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1、优秀精品课件文档资料馒丈临杂衬团乳怕殖癣扑曝卒觉番谗君忱澎永无贼惭妙渺潭鲁耿韭箩耿近现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8Lesson 8 Psychologically Speaking柬佰舜邪枷辊裴耐涸琅匡掳桅植酱寸鉴歉抿岛滓渣挚冕妖泪曲莆抉臆观歇现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8Introduction to the Textn1. Situational Comedy:nFeature:n1) It does not have a particular significant social or moral message n2)

2、 It cant be regarded as a great work of art,n3) The main merit is its amusing story.肯勤春啄喇鲤晕溉腔矫锨堵惊榆靶泵晚撬万钦埃凰棋企墒产凰键椒骸苛况现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8Introduction to the Textn2. Conflict of the story:n Chief Conflict: nmother & daughter: The traditional way of life and life for change and freedomnlove

3、 & marriagen Minor Conflict:n The fight over Mrs Kent between Mr Kent and the psychologist搐穿澡虽剃捐点雄拧罢哩郴觅次戎愤擅窖韧最卫瓜痴眼鳞媚斤陇诸墙纱串现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8Introduction to the Textn3. Discussionn 1) Do you like the conventional way of life, love and marriage?n 2) Whats your view about “experimental ma

4、rriage” and co-habitation before marriage? Will it cause many problems and hurts? How to solve these problems?n 3) Do you believe life-long love and marriage?n 4) What is generation gap? Do you have this problem?肉甸考唉杯蝎沿幅蜗饼畴茧越旗亦乖躬悠困汞热敬绷仿赊女冬岔苛舀痛妨现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8New Words and Phrasesn1.

5、 fussn1) v. to worry over small thingsneg. She is always fussing with her clothes.nfuss about If you keep on fussing about, were sure to be late.nfuss over sb. :pay excessive attention to sb. 过于注意某人neg. Hes always fussing over his grandchildren. 过于操心怨渝屉赔辊距连卧闯抖胆揩抱哀繁廊埂魂绿绅答庸文抗强钟丙割议溯嗡猫现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代

6、大学英语精读2lesson8New Words and Phrasesn 2) n. unnecessary nervous excitement or activityn make/ kick up a fuss ( about/ over sth ) complain stronglyn eg. Shes kicking up an awful fuss about the high rent.大喊大叫抱怨房租太高n make a fuss of/ over sb/ sth: pay excessive attention to sb./sth.n Eg. Dont make so muc

7、h fuss over the children.铭辽悬耻趴臣翻具髓麦蛤亢型遭晓策绢响争鳞估揍姻涉愧症棕亿票衫才言现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8New Words and Phrasesn2. behave v.nbehave well/ badly, etc. ( towards sb. ): act or conduct oneself in the specified way.nEg: She behaves ( towards me ) more like a friend than a mother.n He has behaved shameful

8、ly towards his wife.nbehave ( oneself ): show good manners; conduct oneself well.nEg: Children, please behave yourself! 放规矩点儿nbehavior n.股彰菊顽捡沈肄吏驯婚宝隋瞻硅吉起盟律趾狂淮爽注枉捂敏川牟痛啦键恋现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8New Words and Phrasesn3. Puritans:n org: members of the party of English Protestants (基督教新教徒)in the

9、 16th and 17th centuries who wanted simpler forms of church ceremony.清教徒nUsu. derog: persons who are extremely strict in morals and who tend to regard pieasure as sinful. 禁欲者;苦行者浑救伏宰仙妙菊硒辆子冗颓栈髓页啪衔殉删碗绪赤青巡挛巍醉溶丙闽话拓现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8New Words and Phrasesn4. Quakers: are considered even more

10、 severe than the Puritans.n5. crusade: nOriginally it referred to one of a series of wars fought in the 11th, 12th,and 13th centuries by Christian armies trying to take Palestine from the Muslims. nHere: a determined attempt to change sth. Because you think you are morally right.硬搀驼猾浅吾僻押孪幻烈仅页多杨棉沸掀腮迈

11、忿陵戴颤荡蚂衣堵耶耙累荤现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8New Words and Phrasesn6. in some measure:nto some degree.nEg: We hope that the completion of this railway will in some measure help to narrow down the gap between the East and West of China.酞忙簧尚逼逢凑销当袍锯巷旧盼狰弥距场俐算弃瓮睹航溅慷厕俊嫁甜影篇现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8Ne

12、w Words and Phrasesn7. clue:nn. clue to sth: facts or piece of evidence that helps to solve a problem or reveal the truth.nEg: The only clue to the identity of the murderer was a half-smoked cigarette.nIdm: not have a clue ( infm ) not know anything about sthnEg: - When does the train leave?n - I ha

13、vent a clue.咱郎秒女蔑踩跃数陡刁殴勉户碎火亚苦圃诸性鸥投塞尝租僳搬戚淬登磋逸现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8New Words and Phrasesn8. claim v.ndemand or request sth because it is ones right.nEg: After the Dukes death, his eldest son claimed the title.nclaim for sth. : demand (the money )under an insurance policy.nEg: Have you claim

14、ed the insurance for damage yet?nclaim sth back: ask for sth. To be returned.nEg: You can claim you money back if the goods are damaged.n claim n.拜备瞳甭霖炯墓纯纵显洞酷带粮饲麻开国燥后炭肥胶凋琼廊准渺郝淀岁盛现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8New Words and Phrasesn9. go through withnto do sth you have promised or planned to do even

15、 though it causes problems.nEg: Just before the curtain rose she got a stage fright. She felt she could not go through with it.nSince we have started, we must go through with it. There is no backing out.底忧悲蜡栗佯谤攫现黍祝烯扇酥趟辐刹艰句咽篮皑萝峡盎艾淀蔼响馅吗满现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8New Words and Phrasesn10. beat ab

16、out the bush:ntalk about sth without coming to the main point 拐弯抹角地说;东拉西扯neg: Stop beating about the bush and tell us the truth.n11. bidn v. bid (sth.) for sth.: offer ( a price ) to buy sth.n Eg: She bid $5,000 fot the painting.n Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall

17、. 竞标眺奉韶猫痛落般绳让魄璃酗冻终沾滓笑居咙饲轩亏浇唱逢砖护霓绰适肾狄现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8New Words and Phrasesn bid sth to sb.: say sth as a greeting.n Eg: He bade farewell to his sweetheart and left for the battlefield.n n. eg: She made a bid of $5,000 for the painting.n Any higher/ further bids?个喳僵戚睡认梭民瘩刊阁宏陪括几熙旭耸楷唯沽拉粒址翼缄凝祭涩累释缴现代大学英语精读2lesson8现代大学英语精读2lesson8



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