no thirteenth floor because the number thirteen is unlucky. Also, you should never walk under a ladder or you will have bad luck. Breaking a mirror will also give you bad luck. If you spill salt, you need to throw some over your left shoulder or

5、you will have bad luck again. However, seeing a rainbow means good luck in the future and having an itchy nose means that good luck is coming your way.1.2 supporting sentences1.2.1.扩展句的特点扩展句的特点:A. 清晰有说服力B. 具有条理性、连贯性、逻辑性1.2.3. 写好扩展句的方法写好扩展句的方法WhyBecause(设问解答法)1.2.2.扩展句的分类扩展句的分类A.主要扩展句B.次要扩展句1.2.4.扩展手

6、段扩展手段/方式方式WhyBecause(设问设问解解答法)详解:答法)详解:主题句主题句:Internet does bring us a lot of benefits.设问设问(why):Why can we say that internet brings us a lot of benefits?解答解答(because):Because:internet shortens the distance of countries and people.Because:internet plays an important educational role.Because:internet

7、 provides job and business chances.Because:internet brings people a colorful life.注:注:对以上对以上4方面进一步使用此法扩展,方面进一步使用此法扩展,把把4个个because换成适当的连接词,如:换成适当的连接词,如:first, second,;besides; in addition; and whats more等等,就组成了一个完整的等等,就组成了一个完整的段落。段落。Practice:主题句主题句:Ever since early last century, electricity has becom

8、e an essential part of our modern life.设问设问(why):解答(解答(because):Why can we say that electricity has become an essential part of our modern life.Because:industrial and agricultural production depends on it to run various kinds of machines.Because:modern computers work on electricity.Because:electrici

9、ty provides light, heat and power for us.Because:when we want to watch TV or films or to listen to radio, we needs it.连接起来就组成了一个完整的段落。连接起来就组成了一个完整的段落。Ever since early last century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life. Our industrial and agricultural production depends on it t

10、o run various kinds of machines. And the modern computers work on electricity. Besides, it provideslight, heat and power for us. If we want to watch TV or films or to listen to radio, we needs it. So nobody can deny that the development of our civilization depends on electricity.1.2.4.扩展手段扩展手段/方式方式四

11、级作文中常见的段落展开方式有:四级作文中常见的段落展开方式有:列举法列举法举例法举例法定义法定义法比较比较/对比法对比法因果法因果法分类法分类法叙述法叙述法综合法综合法列举法列举法最常见于议论文。列举时常使用以下关联词,使段落条理清晰、最常见于议论文。列举时常使用以下关联词,使段落条理清晰、层次分明层次分明。有有:First(ly), second(ly), third(ly),finally;One, another, still another;First of all, also, then, next;For one thing, for another;In the first pl

12、ace, in the second place, in the .place;Furthermore; whats more; besides; in additionOn one hand , on the other handExampleThere are some advantages of telephones. The first is speed and the second is directness. If you want to get an immediate connection, it is obviously quicker to phone someone ra

13、ther than to write a letter. Another advantage is that the telephone can give you a personal feeling. If you want to get in contact with a friend, you feel much closer to them when you are talking to them on the telephone, whereas in a letter, the words you write down are rather impersonal.举例法举例法用实例

14、(事实、数据)说明主题的方法。常用以下关联词:用实例(事实、数据)说明主题的方法。常用以下关联词:For example; for instance; take for exampleA case in point; such as; take as an illustrationEspecially; in particular; Namely; that is to say; in other wordsExampleIn recent years, many Chinese schools and colleges have been suffering an acute shortag

15、e of teaching staff. According to a study, there are 100 candidates competing for every vacancy in big companies,whereas there are only ten applicants for a school where one teacher might be needed.定义法定义法常见于说明文的方法。常见于说明文的方法。 Example:What is money? Money is a means. It is means of exchange. A means i

16、s a thing, material or method which helps us to carry out a purpose. It is something that helps to make other things possible. It enables us to exchange goods and services. Things valued in terms of money become commodities, which can be bought and sold.比较比较/对比法对比法2条途径:条途径:(1)先叙述完一件事,再叙述另一件事,找出异同)先叙

17、述完一件事,再叙述另一件事,找出异同即:即: A(1), A(2), A(3) B(1), B(2), B(3)(2)两件事情两件事情/事物同时一点一点进行比较事物同时一点一点进行比较即:即: A(1), B(1) A(2), B(2) A(3) B(3) 用于比较用于比较/对比法的关联词有:对比法的关联词有:But; however; otherwise; likewise; similarlyConversely; instead; yet; unlike; neverthelessIn/by contrast; in/by comparison; Compared with/toOn t

18、he contrary; on the other handRather than; in the same way因果法因果法2条途径:条途径:(1)先果后因)先果后因(2)先因后果先因后果常见的表因果的关联词:常见的表因果的关联词:So, therefore, accordingly, hence, thus, consequently, as a result, result inSince, because (of), thanks to, due to, owing to, for this reason, on account of, on that account, on the

19、 grounds of, one reason whyis that .ExampleI was two minutes late for work that day. When I entered the office and said “good morning, sir” to the boss, he shouted to me, “you were late the day before yesterday. You were late yesterday. Dont you have a watch?” when I tried to explain to him, he walk

20、ed out, slamming the door behind him. Later in the afternoon, I was told that the boss had decided to dock my bonus that month. What a terrible boss!分类法分类法Example:There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the standards sets and best-sellers-unread, untouched. The second has a great man

21、y books - a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. The third has a few books or many叙述法叙述法三种途径:三种途径:1.时间法时间法2.即按事件发生的先后顺序展开。记叙文和说明文。关联词有:即按事件发生的先后顺序展开。记叙文和说明文。关联词有:First, second, third, .; then, next, later, afterwards; mea

22、nwhile; recently; soon; at first; days/years laterAfter a few days/months/years2. 空间法空间法描写文,记叙文,说明文中用于描述一个地点或空间描写文,记叙文,说明文中用于描述一个地点或空间关联词有:关联词有:Above; under; nearby; far from; Beyond; next to ; close to; In front of; behind; inside; outsideOn the right/left3. 按过程或步骤展开 科技文章和说明文。 常用关联词:First, second,

23、third, then, next,after that, finally;1.3 如何写好结尾句如何写好结尾句:1. 与主题句相呼应。与主题句相呼应。 Eg: Science and mathematics are becoming increasingly important in our life. . So no matter what field one is in, it is important to study these two subjects.2. 作全段的总结作全段的总结可用以下词:可用以下词:So; therefore; thus; in sum; to sum up

24、, .etc四、六级最佳写作格式四、六级最佳写作格式“三段式三段式”=开头段开头段 +中间段中间段 + 结尾结尾段段1.4 写好段落原则:写好段落原则:1.4.1 突出主题突出主题1.4.2 阐述清晰阐述清晰1.4.3 重述主题重述主题1.4.1 突出主题突出主题(开头段开头段)写好文章的开头写好文章的开头原则:原则:A.开篇点题、开门见山开篇点题、开门见山B.吸引读者、易于展开吸引读者、易于展开Example 1:As is known to all, internet does bring a lot of benefits to us. First, .特点:开门见山,易于展开特点:开门

25、见山,易于展开Example 2:Failure and success are an inevitable part of daily life. Some people are eager for success and hate failure. However, as far as I am concerned, we should treat failure and success in the same way. .特点:易于展开特点:易于展开开头的写作方法:开头的写作方法:A. 开门见山:开门见山: 即:开篇就提出一个观点作为文章即:开篇就提出一个观点作为文章要阐明和论述的主题要

26、阐明和论述的主题Eg: There are several reasons why I want to go to college. First of all, B.引用名言谚语引用名言谚语Eg: (1) Deng Xiaoping said, “Science and technology is the first productive”(2) As we all know, money can make the mare go. .C. 通过设问通过设问即通过提出问题引出文章内容,吸引读者注意力即通过提出问题引出文章内容,吸引读者注意力Eg: What is a family? To mo

27、st people family means mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandparents and uncles and aunts. But for some people, family meansD. 数据引证数据引证:详实的数据更能征服读者详实的数据更能征服读者此方法多用于图表式作文。此方法多用于图表式作文。As the table/chart shows, It can be seen from the table/chart thatE. 对比、比较对比、比较Eg: Some people think/say that , whil

28、e others say/claim that . In my opinion, .1.4.2 阐述清晰阐述清晰(中间段)(中间段)中间段是全文的主体,是阐述说理部分。因此,中间段是全文的主体,是阐述说理部分。因此,作文中,中间段一定要做到:作文中,中间段一定要做到:1)保持一致性)保持一致性:与主题思想无关的句子和细节不能出现与主题思想无关的句子和细节不能出现Eg 1: Driving in the city is getting more and more difficult. It is much easier to drive in the suburbs. The traffic i

29、s too heavy because of the great number of trucks, buses and cars. The people simply walk on the streets and pay no attention to the traffic lights. There are always roads being repaired somewhere. Eg 2: Falling in love for the first time is a very weird experience.(1)One finds it difficult to conce

30、ntrate and starts daydreaming about the last date and conversation.(2)People have no reason to avoid falling in love even though it may be painful.(3)Suddenly Is almost impossible to sleep at night.(4)Quite often one loses the appetite for food.2)保持连贯性和条理性)保持连贯性和条理性:即段落中句子的安排要符合一定的条理和逻辑顺序。即段落中句子的安排要

31、符合一定的条理和逻辑顺序。 句子间要衔接句子间要衔接紧密,过渡自然流畅。紧密,过渡自然流畅。 方法:方法:A.按一定的逻辑顺序安排细节按一定的逻辑顺序安排细节a.时间顺序时间顺序b.空间顺序空间顺序c.演绎法(演绎法(最常见的最常见的议论文议论文写作方法写作方法)Eg: English is among the most difficult subjects to learn. First, Second, . Finally, .d. 归纳法归纳法(常用于说理性文章常用于说理性文章)B. 使用适当的连接手段使用适当的连接手段微观方面的连贯需要借助以下手段:微观方面的连贯需要借助以下手段:使用

32、恰当的关联词;使用恰当的关联词;使用代词代替前面提到过的人或物;使用代词代替前面提到过的人或物;使用平行结构。使用平行结构。 如:如:If ., .; If ., .When , .; when , .1.4.3 重述主题重述主题(结尾段)(结尾段)写好结尾段的方法:写好结尾段的方法:1)概括归纳:)概括归纳:即对全文内容进行归纳,再次突出主即对全文内容进行归纳,再次突出主题,与手段呼应题,与手段呼应。 常用到:常用到:In short, in sum, in a word, in conclusion, all in all, to sum up, to summarize2)提出建议或展望

33、或号召:)提出建议或展望或号召:除除1)中表达法外,还)中表达法外,还可用以下结构:可用以下结构:Its better/necessary to .Its important/advisable to.It pays to .3)使用格言谚语使用格言谚语Eg: As an old saying goes, “constant dropping of water wears away a stone”4)自己的评价自己的评价在三点式提纲作文中,有的要求在第三点给出在三点式提纲作文中,有的要求在第三点给出“你的看法你的看法”。如如: “你的看法你的看法”, “我的看法我的看法”, “your op

34、inion”, “your comments”注意注意:如果作文中有具体要求,按要求写如果作文中有具体要求,按要求写2.Narrative writing(记叙文记叙文)A narrative essay tells a story. It has a plot, a conflict and a resolution. Most narratives or stories of personal experience are arrange in chronological order or time order, the order in which they happened, so t

35、hat readers can follow the experience from beginning to end.记叙文的特点记叙文的特点:记叙文的记叙文的5要素(要素(5Ws): Who, What, When, Where, Why(How)记叙的线索:以时间为序。有:记叙的线索:以时间为序。有:When, while, before, after, then, during, suddenly, finally, at last, first, second, third, later, initially时态:时态:一般记叙以发生过的事情,所以通一般记叙以发生过的事情,所以通常用

36、常用过去时态过去时态切忌流水计帐切忌流水计帐注:注:四、六级作文中,记叙文常四、六级作文中,记叙文常会与议论或说明结合在一起会与议论或说明结合在一起。如:如:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on The Day My Classmate Fell Ill (or Get Injured). You must write at least 120words according to the outline given below in Chinese.1.简单叙述一下这位同学生病或受伤的情况。简单叙

37、述一下这位同学生病或受伤的情况。2.同学、老师和我是如何帮助他同学、老师和我是如何帮助他/她的她的3.人与人之间的这种相互关爱给我的感受是人与人之间的这种相互关爱给我的感受是具体写作步骤具体写作步骤:Step 1: 通过通过审题审题确定确定:a.体裁:体裁:记叙为主、说明为辅的记叙文记叙为主、说明为辅的记叙文b.五要素五要素c.时态:时态:一般过去时一般过去时d.人称人称:第:第3人称以及第一人称人称以及第一人称e.叙述方式叙述方式:顺叙:顺叙f.语言:语言:记叙文语言记叙文语言Step 2:构思构思: 按按提纲要求写出提纲要求写出3段式段式Para 1:发生的时间发生的时间(when)、地点

38、地点(where)、人物人物(who)、症状症状(what)。 与疾病与疾病相关词相关词:fever, cough, headache, stomachache, take ones temperaturePara 2:大家如何帮助的(大家如何帮助的(how)。突出重点,突出重点,条理清楚。不要记流水帐。条理清楚。不要记流水帐。 相关词:相关词:dialed “120”, ambulance, hospital, donate moneyPara 3:启发与感受。不必太长,启发与感受。不必太长,3、4句即可。句即可。相关词相关词:kindness, human nature, unselfis

39、h. Its happy to help others or save others.Step 3:扩展扩展每一段每一段段段1:Ts: My classmate Wang Wu fell ill.A: 9:30 one eveningB: lying in bedC: headache, a high fever, 39 degrees centigrade段段2:Ts: how we helped Wang WuA: I: dialrd “120” without hesitationB: classmates: brought a blanket for him; helped him i

40、nto the ambulance; donate moneyC: teacher: give him some money段段3: Ts: my reactions and impressionA: showing unselfish spirit and priceless devotionB: it is happy to help othersC: thanks to the mutual care and love, we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.Sample: The Day My Cla

41、ssmate Fell IllAbout nine oclock one evening in May, my roommate Wang Wu was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough. His head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning. His forehead felt very hot. We took his temperature and found it was 39 degrees centigrade. Oh, he had a high fev

42、er.Without hesitation, I dialed “120”. It wasnt long before an ambulance arrived. One roommate brought a blanket for him. Another supported him in the ambulance. Our teacher insisted on giving him some money.It is impressive and I cant forget about it. This kind of care between persons is the very k

43、ind of unselfish and priceless devotion. And it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.3.exposition writing这类文章一般用于说明客观事物的特点和功能,或介这类文章一般用于说明客观事物的特点和功能,或介绍某种操作程序或制作过程,或解释某种现象或原理绍某种操作程序或制作过程,或解释某种现象或原理写好说明文的要求:写好说明文的要求:1.按一定的顺序按一定的顺序:时间、空间、逻辑顺序时

44、间、空间、逻辑顺序2.按一定的方法:按一定的方法: 举例、定义、分类、比较对照、因果分析举例、定义、分类、比较对照、因果分析04年年6月作文:月作文:Your role: a tour guideYour audience: a group of foreign touristsYour introduction should include:Some welcoming words;The schedule for the day;A description of the place the tourists will be visiting.For this part, you are a

45、llowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction. You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines:(e.g. a scenic spot or a historical site, etc.)具体写作步骤具体写作步骤:Step 1: 通过通过审题审题确定确定:a.体裁:体裁:介绍说明为主介绍说明为主b.三部分的比例:三部分的比例:前前2点略写点略写重点是景

46、点介绍重点是景点介绍c.时态:时态:现在、将来、过去现在、将来、过去d.人称人称:第一人称:第一人称e.叙述方式叙述方式:顺叙:顺叙f.语言:语言:说明文语言,应口语化说明文语言,应口语化g.因为是导游词,注意开头和结尾因为是导游词,注意开头和结尾Step 2:构思构思: 按按提纲要求写出提纲要求写出3段式段式Para 1: 欢迎词。欢迎词。 恰当的称呼,简要介绍自己,表示欢迎。恰当的称呼,简要介绍自己,表示欢迎。一般现在时态。提纲:一般现在时态。提纲:Para 1:发生的时间发生的时间(when)、地点地点(where)、人物人物(who)、症状症状(what)。 与疾病与疾病相关词相关词:fever, cough, headache, stomachache, take ones temperaturePara 2:日程安排日程安排。简单明了,明确时间。将来时态简单明了,明确时间。将来时态.提纲:提纲:Ts: welcoming wordsA: self-introductionB: welcoming wordsTs: the schedule for the day



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