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1、readingstrategiesreadingstrategies解读解读Most of us think of reading as a simple, passive process that involves reading words in a linear fashion and internalizing their meaning one at a time. But reading is actually a very complex process that requires a great deal of active participation on the part

2、of the reader. To get a better sense of the complexity of reading, read what some experts in the field have said about the reading process:What is reading?What do we read? The message is not something given in advance-or given at all- but something created by interaction between writers and readers

3、as participants in a particular communicative situation. - Roy Harris in Rethinking Writing (2000) Reading is asking questions of printed text. And reading with comprehension becomes a matter of getting your questions answered. - Frank Smith in Reading Without Nonsense (1997) Reading is a psycholing

4、uistic guessing game. It involves an interaction between thought and language. Efficient reading does not result from precise perception and identification of all elements, but from skill in selecting the fewest, most productive cues necessary to produce guesses which are right the first time. The a

5、bility to anticipate that which has not been seen, of course, is vital in reading, just as the ability to anticipate what has not yet been heard is vital in listening. - Kenneth Goodman (1967) Literacy practices are almost always fully integrated with, interwoven into, constituted as part of, the ve

6、ry texture of wider practices that involve talk, interaction, values, and beliefs. - James Gee in Social Linguistics and Literacies (1996)Of StudiesSTUDIES serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; an

7、d for ability, is in the judgment, and disposition of business. 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其傅彩也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。Of StudiesTo spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar.读书费

8、时过多易惰,文采藻饰太盛则矫,全凭条文断事乃学究故态。Of StudiesCrafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them;有一技之长者鄙读书,无知者羡读书,唯明智之士用读书Of StudiesSome books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to b

9、e read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them bothers; but that would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books, else distilled books are like common distilled w

10、aters, flashy things. 书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则须咀嚼消化。换言之,有只须读其部分者,有只须大体涉猎者,少数则须全读,读时须全神贯注,孜孜不倦。书亦可请人代读,取其所作摘要,但只限题材较次或价值不高者,否则书经提炼犹如水经蒸馏、淡而无味矣。Of StudiesReading make a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he conf

11、er little, he had need have a present wit: and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know, that he doth not. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtile; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。因此不常作笔记者须记忆

12、特强,不常讨论者须天生聪颖,不常读书者须欺世有术,始能无知而显有知。读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩Francis Bacon(22 January 1561 9 April 1626) was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist and author. He was one of the leading figures in natural philosophy and in the field of scientific methodology in the p

13、eriod of transition from the Renaissance to the early modern era. As a lawyer, member of Parliament, and Queens Counsel, Bacon wrote on questions of law, state and religion, as well as on contemporary politics; but he also published texts in which he speculated on possible conceptions of society, an

14、d he pondered questions of ethics (Essays) even in his works on natural philosophy. Key conceptsSelectiveCriticalAlertActiveWhat reading strategies have you learned?1. Context clues 2. Sentences3. Topics 4. Main Idea5. Theme 6. Patterns7. Outlining 8. Skimming 9. Scanning 10. InferringReading Strate

15、giesSkimming - used to understand the gist or main idea Scanning - used to find a particular piece of information Extensive reading - used for pleasure and general understanding Intensive reading - accurate reading for detailed understanding (1)掠读(Skimming),即阅读时不要从头到尾,一字不漏地读下去而是采用跳跃式的阅读方法。在阅读过程中,要善于


17、方法交换使用。教师在分配学生阅读任务时,应指导建议学生选用什么样的阅读方法,以便学生更好地阅读,更快地提高阅读能力。SkimmingWhat is skimming?How to skim?What are the practical steps of skimming?ScanningWhat is scanning?How to scan?What is the difference between skimming and scanning?Drawing InferencesWhat is “inference”?How to infer?Text I ReadingWhy read

18、faster?What is the main idea?How about the structure of the text? Reflection1.We can read fast if we want!2.False ideas Look through the questions and choices to clarify the goals of reading.Prediction needed (6)Absolute answers are usually not the right ones.Key words help you find the answers (wid

19、e eyesight needed) “suggest” is sth you should take carefully (9)Faster Reading, WHY ?奔下山来。众道士接着如今乘鹤驾云去草铺横野六七里,笛弄晚风三四声。 归来饱饭黄昏后,不脱蓑衣卧月明。 但见那个道童笑吟吟地骑着黄牛,横吹着那管铁笛,正过山来。洪太尉见了, 便唤那个道童:“你从那里来?认得我么?”道童不睬,只顾吹笛。太尉连问数声, 道童呵呵大笑,拿着铁笛,指着洪太尉说道:“你来此间,莫非要见天师么?”太 尉大惊,便道:“你是牧童,如何得知?”道童笑道:“我早间在草庵中伏侍天师, 听得天师说道:今上皇帝差个洪太

20、尉赍擎丹诏御香,到来山中,宣我往东京做三 千六百分罗天大醮,祈禳天下瘟疫,我如今乘鹤驾云去也。这早晚想是去了,不 在庵中。你休上去,山内毒虫猛兽极多,恐伤害了你性命。”太尉再问道:“你不 要说谎。”道童笑了一声,也不回应,又吹着铁笛,转过山坡去了。太尉寻思道: “这小的如何尽知此事?想是天师分付他,已定是了。”欲待再上山去;方才惊 的苦,争些儿送了性命,不如下山去罢。 太尉拿着提炉,再寻旧路,奔下山来。众道士接着,请至方丈坐下。真人便问 太尉道:“曾见天师么?”太尉说道:“我是朝中贵官,如何教俺走得山路,吃了 这般辛苦,争些儿送了性命。为头上至半山里,跳出一只吊睛白额大虫,惊得下官 魂魄都没了

21、;又行不过一个山嘴,竹藤里抢出一条雪花大蛇来,盘做一堆,拦住去 路。若不是俺福分大,如何得性命回京?尽是你这道众戏弄下官。”真人复道:“贫 道等怎敢轻慢大臣?这是祖师试探太尉之心。本山虽有蛇虎,并不伤人。”太尉又 道:“我正走不动,方欲再上山坡,只见松树旁边转出一个道童,骑着一头黄牛, 吹着管铁笛,正过山来,我便问他:那里来?识得俺么?他道:已都知了。 说天师分付,早晨乘鹤驾云,往东京去了,下官因此回来。”真人道:“太尉可惜 错过,这个牧童,正是天师。”太尉道:“他既是天师,如何这等猥獕?”真人答 道:“这代天师,非同小可。虽然年幼,其实道行非常。他是额外之人,四方显化, 极是灵验,世人皆称为

22、道通祖师。”洪太尉道:“我直如此有眼 有殿头官喝道:“有事出班早奏,无事卷帘退朝。”只见话说大宋仁宗天子在位,嘉祐三年三月三日五更三点,天子驾坐紫宸殿,受百 官朝贺。但见: 祥云迷凤阁,瑞气罩龙楼。含烟御柳拂旌旗,带露宫花迎剑戟。天香影里,玉 簪朱履聚丹墀;仙乐声中,绣袄锦衣扶御驾。珍珠帘卷,黄金殿上现金轝,凤羽扇 开,白玉阶前停宝辇。隐隐净鞭三下响,层层文武两班齐。 当有殿头官喝道:“有事出班早奏,无事卷帘退朝。”只见班部丛中,宰相赵 哲、参政文彦博出班奏曰:“目今京师瘟疫盛行,伤损军民甚多。伏望陛下释罪宽 恩,省刑薄税,祈禳天灾,救济万民。”天子听奏,急敕翰林院随即草诏,一面降 赦天下罪囚

23、,应有民间税赋,悉皆赦免;一面命在京宫观寺院,修设好事禳灾。不 料其年瘟疫转盛,仁宗天子闻知,龙体不安,复会百官计议。向那班部中,有一大 臣,越班启奏。天子看时,乃是参知政事范仲淹,拜罢起居,奏曰:“目今天灾盛 行,军民涂炭,日夕不能聊生。以臣愚意,要禳此灾,可宣嗣汉天师星夜临朝,就 京师禁院,修设三千六百分罗天大醮,奏闻上帝,可以禳保民间瘟疫。”仁宗天子 准奏,急令翰林学士草诏一道,天子御笔亲书,并降御香一炷,钦差内外提点殿前 太尉洪信为天使,前往江西信州龙虎山,宣请嗣汉天师张真人星夜来朝,祈禳瘟疫。 就金殿上焚起御香,亲将丹诏付与洪太尉,即便登程前去。 洪信领了圣敕,辞别天子,背了诏书,盛

24、了御香,带了数十人,上了铺马,一 行部队,离了东京,取路径投信州贵溪县来。但见: 遥山叠翠,远水澄清。奇花绽锦绣铺林,嫩柳舞金丝拂地。风和日暖,时过野 店山村;路直沙平,夜宿邮亭驿馆。罗衣荡漾红尘内,骏马驰驱紫陌中。 且说太尉洪信赍擎御诏,一行人从,上了路途,不止一日,来到江西信州。大 小官员,出郭迎接。随即差人报知龙虎山上清宫住持道众,准备接诏。次日,众位 官同送太尉到于龙虎山下,只见上清宫许多道众,鸣钟击鼓,香花灯烛,幢幡宝盖, 一派仙乐,都下山来迎接话说大宋仁宗天子在位,嘉祐三年三月三日五更三点,天子驾坐紫宸殿,受百 官朝贺。但见: 祥云迷凤阁,瑞气罩龙楼。含烟御柳拂旌旗,带露宫花迎剑戟

25、。天香影里,玉 簪朱履聚丹墀;仙乐声中,绣袄锦衣扶御驾。珍珠帘卷,黄金殿上现金轝,凤羽扇 开,白玉阶前停宝辇。隐隐净鞭三下响,层层文武两班齐。 当有殿头官喝道:“有事出班早奏,无事卷帘退朝。”只见班部丛中,宰相赵 哲、参政文彦博出班奏曰:“目今京师瘟疫盛行,伤损军民甚多。伏望陛下释罪宽 恩,省刑薄税,祈禳天灾,救济万民。”天子听奏,急敕翰林院随即草诏,一面降 赦天下罪囚,应有民间税赋,悉皆赦免;一面命在京宫观寺院,修设好事禳灾。不 料其年瘟疫转盛,仁宗天子闻知,龙体不安,复会百官计议。向那班部中,有一大 臣,越班启奏。天子看时,乃是参知政事范仲淹,拜罢起居,奏曰:“目今天灾盛 行,军民涂炭,日

26、夕不能聊生。以臣愚意,要禳此灾,可宣嗣汉天师星夜临朝,就 京师禁院,修设三千六百分罗天大醮,奏闻上帝,可以禳保民间瘟疫。”仁宗天子 准奏,急令翰林学士草诏一道,天子御笔亲书,并降御香一炷,钦差内外提点殿前 太尉洪信为天使,前往江西信州龙虎山,宣请嗣汉天师张真人星夜来朝,祈禳瘟疫。 就金殿上焚起御香,亲将丹诏付与洪太尉,即便登程前去。 洪信领了圣敕,辞别天子,背了诏书,盛了御香,带了数十人,上了铺马,一 行部队,离了东京,取路径投信州贵溪县来。但见: 遥山叠翠,远水澄清。奇花绽锦绣铺林,嫩柳舞金丝拂地。风和日暖,时过野 店山村;路直沙平,夜宿邮亭驿馆。罗衣荡漾红尘内,骏马驰驱紫陌中。 且说太尉洪

27、信赍擎御诏,一行人从,上了路途,不止一日,来到江西信州。大 小官员,出郭迎接。随即差人报知龙虎山上清宫住持道众,准备接诏。次日,众位 官同送太尉到于龙虎山下,只见上清宫许多道众,鸣钟击鼓,香花灯烛,幢幡宝盖, 一派仙乐,都下山来迎接,耿耿全然无俗态。 昔日吕洞宾有首牧童诗道得好: 草铺横野六七里,笛弄晚风三四声。 归来饱饭黄昏后,不脱蓑衣卧月明。 但见那个道童笑吟吟地骑着黄牛,横吹着那管铁笛,正过山来。洪太尉见了, 便唤那个道童:“你从那里来?认得我么?”道童不睬,只顾吹笛。太尉连问数声, 道童呵呵大笑,拿着铁笛,指着洪太尉说道:“你来此间,莫非要见天师么?”太 尉大惊,便道:“你是牧童,如何

28、得知?”道童笑道:“我早间在草庵中伏侍天师, 听得天师说道:今上皇帝差个洪太尉赍擎丹诏御香,到来山中,宣我往东京做三 千六百分罗天大醮,祈禳天下瘟疫,我如今乘鹤驾云去也。这早晚想是去了,不 在庵中。你休上去,山内毒虫猛兽极多,恐伤害了你性命。”太尉再问道:“你不 要说谎。”道童笑了一声,也不回应,又吹着铁笛,转过山坡去了。太尉寻思道: “这小的如何尽知此事?想是天师分付他,已定是了。”欲待再上山去;方才惊 的苦,争些儿送了性命,不如下山去罢。 太尉拿着提炉,再寻旧路,奔下山来。众道士接着,请至方丈坐下。真人便问 太尉道:“曾见天师么?”太尉说道:“我是朝中贵官,如何教俺走得山路,吃了 这般辛苦

29、,争些儿送了性命。为头上至半山里,跳出一只吊睛白额大虫,惊得下官 魂魄都没了;又行不过一个山嘴,竹藤里抢出一条雪花大蛇来,盘做一堆,拦住去 路。若不是俺福分大,如何得性命回京?尽是你这道众戏弄下官。”真人复道:“贫 道等怎敢轻慢大臣?这是祖师试探太尉之心。本山虽有蛇虎,并不伤人。”太尉又 道:“我正走不动,方欲再上山坡,只见松树旁边转出一个道童,骑着一头黄牛, 吹着管铁笛,正过山来,我便问他:那里来?识得俺么?他道:已都知了。 说天师分付,早晨乘鹤驾云,往东京去了,下官因此回来。”真人道:“太尉可惜 错过,这个牧童,正是天师。”太尉道:“他既是天师,如何这等猥獕?”真人答 道:“这代天师,非同

30、小可。虽然年幼,其实道行非常。他是额外之人,四方显化, 极是灵验,世人皆称为道通祖师。”洪太尉道:“我直如此有眼 ,耿耿全然无俗态。 昔日吕洞宾有首牧童诗道得好: 草铺横野六七里,笛弄晚风三四声。 归来饱饭黄昏后,不脱蓑衣卧月明。 但见那个道童笑吟吟地骑着黄牛,横吹着那管铁笛,正过山来。洪太尉见了, 便唤那个道童:“你从那里来?认得我么?”道童不睬,只顾吹笛。太尉连问数声, 道童呵呵大笑,拿着铁笛,指着洪太尉说道:“你来此间,莫非要见天师么?”太 尉大惊,便道:“你是牧童,如何得知?”道童笑道:“我早间在草庵中伏侍天师, 听得天师说道:今上皇帝差个洪太尉赍擎丹诏御香,到来山中,宣我往东京做三

31、千六百分罗天大醮,祈禳天下瘟疫,我如今乘鹤驾云去也。这早晚想是去了,不 在庵中。你休上去,山内毒虫猛兽极多,恐伤害了你性命。”太尉再问道:“你不 要说谎。”道童笑了一声,也不回应,又吹着铁笛,转过山坡去了。太尉寻思道: “这小的如何尽知此事?想是天师分付他,已定是了。”欲待再上山去;方才惊 的苦,争些儿送了性命,不如下山去罢。 太尉拿着提炉,再寻旧路,奔下山来。众道士接着,请至方丈坐下。真人便问 太尉道:“曾见天师么?”太尉说道:“我是朝中贵官,如何教俺走得山路,吃了 这般辛苦,争些儿送了性命。为头上至半山里,跳出一只吊睛白额大虫,惊得下官 魂魄都没了;又行不过一个山嘴,竹藤里抢出一条雪花大蛇

32、来,盘做一堆,拦住去 路。若不是俺福分大,如何得性命回京?尽是你这道众戏弄下官。”真人复道:“贫 道等怎敢轻慢大臣?这是祖师试探太尉之心。本山虽有蛇虎,并不伤人。”太尉又 道:“我正走不动,方欲再上山坡,只见松树旁边转出一个道童,骑着一头黄牛, 吹着管铁笛,正过山来,我便问他:那里来?识得俺么?他道:已都知了。 说天师分付,早晨乘鹤驾云,往东京去了,下官因此回来。”真人道:“太尉可惜 错过,这个牧童,正是天师。”太尉道:“他既是天师,如何这等猥獕?”真人答 道:“这代天师,非同小可。虽然年幼,其实道行非常。他是额外之人,四方显化, 极是灵验,世人皆称为道通祖师。”洪太尉道:“我直如此有眼 XX

33、出版社出版水水浒浒传传XX出版社出版慢米兰昆德拉 速度是出神的形式,速度是出神的形式,这是技术革命送给人的礼物。跑步的人跟摩托车手相反,身上总有自己存在,总是不得不想到脚上水泡和喘气;当他跑步时,他感到自己的体重、年纪,就比任何时候都意识到自身与岁月。当人把速度性能托付给一台机器时,一切都变了:从这时候起,身体已置之度外,交给了一种无形的、非物质化的速度,纯粹的速度,实实在在的速度,令人出神的速度。 慢的乐趣怎么失传了呢?慢的乐趣怎么失传了呢?啊,古时候闲荡的人到哪儿去啦?民歌 小调中的游手好闲的英雄,这些漫游各地磨坊,在露天过夜的流浪汉,都到哪儿去啦?他们随着乡间小道、草原、林间空地和大自然

34、一起消失了吗?捷克有一句谚语用来比喻他们甜蜜的悠闲生活:他们凝望仁慈上帝的窗户。凝望仁慈上帝窗户的人是不会厌倦的;他幸福。在我们的世界里,悠闲蜕化成无所事事,这则是另一码事了。无所事事的人是失落的人,他厌倦,永远在寻找他所缺少的行动。 Word StudyFigure out work out calculatePlod along: to make very slow progress, especially with difficult or boring work进展缓慢进展缓慢Eyestrain 眼疲劳眼疲劳 (false eye lashes假睫毛假睫毛, Cling to stic

35、k to,cling onto: be unwilling to stop doing sthAlert attentive, attentive also means helpfulNotion ideaPotentialSavor appreciate 品味,体味品味,体味Clinics workshops 培训班,培训班, 诊所诊所Objective aim this word is very useful, so pay attentionObjective 目标,目标,it can also means “not influenced by personal feelings”客观的

36、,客观的,the opposite is subjective. Its noun is objectivity. See also other form object noun/ v. 事物,对象事物,对象 in grammar, 宾语,相对的宾语,相对的 subject 主语。主语。 动词反对,其用法为动词反对,其用法为object to sb/doing sth, 反对名词为反对名词为objection, e.g have objection to sb/sth objector反对者反对者 Evelyn Nielsen Wood (January 8, 1909 August 26,

37、1995) was an American educator and businessperson, widely known for coining the phrase speed reading and for creating a system to increase a readers speed (over the average reading rate of 250 to 300 words a minute) by a factor of two to five times, while increasing retention.1 The system was taught

38、 in seminars as Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Dynamics, a business Wood co-founded with her husband, Doug Wood, which ultimately had over 150 outlets in the United States.Speed ReadingIn her studies, Woods discovered readers capable of reading 1,500 to 6,000 words a minute, often sharing the traits of r

39、eading down the page rather than left to right, reading groups of words or complete thoughts rather than single words, avoiding involuntary rereading of material and applying their efficiency to varied material.1 After discovering that faster readers were also more effective readers,1 she began deve

40、loping her programs, ultimately developing a methodology of using a finger or pointer to trace lines of text while eliminating sub-vocalizing (reading under ones breath or aloud in ones head).16Vocabulary Buildingpractice n. / v Practical / practicable adj. 都有切实可行的意思,但前者还有有用的,适用的,实际的意思,可行的近义词有feasib

41、le, workable, practical 还有几乎差不多之意,如a practical stranger, practically=almost practicality 可行性,实事求是,适用性Practical joke 恶作剧,practical nurse 有经验的护士Useful expression: Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 in practice, in reality, in fact, in effectBe /get out of practicePractise v. BrEVocabulary BuildingWorth n./

42、adj. money worth/ be worth moneyWorthy adj. a worthy child, worthy champion 当之无愧的冠军 be worthy of sb. 配得上,具有某人的特征 speech worthy of Martin Luther King 马丁路德金式的演讲 be worthy of the name 名副其实Worthwhile adj. be worthwhile (有价值,值得,划算, 指作什么事情) it is worthwhile to do /doing sthWorthless 无价值 比较 worthiness 大人物,

43、知名之士 priceless 无价的Vocabulary BuildingVarious adj. varied adj. 二者都有形形色色,不相同的意思,但前者还指具有多种特征,多姿多彩之意,后者有变化,多变的意思 not staying the same but change oftenVary v.改变/Variable adj. 多变的,易变的,变化无常的 variable rainfall 可更改的,可变的 可撤销的信用证 variable L/C the opposite is invariableVariable 变量,可变因素Variety n. 多样Variation 变化,

44、波动Variance 变化幅度,差额Variant变种,变形AbsorbAbsorb v. be absorbed in sth 全神贯注,迷住,专心致志absorbing adj. 引人入胜的,精彩的 absorbent adj. 易吸收absorption n. Vocabulary BuildingEffect/ efficienteffect, n. v. effective adj. 有效果,生效,起作用 effectual remedy指物不指人Take effect, bring/put sth into effect, come into effect, in effect,

45、to no effect, to good, dramatic effect, to effect a cureefficient, 有效能的,有效率的,能干的,可指人指物Fuel-efficient car 节能汽车Vocabulary BuildingTechniques: 技能,技巧,个人的一种能力Technology 指一门科技,技术,是统称Medium:指中等 复数media 媒介Middle 中间的CosmopolitanCOSMOPOLITAN是全球著名、主要针是全球著名、主要针对女性读者的时尚类杂志。该杂志创办于对女性读者的时尚类杂志。该杂志创办于1886年,年,1905年出版

46、业大亨威廉年出版业大亨威廉赫斯特以赫斯特以时价四十万美金的价格(折合时价四十万美金的价格(折合2006年现价约年现价约一千万美金)将其收购。现时,包括一千万美金)将其收购。现时,包括中国大陆中国大陆(中文名:时尚)、(中文名:时尚)、香港香港以及台湾地区以及台湾地区(中文名:柯梦波丹),(中文名:柯梦波丹),COSMOPOLITAN在全球有超过在全球有超过50个版个版本的杂志出版发行。本的杂志出版发行。Style: Trend is trendIt is not necessary to define the beginning of trends. Also it is a waste of

47、 time to look for the conclusions of the future. Trends is trend. 时尚无需刻意定义它的启始, 更无需徒劳探究未来的结论, 时尚就是时尚! Crime and Punishment When the first installment of Crime and Punishment appeared in the journal Russian Messenger in January of 1866, its debt-ridden author, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky, had not

48、 yet finished writing the novel. However, even before the entire work had appeared in serial form, the novel was a public success. Early Russian readers and critics recognized that, artistically and socially, Crime and Punishment was one of the most important novels of its time, and it was widely di

49、scussed.On the surface, Crime and Punishment is the story of a murder, set in the city of St. Petersburg, then the Russian capital. It is not, however, a murder mystery: we know the murderers identity from the very beginning. Moreover, although Dostoyevsky depicts the crime and the environment in wh

50、ich it takes place with great realism, he is more interested in the psychology of the murderer than in the external specifics of the crime.Like many of the great nineteenth-century novelists, Dostoyevsky often uses a series of incredible coincidences to move the plot forward. Nonetheless, the story

51、takes on a compelling life of its own. Dostoyevskys use of parable and of dream sequences is also original and remarkable. Furthermore, Dostoyevsky creates a gallery of memorable characters. Crime and Punishment is marked by its insightful treatment of several major themes. Among other things, the b

52、ook is an expose of social conditions in nineteenth-century Russia, a satirical analysis of liberal and radical politics, and a religious call for redemption through suffering. As an intensely dramatic study of the nature of good and evil, it is commonly considered the quintessential Russian novel.S

53、ection B Points on how to readPassage 1: suggestions on reading skills: read faster, not regress, selective readingPassage 2: why develop our vocabulary: economic advantage, academic successPassage 3: bad reading habitsPassage 4 better understanding secretsVocabulary BuildingI 1. a. practical/practi

54、cable b. practice c. practices d. practicable/practical e. practiced 2. a. worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d. worth e. worth 3. a. vary b variety c. variation d. various/varied e. Various 4. a. absorbing b. absorbed c. absorb d. absorption e. absorbentII. 1. a. effective b. efficient c. effective2

55、. a. technology b. technique3. a. middle b medium c. medium Vocabulary BuildingClozeGoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answers expectations/predictions tell know/foretell end develop/present worth Section B1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. C6. B 7. C 8. C 9. T 10. F 11. F 12. C 13. A 14. A 1

56、5. C 16. C 17.ASection C1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. TAssignment1 Finish Text II within 8m and cloze.2. Remember the word learned (dictation next week)3. Letter and word perception (Four units)4.Read more about Francis Bacons Essays. (For 3 weeks) Aesops Fables (for the 2nd week) try to wri

57、te sth about it. Practice skimming and scanning: read some news for this week and report next week.(at least five pieces of news a day, five days in total) and after reading those five news,you shoud write them down in one or two sentence on your exercise books.5. Task for group one Ss: Glossary of Unit 2结束结束



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