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1、八下英八下英语语外研版外研版M7U2知知识识1 填写我填写我们的表格的表格填写填写2 去去的指南的指南3 英英语课程程 / 语言言课程程4主主动给某人提供某物某人提供某物 主主动提出做某事提出做某事5美国文化美国文化6同同时1 fill out our form fill out = fill in2a guide to33Englishcourse/4language course54 offer sb sth6=offer sth to sb.7offer to do sth85 America culture96at the same time1持持续2在在7月底月底3被被锻炼4 许多多

2、经验5 小小组合作合作上小班或大班上小班或大班6 取决于;决定于取决于;决定于7个人个人选择8提供某物提供某物给某人某人9设置置测试10检查你的你的进展展取得取得进步步11 个人学个人学习1 last +一段一段时间2 at the end of July3 be trained4 a lot of experience5 in groups work in small or large groups6 depend on7 personal choice8 provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb9 set tests10 check your pro

3、gress make progress11 person study1除了除了,还,也,也2 参加参加3 日常生活日常生活4做一些活做一些活动5课程中最好的部分程中最好的部分6 和某人建立友和某人建立友谊7 保持保持联系系8 愿意做愿意做愿意某人做愿意某人做宁愿做宁愿做而不做而不做1 as well as2 take part in3 daily life4 do some activities5 the best part of the course 6 form a friendship /friendships with sb7 keep / stay in touch with8 pr

4、efer to do sth prefer sb to do sth prefer to do sth rather than do sth1安排活安排活动2 选择干某事干某事3去旅行去旅行1plan activities2 choose to do sth3 take trips1确定确定2 至少至少3 得到最好的体得到最好的体验1 be certain / make certain2 at least3 get the best possible experienceDo you want to learn English in foreign countries?课前前热身,和学生身,和

5、学生进行行简单的交流,从而引出本的交流,从而引出本节课的的话题。Which country would you like to go to learn English?Where do you want to go most if you go to America?Would you like to stay as a guest with an American family?course Disneyland family Hollywood shoppingLook at the photos in Activity 2 and say what you can see.让学生学生组内

6、内讨论图片,片,说说自己能看到什么。自己能看到什么。最后小最后小组代表代表总结。老。老师评出哪个小出哪个小组表达的表达的最清楚,信息最完整,最清楚,信息最完整,给予鼓励。予鼓励。The passage is _.a) a guide to Los Angelesb) information about English courses c) a story of life in Los Angelesd) a newspaper story about language coursesbListen to the passage to get general idea让学生听短文的目的一是学生听

7、短文的目的一是扫除除读音方面的障碍,二是听出音方面的障碍,二是听出文章的大意。文章的大意。Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5a) Teachingb) Free timec) Places to stayd) More informatione) Study English with usFast-reading速速读课文,文,给每段短文每段短文选出一个出一个标题。Paragraph 1 Ask and answer1.What can we offer you?2. What can you learn in Los

8、 Angeles?We can offer you great summer English courses.We can learn about American culture and improve our English at the same time.Careful-reading 细读短文,回答短文,回答问题。本。本节课短文短文较长,我是分段,我是分段进行的,每段提出不同的行的,每段提出不同的问题,让学生逐段去学生逐段去阅读并作答。每段的并作答。每段的问题我也是采用不同的形式,以最大程度的我也是采用不同的形式,以最大程度的激激发学生的学生的阅读兴趣,提高学生的趣,提高学生的阅读能

9、力。能力。Length(长度长度) of courseStarting date of courseOur teachersTeaching hoursworking togetherTestsParagraph 24/6/8 weeksat the end of Julywell- trained and have a lot of experiencefour hours a dayWork in small or large groupsprovide books and set tests every week to check your progressParagraph 3 T o

10、r F1.Students live with American families to experience life there.2. You must have meals in restaurants.3.You cant take part in the daily life of American family because they live in their own private world. 4.The best part for students is to learn English.5.Many families form close friendships wit

11、h the students.TFFFTThere are many exciting things _(do)in Los Angeles .We plan activities every day after class .We can choose to _Hollywood ,Disneyland or San Francisco or you can also _.You are _to get the best possible experience of _and _ in the US. You must _your course _one month before it st

12、arts. Please _our form and come to learn English in LA.Read paragraph4,5 and complete to do take trips togo shoppingcertainEnglish learning lifepay forat leastfill outcertain culture depend on fill out friendship guest progress provide test Come and study in Los Angeles! You are (1)_ to learn a lot

13、from the course and understand more about American (2)_. We also hope you will form close (3)_ with the other students in your class. You can stay in a hotel or as a (4) _ with a family but that (5)_ your personal choice.The school (6)_ books and computers to help you study, and the teachers set (7)

14、_ every week to check your (8)_. Do not forget you must (9)_ a form and pay at least one month before you start the course.certaincultureComplete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.friendshipsdepends onguestprovidestestsprogressfill out词组:make progress 取得取得进步步

15、make great/ much progress in/ with翻翻译: 1.他在英他在英语上取得了很大的上取得了很大的进步。步。 He_。 2.Tom 在跑步方面已在跑步方面已经进步很大了。步很大了。 Tom _ made great progress in/with Englishhas made much progress in running.1. We provide books,and we set tests every week to check your progress.我我们提供提供书本,并且每周本,并且每周设置置测验以以检查你的你的进步。步。学校学校为我我们提供了一

16、个很好的提供了一个很好的环境。境。Our school_us.Our school_a good environment. provides a good environment forprovides us with2.We can offer you great summer English courses. 我我们能能给你提供很好的暑期英你提供很好的暑期英语课程。程。 We provide books,and we set tests every week 我我们提供提供书本,并且每周本,并且每周设置置测验以以offer sb sth=offer sth to sb.主主动给某人提供某物

17、某人提供某物他他给了我一杯茶。了我一杯茶。He _a cup of tea.=He_.offered meoffered a cup of tea to meprovide sb with sth=provide sth for sb给某人提供某物某人提供某物(可用的。可用的。)offer to do主主动提出做某事提出做某事彼得主彼得主动提出教他提出教他们滑水。滑水。 Peter offered to teach them water-skiming.3.As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the US

18、A. 除了学除了学习英英语之外,我之外,我们还想想让你体你体验美国的生活美国的生活。词组:as well as 除了,和,及,既除了,和,及,既又又 want sb. to do sth. 想某人做某事想某人做某事 experience life 体体验生活生活翻翻译:除了喝水,我:除了喝水,我们还想她吃苹果想她吃苹果 _ 她会唱歌和跳舞。她会唱歌和跳舞。 _ 她喜她喜欢唱歌和跳舞。唱歌和跳舞。 _ Tom和他父母正在看和他父母正在看电视。 _ As well as drinking water, we want her to eat applesShe can sing as well as

19、 dance.She likes singing as well as dancing.Tom as well as his parents is watching TV.4. It depends on your personal choice.这取决于你的个人取决于你的个人选择。depend on/upon v. 取决于;决定于,依靠,依取决于;决定于,依靠,依赖,指望,指望如:如:1)我我们的成功取决于努力工作。的成功取决于努力工作。 Our success _hard work.2)你不能你不能总是依是依赖父母。父母。 You cant always _ your parents.3)

20、你你别指望她按指望她按时到。到。 You cant _ her to come on time.4)那取决于你怎么想。那取决于你怎么想。 That _ how you think.5)烹烹饪的的时间取决于取决于马铃薯的大小。薯的大小。 The cooking time needed _ the size of the potato.6)你的你的选择取决于你的取决于你的兴趣。趣。Your choice _ your interest.depends ondepend ondepends ondepends ondepends ondepends on5. Many families form c

21、lose friendships with the students and stay in touch with them.当我在当我在环游世界的游世界的时候和很多外国人建立了候和很多外国人建立了亲密的友密的友谊。I _ a lot of foreign people when I travelled around the world.1.form/make a friendship with sb. “和某人建立友和某人建立友谊”。2.stay/keep in touch (with sb. )(和某人和某人)保持保持联系系”。不管你去哪里,不管你去哪里,请和我保持和我保持联系。系。Whe

22、rever you go, _, please.去年他去年他们一直保持一直保持联系。系。They_ last year.formed close friendships withkeep/stay in touch with mekept/stayed in touch with each other常常见的搭配有:的搭配有:prefer to do sth宁愿做某事宁愿做某事prefer A to B 和和B 比起来,更喜比起来,更喜欢A.prefer doing A to doing B 和做和做B事比起来,更喜事比起来,更喜欢做做A事事prefer to do A rather than

23、 do B 宁愿做宁愿做A事事,而不是做而不是做B事事1) 当她小的当她小的时候,她更喜候,她更喜欢与与妈妈住在一起。住在一起。She _ with her mother when she was young. 2)比起雪梨,我更喜比起雪梨,我更喜欢苹果。苹果。 I _ apples _ pears.我更喜我更喜欢苹果。苹果。3)比起开比起开车,他更喜,他更喜欢骑自行自行车。He _ a bike _. 4)我宁愿看我宁愿看杂志也不看志也不看电视。 I _ magazines rather than _ TV.6.But if you prefer, of course, you can st

24、ay in a hotel.但是如果你愿意的但是如果你愿意的话,当然,你可以住旅,当然,你可以住旅馆。preferred to liveprefer toprefers riding to drivingprefer to read watchteachingteacherscoursesstartlastgroupssmalllargeprovideset testsbookswell trainedexperiencelearn aboutimproveExperience lifeAmericanfamiliesmealsactivitiesfriendshiphotelFree tim

25、etake trips toHollywoodDisneylandSan Franciscoshoppingmore informationpay forformteachingwhere to stay and what to eatwhat to see and what to dowhy students will enjoy the courseThink about a course for foreign students learning Chinese in your town or city. Make notes on:让学生想象外国的学生要来自己的学生想象外国的学生要来自

26、己的乡镇或城市学或城市学习汉语,做一些笔做一些笔记,仿照本仿照本课所所学知学知识,然后根据提示内容,然后根据提示内容进一步去写作文。一步去写作文。Describe the language course. Classes last for four hours a day. The teachersSay where the students live. Students live either or Say what other activities the students can do. There are many things to do in . For exle,Say why

27、the students will enjoy themselves learning Chinese. All our students have a wonderful time learning Chinese in .1. We passed the English test _ the same time.A. at B. on C. for D. in2. I cant decide whether to go mountain climbing. It depends _ the weather.A.for B. with C. at D. onB.3. We form a close _ with each other at last. A. culture B. test C. form D. friendship4. Please _ out the form before you stay in the hotel.A. fill B. depend C. last D. preferADDA如果如果让你去洛杉你去洛杉矶学学习英英语,你将做哪,你将做哪些事情。些事情。



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