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1、大学生英大学生英语精精读bo5bo5第七章第七章课件件Roamvi.闲逛;漫步;漫游;徘徊;流浪:Iliketoroamaroundthefields.我喜欢在田野中漫步。(有目的地)走来走去:Sheroamedthroughthevillagetryingtofindthehousewhichshehadoncelivedin.她在村庄里走来走去想找到她过去曾居住过的房子。vt.在漫步;在徘徊:Hungrybeggarsroamedthestreetsinsearchoffood.饥饿的乞丐在街上徘徊寻找食物。Cosmosn宇宙秩序,和谐WarmingupvWho is Stephen Ha

2、wking? Do you know anything about his contributions to science?vWhat is most striking about this scientistvSuccess belongs to the perseveringWarmingup 霍金教授1942年1月8日出生于英国牛津,1963年,霍金教授被诊断患有肌肉萎缩症,即运动神经病。1965年获得理论物理学博士学位。1974年3月1日,霍金教授在自然上发表论文,阐述了自己的新发现黑洞是有辐射的。在几个星期内,全世界的物理学家都在讨论他的研究工作(霍金所指的辐射被称为霍金辐射)。霍

3、金的新发现,被认为是多年来理论物理学最重要的进展。该论文被称为“物理学史上最深刻的论文之一”。霍金的主要研究领域是宇宙论和黑洞,证明了广义相对论的奇性定理和黑洞面积定理,提出了黑洞蒸发现象和无边界的霍金宇宙模型,在统一20世纪物理学的两大基础理论爱因斯坦创立的相对论和普朗克创立的量子力学方面走出了重要一步。 Warmingupv时间简史:从大爆炸到黑洞 A Brief History of Time: from the Big Bang to Black Holes 1979年第一回见到他时的情景至今还历历在目。那是第一次参加剑桥霍金广义相对论小组的讨论班时,门打开后,忽然脑后响起一种非常微弱

4、的电器的声音,回头一看,只见一个骨瘦如柴的人斜躺在电动轮椅上,他自己驱动着电开关。译者尽量保持礼貌而不显出过分吃惊,但是他对首次见到他的人对其残废程度的吃惊早已习惯。他要用很大努力才能举起头来。在失声之前,只能用非常微弱的变形的语言交谈,这种语言只有在陪他工作、生活几个月后才能通晓。他不能写字,看书必须依赖于一种翻书页的机器,读文献时必须让人将每一页摊平在一张大办公桌上,然后他驱动轮椅如蚕吃桑叶般地逐页阅读。他是一位富有人情味的人。每天他必须驱动轮椅从他的家剑桥西路5号,经过美丽的剑河、古老的国王学院驶到银街的应用数学和理论物理系的办公室。该系为了他的轮椅行走便利特地修了一段斜坡。 Avict



7、媛 Darkness has fallen on Cambridge, England, and on a damp and chilly evening kings Parade is filled with students and faculty. chillyadj.1.冷的,寒冷的,凉飕飕的2.感到寒冷的;怕冷的3.缺乏热情的,冷淡的4.使人寒心的;令人沮丧的;恐怖的,使人恐惧的变形:adj.chillier.chilliestfaculty1.能力,才能2. (身体生来就有的)机能,官能,功能3. 技能;本领,特殊才能;本事4. 【教育学】(大学的)系,科,学院美国英语(学术、高等

8、院校或院系的)全体教员5. (某一专门行业的)全体从业人员6. (授予的)权力或特权;尤指【天主教】授予主教、僧侣等的权力Paragraphone Then, down the crowded thoroughfare comes the University of Cambridges most distinctive vehicle, bearing its most distinguished citizen. In the motorized wheelchair, boyish face dimly illuminated by a glowing computer screen a

9、ttached to the left armrest, is Stephen William Hawking, 46, one of the worlds greatest theoretical physicists. Thoroughfare大街,通道,通路,干线公路,水路,航道,通行短语:Nothoroughfare!禁止通行!此路不通!Distinguishedadj.著名的,杰出的(by,for),(风度)高雅的,显著的近义词:famous短语:(be)distinguishedby以为特征(be)distinguishedfor以著名的(be)distinguishedfrom不

10、同于;与加以区别motorizeVt.给装上发动机,使机动化,【军事】使(部队)摩托化,使机械化变形:vt.motorized.motorizingmotorized【adj.摩托化的;机动化的】Paragraphone As he skillfully maneuvers through the crowd, motorists slow down, some honking their horns in greeting. People wave and shout hello.Maneuversn.军机动;演习;策略;调遣vi.军机动;演习;调遣;用计谋vt.军机动;演习;用计;调遣cr

11、ashmaneuver全速急刹车orbitmaneuver轨道操纵;变轨;轨道机动;轨道机动maneuverconsole操纵台honkn.鹅叫声、汽车喇叭声vi.(鹅)叫:Thegoosehonkedflyingintothesky.那只大雁鸣叫着飞入了高空。(汽车喇叭)鸣响,(汽车或司机)鸣喇叭:Hehonkedtohurrymeupdownthestairs.他鸣汽车喇叭催我赶紧下楼。短语:KeepHonking继续按喇叭NoHonking禁止鸣喇叭Paragraphone A huge smile lights up Hawkings bespectacled face, but he

12、 cannot wave or shout back. Since his early 20s, he has suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive deterioration of the central nervous system that usually causes death within three or four years. Deteriorationn.变质,恶化,堕落(的状态)、(质量、活力、耐用性)逐渐下降;衰退,退化;解体同义词:impairment、decline短语:Cre

13、ditdeterioration信用恶化;信用缺失mentaldeterioration精神衰退;神经衰弱;神经退化;心智衰退intellectualdeterioration智力衰退;智能衰退habitdeterioration习惯退化;习惯性歪曲alcoholicdeterioration酒精中毒性衰退;酒精中毒性衰退;酒精中毒性衰退oildeterioration油变质;油质劣化;油质劣化,油变质;油液变质microbiologicaldeterioration微生物降解作用;微生物引起的变质Paragraphtwo Hawkings illness has advanced more

14、slowly, and now seems almost to have stabilized. Still, it has robbed him of virtually all movement. He has no control over most of his muscles, cannot dress or eat by himself and has lost his voice.Paragraphtwo Now he speaks only by using the slight voluntary movement left in his hands and fingers

15、to operate his wheelchairs built-in computer and voice synthesizer.Voluntaryadj.志愿的、【法律】自愿的;无偿的【生理学】随意的,即兴的n.自愿行动;(教堂做礼拜前后的)风琴独奏;即兴演奏近义词:intentional.deliberate.willful变形:n.voluntariesbuilt-inadj.嵌入(墙内)的,作为整体建筑一部分而建造的,不能移动的;内在的;固有的;本质的;,天生的Synthesisn.综合,综合体【化学】合成(法)【逻辑学】演绎推理,综合【哲学】(黑格尔哲学中的)合题【语言学】综合【

16、电子学】(音响等的)合成【医学】接合【军事】谍报用语(情报的)综合,整编近义词:integration,comprehensivenessParagraphtwo While ALS has made Hawking a virtual prisoner in his own body, it has left his courage and humor intact, his intellect free to roam. And roam it does, from the infinitesimal to the infinite, from the subatomic realm to

17、 the far reaches of the universe. infinitesimaladj.微不足道的;【数学】无穷小的;无限小的n.【数学】无穷小;无限小词组短语infinitesimalcalculus数微积分ParagraphthreeIntellect智力;理解力;领悟力;思维能力;获取知识能力;总称知识界同根词:词根:intellectadj.intellectual智力的;聪明的;理智的intelligent智能的;聪明的;理解力强的intelligible可理解的;明了的;仅能用智力了解的adv.intellectually智力上;理智地;知性上intelligibly


19、特殊才智;也指运用、展开智慧的能力。Paragraphthree In the course of these mental expeditions, Hawking has conceived startling new theories about black holes and the disorderly events that immediately followed the Big Bang from which the universe sprang. disorderlyadj.无秩序的;混乱的;不整洁的;违法乱纪的;adv.无秩序地;不规则地;n.【法律】妨害治安者,伤风败俗

20、者(=disorderlyperson)近义词:adj.chaotic,confused,troubled,turbulentadv.intricately,mussilyExpeditionsn.1.踏上征程、远征;探险;考察;探险队;考察队踏上征途的一批人(或野兽、车辆、船只等)2.迅速(办理),动作敏捷短语:useexpedition赶快办理,从速行动withexpedition很快地,迅速地近义词:explorations,haste,trip More recently, he has shaken both physicists and theologians by suggest

21、ing that the universe has no boundaries, was not created and will not be destroyed.Theologiansn.神学家;神学研究者;空谈理论者Boundaryn.分界线;边界;界限;范围,范畴;英国英语【板球】球场边界线;击到(或超过)边界线的球;击球到(或超过)边界线得分(得4或6分)变形:(复数)n.boundaries同近义词:region,extent,spectrum,territory,areaParagraphthreeParagraphs47第七组第七组王晓晓王晓晓Paragraphfourv Mo

22、st of Stephen Hawkings innovative thinking occurs at Cambridge, where he is Lucasian professor of mathematics, a seat once occupied by Isaac Newton. There, in the Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, he benevolently reigns over the relativity group, 15 overachieving graduate students f

23、rom nine countries. On his office door is a small plaque irreverently reading QUIET, PLEASE. THE BOSS IS ASLEEP.v 斯蒂芬霍金的大部分创新思想是在剑桥大学确立的。他是剑桥大学罗卡斯数学教授,艾萨克牛顿曾担任过这个职位。在该校数学和理论物理系,霍金和蔼可亲地领导着一个由来自九个国家十五个成绩优异的研究生组成的相对论小组。在他办公室门上有一块小装饰板,上面不太恭敬地写着:请保持安静,老板在睡觉。重点词汇innovative adj. 革新的,创新的,新颖的 benevolent adj.

24、 仁慈的;慈善的;亲切的 短语:not benevolent不仁 同根词: benevolently n.仁慈的,慷慨的 benevolence n. 仁慈;善行 vi.统治;支配;盛行;君临n.统治;统治时期;支配短语:reignover统治,盛行,接力reignsupreme主宰,称雄,盛行reignto使顺从,使依从reignaccordingtolaw依法治国近义词:governance,disposal,rule,dominancereign relativity n.相对论 overachieving vi. 完成得比预期要好 vt. 做得比预期的更好 plaque n. 匾;血小

25、板;饰板 irreverentadj.不敬的,无礼的变形:irreverentlyadv.不逊地,不敬地Irreverencen.非礼,不敬行为ParagraphfivevHardly. From midmorning until he departs for dinner around 7 p. m., Hawking follows a routine that would tax the most able-bodied, working in his book-lined office, amid photographs of his wife Jane and their three

26、 children. v那大概不是真实的。霍金的日常生活是从上午十点左右开始一直到下午七点左右才离去吃饭,这对强壮能干的人来说也是很重的负担,他工作在摆满书籍,中间还有他妻子珍妮和他们三个孩子的办公室里。v词汇:midmorning n. 上午中段时间;上午十点左右 adj. 发生在上午中段时间的; 上午10时左右的;与上午中段时间有关的 book-lined adj.布满书籍的routinen.计程序;日常工作;例行公事adj.日常的;例行的taxvt.向课税;使负重担n.税金;重负departfor开往;去往;动身去vWhen he rolled into the departments

27、common room one morning last month, his students were talking shop around low tables.v上月的一天上午,霍金驾着轮椅到了系的公共休息室,他的学生们正围在一张张矮桌子谈论着本行的一些事情。短语:roll into 卷成,使合为一体;滚进,进入 common room 公共休息室 talk shop 三句话不离本行,说行话, 谈论本行工作vManeuvering to one of the tables, Hawking clicked his control switch, evoking tiny beeps

28、from his computer and selecting words from lists displayed on his screen. v敏捷地操纵着轮椅来到一张桌子前,霍金卡嗒一声按下控制开关,他的计算机就发出轻微的嘟嘟声;他从计算机屏幕上显示出来的单词表中选择了一些词。词汇:Maneuvering v. 军 机动;操纵;演习 原形:maneuver n. 军 机动;演习;策略;调遣 vi. 军 机动;演习;调遣;用计谋 vt. 军 机动;演习;用计;调遣 beepvi.嘟嘟响n.哔哔的声音;警笛声vt.嘟嘟响 evoke vt. 1.唤起,召唤;召(魂),唤(神),召来(亡灵等

29、) 2.引起,博得,惹出,使发出 3.唤起,使人想起,使人产生(联想、回忆、感情等) 4.描绘出;使再现 近义词辨析: waken vi.醒来,睡醒(up);觉醒,振奋 vt.唤醒,弄醒; 使觉醒;使振奋,激发;激起 evoke vt.唤起,引起,使人想到 wake vi.醒来 vt.唤醒,唤起,激起,使认识到 wake (up) to 认识到,意识到 arouse vt.引起,唤起,激起;唤醒=awaken awake adj.用作表语醒着的 vt.唤醒,觉醒 vi.醒,觉醒,意识到vThese words, assembled in sequence at the bottom of th

30、e screen, finally issued from the voice synthesizer: Good morning. Can I have coffee? Then, for the benefit of a visitor: I am sorry about my American accent. (The synthesizer is produced by a California company.)v这些词在屏幕下方一个接一个地排列好,最后通过声音合成器说出来:“早上好!我可以来杯咖啡吗?”(声音合成器是美国加利福尼亚一家公司制造的。)短语: 1. in sequenc

31、e 依次,逐一 2. voice synthesizer 语音合成器 synthesize n. 电子 合成器;合成者Paragraphsixv When the conversation shifted to creativity and how mathematicians seem to reach a creative peak in their early 20s, Hawkings computer beeped. Im over the hill, he said, to a chorus of laughter.v当谈论的话题转到创造力及数学家看来在他们二十出头就达到创造力顶峰

32、时,霍金的计算机发出嘟嘟声。他说:“我已过了顶峰。”他的话引得大家放声大笑短语:over the hill 1. 过了顶峰,在走下坡路,在衰退中 2. 擅离职守,开小差 近义词:in decline= on the decline 在衰退中 chorus n. 合唱队;齐声;歌舞队 vt. 合唱;异口同声地说 vi. 合唱;异口同声地说话ParagraphsevenvHawking was born on Jan. 8, 1942-300 years to the day, he often notes, after the death of Galileo. As a small boy,

33、he was slow to learn to read but liked to take things apart though he confesses that he was never very good at putting things back together. When he was twelve, he recalls humorously, one of my friends bet another friend a bag of sweets that I would never come to anything. I dont know if this bet wa

34、s ever settled and, if so, who won.v 霍金生于一九四二年一月八日他常常提起,伽利略就在三百年前的这一天去世的。小时候,他学习读书很迟钝,而喜欢把东西拆开,但他承认从来不善于把拆开的东西装回原样。他幽默地回忆起:“十二岁那年,我有一个朋友以一包糖跟另一个朋友打赌,认为我将来不会有什么出息的。我不知道这次打赌是否已解决;如果解决了,也不知谁赢了。” confess vt. 承认;坦白;忏悔;供认 vi. 承认;坦白;忏悔;供认近义词:=concede, acknowledge, recognize, admit, confess近义词辨析: concede 指在

35、事实与证据面前勉强或不得不承认 acknowledge 通常指公开承认某事的真实情况或自己的过错 recognize 作“承认”解时,系书面用词,主要指合法的或外交上的承认,也指公认 admit 强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味 confess 语气较强,着重承认自己意识到的错误或罪行,含坦白忏悔的意味短语:1.to the day 一天也不差;恰好,刚好,到了那天 近义词:to the moment 恰好,分秒不差地 fit like a glove 完全相合;恰好 2.take apart 拆开;剖析;粗暴对待 take sth apart 拆开 ; 拆卸 ;

36、拆散 3. put together 放在一起;组合;装配 = set up= assemble 4. never come to anything 彻底失败Paragraphs811第七组第七组陈晓陈晓ParagraphEightFascinated by physics, Stephen concentrated in the subject at Oxfords University College, but did not distinguish himself. He partied, took a great interest in rowing and studied only

37、an hour or so a day. Moving on to Cambridge for graduate work in relativity, he found the going rough, partl ly because of some puzzling physical problems; he stumbled frequently and seemed to be getting clumsy.由于迷上了物理学,斯蒂芬在牛津大学学院集中精力学习这门学科,由于迷上了物理学,斯蒂芬在牛津大学学院集中精力学习这门学科,但成绩并不出色。他参加的是社交聚会,感兴趣的是划船,而每天

38、花但成绩并不出色。他参加的是社交聚会,感兴趣的是划船,而每天花在学习上的时间仅仅一小时左右。到剑桥大学读研究生时,他从事相在学习上的时间仅仅一小时左右。到剑桥大学读研究生时,他从事相对论研究。他觉得学得很艰难,部分原因是他身体有病令他困惑;他对论研究。他觉得学得很艰难,部分原因是他身体有病令他困惑;他时常跌倒,并且似乎逐渐变得笨拙起来。时常跌倒,并且似乎逐渐变得笨拙起来。ParagraphEight1、concentrate 专注、专心、集中、浓缩concentrate/focus. on/upon.集中精力于;全神贯注于 2、distinguish 区分;辨别;使杰出,使表现突出distin

39、guish oneself 使扬名;使杰出distinguish .from. 区别,辨别Distinguish between .and.区别.与.3、take a great interest in 对.感兴趣4、move on to 转移到. move on to doing 继续做某事 go rough 相当于 very difficultParagraphNineDoctors soon gave him the bad news: he had ALS, it would only get worse, and there was no cure. Hawking was over

40、whelmed. Before long, he needed a cane to walk, was drinking heavily and ignoring his studies. There didnt seem to be much point in completing my Ph. D., he says.很快,医生告诉他这个坏消息:他得的是病,而且病情只会越来越糟,却无法治愈。霍金不知所措。没有多久,他需要拐杖走路,还开始酗酒,而对学习却置之不理。他说,“当时看来,完成我的博士学位没有什么用处了。”ParagraphNine1、overwhelm 征服、制服、使应接不暇、压垮

41、 overwhelm majority 压倒大多数 overwhelming 势不可挡的、压倒性的(六级高频词汇)2、before long 不久以后 long before 很早以前;在以前很久ParagraphTenThen Hawkings luck turned. The progress of the disease slowed, and Einsteinian space-time suddenly seemed less formidable. But what really made the difference, he says, was that I got engage

42、d to Jane, who was studying modern languages at Cambridge. This gave me something to liver for. As he explains, if we were to get married, I had to get a job. And to get a job, I had to finish my Ph. D. I started, working hard for the first time in my life. To my surprise, I found I liked it.然而,霍金的运

43、气改变了。他病情进展缓慢下来。而且爱因斯坦的时空理论突然似乎不那么难以对付了。但他说:“真正有重要影响的是我与珍妮订婚了。”当时珍妮正在剑桥大学学习现代语言。“这给了我生活的目的。”正象他解释的那样:“如果我们准备结婚,我得有工作做。而要得到工作就不得不完成博士学位。我开始一生中第一次刻苦学习。ParagraphTenturn 在这里等同于 change 转向;转变;转动make a difference 有影响,很重要;产生差别make no difference 没有影响;不起作用;都一样 (+to)engage (使)参加 雇佣 占用(时间等) 六级词汇be engaged to do

44、sth. 被雇用来做.be engaged in (doing) sth. 忙于做. 从事于. =engage in (doing) sth. ,engage oneself in (doing)sthengagement 约会、订婚 + with sb. 与某人的约会 +to sb. 与某人的婚姻get engaged 订婚(+to)engaged in 从事于;忙于 engaged with 与有事商谈;接洽;忙于;从事于 ParagraphelevenWhat particularly interested Stephen was singularities, strange beast

45、s predicted by general relativity. Einsteins equations indicated that when a star (several times larger than the sun) exhausts its nuclear fuel and collapses, its matter crushes together at its center with such force that it forms a singularity, an infinitely dense point with no dimensions and irres

46、istible gravity. A voluminous region surrounding the singularity becomes a black hole, from which - because of that immense gravity - nothing, not even light, can escape. 使我感到惊奇的是,我发现我喜欢刻苦了。”特别引起斯蒂芬兴趣的是奇点,这是广义相对论中所预言的怪物。爱因斯坦的方程式指出,当比太阳大几倍的一颗星星消耗尽其核燃料并瓦解时,它的物质在巨大力量的作用下向中心挤压在一起,从而形成一个奇点,一个没有维度而具有无限密度和

47、不可抗拒的引力的点。围绕着奇点的一个广大区域成为一个“黑洞”,由于巨大的引力,任何东西,甚至光也不例外,无法脱离“黑洞”。ParagraphElevenequation 等式 相等 影响因素eg. The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous.把财富和幸福等同起来是危险的。indicate 表明;指出;预示;象征(接that)六级词汇indication 迹象exhaust 排出;耗尽;使精疲力尽;彻底探讨exhaustive 彻底的 详尽的collapse 崩溃 倒塌 瓦解crush 挤压 压碎;弄皱,变形;使挤入crash (

48、车)碰撞(飞机)坠落 撞击声 爆裂声 迷恋crash into. 撞上.get/have a crush on 迷恋ParagraphEleven infinitely 无穷地 无限地 infinitely great 无穷大,无限大 infinitely small 无穷小的,无限小 eg. We must finite disappointment,but we must never lose infinite hope.(Martin Luther King) 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷地。 dimension 尺寸 尺度 维数 量度 three-

49、dimension 3D ParagraphEleven irresistible 不可抵抗的;不能压制的;极为诱人的 resist 抵抗 抵制 忍得住 cannot resist (doing) sth.禁不住(做)某事 resist doing sth. 抗拒做某事 voluminous 大量的;多卷的,长篇的;著书多的 immense 巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的 同近义词 :huge, tremendous, enormous, massive eg. There were immense crowds of people in scenic spots. 景区人山人海。Par

50、agraphs1213 第七组第七组李静李静vScientists years ago found compelling evidence that black holes exist, but they were uncomfortable with singularities, because all scientific laws break down at these points. 多年前,科学家发现了黑洞存在的令人信服的证据。但是他们对奇点感到不自在,因为所有科学法则在这些点上不起作用。compelling:adj.引人注目的;紧迫的;令人信服的break down: 分解;发生故

51、障;失败;毁掉;将.分类;衰弱 ;体力不支;制服,镇压breakdown:n.崩溃;倒塌;失败;故障;衰弱;分类singularity:n.单独,奇异Paragraph12vMost physicists believed that in the real universe the object at the heart of a black hole would be small (but not dimensionless) and extremely dense (but not infinitely so). 大多数科学家相信在实际宇宙里,在一个黑洞中心的物体将会是很小的(但不是没有维

52、度的),而密度极大(但不是无限大)。dimensionless: adj. 无尺寸的,无维的dimension:n.尺寸;次元;容积;维度;范围;方面 vt.标尺寸;形成.尺寸extreme:adj.极度的,尽头的infinite:adj.无穷的,无数的Paragraph12vEnter Hawking. While still a graduate student, he and Mathematician Roger Penrose developed new techniques proving mathematically that if general relativity is c

53、orrect, singularities must exist.这时,霍金登台了。当霍金还是一名研究生时,他和数学家罗杰彭罗斯揭示了一些新的方法来进行数学论证:如果广义相对论是正确的,那么奇点就必定存在。graduate student:研究生general relativity :广义相对论 太阳黑子附近大爆炸Paragraph12vHawking went on to demonstrate - again if general relativity is correct - that the entire universe must have sprung from a singula

54、rity. As he wrote in his 1966 Ph. D. thesis, There is a singularity in our past.霍金继续论证再次假定广义相对论是正确的整个宇宙必定是从一个奇点爆炸而形成的。如同他在一九六六年博士论文中写的那样:“我们过去曾有一个奇点。”demonstrate:vt.论证;演示;示范 vi.示威sprung from:爆炸thesis:n.论文,毕业论文;论点,论题; 命题;paper:n.纸; 论文; 文件 文章;vt.& vi. 贴纸;vt.包装,用纸覆盖; 贴壁纸; 提供纸张;俚语 提供免费入场券Paragraph12Step

55、hen later discerned several new characteristics of black holes and demonstrated that the amazing forces of the Big Bang would have created mini-black holes, each with a mass about that of a terrestrial mountain, but no larger than the subatomic proton.后来,斯蒂芬认识到黑洞的几个新特点并论证了“大爆炸”惊人的力量会产生一些微型黑洞,每个微型黑洞的

56、质量约等于地球上一座大山的质量,但不会大于亚原子的质子。 discern : v.识别; 看见; 辨明; 觉察出 terrestrial: adj.陆地的; 地球的; 人间的; 类地行星的; n.地球人,陆地生物 Paragraph13Then, applying the quantum theory (which accurately describes the random, uncertain subatomic world) instead of general relativity (which, it turns out, falters in that tiny realm),

57、Hawking was startled to find that the mini-black holes must emit particles and radiation. 另外,霍金在应用量子理论(这种理论精确地叙述了不规则的,不确定的亚原子世界)替代了广义相对论(它被证明在这极小的领域中失去作用)后,惊奇地发现微型黑洞必定放射粒子和辐射线。subatomic:亚原子;次原子的,原子内的turns out:证明=manifest,reveal,demonstratefalters:vi.动摇;迟疑;支吾地说;蹒跚地走;vt.蹒跚地走tiny:adj.极小的,微小的realm:n.领域,

58、王国uncertain:adj.不确定的; 不稳定的; 不明确的; 无常的Paragraph13particle:n.颗粒,微粒;极小量;质点;粒子;语小品词remarkable:adj.非凡的;值得注意的显著地;卓越的Even more remarkable, the little holes would gradually evaporate and, 10 billion years or so after their creation, explode with the energy or millions of H-bombs.更值得注意的是,这个小洞会逐渐蒸发,在创造100亿年左右

59、后,以几百万枚氢弹的能量发生爆炸。remarkable:adj.显著的; 卓越的; 异常的,引人注目的; 非凡的,非常好的evaporate: vt.蒸发 vi.蒸发,消失H-bombs:氢弹bombs: n.炸弹 vt.轰炸;投弹于 vi.投弹;失败Paragraph13Paragraphs1415TheexperienceofHawkingandAcademicspirit第七组第七组齐飞齐飞Paragraphs14HawkinghasvisitedtheU.S.30times,madeseventripstoMoscow,takenaround-the-wordjourney,andpi









68、tchtwoweeksbefore.TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish:4.在与简订婚后,斯蒂芬生平第一次开始用功了。不久他便作为一名年轻的理论物理学家而崭露头角。4.AftergettingengagedtoJane,Stephenstartedworkinghardforthefirsttimeinhislife.Andbeforelonghedistinguishedhimselfasayoungtheoreticalphysicist.5.斯通教授以严厉著称。但令人惊奇的是,他在上周六他女儿婚礼上的讲话却妙趣横生,充满幽默。5.Prof.Stoneisdistinguishedforhissternness.But,toeveryonessurprise,thespeechhemadeathisdaughtersweddinglastSaturdaywasfullofwitandhumor.6.这么多人愿意为社区的利益做义务工作真令人惊奇。6.Itsamazingthatsomanypeoplearewillingtodovoluntaryworkforthebenefitofthecommunity.THANK YOU !谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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