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1、高考短文改错高考短文改错题型剖析与解题策略题型剖析与解题策略Outline一、高考试题分析一、高考试题分析 二、考情分析二、考情分析三、真题点睛三、真题点睛四、备考策略四、备考策略一提升高度看高考一提升高度看高考20172017年高考英语试卷基于英语学科必备知年高考英语试卷基于英语学科必备知识,关键能力,学科素养及核心价值的要识,关键能力,学科素养及核心价值的要求,恰当选材,巧妙设问,不仅全面考查求,恰当选材,巧妙设问,不仅全面考查学生的听说读写等关键能力,还渗透学生学生的听说读写等关键能力,还渗透学生的人文底蕴,交际能力,思辨精神和学习的人文底蕴,交际能力,思辨精神和学习能力等学科素养的要求

2、能力等学科素养的要求。知识立意知识立意-能力立意能力立意-素养立意素养立意语言能力语言能力文化品格文化品格学习能力学习能力思维品质思维品质英语核心素养英语核心素养综合语言运用能力国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志动机兴趣语言知识话题功能语法词汇语音语言技能听 说 读 写学习策略资源策略交际策略调控策略认知策略文化意识文化知识文化理解跨文化交际意识和能力情感态度英语课程目标英语课程目标二二. . 高考英语短文改错特点高考英语短文改错特点 “短文改错短文改错”是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性英语试题,旨在考查学生英语试题,旨在考查学生在阅读理解的基础上在阅读理

3、解的基础上发现并纠正发现并纠正短文中的短文中的词法,句法,时态,固定搭配和行文逻辑词法,句法,时态,固定搭配和行文逻辑等不同等不同类型错误的能力类型错误的能力,特别是考查学生使用英语的熟练程度。特别是考查学生使用英语的熟练程度。近近几几年年高高考考多多以以记记叙叙文文,说说明明文文呈呈现现,对对语语言言的的评评价价与与校校正的能力以及对正的能力以及对词汇、语法和语篇词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力。三要素的把握能力。 1 1、题题目目一一般般都都设设计计得得比比较较灵灵活活,知知识识覆覆盖盖面面广广,短短文文改改错错的的考考点点可可分分为为三三类类:词词法法错错误误、句句法法错错误误和和行行文

4、文逻逻辑辑错错误。误。2 2、改错考点分布具有、改错考点分布具有平均分布平均分布的规律。的规律。3 3、错误的形式分别为缺词、多词和错词,改错词是最主、错误的形式分别为缺词、多词和错词,改错词是最主要的形式,是考查的重点。要的形式,是考查的重点。近几年高考短文改错考点分布近几年高考短文改错考点分布 年份 考点2016年全国I 2016年全国II2017年全国I2017全国II2017全国2018 安庆二模谓语232131非谓语010101从句引导词210111形容词,副词103223名词 111101介词101111代词120110冠词111111并列连词,上下文连接词 111111数词001

5、000词汇考查以实词为主,兼顾虚词,涉及到词法、句法、词汇考查以实词为主,兼顾虚词,涉及到词法、句法、上下文语境和搭配以及行文逻辑等方面的错误。上下文语境和搭配以及行文逻辑等方面的错误。 实词以改变形式为原则实词以改变形式为原则; ;虚词以添加或删除为原则;以保虚词以添加或删除为原则;以保持原意不变为原则持原意不变为原则; ;以改动最小为原则以改动最小为原则; ;一个句子(以句号一个句子(以句号为单位)出现错误为单位)出现错误不超过不超过2个为原则个为原则 修改:增加:删除修改:增加:删除 8:1:1(8:1:1(常见原则常见原则) ) 四高考短文改错题型剖析与解题策略四高考短文改错题型剖析与

6、解题策略考点考点1:谓语:谓语 时态时态 语态语态 情态动词情态动词+动词原形动词原形时态命题特点及改正方法:时态命题特点及改正方法:常见现在时与过去时的误用,句中一般没有时间常见现在时与过去时的误用,句中一般没有时间状语。每年考率约状语。每年考率约100%100%。要注意联系上下文,。要注意联系上下文,着着眼于整个语篇的时态眼于整个语篇的时态。通常整篇都是过去,突然。通常整篇都是过去,突然一个句子用现在时;或者通常整篇都是现在,突一个句子用现在时;或者通常整篇都是现在,突然一个句子用过去时。其中又以一般现在时和过然一个句子用过去时。其中又以一般现在时和过去时互改为多。去时互改为多。考情分析:

7、考情分析:(2015(2015年全国新课标年全国新课标I)I) When I When I was was a child , Ia child , I hopedhoped to live in the city. I to live in the city. I thinkthink I would I would thoughtthought ( (时态不一致时态不一致) )be happy there. be happy there. (2016(2016年全国新课标年全国新课标I) I) some people even some people even had had to wai

8、t outside. My uncleto wait outside. My uncle tells tells me that me that have have ( ( 整篇文章都用的是现在的语境,考查时态不一致整篇文章都用的是现在的语境,考查时态不一致) )the key to his success the key to his success isis honest. honest. (2016(2016年全国新课标年全国新课标III)III)However, my parents However, my parents didndidnt seemt seem to think s

9、uch. They always to think such. They always telltell toldtold( (作者这几作者这几句是在回忆句是在回忆1313到到1919岁那几年的事,语境在过去,考查时态不一致)岁那几年的事,语境在过去,考查时态不一致)me what to do and how to do it. me what to do and how to do it. (2017(2017年全国年全国I)I)once I once I startedstarted the car, my mind the car, my mind goesgoes blank. I b

10、lank. I forgot forgot what he had said to what he had said to me. me. went went ( (整篇文章说的是整篇文章说的是1818岁生日前的那个岁生日前的那个暑假上驾驶课的事,语境在过去,故要用一般过去时。暑假上驾驶课的事,语境在过去,故要用一般过去时。 考查时态不一致考查时态不一致) )(20172017年全国年全国IIII)When summer When summer camecame, they , they will invitewill invite their students pick the their

11、students pick the comescomes ( (文章的整个语境说的是现在的一般情况,故需文章的整个语境说的是现在的一般情况,故需要用现在时要用现在时) )fresh vegetables!fresh vegetables!(20172017全国卷全国卷IIIIII)About one mouth after this photo About one mouth after this photo was was tooktook, , takentaken ( (考查被动语态,构成谓语的分词)考查被动语态,构成谓语的分词)I I enteredentered my second

12、year of high school and my second year of high school and becomebecome a new a new became became ( ( 语境语境说的是过去的故事,故此处要用一般过去时说的是过去的故事,故此处要用一般过去时) )member of the school music club.member of the school music club.(20182018年安庆二模)年安庆二模)if you if you metmet a question when reading, you a question when rea

13、ding, you can immediatecan immediate. meetmeet ( (本文说明文整个语境是现在本文说明文整个语境是现在, ,而且是条件状语从句中而且是条件状语从句中)语态及其他情况:语态及其他情况:(2015(2015年全国新课标年全国新课标I)I) Lots of studies have Lots of studies have beenbeen shown that global warming has shown that global warming has already become already become . .(2015(2015年全国新课

14、标年全国新课标I)I) We We mustmust found found ways to protect your environment.ways to protect your environment. findfind ( (情态动词后接动词原形情态动词后接动词原形) )(2016(2016年全国新课标年全国新课标I) I) Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are quality

15、 oil are usingusing for cooking. for cooking. used used (被动语态)(被动语态)(2016(2016年全国新课标年全国新课标II)II)We We cancan chosechose between staying at home and between staying at home and choose choose (情态动词后用动词原形)(情态动词后用动词原形)(2016(2016年全国新课标年全国新课标II)II)Some classmates Some classmates suggestsuggest we we canca

16、n go to places of interest go to places of interest nearbynearby cancan 或或shouldshould (表示建议要求命令内容的宾(表示建议要求命令内容的宾从谓语需用特殊形式从谓语需用特殊形式 should+should+动词原形,其动词原形,其shouldshould也可省略掉)也可省略掉)(2017(2017年全国年全国I)I)”speedspeed up! up!” “slowslow down down” “TurningTurning left ! left !” I I was sowas so. . Turn

17、Turn ( ( 祈使句的开祈使句的开头用动词原形,是祈使句的谓语,也可根据并列意识头用动词原形,是祈使句的谓语,也可根据并列意识) )考点考点2:非谓语动词(高考考察率约:非谓语动词(高考考察率约100%))命题特点及改正方法:命题特点及改正方法:1 1)谓语动词谓语动词和和非谓语动词非谓语动词的错用;的错用;2 2)动词不定式动词不定式和和动名词动名词的错用;的错用;3 3)现在分词现在分词和和过去分词过去分词的错用等。的错用等。 考情分析:考情分析:(20152015年全国新课标年全国新课标IIII) After After lookslooks at the toy for some

18、time, he at the toy for some time, he turnedturned aroundaround lookinglooking ( (谓语与非谓语错用谓语与非谓语错用) )(2016(2016年全国新课标年全国新课标II)II)We can chose We can chose between stayingbetween staying at home and at home and taketake a trip.a trip. takingtaking( ( 介词介词betweenbetween的宾语,和前面的宾语,和前面stayingstaying并列,也

19、可用并列思维解决此题并列,也可用并列思维解决此题) )(20162016年全国新课标年全国新课标IIIIII)I showed them I was independent I showed them I was independent byby wearwear strange clothes. strange clothes. wearing wearing( (介词介词byby的宾语,需用的宾语,需用动名词动名词) ) (20172017年全国年全国IIII)they will invite their studentsthey will invite their students pi

20、ck the pick the toto ( (考动词不定式考动词不定式少少to)to)fresh vegetables fresh vegetables (20182018年安庆二模)年安庆二模)Secondly, their colors will changeSecondly, their colors will change depend depend on how on how dependingdepending (分词(分词做状语,需借助句法理论)做状语,需借助句法理论) the surroundings changethe surroundings change 考点考点3 3

21、:三大类从句引导词:三大类从句引导词 ( (高考考察率约高考考察率约85%)85%)命题特点及改正方法:命题特点及改正方法:句子结构方面的错误主要涉及,句子结构方面的错误主要涉及,句法,句子成份句法,句子成份和复合句的关联词和复合句的关联词等。等。解答这类题从以下方面来思考:解答这类题从以下方面来思考:1 1)句子结构句子结构是否完整,是否完整,成份成份是否冗缺;是否冗缺;2 2)复合句中连接主句和从句的)复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词关系词或或连接词连接词是是否得当等。否得当等。考情分析:考情分析:(20162016年全国新课标年全国新课标I I)My uncle is the owner

22、of a restaurant close My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close toto thatthat I live. I live. where where ( ( 介词介词宾语从句的引导词,分析句子成份的同时需考虑语义宾语从句的引导词,分析句子成份的同时需考虑语义) ) (20162016年全国新课标年全国新课标IIII) My classmates and I are talking My classmates and I are talking aboutabout how how to do during the to do d

23、uring the holiday. holiday. whatwhat ( ( 介词宾语从句介词宾语从句的引导词,分析句子成份的同时需考虑语义的引导词,分析句子成份的同时需考虑语义) ) (2017(2017年全国新课标年全国新课标IIII)In their spare time, they are In their spare time, they are interestinginteresting in planting in planting vegetables in their garden, vegetables in their garden, thatthat is on

24、the rooftop is on the rooftop whichwhich ( (考查非限制性定从引导词考查非限制性定从引导词) ) of their house.of their house. (2017(2017年全国新课标年全国新课标IIIIII)Around me in Around me in thisthis/ /thethe picture are the things picture are the things theythey were were that/which that/which ( (从句法从句法句子成份的角度考查定语从句句子成份的角度考查定语从句) )v

25、ery important in my life at the timevery important in my life at the time(20182018年安庆二模)年安庆二模)I think the books will be quite different I think the books will be quite different fromfrom that that they they whatwhat ( (介词宾语从句的引导词,分析从句成份介词宾语从句的引导词,分析从句成份) ) are now. are now. 考点考点4 4:形容词和副词:形容词和副词( (

26、高考考查率几乎高考考查率几乎100%)100%)命题特点及改正方法:命题特点及改正方法:主要考查主要考查形容词和副词的误用、形容词及副词的形容词和副词的误用、形容词及副词的比较级等。比较级等。1 1)根据)根据adj.adj.或或adv.adv.的基本用法确定错误;的基本用法确定错误;2 2)修饰名词用形容词,系表结构用形容词;)修饰名词用形容词,系表结构用形容词;3 3)修饰行为动词、形容词、)修饰行为动词、形容词、 副词过去分词及整副词过去分词及整个句子用副词,在句首用副词。个句子用副词,在句首用副词。考情分析:考情分析:(20152015年全国新课标年全国新课标I I)global wa

27、rming has already become a very global warming has already become a very seriouslyseriously problem.problem. seriousserious ( (修饰名词需用形修饰名词需用形容词容词) )(20152015年全国新课标年全国新课标IIII)Dad and I were Dad and I were terrible terrible worried.worried. terribly terribly ( (修饰形容词需用副词修饰形容词需用副词) )(20162016年全国新课标年全国新

28、课标I I)he hopes that our business will he hopes that our business will growgrow steadysteady. . steadily steadily (修饰行为动词需用(修饰行为动词需用副词)副词)(20162016年全国新课标年全国新课标IIIIII)They were also the They were also the bestbest and and worseworse years in my life. years in my life. worst worst (最高级,可用并列意识做题,(最高级,可用

29、并列意识做题,worstworst和和bestbest并列)并列)so I hoped I could so I hoped I could bebe freelyfreely from them. from them. freefree( ( 用做表语需用形容词,习惯搭配用做表语需用形容词,习惯搭配be free be free from)from)(20172017年全国新课标年全国新课标I I)A few minutesA few minutes late late, the instructor asked me to stop the car , the instructor ask

30、ed me to stop the car . . laterlater ( (近似副词误用近似副词误用) )It was a relief and I came to a It was a relief and I came to a suddenlysuddenly stop just in the stop just in the middlemiddle sudden sudden ( (词性考查:修饰名词需词性考查:修饰名词需用形容词用形容词) )(20172017年全国新课标年全国新课标IIII)In their spare time, they areIn their spare

31、 time, they are interesting interesting in planting in planting vegetablesvegetables interestedinterested (v-ed (v-ed 与与v-ing v-ing 这类这类形容词的误用形容词的误用) )They often get up They often get up earlierearlier and water the vegetables together. and water the vegetables together. early early ( (副词原级与比较级副词原级与

32、比较级) )(20172017年全国新课标年全国新课标IIIIII)I enjoyed studying I enjoyed studying difference difference kindskinds of cars and of cars and different different ( ( 词性考查词性考查) ) planes, playing pop music, and collecting the planes, playing pop music, and collecting the latelate music albums music albumslatest la

33、test ( ( 原级与最高级,此题因词义不同也可用习惯搭原级与最高级,此题因词义不同也可用习惯搭配用法来做题配用法来做题) )(20182018年安庆二模)年安庆二模)you canyou can immediate immediate getget an answer by an answer by “talkingtalking” immediatelyimmediately ( (词性考查:修饰动词需用副词词性考查:修饰动词需用副词) )with the book.with the book. 考点考点5:名词:名词 ( 高考考察率几乎高考考察率几乎100% )命题特点命题特点: :本

34、来用复数本来用复数, ,却用单数;本来用单数,却用单数;本来用单数,却用复数。却用复数。改正方法改正方法:(1):(1)根据名词前的修饰限定成份根据名词前的修饰限定成份 (2)(2)根据上下文的逻辑关系根据上下文的逻辑关系. .考情分析:考情分析: (2015(2015年全国新课标年全国新课标I)I)The The airsairs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. airair ( ( 可数名词与不可数名词可数名词与不可数名词) )(2016(

35、2016年全国新课标年全国新课标I)I)My uncle tells me that the key to his success is My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honesthonest. . honesty honesty ( (词词性考查性考查) )(2016(2016年全国新课标年全国新课标II)II).and gain .and gain knowledgesknowledges we cannot get from books.we cannot get from books. knowledgeknowled

36、ge ( ( 可数与不可数可数与不可数) ) (2016(2016年全国新课标年全国新课标III)III)The teenage The teenage year year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time yearsyears ( (单复数:根据上下文语义单复数:根据上下文语义) )for me .for me . (2017(2017年全国新课标年全国新课标I)I) The instructor kept repeating the The instru

37、ctor kept repeating the wordword, , “Speed up!Speed up!” “Slow downSlow down”. . words words ( (单复数,上下文行文单复数,上下文行文逻辑逻辑) )(2017(2017年全国新课标年全国新课标II)II)they often get some useful they often get some useful informationsinformations from the Internet. from the Internet. information information ( ( 可数与不可数

38、可数与不可数) )(2018(2018年安庆二模年安庆二模) )how the surroundings change, which will be good forhow the surroundings change, which will be good for eyeeye. . eyeseyes ( (单复数,根据语义词义单复数,根据语义词义) ) 考点考点6 6:代词:代词命题特点:命题特点:1.1.男女性代词用反;男女性代词用反;2.2.单数指代复数;单数指代复数;3.3.代词词性用错;代词词性用错;4.4.缺少人称代词。缺少人称代词。5 5除了人称代词,还有学生易错常用不定代词

39、之除了人称代词,还有学生易错常用不定代词之类的考查类的考查根据根据上下文的逻辑关系以及人称代词的数和格的上下文的逻辑关系以及人称代词的数和格的一致一致问题问题. .考情分析考情分析:(20162016年全国新课标年全国新课标I I)Instead, he hopes thatInstead, he hopes that ourour business will grow business will grow steadysteady hishis ( (代词人称用错,根据上下文代词人称用错,根据上下文) )(20162016年全国新课标年全国新课标IIII) If we go on a tri

40、p abroad, we can broadenIf we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden youryour view andview and ourour ( (人称用错,上人称用错,上下文行文逻辑下文行文逻辑) )It does not costIt does not cost manymany, yet we can still learn a lot., yet we can still learn a lot. muchmuch ( (相似不定代词的考查相似不定代词的考查) )(20162016年全国新课标年全国新课标IIIIII)I thou

41、ght I knew everything and could make decisions by I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourselfyourself. .myself (myself (反身代词人称用错,根据上下文反身代词人称用错,根据上下文) ) but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need help. need

42、 help. I I ( (分析句子成份,缺少人称代词分析句子成份,缺少人称代词) )(20172017年全国新课标年全国新课标IIII)Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Zhang allall work in our school. work in our school. Both/allBoth/all(20172017年全国新课标年全国新课标IIIIII)This picture often brings back to me many happy This picture often brings back to me many happy memori

43、es of memories of youryour high school days.high school days. mymy( (人称用错,根据上下文逻辑人称用错,根据上下文逻辑) ) 考点考点7 7:并列连词(并列结构,并列句):并列连词(并列结构,并列句), ,上下文连上下文连接词(副词)接词(副词)命题特点:命题特点:主要考查主要考查andand、oror、butbut、soso等并列连词的误用等并列连词的误用。 改正方法:改正方法:1 1)根据句意确定错误;)根据句意确定错误; 2 2)根据句子的上下文逻辑关系确定错误。)根据句子的上下文逻辑关系确定错误。考情分析:考情分析:(

44、20152015年全国新课标年全国新课标I I)There the air is clean There the air is clean or or the mountains are green.the mountains are green. andand(20162016年全国新课标年全国新课标I I)Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables oror high high andandquality oil are quality oil are

45、 using using for cooking. for cooking. (2016(2016年全国新课标年全国新课标IIII)If we stay at home, it is comfortableIf we stay at home, it is comfortable but but there is no need there is no need to spend money. to spend money. andand(2017(2017年全国新课标年全国新课标I)I)Before getting into the car, I thought I had learnt t

46、he Before getting into the car, I thought I had learnt the instructorinstructors orders, s orders, soso once I started the car, my mind once I started the car, my mind goes blank. goes blank. but/yet but/yet (2017(2017年全国新课标年全国新课标III)III)I had grown not only physically, I had grown not only physical

47、ly, andand also mentally in the also mentally in the butbut( not only( not onlybut alsobut also) )past few years.past few years. (2018(2018年安庆二模年安庆二模) ) they will look like the pads today, they will look like the pads today, butbut their sizes will their sizes will and/soand/sobe changeable, too. be

48、 changeable, too. 考点考点7 7 冠词冠词命题特点及改正方法:命题特点及改正方法:英语中冠词只有三个,只能从以下几个方向出题:英语中冠词只有三个,只能从以下几个方向出题:1 1)不定冠词)不定冠词a a和和anan互改;互改;2 2)不定冠词)不定冠词a a或或anan和定冠词和定冠词thethe互改;互改;3 3)根据需要增删冠词。)根据需要增删冠词。考情分析:考情分析:(20162016年全国新课标年全国新课标I I)he never dreams he never dreams ofof becoming rich in becoming rich in thethe

49、short short a aperiod of time.period of time.(20172017年全国新课标年全国新课标I I) I still remember how hard first day was.I still remember how hard first day was. the/mythe/my (2018(2018年安庆二模年安庆二模) )In In word, I think books in the future will be word, I think books in the future will be a a( (固定搭配)固定搭配)more u

50、sefulmore useful考点考点8 8 介词介词 数词等数词等( (习惯用法,单个介词的习惯用法,单个介词的常用意义等常用意义等) )考情分析:考情分析:(20162016年全国新课标年全国新课标I I) he never dreams he never dreams becoming rich inbecoming rich in the the short period of time. short period of time. of of (20172017年全国新课标年全国新课标I I)In the summer holiday following myIn the summ

51、er holiday following my eighteen eighteen birthday, I tookbirthday, I took eighteentheighteenthIt was a relief and I came to a It was a relief and I came to a suddenlysuddenly stop just in the middle stop just in the middle on on the road .the road .OfOf(20172017年全国新课标年全国新课标IIII)They have also bough

52、t They have also bought forfor some gardening tools. some gardening tools.(2018(2018年安庆二模年安庆二模) )I Id like to share my ideas about books in the future d like to share my ideas about books in the future toto you. you. withwith2017全国卷IIn the summer holiday following my In the summer holiday following

53、my eighteeneighteen birthday. I birthday. I eighteentheighteenthtook driving lessons. I still remember how hard took driving lessons. I still remember how hard first first my/themy/theday was. Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the day was. Before getting into the car, I thought I

54、had learned the instructorinstructors orders, s orders, soso once I started the car, once I started the car, but/yet but/yet my mind my mind goesgoes blank. I forgot what he had said to me blank. I forgot what he had said to me went went altogether. The instructor kept repeating the altogether. The

55、instructor kept repeating the wordword, , “Speed Speed words words up!up!” “Slow down!Slow down!” “TurningTurning left! left!” I was so I was so much much Turn Turn nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. A few minut

56、es minutes latelate, the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a , the instructor asked me to stop the car. It was a laterlater relief and I came to a relief and I came to a suddenlysuddenly stop just in the middle stop just in the middle onon the the road.road. sudden ofsudden of20182018年安庆二模

57、年安庆二模 Good morning, everyone. IGood morning, everyone. Id like to share my ideas about books in the d like to share my ideas about books in the futurefuture toto you.you. withwith I think the books will be quite different from I think the books will be quite different from thatthat they they whatwha

58、tare now. First of all, they will look like the pads today. are now. First of all, they will look like the pads today. butbut their their and/soand/sosizes will be changeable, too. Secondly, their sizes will be changeable, too. Secondly, their colors will change colors will change dependdepend on ho

59、w the surroundings change, on how the surroundings change, dependingdepending which will be good for which will be good for eyeeye. What. Whats more, they will be s more, they will be veryvery eyeseyesmuch more practical. For example, if you much more practical. For example, if you met met a questio

60、n a question meetmeetwhen reading, you canwhen reading, you can immediate immediate get an answer by get an answer by “talkingtalking” immediatelyimmediatelywith the book. In with the book. In word, I think books in the future will be more word, I think books in the future will be more a a useful an

61、d useful and interestedinterested. . interestinginteresting That Thats all. Thank you!s all. Thank you!五高考英语短文改错题型解题口诀五高考英语短文改错题型解题口诀。 通读全文,以句号为单位进行思考,一个句子最多通读全文,以句号为单位进行思考,一个句子最多2 2个错个错误,注意句子成份,句法,词性等误,注意句子成份,句法,词性等解题口诀解题口诀动词动词形,形,名词名词数;数;注意注意形形和和副副;非谓动词非谓动词细辨别;细辨别;习惯用法习惯用法要记住;要记住;句子成分句子成分多分析;多分析;逻辑错误逻辑错误须关注,须关注,冠词连词冠词连词常光顾。常光顾。.



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