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1、产品及品牌品及品牌组合分析合分析Product and brand combination analysisBYY_BYY_NJDQEI_140808-00Nanjing. 2014 August 08 目录 Content p 产品线规划 Product portfolio planningp 品牌资产管理 Brand equity managementp 全球产品计划 Global product planningp 产品合理化 Product rationalization产品线规划 Product portfolio planning战略目标 Strategic target 业务目标

2、 Business target 目标客户需求Target customer demands产品线规划Product portfolio planningp 产品线有多少个产品? How many products for product portfolio?p 每个产品如何规划? How to make planning for each product?p客户心目中的完整产品包括哪些因素? Which factors consist of the complete product in customer heart?p如何提高产品的价值主张? How to increase the pro

3、duct value proposition?利基导向 Niche oriented产品 Product产品导向 Product oriented产品 Product市场细分 Market segmentation市场细分 Market segmentation图 1.1 产品线的导向类型 Figure 1.1 Oriented type of product portfolio 市场导向 Market oriented产品 Product市场细分 Market segmentation产品线规划 Product portfolio planning如何寻找竞争差异化 How to find

4、competition differentiation图 1.2 有形产品的利益 Figure 1.2 Actual product benefit图 1.3 产品整体解决方案利益 Figure 1.3 Product complete solution benefit产品线规划 Product portfolio planning应用产品版本或解决方案版本应对客户要求不对变化 Use product versioning or solution versioning deal with customer requirements change正常期待因素Normal expectation

5、factors满意因素Satisfaction factors激励客户因素Stimulate factors for customers勉强接受因素Reluctantly accept factors不满意因素Non-satisfaction factors激怒客户因素Infuriate factors for customers标准 Standard稍有差异 Slightly difference显著差异 Obvious difference正面 Positive负面 Negative客户态度Customer attitude差异化Differentiation图 1.4 评估产品差异因素

6、Figure 1.4 Evaluation product differentiation factors如何衍生不同的产品版本?How to derive different product versioning?如何提供不同的解决方案版本?How to provide different solution versioning?品牌资产管理 Brand equity management企业品牌 Enterprise Brand产品线品牌 Product Portfolio Brand事业品牌Business Brand事业品牌Business Brand事业品牌Business Bran

7、d产品品牌 Product Brand图 1.5 品牌结构 Figure 1.5 Brand Structure品牌发展模板 Brand development template描述目标客户 Describe target customer确定差异 Define difference确定品牌个性 Define brand personality 确定客户相信你承诺的内容 Define the promised contents which customer believe将承诺转换成绩效标准 Change promise to performance standard评估深度和范围 Evalu

8、ate depth and scope全球产品计划 Global product planningp 进行全球性思考,而非全球性销售 Global thinking not only focus global sales p 在产品和服务中同时采用国内和国际标准 Adopt domestic and international standards in product and servicep 核心产品标准化 Core products standardizationp 确定适当的调整幅度 Define proper adjustment scopep 预测全球竞争 Forecast glob

9、al competition产品合理化 Product rationalizationp 销量、收益和利润 Sales volume, earnings and profitp与其他产品共用部件的比例 Proportion of common parts used together with the other productsp 淘汰该产品对整个产品线的影响 The influences to whole product portfolio brought by obsolete productp和不同产品进行功能性整合的能力 The capability of functionality integration with different productp客户需求或竞争优势 Customer demands or competition advantagep淘汰产品原来多负担的间接费用转移到其他产品的潜在影响 The potential influences of transfer the indirect cost of obsolete product to other product



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