高三英语二轮复习 第一篇 写作基础 夯实基础22 状语从句-目的状语从句课件.ppt

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1、(1) 【2014新新课标,夏令,夏令营信息咨信息咨询】I would first like to know its start date, the size of a class and hours per week so that I could decide if it is the type I want to have. (2) 【2013山山东,道歉信:原因及打算,道歉信:原因及打算】First and foremost, I would do a part time job in order that my interpersonal skills would be improv

2、ed.(3) 【2010四川,四川,发言稿:成人礼言稿:成人礼】As a child, I always hoped that I could grow up as soon as possible so that I could have whatever I wanted and do whatever I liked.(1) 我我更更喜喜欢一一个个安安静静的的房房间以以便便我我能能够睡睡得得好好。【2014新新课标,咨,咨询信:夏令信:夏令营信息信息】(1) I would prefer a quiet room so that I can sleep well.(2) 为了了学学好好习

3、,我我们应该经常常做做运运动以以便便放放松松自自己己并并保持健康保持健康。【2008辽宁,健康成宁,健康成长征文征文】(2) In order to study well, we need to do sports frequently so that we can relax ourselves and keep fit.(3) 可可能能的的话,我我会会参参加加一一些些社社会会活活动,以以便便更更多多地地了了解解社社会会。【2007四川,告知暑假安排四川,告知暑假安排】(3) If possible, Ill take part in some social activities, so t

4、hat I can know more about the society.(4) 所所以以当当考考试的的时候候,他他们有有时作作弊弊是是为了了能能够得得到到更更好好的的分分数数来使父母和老来使父母和老师高高兴。【2005福建,征文:考福建,征文:考试作弊作弊现象象】(4) So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order that they could get better results to please their parents and teachers.(5) 重重要要的的是是学学会会控控制制你你的的脾脾气气,以以

5、免免做做或或者者说一一些些你你将将会会后后悔的事悔的事。【2014安徽,解除困扰的建议安徽,解除困扰的建议】(5) The important thing is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything youll regret.(6) 第第三三,我我们不不应该攀攀爬爬学学校校栏杆杆以以免免会会伤到到自自己己。【学学生生安安全教育全教育】(6) Thirdly, we should not climb the fence of the school in case that we might hurt ourselves.(7) 我我也也广广泛泛阅读英英语文文章章,目目的的是是我我可可以以尽尽可可能能多多地接触地接触语言材料言材料。【英英语写作心得写作心得】(7) I also read English articles widely so that I can take in as many language materials as possible.



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