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1、International-International-Children-Children-世界各国的儿世界各国的儿童节童节 The international childrens day of every The international childrens day of every year is scheduled for June 1year is scheduled for June 1。 It is to ensure It is to ensure children in the world the inalienable rights children in the worl

2、d the inalienable rights of life the rights of education, custody, in of life the rights of education, custody, in order to improve childrens life, to trial order to improve childrens life, to trial against children and poisoning children and against children and poisoning children and the establish

3、ment of the festivalthe establishment of the festival。At present, At present, many countries in the world will be June 1 many countries in the world will be June 1 children as the festivalchildren as the festival。国际儿童节定于每年的国际儿童节定于每年的6 6月月1 1日。它是为了保障世日。它是为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权,抚养权,界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权

4、,抚养权,为了改善儿童的生活,为了反对虐杀儿童和毒害儿童为了改善儿童的生活,为了反对虐杀儿童和毒害儿童而设立的节日。目前世界上许多国家都将而设立的节日。目前世界上许多国家都将6 6月月1 1日定为日定为儿童的节日。儿童的节日。Russia and the international childrens day in tune completely, on June 1st. When there is a childrens day is coming, children all around the Russian will be in high spirits to celebrate t

5、heir own festival, will also include some national song and dance, is celebrated in the school. 俄罗斯的儿童节和国际完全俄罗斯的儿童节和国际完全“合合拍拍”,就在,就在6月月1日。每当儿童节日。每当儿童节来临的时候,俄罗斯各地的孩来临的时候,俄罗斯各地的孩子们都会兴高采烈地欢度自己子们都会兴高采烈地欢度自己的节日,还会表演一些民族歌的节日,还会表演一些民族歌舞,学校里则举行庆祝活动。舞,学校里则举行庆祝活动。 In Japanese custom, three In Japanese custom,

6、 three years old, the age of five and years old, the age of five and seven years old children is seven years old children is especially lucky three age, so especially lucky three age, so every year on this day, will be every year on this day, will be dedicated to the three older dedicated to the thr

7、ee older children busy to celebrate.On children busy to celebrate.On this day, children will put on the this day, children will put on the best traditional kimono, would best traditional kimono, would back a painted pine tree, the back a painted pine tree, the tortoise or crane design small tortoise

8、 or crane design small paper bag, paper bag filled paper bag, paper bag filled with parents buy candy and with parents buy candy and toys.After fully dressed, parents toys.After fully dressed, parents can bring children on the shrine, can bring children on the shrine, pray and thank god to bring pra

9、y and thank god to bring children healthy and happy.children healthy and happy.在日本习俗里,三岁、五岁和七岁是小朋友特别幸运的三个年纪,所以每年的这一天,在日本习俗里,三岁、五岁和七岁是小朋友特别幸运的三个年纪,所以每年的这一天,会专门为这三个年纪的孩子热闹地庆祝一番。这一天,小朋友会穿上最好的传统和会专门为这三个年纪的孩子热闹地庆祝一番。这一天,小朋友会穿上最好的传统和服,还会背上一个画了松树、乌龟或鹤等图案的小纸袋,纸袋里装满了父母买的糖果服,还会背上一个画了松树、乌龟或鹤等图案的小纸袋,纸袋里装满了父母买的糖

10、果和玩具。穿戴整齐后,父母会带小朋友上神社,祈求并感谢神明给小朋友带来健康和和玩具。穿戴整齐后,父母会带小朋友上神社,祈求并感谢神明给小朋友带来健康和快乐。快乐。South Koreas childrens day in 1923, the evolution from boys day.Is South Koreas public holiday, on May 5, every year.On this day, the children can enjoy happiness, parents should give their children for they want gifts.

11、Many children will also be put on this day han2 fu2, experience the traditional Korean culture.韩国的儿童节于韩国的儿童节于1923年,从年,从“男孩节男孩节”演变过来的。演变过来的。也是韩国的公众假日,每年的也是韩国的公众假日,每年的5月月5日。这一天,孩日。这一天,孩子们可以尽情享受欢乐,父母要给孩子准备他们子们可以尽情享受欢乐,父母要给孩子准备他们最想要的礼物。很多孩子也会在这天穿上韩服,体最想要的礼物。很多孩子也会在这天穿上韩服,体验传统的韩国文化。验传统的韩国文化。1West African

12、 countries have a special childrens carnival, lasts for one month.African people skills, childrens carnival, though the living conditions of people not the same, all the children will make merry, very busy.非洲西部的国家大都有专门的非洲西部的国家大都有专门的“儿童儿童狂欢节狂欢节”,一般持续一个月。非洲人,一般持续一个月。非洲人能歌善舞,能歌善舞,“儿童狂欢节儿童狂欢节”,尽管人们,尽管人们

13、的生活条件不相同,所有孩子都会尽的生活条件不相同,所有孩子都会尽情欢乐,热闹非凡。情欢乐,热闹非凡。19491949年年开开始,中始,中华华人人民共和民共和国国正式定每年正式定每年6 6月月1 1日日为国际儿为国际儿童童节节。学学校一般校一般会为会为此此组织组织相相关关的集体活的集体活动动,并并要求要求学学生正式着装生正式着装( (普普及校服前及校服前为为白白衬衬衣衣蓝蓝线裤线裤) )。From 1949 , the Peoples Republic of China formally set each year 6 month 1 A day of international childre

14、ns day. The school usually Will organize for this collective activity, and students are required to dress formally (Spread before school uniforms for white shirt blue line pants ) 翻译香港特别行政区民间在约定俗成下,儿童节的日期保留为4月4日。民间庆祝的方式多以送玩具礼物给小朋友,或陪小孩出外吃大餐或游玩。台湾地区也仍以4月4日为每年的儿童节。 Translation of the Hong Kong special

15、 administrative region under the conventional folk, childrens day reserved for the date of April 4. Folk celebrating the way how to send toys gifts for children, or to accompany children go out to eat dinner or. Taiwan is still on April 4, as childrens day every year. 中美洲国家哥伦比亚将每年的7月4日定为儿童节。在这个节日里,全

16、国的学校都要举行各种生动活泼的庆祝活动,儿童们还常常戴上各式各样的假面具,扮成小丑的样子在街头玩耍,十分开心。 Central American country of Columbia will Central American country of Columbia will every year on July 4, as the childrens day. In every year on July 4, as the childrens day. In this festival, the national school have held this festival, the na

17、tional school have held various lively celebrations, children often put various lively celebrations, children often put on a variety of masks, dressed as a clown like on a variety of masks, dressed as a clown like playing in the street, very happy. playing in the street, very happy. Thats all, thank you!结束结束



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