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1、Unit 3Unit 3Part APart Aof Wonderof WonderThe SenseThe Sense21st Century College English: Book 321st Century College English: Book 3 Pre-ReadingActivities TextA:LanguagePoints Exercises AssignmentUnit 3: Part AUnit 3: Part ATheSenseofTheSenseofWonderWonderB Beforeefore youyou listenlisten toto theth

2、e passage,passage, predictpredict thethe wordswordsthatthatarearemissingmissingininthetheprintedprintedversionversionofofthethepassage.passage.ThenThen whenwhen youyou hearhear thethe passage,passage, markmark wherewhere youyouhearheardifferencesdifferencesbetweenbetweenyouryourpredictionsprediction

3、sandandwhatswhatsactuallyactually ononthethe tape.tape. DontDontworryworry aboutaboutwritingwritingdowndownexactlyexactly whatwhat youyou hearhear justjust notenote wherewhere youyou hearheardifferences.differences. Pre-Reading ActivitiesPre-Reading ActivitiesListeningListeningPre-Reading Activities

4、Pre-Reading ActivitiesTheThesensesenseofof dominatesdominateseveryeverymodernmoderncultureculturetotosuchsuchananextentextentthatthatmostmostpeoplepeoplenevernever . . RelyingRelying mainlymainly onon sightsight seemsseems soso naturalnatural howhowcouldcouldaacultureculturefavorfavor instead?instea

5、d?WhatWhat wouldwould suchsuch aa cultureculture bebe like?like? ItsIts almostalmostimpossibleimpossible toto imagine.imagine. ButBut isis inin factfact notnot asas“natural”“natural”asaswewenormallynormallythink.think.AlthoughAlthoughmostmosthumanshumansarearebornbornwithwith , ,nonooneone isisbornb

6、ornknowingknowinghowhow toto . . WeWe mustmust learnlearn , ,andandmanymanyofofthetherulesruleswewelearnlearnvaryvary . isisananexcellentexcellentexample:example:BeforeBeforeartistsartistsinventedinventedformalformalrulesrulesforforportrayingportrayingthreethreedimensions,dimensions,noonethoughtofdi

7、stantobjectsaslookingnoonethoughtofdistantobjectsaslooking . .IfIfyouyoudoubtdoubtthis,this,trytryexplainingexplaining toayoungchild.toayoungchild.Check-upCheck-upTheThesensesenseofof dominatesdominateseveryeverymodernmoderncultureculturetotosuchsuchananextentextentthatthatmostmostpeoplepeoplenevern

8、ever . . RelyingRelying mainlymainly onon sightsight seemsseems soso naturalnatural howhowcouldcouldaacultureculturefavorfavor instead?instead?WhatWhat wouldwould suchsuch aa cultureculture bebe like?like? ItsIts almostalmostimpossibleimpossible toto imagine.imagine. ButBut isis inin factfact notnot

9、 asas“natural”“natural”asaswewenormallynormallythink.think.AlthoughAlthoughmostmosthumanshumansarearebornbornwithwith , ,nonooneone isisbornbornknowingknowinghowhow toto . . WeWe mustmust learnlearn , ,andandmanymanyofofthetherulesruleswewelearnlearnvaryvary . isisananexcellentexcellentexample:examp

10、le:BeforeBeforeartistsartistsinventedinventedformalformalrulesrulesforforportrayingportrayingthreethreedimensions,dimensions,noonethoughtofdistantobjectsaslookingnoonethoughtofdistantobjectsaslooking . .IfIfyouyoudoubtdoubtthis,this,trytryexplainingexplaining toayoungchild.toayoungchild.Pre-Reading

11、ActivitiesPre-Reading ActivitiesconsiderthatitcouldbeotherwiseconsiderthatitcouldbeotherwisetouchorhearingtouchorhearingsightsightsightsightthepotentialtoseethepotentialtoseeusethispotentialusethispotentialhowtoseehowtoseefromculturetoculturefromculturetoculturePerspectivePerspectivedifferentfromnea

12、rbyonesdifferentfromnearbyonestheruleofperspectivetheruleofperspectivewonderwondern. a feeling of great surprise and admiration caused by seeing or experiencing that is strange and newExamples:Examples:The sight of the Great Wall filled them with wonderwonder.The children watched the magician in sil

13、ent wonderwonder.misfortunemisfortune n. bad luckExamples:Examples:They had the misfortunemisfortune to be hit by a violent storm. She bore her misfortunesmisfortunes bravely. formostofus,thatclear-eyedclear-eyedvisionvisionthatthattruetrueinstinctinstinctforforwhatwhatisisbeautifulbeautifulandandaw

14、e-inspiringawe-inspiringisdimmeddimmedandevenlostbeforewereachadulthood.clear-eyed visionclear-eyed vision untainted outlookMore to learnMore to learnformostofus,thatclear-eyedclear-eyedvisionvisionthatthattruetrueinstinctinstinctforforwhatwhatisisbeautifulbeautifulandandawe-inspiringawe-inspiringis

15、dimmeddimmedandevenlostbeforewereachadulthood.that true instinct for what is beautiful and awe-inspiringthat true instinct for what is beautiful and awe-inspiring in apposition to “that clear-eyed vision”, a variation of the phrase “sense of wonder”More to learnMore to learnformostofus,thatclear-eye

16、dclear-eyedvisionvisionthatthattruetrueinstinctinstinctforforwhatwhatisisbeautifulbeautifulandandawe-inspiringawe-inspiringisdimmeddimmedandevenlostbeforewereachadulthood.ParaphraseParaphrase? ?dimdim v. v. make make (or (or become) become) less less bright bright or or unable unable to to see see c

17、learly clearly 使使看不清楚;变暗淡或模糊看不清楚;变暗淡或模糊 a. a. (of a light) not bright; not easy to see(of a light) not bright; not easy to see 昏暗的;模糊的昏暗的;模糊的most of us have little or no more sense of wonder as we grow upExamples:Examples: Old age hasnt Old age hasnt dimmeddimmed her memory. her memory. In In the th

18、e middle middle of of the the storm, storm, the the lights lights suddenly suddenly dimmeddimmed. . A A dimdim bulb provides the only light in the hall. bulb provides the only light in the hall. I had only a I had only a dim dim memory of a tall, slendermemory of a tall, slender man. man.IfIfI Ihadh

19、adinfluenceinfluencewithwith thetheangelsangelswhowhoarearesupposedsupposedtotopresidepreside overover allallchildren,children,I Iwouldwouldaskask thatthat theirtheirgiftgifttotoeacheachchildchildininthetheworldworldbebeaasensesenseofofwonderwondersoindestructiblethatitwouldlastthroughoutlife.soinde

20、structiblethatitwouldlastthroughoutlife.influencewithinfluencewithsb.sb. ability to obtain favorable treatment from sb., usu. by means of acquaintance, status, wealth, etc. More to learnMore to learnExamples:Examples: She She has has great great influence influence withwith the the manager manager a

21、nd and could could no no doubt help you.doubt help you. My My influence withinfluence with her is not very strong. her is not very strong.IfIfI Ihadhadinfluenceinfluencewithwiththetheangelsangels whowhoarearesupposedsupposedtotopresidepreside overover allallchildren,children,I Iwouldwouldaskask that

22、that theirtheirgiftgifttotoeacheachchildchildininthetheworldworldbebeaasensesenseofofwonderwondersoindestructiblethatitwouldlastthroughoutlife.soindestructiblethatitwouldlastthroughoutlife.angelangel 天使天使celestial celestial being being believed believed to to be be a a messenger, messenger, or or in

23、termediary, intermediary, between between God, God, or or the the gods, gods, and and humankind humankind in in ancient ancient Greek Greek religion, religion, in in Judaism Judaism and and Christianity, Christianity, and and in in Islam. Islam. An An angel angel can can function function also also

24、as as a a protective protective guardian, guardian, as as a a heavenly heavenly warrior, warrior, and and even as a cosmic power.even as a cosmic power.More to learnMore to learnIfIfI Ihadhadinfluenceinfluencewithwiththetheangelsangelswhowhoarearesupposedsupposedtotopresidepreside overover allallchi

25、ldren,children,I Iwouldwouldaskask thatthat theirtheirgiftgifttotoeacheachchildchildininthetheworldworldbebeaasensesenseofofwonderwondersoindestructiblethatitwouldlastthroughoutlife.soindestructiblethatitwouldlastthroughoutlife.presideoverpresideover be head or director of; control or be responsible

26、 forbe head or director of; control or be responsible fore.g.e.g. The city council is The city council is presided overpresided over by the mayor. by the mayor. The The present present director director has has presided presided overover a a rapid rapid decline decline in the firms profitability.in

27、the firms profitability. presidepresidevi. vi. be chairman (at a conference, meeting, etc.) be chairman (at a conference, meeting, etc.) e.g.e.g. The vice president will The vice president will presidepreside at todays meeting. at todays meeting. keepalivetheirnaturalsenseofwonderwithoutanysuchgiftf

28、romtheangelsParaphraseParaphrase? ? retain retain their their natural natural sense sense of of wonder wonder as as they they grow grow up up without being given a lasting one by the angelswithout being given a lasting one by the angelsmysterymysteryn.n. something something impossible impossible to

29、to explain explain because because no no people people or or only only very very few few people people have have the the knowledge knowledge to to be be able able to to understand it. understand it. Examples:Examples: Despite Despite years years of of study, study, sleepwalking sleepwalking remains

30、remains a a mysterymystery. . It is a It is a mysterymystery to me why she married him in the first to me why she married him in the first place. place. ParentsParentsoftenoftenfeelfeelinadequateinadequate whenwhenconfrontedconfrontedononthethe oneone handhand withwith thethe eager,eager, sensitives

31、ensitive mindmind ofof aachildchild andand onon thethe otherother withwith aa worldworld ofof complexcomplexphysicalnature.physicalnature.inadequateinadequate a. a.not good enough in quality, ability, size, etc.not good enough in quality, ability, size, etc.More to learnMore to learnExamples:Example

32、s: The safety precautions are totally The safety precautions are totally inadequateinadequate. . I feel I feel inadequateinadequate when I walk to Miranda about art when I walk to Miranda about art because she knows so much. because she knows so much. ParentsParentsoftenoftenfeelfeelinadequateinadeq

33、uatewhenwhenconfrontedconfronted ononthethe oneone handhand withwith thethe eager,eager, sensitivesensitive mindmind ofof aachildchild andand onon thethe otherother withwith aa worldworld ofof complexcomplexphysicalnature.physicalnature.confrontconfrontvt.vt. stand or meet face to face; bring face t

34、o face stand or meet face to face; bring face to faceMore to learnMore to learnExamples:Examples: Can Can you you think think of of some some typical typical problems problems that that confrontconfront Chinese learning English?Chinese learning English? When When I I took took office, office, I I wa

35、s was confrontedconfronted with with new new guidelines.guidelines. BeccaBecca will will have have to to confrontconfront some some frightening frightening truths truths about this diseaseabout this disease. . ParentsParentsoftenoftenfeelfeelinadequateinadequatewhenwhenconfrontedconfrontedononthethe

36、 oneone handhand withwith thethe eager,eager, sensitivesensitive mindmind ofof aachildchild andand onon thethe otherother withwith aa worldworld ofof complexcomplexphysicalphysicalnature.nature.physicalphysicala. having material existence; of or relating to material thingsExamples:Examples:the physi

37、calphysical worldAll physicalphysical objects occupy space.ParaphraseParaphrase? ?Parents Parents often often feel feel somewhat somewhat unable unable to to cope cope with with the the situation situation in in which which children children have have a a keen keen sense sense of of wonder wonder an

38、d and are are eager eager to to learn learn about about the the natural natural world world while while parents parents themselves themselves are are not not knowledgeable knowledgeable enough about its complexity.enough about its complexity.inainamoodmoodofself-defeatofself-defeatmoodmood n.n. stat

39、e of mind or feelings state of mind or feelings 心境,心情;情绪心境,心情;情绪Examples:Examples: Shes in a good Shes in a good moodmood today. today. Hes always in a bad Hes always in a bad moodmood on Mondays. on Mondays. Idioms with “Idioms with “moodmood”:”:in the mood for (doing) sth. /to do in the mood for (

40、doing) sth. /to do sthsth feeling like doing sth; inclined to do sth. feeling like doing sth; inclined to do sth.in no mood for (doing) sth. /to do in no mood for (doing) sth. /to do sthsth not feeling like doing sth; not inclined to to sth. not feeling like doing sth; not inclined to to sth. Idonte

41、venknowonebirdfromanother!ParaphraseParaphrase? ? I cant even tell the differences between birds.I cant even tell the differences between birds.sincerelysincerely adad. . 真诚地;忠实地真诚地;忠实地“ “Sincerely” Sincerely” or or “sincerely “sincerely yours” yours” is is a a common common way way to to end end a

42、a letter letter to to someone someone who who is is not not a a friend friend or or relative, relative, before you sign your name.before you sign your name.SincereSincere a. a. free from falseness; true and honest free from falseness; true and honest Examples:Examples: sinceresincere friendship frie

43、ndship More than More than sinceresincere words of support, we need action. words of support, we need action. I I sincerelysincerely hope shes happy with her decision. hope shes happy with her decision.nothalfnothalf not at allNot half is used in informal English to emphasize an opinion or the truth

44、 of a statement.Examples:Examples:Films these days arent halfarent half as good as they used to be.It isnt halfisnt half cold here in winter. If If factsfactsarearethetheseedsseedsthatthatlaterlaterproduceproduceknowledgeknowledgeandandwisdom,wisdom,thenthen thetheemotionsemotionsandandthetheimpress

45、ionsimpressions ofof thethe sensessenses areare thethe fertilefertile soilsoil ininwhichtheseedsmustgrow.whichtheseedsmustgrow.IfthenIfthen The The if if then then structure structure consists consists normally normally of of the the first first clause clause that that begins begins with with if if

46、and and the the second second starting starting with with thenthen. . The The if if clause clause implies implies an an assumption assumption the the speaker speaker is is making making which which is is not not widely widely held, held, while while the the thenthen clause clause lays lays out out t

47、he the consequences consequences of of that that line line of of reasoning. reasoning. The The structure structure is is mainly mainly used used in in written written English. English. ThenThen used used in in the the structure structure often often means means “in “in that that case”, “therefore”,

48、or “as a result”.case”, “therefore”, or “as a result”.Examples:Examples: If If its not on the table, its not on the table, thenthen it will be in the drawer. it will be in the drawer. If If any questions do occur to you, any questions do occur to you, then then dont hesitate to dont hesitate to writ

49、e to us.write to us. If If I havent heard from you by Friday, I havent heard from you by Friday, then then Ill Ill assume youre not coming. assume youre not coming. If If we say “y” equals “ax we say “y” equals “ax3 3”, ”, thenthen we get a curve like we get a curve like this.this.More to learnMore

50、to learnIf If factsfactsarearethetheseedsseedsthatthatlaterlaterproduceproduceknowledgeknowledgeandandwisdom,wisdom,thenthen thetheemotionsemotionsandandthetheimpressionsimpressions ofof thethe sensessenses areare thethe fertilefertile soilsoil ininwhichtheseedsmustgrow.whichtheseedsmustgrow.impress

51、ionsofthesensesimpressionsofthesenses things things that that one one receives receives by by the the five five powers powers of of the the body; body; general feelingsgeneral feelingsMore to learnMore to learnIf If factsfactsarearethetheseedsseedsthatthatlaterlaterproduceproduceknowledgeknowledgean

52、dandwisdom,wisdom,thenthen thetheemotionsemotionsandandthetheimpressionsimpressions ofof thethe sensessenses areare thethe fertilefertile soilsoil ininwhichtheseedsmustgrow.whichtheseedsmustgrow.Rhetoric:Rhetoric:metaphormetaphor use use of of a a word word or or phrase phrase to to indicate indicat

53、e sth. sth. different different from from ( ( through through related related in in some some way way to to ) ) the the literal literal meaning.meaning. Usage:Usage: (1) A is B(1) A is Be.g.e.g. A good book is a good friend.A good book is a good friend. Experience is the best teacher. Experience is

54、the best teacher.(2) B + of + A(2) B + of + Ae.g.e.g. a palace of a housea palace of a house She has a heart of stone. She has a heart of stone. Translation: Translation: A good tongue is a good weapon.A good tongue is a good weapon.Key: Key: 能言善辩是利器能言善辩是利器Rhetoric:Rhetoric:similesimileuse of compar

55、ison of one thing with anotheruse of comparison of one thing with anotherUsage:Usage: A is like B; A is as BA is like B; A is as B e.g.e.g. That soldier is like a lion.That soldier is like a lion. She is as beautiful as a flower. She is as beautiful as a flower. as brave as a lion as brave as a lion

56、 an iron will an iron willQuestion:Question: Which Which figure figure of of speech speech is is applied applied in in this this sentence, sentence, metaphor or simile?metaphor or simile?Metaphor.Metaphor.Metaphor.a arouserousevt.vt. cause to become active; excite cause to become active; excite 唤醒;激

57、发唤醒;激发rouserouse vt.vt.1. 1.cause to become active; excite (= arouse) cause to become active; excite (= arouse) 唤醒;激发唤醒;激发2. 2.wake (sb.) up wake (sb.) up 唤醒;使醒来唤醒;使醒来Examples:Examples: He works hard to He works hard to arousearouse his students curiosity. his students curiosity. When hes When hes r

58、ousedroused, he can get very angry., he can get very angry. She She rousedroused him from his sleep. him from his sleep.wish for knowledge about the object of ouremotionalresponseParaphraseParaphrase? ?wish wish to to obtain obtain knowledge knowledge about about things things for for which which a

59、a feeling feeling of of sympathy, sympathy, or or pity, pity, or or admiration, admiration, or or love, love, has been aroused.has been aroused.ItItisismoremoreimportantimportanttotopavepavethethewaywayforfor childrenschildrensdesiredesiretotoknowknowthanthantotoputputthemthemononaadietdietofoffacts

60、factstheyarenotreadytoassimilate.theyarenotreadytoassimilate.pavetheway(for)pavetheway(for) create create a a situation situation in in which which something something specified specified is is possible and can happenpossible and can happenExamples:Examples: Data Data from from the the space space f

61、light flight should should pave pave the the way way forfor a a more detailed exploration of Mars. more detailed exploration of Mars. His work His work paved the way forpaved the way for the new theory. the new theory.Translation:Translation:他的他的经济政策为信息产业的扩展铺平了道路。经济政策为信息产业的扩展铺平了道路。Key:Key:His His ec

62、onomic economic policies policies paved paved the the way way for for expansion expansion of of information industry.information industry.More to learnMore to learnItItisismoremoreimportantimportanttotopavepavethethewaywayforforchildrenschildrensdesiredesiretotoknowknowthanthantotoputputthemthemonon

63、aadietdietofoffactsfactstheyarenotreadytotheyarenotreadytoassimilateassimilate. .a assimilatessimilate vt vt. . take take in in and and make make a a part part of of oneself; oneself; absorbabsorb 使使同同化化;吸收吸收Examples:Examples: The The assimilationassimilation of of immigrants immigrants ( (移移民民) ) i

64、nto into American American culture has been a constant feature of US history.culture has been a constant feature of US history.ParaphraseParaphrase? ?It It is is more more important important to to prepare prepare the the children children by by arousing arousing their their sense sense of of wonder

65、 wonder than than to to feed feed them them with with a lot of facts which they are not ready to take in. a lot of facts which they are not ready to take in. atonesdisposalatonesdisposalavailableforonetouseasonewhishesavailableforonetouseasonewhishes供任意使供任意使用;用; 可自行支配可自行支配Examples:Examples: I dont h

66、ave a car I dont have a car at my disposalat my disposal. . If you want some help preparing for the party I can be If you want some help preparing for the party I can be at your disposalat your disposal all day. all day. disposedispose vt.vt.1. 1.put in place; set in readiness put in place; set in r

67、eadiness 布置布置; ; 配置配置2. 2.cause to have a tendency (to do sth.)cause to have a tendency (to do sth.)使有倾向使有倾向; ; 使愿意使愿意3. 3.( (ofof) get rid of ) get rid of 清除清除; ; 去掉去掉Examples:Examples: The conductor The conductor disposed disposed the singers in a semi-circle.the singers in a semi-circle. Her sens

68、e of humor Her sense of humor disposeddisposed me to like her. me to like her. All the furniture has been All the furniture has been disposed ofdisposed of. . whateveryourresourceswhateveryourresourcesParaphraseParaphrase? ?Whatever Whatever your your abilities; abilities; whatever whatever stock st

69、ock of of knowledge knowledge you haveyou havereleaserelease vt vt. . 1. 1. give freedom to (sb.)give freedom to (sb.)2. 2. remove (sth.) from a fixed position; cause (sth.) to remove (sth.) from a fixed position; cause (sth.) to move freelymove freelyn.n. freeing or being freed from something that

70、confines freeing or being freed from something that confines Examples:Examples: She gently She gently releasedreleased herself from his arms. herself from his arms. He He releasedreleased the brake and the car rolled forward.the brake and the car rolled forward. Death is often a welcomeDeath is ofte

71、n a welcome release release from pain. from pain. thinkofitslongjourneyfromseatoairtoearthParaphraseParaphrase? ?consider consider the the water water cyclecycle, , the the long long process process of of how how water water from from the the sea sea changes changes into into vapor vapor in in the t

72、he air, air, falls falls upon upon land land through through precipitation, precipitation, and and flows flows ultimately ultimately back back into the sea into the sea WaterCycleWaterCycleNatural Natural SelectionSelection, , the the foundation foundation concept concept supporting supporting the t

73、he theory theory of of evolution, evolution, is is the the process process by by which which environmental environmental effects effects lead lead to to varying varying degrees degrees of of reproductive reproductive success success in in individuals individuals and and groups groups of of organisms

74、. organisms. This This revolutionary revolutionary theory theory was was developed developed by by Charles Charles Darwin Darwin and and published published in in 1859 1859 in in his his now now famous famous treatise treatise On On the the Origin Origin of of Species Species by by Means Means of of

75、 Natural Selection.Natural Selection.Darwin,CharlesRobertDarwin,CharlesRobert(1809-1882)(1809-1882)达尔文达尔文达尔文达尔文embodyembodyvt.vt.1. 1.represent (a quality, idea, etc.) in a physical formrepresent (a quality, idea, etc.) in a physical form 体现;体现;使具体化使具体化2. 2.contain, includecontain, include 包含包含Examp

76、les:Examples: To me he To me he embodiesembodies all the best qualities of a teacher. all the best qualities of a teacher. The The latest latest computer computer model model embodiesembodies many many new new features. features. ponderponderthemysteryofagrowingseedthemysteryofagrowingseedponderpond

77、er v. v. think think about about (sth.) (sth.) carefully carefully and and for for a a long long time, time, esp. esp. in trying to reach a decision; considerin trying to reach a decision; considerExamples:Examples: You have You have pondered pondered long enough; it is time to decide.long enough; i

78、t is time to decide. I am I am ponderingpondering how to respond. how to respond. Mary Mary ponderedpondered bitterly (on/ over) the meaning of life. bitterly (on/ over) the meaning of life. ParaphraseParaphrase? ? consider consider the the inexplicable inexplicable process process of of a a seed se

79、ed growing growing into a plantinto a plantamatterofsth./doingsthamatterofsth./doingsth. . a question of; an instance or a case of a question of; an instance or a case of一个一个的的问题;问题;一件一件的事的事Examples:Examples: Dealing Dealing with with these these problems problems is is all all a a matter matter ofo

80、f experience.experience. Success Success in in business business is is simply simply a a matter matter ofof knowing knowing when when to take a chance.to take a chance.beopento(anidea,etc.)beopento(anidea,etc.) be ready and willing to accept and to try and be ready and willing to accept and to try a

81、nd understand or consider (and idea, etc.)understand or consider (and idea, etc.)Examples:Examples: We We are open toare open to suggestions. suggestions. We havent decided on a price, but weWe havent decided on a price, but were open tore open to offers.offers.withsuchunseeingeyeswithsuchunseeingey

82、esParaphraseParaphrase ? ? without noticing themwithout noticing themThoseThosewhowhodwelldwell, ,asasscientistsscientistsororlaypeople,laypeople,amongamongthebeautiesandmysteriesoftheearththebeautiesandmysteriesoftheearthdwelldwell vi.vi. live (in a place or in a particular way) live (in a place or

83、 in a particular way)Example:Example: She She dwelt dwelt in South Africa for ten years.in South Africa for ten years.dwell on/upon dwell on/upon think or talk about (sth.) a lot of the time think or talk about (sth.) a lot of the timeExample:Example: Lets not Lets not dwell ondwell on your past mis

84、takes. your past mistakes. ParaphraseParaphrase? ?those those people, people, whether whether they they are are scientists scientists or or non-non-scientists, scientists, who who live live in in a a world world full full of of beauties beauties and and mysteries.mysteries. contemplatecontemplate v.

85、 v.spend spend time time considering considering (a (a possible possible future future action), action), or or to to consider consider (one (one particular particular thing) thing) for for a a long long time time in in a a serious wayserious wayExamples:Examples: She stood there She stood there cont

86、emplatingcontemplating the painting. the painting. The owner of the team The owner of the team contemplatedcontemplated moving his moving his football club to another city. football club to another city. ThereThereisissymbolicsymbolic asaswellwellasasactualactualbeautybeautyininthethemigrationmigrat

87、ion ofof thethe birds,birds, thethe ebbebb andand flowflow ofof thethetides,thefoldedbudreadyforthespring.tides,thefoldedbudreadyforthespring.Question:Question:What What do do you you think think is is the the symbolic symbolic beauty beauty in in the the migration migration of of the the birds, bir

88、ds, the the ebb ebb and and flow flow of of the the tides, tides, the the folded folded bud bud ready ready for the spring ?for the spring ?ThereThere isis somethingsomething infinitelyinfinitely healinghealing inin thetherepeatedrepeated refrainsrefrains ofof naturenature thethe assuranceassurance

89、thatthatdawncomesafternight,andspringafterthewinter.dawncomesafternight,andspringafterthewinter.Translation:Translation:? ?在在大大自自然然反反反反复复复复的的循循环环中中,有有一一种种具具有有无无限限的的治治愈愈力力的的东东西西黑黑夜夜过过后后是是黎黎明明,冬冬天天过过后后是是春春天天的的这这一保证。一保证。healheal v. v. make or become healthy or whole againmake or become healthy or whole

90、 again“ “HealHeal” ” commonly commonly suggests suggests a a restoring restoring to to soundness soundness of of an an affected part after a wound or sore.affected part after a wound or sore.Examples:Examples: His wounds were slow toHis wounds were slow to healheal. . As people age, they tend to As

91、people age, they tend to healheal more slowly. more slowly. inpossessionofinpossessionof 占有;占据占有;占据If If someone someone is is in in possession possession ofof something, something, they they have have it, it, esp. esp. something something valuable valuable or or important important or or something

92、something they were not expected to have.they were not expected to have.Examples:Examples: He is He is in possession ofin possession of a large fortune. a large fortune. Their opponents (Their opponents (对手对手对手对手) were ) were in possession ofin possession of the ball the ball for most of the match.

93、for most of the match. concerningconcerning prep.prep.( (fml.fml.)about;withregardto;inconnection)about;withregardto;inconnectionwithwith 关于关于Examples:Examples: If If you you have have any any information information concerning concerning the the incident, incident, please contact the police. please

94、 contact the police. I spoke to him I spoke to him concerning concerning his behavior.his behavior.ananincurableincurableromanticromantic Question:Question:Can Can you you figure figure out out the the meaning meaning of of the the word word “incurable”?“incurable”?inincurecureableableKey:Key:incura

95、bleincurableTranslation:Translation:? ?一个不可救药的浪漫主义者一个不可救药的浪漫主义者 hehadnotmuchlongertoenjoytheearthlyscenehehadnotmuchlongertoenjoytheearthlysceneParaphrase:Paraphrase:? ?he he was was not not going going to to live live much much longer longer to to enjoy enjoy human human lifelifesustainsustain vt.v

96、t.1. 1.bear bear (weight) (weight) without without breaking breaking or or falling: falling: support support 承承受住;支撑受住;支撑2. 2.keep alive or in existencekeep alive or in existence 维持生命或存在维持生命或存在Examples:Examples: Will this shelf Will this shelf sustainsustain the weight of all these books? the weight

97、 of all these books? There must be enough oxygen (There must be enough oxygen (氧气氧气氧气氧气) to ) to sustainsustain life.life.astoasto with regard to; about with regard to; about Examples:Examples: As As toto correcting correcting our our homework, homework, the the teacher teacher always always makes u

98、s do it ourselves. makes us do it ourselves. There are no special rules There are no special rules as toas to what clothes you what clothes you should wear.should wear.Unit 3 Unit 3 ExercisesExercises Comprehension VocabularyListeningTheSenseofTheSenseofWonderWonderExercises Exercises ComprehensionC

99、omprehension读写教程读写教程 III: Ex. II, p. 64Ex. II, p. 641.1.WhatWhatisisthethegiftgiftthetheauthorauthorwouldwouldlikelikeallallchildrenchildrentotohave?have?2.2. WhatWhatcausescausesparentsparentstotofeelfeelinadequateinadequatewhenwhentheytheywishtohelpachilddiscovertheworldofnature?wishtohelpachilddi

100、scovertheworldofnature? Answer the following questions:Asenseofwonderthatlastsalltheirlives.Asenseofwonderthatlastsalltheirlives.TheirTheirfeelingfeelingthatthattheytheyknowknowtootoolittlelittleaboutaboutnature.nature.Exercises Exercises ComprehensionComprehension3.3.WhyWhy doesdoes thethe authorau

101、thor considerconsider feelingfeeling moremoreimportantimportant thanthan knowledgeknowledge forfor childrenchildren andand thetheparentswhoseektoguidethem?parentswhoseektoguidethem?Answer the following questions:Exercises Exercises ComprehensionComprehensionBecauseBecauseonceoncethetheemotionsemotio

102、nshavehavebeenbeenaroused,aroused,thenthenwewewishwishforforknowledgeknowledgeaboutaboutthetheobjectobjectofofourouremotionalemotionalresponse.response.AndAndonceoncefound,found,suchsuchknowledgeknowledge hashas farfar moremore lastinglasting meaningmeaning thanthanmereinformation.mereinformation.4.

103、4. WhatWhat suggestionssuggestions doesdoes thethe authorauthor havehave forforparentsparents whowho knowknow littlelittle aboutabout nature?nature? AndAnd whatwhatsuggestionsforcity-dwellers?suggestionsforcity-dwellers?Answer the following questions:Exercises Exercises ComprehensionComprehensionThe

104、yTheycancanstillstilllooklookupupatatthethesky,sky,listenlistentotothethewind,wind,feelfeelthetherainrainonontheirtheirfacefaceandandcontemplatecontemplate thethe perfumeperfume andand flavorflavor ofof aa fruit.fruit.City-dwellersCity-dwellers cancan findfindaa parkpark oror aa golfgolfcoursecourse

105、wherewheretheytheycancanobserveobservethethemigrationsmigrationsofofbirdsbirdsandandthethechangingchangingseasons,seasons,ororplantplantaaseedseedininaapotinthekitchenwindow.potinthekitchenwindow.5.5.WhatWhat doesdoes thethe authorauthor meanmean byby “opening“opening upup thethediscusseddiscussedch

106、annelschannelsofofyouryoursenses”senses”(Para.(Para.5)?5)?WhatWhatsuggestionsdoessheofferforachievingthis?suggestionsdoessheofferforachievingthis?Answer the following questions:Exercises Exercises ComprehensionComprehensionSheShe meansmeans payingpaying moremore attentionattention toto thethesensati

107、onssensations andand informationinformation wewe getget fromfrom ouroursenses.senses. SheShe suggestssuggests thatthat wewe askask ourselves:ourselves:“What“What ifif I I hadhad nevernever seesee thisthis before?before? WhatWhat ifif I IknewIwouldneverseeitagain?”knewIwouldneverseeitagain?”6.6. HowH

108、owdoesdoesthetheauthorauthoransweranswerthetherhetoricalrhetoricalquestionssheasksinparagraph6?questionssheasksinparagraph6?Answer the following questions:Exercises Exercises ComprehensionComprehensionSheShe answersanswers thethe secondsecond questionquestion first:first: “Is“Is thetheexplorationexp

109、lorationofofthethenaturalnaturalworldworldjustjustaapleasantpleasantwaywaytotopasspassthethegoldengoldenhourshoursofofchildhoodchildhoodororisistheretheresomethingsomethingdeeper?”deeper?”SheSheisis“sure“suretherethereisissomethingsomething muchmuch deeper,deeper, somethingsomething lastinglasting a

110、ndandsignificant.”significant.” TheThe valuevalue sheshe seessees inin itit isis innerinnerpeace,peace, strengthstrength andand satisfactionsatisfaction asas outlinedoutlined ininParagraph7.Paragraph7.Answer the following questions:Exercises Exercises ComprehensionComprehension7.7.WhatWhat doesdoes

111、sheshe meanmean byby “the“the repeatedrepeated refrainsrefrains ofofnature”nature” (Para.(Para. 7)?7)? WhatWhat kindkind ofof “healing”“healing” isis sheshereferringto?referringto?8.8.WhydoesthewriterbringupOttoWhydoesthewriterbringupOttoPetterssonPettersson? ? SheShe isis referringreferring toto th

112、ethe repeatingrepeating cyclescycles ofofnature,andtoemotional/spiritualhealing.nature,andtoemotional/spiritualhealing.AsAsananexampleexampleofofaapersonpersonwhowhoneverneverlostlosthishissenseofwonder.senseofwonder.Answer the following questions:Exercises Exercises ComprehensionComprehension9.9. W

113、hatWhatdoesdoesthethephrasephrase“when“whenheherealizedrealizedhehehadhadnotnotmuchmuch longerlonger toto enjoyenjoy thethe earthlyearthly scene”scene” (Para.(Para. 9)9)mean?mean?10.10.HowHowisisPetterssonsPetterssons statementstatementtotohishissonsonconnectedconnectedwiththemainsubjectofthetext?wi

114、ththemainsubjectofthetext?HisHisstatementstatement showsshowsthatthathishissensesense ofofwonderwonderextendseventodeathitself.extendseventodeathitself.Whenherealizedhewasgoingtodiesoon.Whenherealizedhewasgoingtodiesoon.Exercises Exercises VocabularyVocabularyVocabularyEx. IIIEx. IV读写教程读写教程 III: Ex.

115、 III, p. 65Ex. III, p. 65Exercises Exercises VocabularyVocabulary1.1. ColorsColors oftenoften havehave _ meaningsmeanings thatthat varyvaryfromculturetoculture.fromculturetoculture.2.2. AllAllthetheyearsyearsthatthathavehavepassedpassedhavehavenotnot_mymemoryofourfirstgloriousautumninBeijing.mymemor

116、yofourfirstgloriousautumninBeijing.III.Fillineachblankinthefollowingsentenceswithoneof the words given below. Change the form wherenecessary. symbolicdimmedExercises Exercises VocabularyVocabularyarousearouse assimilateassimilatesymbolicsymbolic ponderpondermisfortunemisfortunekeenkeen dimdimconcern

117、ingconcerningmoodmoodconfrontconfront recognitionrecognition healheal 3. Hismostrecentessayfocusesontheproblemsthatpeople_ineverydaylives.4. His failure in business was due not so much to_astohisownmistakes.III.Fillineachblankinthefollowingsentenceswithoneof the words given below. Change the form wh

118、erenecessary.confrontmisfortunearousearouse assimilateassimilatesymbolicsymbolic ponderpondermisfortunemisfortunekeenkeen dimdimconcerningconcerningmoodmoodconfrontconfront recognitionrecognition healheal Exercises Exercises VocabularyVocabulary5.5.IfIfyouyouhavehaveanyanyquestionsquestions_ourourpr

119、oducts,products,pleaseplease feelfeel freefree toto contactcontact ourour customercustomer serviceservicedepartment.department.6.6. MyMy bosssbosss _ changechange veryvery quickly;quickly; oneonemomentmomenthesheslight-heartedlight-heartedandandcheerful,cheerful,andandthethenextnexthehateseverything

120、andeverybody.hehateseverythingandeverybody. III.Fillineachblankinthefollowingsentenceswithoneof the words given below. Change the form wherenecessary. concerningmoodsExercises Exercises VocabularyVocabularyarousearouse assimilateassimilatesymbolicsymbolic ponderpondermisfortunemisfortunekeenkeen dim

121、dimconcerningconcerningmoodmoodconfrontconfront recognitionrecognition healheal 7. Christyisbright,creativeandquickto_newideas.8. Shelovestositonthehillaloneatnight,gazingatthestarsand_theirinterestinchallengingtasks.III.Fillineachblankinthefollowingsentenceswithoneof the words given below. Change t

122、he form wherenecessary. assimilateponderingExercises Exercises VocabularyVocabularyarousearouse assimilateassimilatesymbolicsymbolic ponderpondermisfortunemisfortunekeenkeen dimdimconcerningconcerningmoodmoodconfrontconfront recognitionrecognition healheal 9.9. Theseeducationaltoysgivechildrenafeeli

123、ngofself-Theseeducationaltoysgivechildrenafeelingofself-worthby_theirinterestinchallengingworthby_theirinterestinchallengingtasks.tasks.10.10.DespiteDespite widespreadwidespread publicpublic _ ofof thetheworseningworsening airair qualityquality inin thesethese areas,areas, littlelittle hashas beenbe

124、endonetocontrolairpollution.donetocontrolairpollution.III.Fillineachblankinthefollowingsentenceswithoneof the words given below. Change the form wherenecessary. arousingrecognitionExercises Exercises VocabularyVocabularyarousearouse assimilateassimilatesymbolicsymbolic ponderpondermisfortunemisfortu

125、nekeenkeen dimdimconcerningconcerningmoodmoodconfrontconfront recognitionrecognition healheal 11.11.TheThehumanhumanbodybodyhashasgreatgreatself-_self-_powers,powers,andandsometimessometimesallallititneedsneedstotoovercomeovercomeaamildmildillnessillnessisrestandahealthydiet.isrestandahealthydiet.12

126、.12.DogsDogs andand wolveswolves onon theirtheir _ sensesense ofofsmelltofindfoodandrecognizedanger.smelltofindfoodandrecognizedanger.III.Fillineachblankinthefollowingsentenceswithoneof the words given below. Change the form wherenecessary. healingkeenExercises Exercises VocabularyVocabularyarousear

127、ouse assimilateassimilatesymbolicsymbolic ponderpondermisfortunemisfortunekeenkeen dimdimconcerningconcerningmoodmoodconfrontconfront recognitionrecognition healheal 读写教程读写教程 III: Ex. IV, p.65Ex. IV, p.65Exercises Exercises VocabularyVocabularyIV.IV.ReplaceReplace thethe underlinedunderlined wordswo

128、rds inin thethe followingfollowingsentencessentenceswithwithphrasesphrasesororexpressionsexpressionsfromfromthethetexttextthatthatbestbestkeepkeepthetheoriginaloriginalmeaning.meaning.BeBesuresuretotomakemakeanyothernecessarychangesaswell.anyothernecessarychangesaswell.1.1. MuchMuchasasparentsparent

129、smightmightdesire,desire,therethereisisnonosuchsuchthingthingas“theperfectschool”foranychild.as“theperfectschool”foranychild.2.2. TheThe inventioninvention ofof thethe steamsteam engineengine servedserved asaspreparationforthedevelopmentofindustry.preparationforthedevelopmentofindustry.Exercises Exe

130、rcises VocabularyVocabularywishforwishforpavedthewayforpavedthewayforIV.IV.ReplaceReplace thethe underlinedunderlined wordswords inin thethe followingfollowingsentencessentenceswithwithphrasesphrasesororexpressionsexpressionsfromfromthethetexttextthatthatbestbestkeepkeepthetheoriginaloriginalmeaning

131、.meaning.BeBesuresuretotomakemakeanyothernecessarychangesaswell.anyothernecessarychangesaswell.3.3. HavingHaving soldsold thethe house,house, JimJim hadhad aa largelarge sumsum ofofmoneytodowhathewantedwith.moneytodowhathewantedwith.4.4. BobBob waswas veryvery uncertainuncertain aboutabout hishis re

132、alreal feelingsfeelings forforBeth.Beth.Exercises Exercises VocabularyVocabularyathisdisposalathisdisposalastoastoIV.IV.ReplaceReplace thethe underlinedunderlined wordswords inin thethe followingfollowingsentencessentenceswithwithphrasesphrasesororexpressionsexpressionsfromfromthethetexttextthatthat

133、bestbestkeepkeepthetheoriginaloriginalmeaning.meaning.BeBesuresuretotomakemakeanyothernecessarychangesaswell.anyothernecessarychangesaswell.5.5. AsAsthethedirectordirectorisisawayawayononaabusinessbusinesstrip,trip,IllIllbebeininchargeofthemeetingthisafternoon.chargeofthemeetingthisafternoon.6.6. Re

134、centRecentresearchresearchhashasmademadenewnewpossibilitiespossibilitiesavailableforthetreatmentofcancer.availableforthetreatmentofcancer.7.7. AlthoughAlthough heshes almostalmost ninety,ninety, ProfessorProfessor AdlerAdler stillstillhasallhisfaculties.hasallhisfaculties.Exercises Exercises Vocabul

135、aryVocabularypresideoverpresideoveropenedupopenedupis(still)inpossessionofis(still)inpossessionofExercises Exercises ListeningListening听说教程听说教程 IIIPart 2.2; p. 32TheThepassagepassageyoureyoureaboutabouttotohearhearisisfromfromaalecturelecturecalledcalled“TheSensesoftheMind”.“TheSensesoftheMind”.the

136、minds eye:the minds eye:_synesthesiasynesthesia: :_Exercises Exercises ListeningListeningI. I.TheThelecturelectureincludesincludesaadefinitiondefinitionofofsomesomenewnewterms.terms.AsAs youyou listenlisten toto thethe firstfirst time,time, focusfocus onon thethedefinitionsdefinitions thatthat theth

137、e speakerspeaker givesgives forfor thesethese termstermsandputthemdown.andputthemdown.The The faculty faculty that that lets lets us us see see things things in in our our minds minds that that weve never seen with our physical eyesweve never seen with our physical eyesa a state state or or conditio

138、n condition in in which which the the senses senses mix mix together, together, often with wonderful effects.often with wonderful effects.Exercises Exercises ListeningListeningII.II.ListenListentotothethepassagepassageagainagainandandfindfindanswersanswerstotothethefollowingquestions.followingquesti

139、ons.1.Whatdoweusuallythinkofsenseas?2.Whatisthemindseye?3.What examples does the speaker give to illustratethe minds ear, the minds tongue and the mindsnose?4. Whydontwetalkorthinkaboutthemindsear,theminds taste buds, the minds sense of touch andsmell?5.Whatissynestheia?6.6. Whatdoesthespeakertellus

140、aboutsomeluckypeople?Check-upCheck-upExercises Exercises ListeningListening1.Whatdoweusuallythinkofsenseas?2. Whatisthemindseye? WeWe normallynormally thinkthink ofof sensessenses asas asas channelschannels forforreceivinginformationaboutoutsidereality.receivinginformationaboutoutsidereality. TheThe

141、 mindsminds eyeeye refersrefers toto thethe facultyfaculty thatthat letslets usus seeseethingsthings inin ourour mindsminds thatthat weveweve nevernever seenseen withwith ourourphysicaleyesphysicaleyesExercises Exercises ListeningListening3. What examples does the speaker give to illustratethe minds

142、 ear, the minds tongue and the mindsnose?4. Whydontwetalkorthinkaboutthemindsear,theminds taste buds, the minds sense of touch andsmell? aa composercomposer atat work,work, creativecreative cooks,cooks, makersmakers ofofperfumesperfumes Whatisyouridea?Whatisyouridea?Exercises Exercises ListeningList

143、ening5. Whatissynestheia?6. What does the speaker tell us about some luckypeople? ItIt isis aa statestate oror conditioncondition inin whichwhich thethe sensessenses mixmixtogether,oftenwithwonderfuleffectstogether,oftenwithwonderfuleffects ForForthesethesepeople,people,colorscolorsmaymayhavehavefla

144、vors,flavors,ororsmellssmellsmayhaveshapes,orsoundsmayhavecolors.mayhaveshapes,orsoundsmayhavecolors. ScriptScriptExercises Exercises ListeningListeningGood evening, ladies and gentlemen welcome to our Good evening, ladies and gentlemen welcome to our lecture on “The Senses of the Mind”. We normally

145、 think of lecture on “The Senses of the Mind”. We normally think of senses as channels for receiving information about outside senses as channels for receiving information about outside reality data thats transmitted to the brain to be processed. reality data thats transmitted to the brain to be pro

146、cessed. But there are also senses that exist within our minds. Were all But there are also senses that exist within our minds. Were all familiar with the term familiar with the term the minds eyethe minds eye the faculty that lets the faculty that lets us see things in our minds that weve never seen

147、 with our us see things in our minds that weve never seen with our physical eyesphysical eyes. But we seldom talk about . But we seldom talk about thethe minds ear, the minds ear, the minds taste buds, the minds sense of touch and smell. Why is minds taste buds, the minds sense of touch and smell. W

148、hy is this? There are people who make great use of minds senses this? There are people who make great use of minds senses think think of of a a composer composer at at work, work, focused focused on on sounds sounds no no one one else else can can hear. hear. Creative Creative cooks cooks taste tast

149、e imaginary imaginary flavors flavors with with their their “minds “minds tongue”; tongue”; makers makers of of perfumes perfumes smell smell fantasy fantasy odors odors with with their their “minds “minds nose”. nose”. What What imaginary imaginary senses senses do do you you experience? experience

150、? Yes, Yes, you. you. Research Research shows shows that that we we all all experience experience fantasy fantasy senses. senses. Later Later in in our our lecture lecture well well suggest suggest some some simple simple exercises exercises you you can can do do to to gain gain more more consciousn

151、ess consciousness of of the the “sense “sense of of your your mind”. mind”. Some Some lucky lucky people people also also experience experience what what psychologists psychologists call call synesthesiasynesthesia, , a a state state or or condition condition in in which which the the senses mix tog

152、ether, often with wonderful effectssenses mix together, often with wonderful effects. . For For these these people, people, colors colors may may have have flavors, flavors, or or smells smells may may have have shapes, shapes, or or sounds sounds may may have have colors. colors. Some Some psycholo

153、gists psychologists say say that that in in fact fact we we all all have have the the gift gift of of synesthesia, synesthesia, but but that that most most of of us us have have been been conditioned conditioned to to ignore ignore it. it. And And in in our our lecture lecture tonight, tonight, youl

154、l youll learn learn some some simple simple steps steps that that can can help help you you revive your own gift of synesthesia. revive your own gift of synesthesia. 1.1.ReviewTextAReviewTextA2.2.Doexercises:Doexercises: Structure Structure (Ex. IX. pp.68) (Ex. IX. pp.68) Cloze Cloze (Ex. X. pp. 68) (Ex. X. pp. 68) Translation (Ex. XI. Translation (Ex. XI. XIIXII pp.69) pp.69)3.3.StructuredWriting(p.71)StructuredWriting(p.71)AssignmentAssignment



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