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1、 初中英语阅读教学初中英语阅读教学 设计设计与与评析评析1一、初中阅读教学中的问题一、初中阅读教学中的问题二、阅读的三种模式二、阅读的三种模式三、初中阅读教学的设计三、初中阅读教学的设计1 1、阅读前、阅读前2 2、阅读中、阅读中3 3、阅读后、阅读后四、阅读课设计案例分析四、阅读课设计案例分析2n The motivation to success comes from the burning desire to achieve a purpose. Napolean Hill wrote,” Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe

2、, the mind can achieve.” A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment. Just like a small fire cannot give much heat, a weak desire cannot produce great result. n 成功的动机来自于渴望实现目标的强烈欲望。拿成功的动机来自于渴望实现目标的强烈欲望。拿破仑曾写到:破仑曾写到:“成功的意念能够到达个人的构想与信成功的意念能够到达个人的构想与信念所能到达任何地方。念所能到达任何地方。”强烈的欲望是一切成功的起强烈

3、的欲望是一切成功的起点,正如小火苗不能释放很多热量一样,微小的愿望点,正如小火苗不能释放很多热量一样,微小的愿望也不能促成伟大的成就。也不能促成伟大的成就。3 初中教与学指导原则 听说读写 强化阅读阅读 学会应用 自主发展4 language spoken written listening speaking reading writing receptive skills productive skills communication Language is by communication, for communication and of communication. 5初中阅读理解教学

4、中的问题-语篇中的生词障碍语篇中的生词障碍-语篇涉及异域文化信息语篇涉及异域文化信息-句子结构复杂句子结构复杂-阅读习惯不良阅读习惯不良-教师的翻译代替学生的理解教师的翻译代替学生的理解-测试题代替对语篇本身的理解测试题代替对语篇本身的理解-学生缺乏阅读技巧指导学生缺乏阅读技巧指导-学生阅读材料不足学生阅读材料不足6Agree/disagree1.Reading has only one purpose : to get information.2. Reading is a silent activity. Reading aloud doesnt help understanding.3.

5、 Reading with a purpose will be most effective.4. When we read, our eyes are constantly moving from letter to letter, word to word.5. Reading is an individual activity.6. We need to read and understand all the words in order to understand a text.77. We read everything at the same speed.8. When readi

6、ng in a foreign language, we mentally translate everything in order to understand.9. It is helpful to use a dictionary to find the meaning of all the words.10. The lack of cutural knowledge may affect the rate of reading comprehension.8Three Models of Reading and Reading TeachingnBottom-up model 自下而

7、上模式nTop-down model 自上而下模式nInteractive model 互动模式9Bottom-up ProcessingnThe Meaning is in the Text 意义在文本nMeaning is extracted from the text 文本出意义nReader acts as a “decoder” 读者解读nLinear process线性加工过程nLetters words phrases sentences paragraphs text 语言单位递增10Bottom-up ProcessingnWhat problems do you see w

8、ith this view?11Top-down elementsnThe Meaning is in the Reader意义来自读者nWhat the reader brings to the text is more important than the text itself 读者中心nReader has an active role in the reading process读者积极参与nBackground knowledge and knowledge of the world are more important than the clues in the text.宏观背

9、景知识重于文本线索12Top-down elementsnWhat problems do you see with this view?13Schema TheorynThe readers knowledge or expectations influence that to which he or she pays attention, and ultimately, how the text is interpreted. q读者的知识影响其文本期望。nNew information can sometimes be assimilated into existing schemata

10、. q文本新信息同化于已有图式qOther times, however, existing schemata have to be altered to accommodate new information. q如果差异太大,则图式被修改。nThus, in successful reading, the schema and the information are compatible.q图式与新信息的兼容与否是阅读成功的关键。14Interactive Approaches to Reading互动阅读互动阅读nSuccessful readers use both bottom-up

11、 and top-down at different times during the reading process.q两种方式皆用nBoth the text and the reader interact in a meaning creation processq文本与读者互动于意义建构15 阅读能力阅读能力 自动认字技能 (automatic recognition skills) 词汇与语言结构知识 (vocabulary and structure knowledge) 语篇结构知识 ( formal discourse structure knowledge) 社会文化背景知识

12、 (content and background knowledge) 分析综合与评价技能和策略 (synthesis and evaluation skills and strategies) 监控阅读的元认知知识与技能 (metacognitive knowledge and skills monitoring reading) 16撰写教学目标时要把握的ABCD法则(Mager)A-audiences: 学生。如:Students will be able toB-Behaviour/Performance: 对学生的行为、动作或是做事的结果的预设,这种行为或结果必须是 可以观察或者听到

13、的。如:mark, repeat, fill in,drawC-Condition: 在任何条件下学生做事或者展开活动, 如:After attending a lecture; given a case study; given a specific instrumentD-Degree:这个法则并非必须,如果存在的话,应从速度、精度或质量等方面阐明学生应掌握到什么程度。 17原教学目标: To let students know something about Singapore.修改后: After reading the passageCondition, most Degree st

14、udentsAudiences will be able to list in written formBehaviour places of interests of New Zealand and18优化学习的方式优化学习的方式 学习金字塔理论学习金字塔理论序号 学 习 方 式平均学习保持率 属 性 1Lecture 讲授法 5%个人学习或被动学习 2Reading 阅读 10% 3Audio-visual 视听 20% 4Demonstration 示范或展示 30% 5Group work 小组讨论 50%团队学习或主动学习 6Practice by doing 做中学 75% 7Te

15、aching others 应用(教别人) 90%19优化教学模式 Being an efficient readerBeing an efficient reader 做一个高效的阅读者做一个高效的阅读者Being a keen reader 做一个热切的读者做一个热切的读者话题导入话题导入Being a smart reader 做一个聪明的读者做一个聪明的读者阅读策略阅读策略Being a sharp reader 做一个敏锐的读者做一个敏锐的读者主要事实主要事实Being a critical reader 做一个有主见的读者做一个有主见的读者批判性阅读批判性阅读Being a cro

16、ss-cultural reader 做一个跨文化的读者做一个跨文化的读者拓展延伸拓展延伸20 阅读教学过程设计阅读教学过程设计PWP阅读教学模式:阅读教学模式: Pre-reading 读前活动读前活动 While-reading 读中活动读中活动 Post-reading 读后活动读后活动(阅读教学的最佳结构是橄榄型,两头小中间大)(阅读教学的最佳结构是橄榄型,两头小中间大) 21预测预测 略读略读 跳读跳读 背景介绍背景介绍转换机制转换机制问答问答指代指代推理推理猜词猜词事实与观点事实与观点交流信息交流信息讨论共识讨论共识解决问题解决问题描写与辨认描写与辨认接龙故事接龙故事辩论辩论读后活

17、动读后活动读中活动读中活动读前活动读前活动22一、读前活动设计一、读前活动设计1.读前活动设计的目的读前活动设计的目的 -兴趣准备兴趣准备 -心理准备心理准备 - 背景知识准备背景知识准备 -词语准备词语准备 (短小精彩,像凤头)(短小精彩,像凤头) 23导入内容与导入形式的选择依据导入内容与导入形式的选择依据-依据课程标准依据课程标准 综合语言运用能力综合语言运用能力的形成建立在语言知识、的形成建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养综合发展的基础上。等素养综合发展的基础上。-依据对教学内容的准确分析依据对教学内容的准确分析 导入内容

18、的选择要基于对导入内容的选择要基于对主题内容的准确主题内容的准确定位定位 ,并以具体的教学内容为依据。,并以具体的教学内容为依据。24【案例】八下 Unit 9 Have You Been to an Amusement Park? 教学目标应定位在训练学生谈论是否去过某地的语言表达能力。听力材料中提到的包括amusement park 在内的五个地名及相关信息应该是导入部分的重点内容。 25 导入环节的重要功能之一是使导入环节的重要功能之一是使学生了解一节课的教学重点和化解学生了解一节课的教学重点和化解教学中的难点。教学中的难点。 26【案例】 Unit 8 A hobby 读前活动:词汇:

19、Collecting stamps, climbing mountains,dangerous课文结构:Para1-2: what is a hobby?Para 3: hobbies of the family memebersPara 4: importance of hobbies27-对学生整体情况的分析 要分析与确定教材主题内容、语言知识内容和技能要求与学生现有认知水平之间的差距。如何消除这个差距是以及可教学设计要解决的问题。-对教学目标的综合分析28【案例】 Go For It 8下 Unit 9 Have You Ever Been to Singapore? T/F1.Sing

20、apore is a big country in Europe.2.The population of Singapore is larger than that of Beijing.3.The capital of Singapore is Singapore.4.Singapore is one of the Four Tigers in Asia, and the other three are Japan, Korea and Taiwan. 29 时间过长,内容偏离阅读材料时间过长,内容偏离阅读材料(问题(问题都是课文中未涉及的内容,都是课文中未涉及的内容, 对帮助学生理解课对帮

21、助学生理解课文内容,文内容, 顺利开展阅读活动意义不大)顺利开展阅读活动意义不大) 30头脑风暴式导入:头脑风暴式导入:T:When you hear the word Singapore, what do you think of ?( clean, small, Chinese, English, fine weather, beautiful )-教师有选择性的把单词写到黑板上,并适时穿教师有选择性的把单词写到黑板上,并适时穿插词汇教学插词汇教学-要求学生将黑板上的单词按风景、人文、环境要求学生将黑板上的单词按风景、人文、环境等分类,并引导学生了解文章的整体结构。等分类,并引导学生了解文

22、章的整体结构。(激活学生原有的背景知识,有助于进行发散性激活学生原有的背景知识,有助于进行发散性思维。体现了学生的主体性思维。体现了学生的主体性)31竞赛式导入 【案例二】 Unit 6 Ive Been Studying History in ChinaT: Lets have a Chinese history competition. Please read the questions carefully and tell me the answers immediately.(in groups)1. Which year was the beginning of the Ming D

23、ynasty? A. 660 B. 960 C. 1360 D. 15602. Who was the first emporer of the Tang Dynasty? A. Zhao Kuangyin B. Li Yuan C. Zhu Yuanzhang D. Cao Cao 323. Which city was once the capital city of the Qing Dynasty? A. Beijing B. Suzhou C. Xian D. Kaifeng (小组竞赛调动了学生参与学习活动的积极性;小组竞赛调动了学生参与学习活动的积极性; 答题过程中适时引入新单词

24、,为后面的阅读扫答题过程中适时引入新单词,为后面的阅读扫清了词汇障碍清了词汇障碍 )33分享经历式导入分享经历式导入 【案例三】Unit 2 Maybe You Should Learn to RelaxT: I know most of you are very busy having different lessons on the weekends. How do you find these lessons? Do you want to take them,or do your parents want you to? Please share with your parnters.

25、 (同伴交流周末补课的经历和感受,并在教师的指导下与全班分享)34评析: -分享的方式激发学生用英语表达的欲望。也能培养学生运用语言有效沟通的能力35预测式导入预测式导入【案例四案例四】 Unit 7 Would You Mind Keeping Your Voice Down?-利用插图利用插图T:Look at the picture in the book. WHere are these people? (On the bus). WHat are they doing? (Spitting, talking loudly, littering, etc.)(引出新词)引出新词) Ar

26、e these polite behaviors? ( Of course not)36-利用标题利用标题T: What can you say to stop them from behaving like this? Please list as many ways as possible.(复习已学知识)复习已学知识) Possible answers:Would you please notPlease dont You mustntCould you please not T:We can also say “Would you mind not doing”, which seem

27、s more polite. 37-通过问题设置悬念,使学生在阅读前通过问题设置悬念,使学生在阅读前对文章内容产生好奇对文章内容产生好奇-引导学生预测过程中渗透词汇教学,引导学生预测过程中渗透词汇教学,为阅读理解扫清障碍为阅读理解扫清障碍38背景铺垫式 Unit 3 Do You Remember What You Were Doing? Marin Luthe King多媒体导入 Unit 1 DoYou Think You Will Have Your Own Robot? -Watch a video about robot .39二、读中活动设计1. 读中活动设计的目的读中活动设计的目

28、的 -提高快速阅读理解能力提高快速阅读理解能力 -通过阅读感知和学习语言知识通过阅读感知和学习语言知识(充实丰富,像猪肚:应该把主要精力放在如何(充实丰富,像猪肚:应该把主要精力放在如何使用恰当的阅读策略获取主要事实和观点上)使用恰当的阅读策略获取主要事实和观点上) 402.读中活动设计中存在的问题【案例】八下 Unit 4 She said helping others changed her lifeA: skim the text and then fill in the table after reading The lives of Yang Leis studentsHometow

29、nFood TeachersTime to get upTime to finish work 41评析: 第一遍阅读就进入细节42案例二 北师大版 初一下 Unit 12 We Visited the Great Wall活动1 T/F-John went to the Great Wall in MArch.-John went there by bus.-It was hot that day.活动2 Answer the questions:-When did John go to the Great Wall?-How did he go there?-What was the we

30、atherlike that day?43评析:-读中活动层次性不强-内容重复,难以实现新的阅读目标-学习效率低44PeoplePlaceTimeWeatherTransportActivitiesfeelings45PredictingFriendgeneroushumorousHandsomeKind brighthonest46 desert desert strong windsanddangerousget losthotsmall populationcamel4747buy necessities for the festivalfestivalTV galaset off fi

31、recrackersclothing dress upfeastlucky moneyholidayplay computer games day and nightgiftscelebrationgather/get together48FestivalChristmas DayValentines DayFools DayHalloweenTreat or Trickdress up as witches and ghostsfoolPlay tricksparadeturkeywineSanta clausreligious originChristianJesusChristmas t

32、reehappy/sadbeautydress updatecandyloverrose/rosebud49YearWhat happened?196219711980198319915050Animals: tiger rabbit elephant panda dolphindescription: brave lovely interesting strong dangerous matching games51beforeafterTalk and laugh loudly while eating .Only eat your favorite.Eat with your finge

33、rs .Make others drink more spirits.52读中活动Surname given nameSex male femaleAge _Marital status_Nationality_Profession_Experience:Achievements: 53musicbluesHip-hop54 Guessing unknown words1.根据定义猜词 Now she works free-lance-that is,shes self-employed, working for herself and not for a garage or a compan

34、y.2.根据经验和常识猜词 The mouse gnawed a hole in the box with its sharp teeth.553.根据对照和比较猜词 Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful.4.根据实例猜词 Every country has its favorite beverage. Italians like to drink coffee after dinner.The English pre

35、fer tea.56三、读后活动设计三、读后活动设计1.读后活动设计的目的读后活动设计的目的 -巩固和运用阅读材料中的新学词汇和语言结巩固和运用阅读材料中的新学词汇和语言结构构-提高围绕阅读材料的主题内容进行表达的能力提高围绕阅读材料的主题内容进行表达的能力-强化文化差异意识,培养学生健康向上的品德强化文化差异意识,培养学生健康向上的品德和情感和情感-提高学生的思维能力提高学生的思维能力 (刚健有力,像豹子尾:厚积薄发,步步为营(刚健有力,像豹子尾:厚积薄发,步步为营扎实完成阅读中的各项任务)扎实完成阅读中的各项任务)57存在的问题存在的问题-忽略或简化读后活动,将其变成词汇忽略或简化读后活动

36、,将其变成词汇学习活动学习活动-读后活动过量读后活动过量-读后活动与教学内容和目标脱节,没读后活动与教学内容和目标脱节,没有进一步练习和运用所学语言知识有进一步练习和运用所学语言知识-不符合学生认知特点与知识水平不符合学生认知特点与知识水平-语言输出缺少必要的支架,活动开展语言输出缺少必要的支架,活动开展前的铺垫不足前的铺垫不足58教学建议: 阅读后的拓展活动为学生提供了运用所学语言的机会。有了阅读中的文本理解和语言积累,拓展活动的设计要注意梯度,语言输出就水到渠成。 -基于文本的拓展-联系生活实际的拓展59【案例案例】Unit 9 Have You Ever Been to Singpore

37、?读中:读中:-从从population, language, food, temperature, animal 介绍新加坡。介绍新加坡。读后(拓展延伸部分):读后(拓展延伸部分):-阅读短文阅读短文Singapore in our eyes,巩固所学,巩固所学内容。内容。-仿写:仿写: * in my eyes(有了前面的铺垫,能很好地运用所学词汇)有了前面的铺垫,能很好地运用所学词汇)60 阅读教学中的词汇教学阅读教学中的词汇教学方式一:阅读前单独教学词汇方式一:阅读前单独教学词汇 优点:阅读中词汇障碍减少,整体理解文章 变得更容易。 问题:听写成绩不理想; 听写单词枯燥费力; 单词容易

38、忘记; 学生产生畏惧和厌倦心理; 疑问: 如果课堂教学这样处理生词再进入阅读环节,学生在独立阅读时遇到生词怎么办?先把生词划出来,查了字典再阅读?61方式二:通过语境引出教学词汇方式二:通过语境引出教学词汇 优点:具体的情景中呈现词汇,词不离句,句不离文,有助于理解;文章分解成片段能降低学生理解文章的难度 疑问:学生在接触整篇文章之前,教师先分段讲解与分析,是否会影响学生对整片材料的感知? 是否有利于培养学生独立阅能力?62方式三:在学生独立阅读文章后的检测练习中教学词汇 优点:有助于全体学生理解与掌握新词汇,面向全体,且注重基础,训练形式多样;在各种练习中呈现系会再讲解,让学生感觉不是专门学

39、单词,而是为了理解和表达的需要。 疑问:如果不事先教学词汇,学生在理解上就会产生障碍,这样是否会影响阅读的速度与效果?在练习中呈现生词是否也影响监测的效果?63分阶段落实词汇教学1.阅读前:教师对阅读材料与词汇的分析到位 -对没有一定背景知识就难以理解的材料,教师有必要先补充有关背景知识。 -借助一定的情景引出新词汇,并进行解释和领读。 【案例】八下 Unit 8 Why Dont You Learn English Songs?-课前听歌猜明星的活动,引出stage, winner, modest, interested 642. 阅读中:指导学生运用词汇学习策略到位 -构词推断法 前后缀:

40、 return, recall, review disappear, dislike kindness, darkness, illness 合成词: playground, outstanding skateboard 65-语境理解法 一个词或词组,在词典里是孤立的,但一旦用于具体的语篇中,它就形成了整个语篇结构的一部分并与其他词语构成一个有机的编码系统及上下文,并和特定的语境相关联。【案例】 Her village was 2000 meters above sea level, and at first the thin air make her feel sick. 66-英语释义法

41、 通过近义词,反义词或英语语句解释,有利于培养学生用英语思维与表达的习惯。 【案例 】八下 Unit 3 Do You Remember What You Were Doing? be killed by someone unknown: murder fortunately: luckily (复现以前学过的词汇; 训练了根据上下文猜词的能力)673. 阅读后: 学生巩固所学词汇到位 -复述课文既可以检查学会僧发音以及对所学词汇的运用情况,使学生深刻理解课文内容,又可以训练学生书写与记忆单词的能力。【案例】八下 Unit 7 Would You Mind Keeping Your Voice

42、 Down?Would you mind , drop litter, feel uncomfortable,take care, pick up -选词造句;小组合作编对话或故事68 -读后续写 对课文进行改写、缩写或扩写能培养学生的语言运用能力、创新思维和想象能力。69 阅读课的焦点与层次设计【教学案例】八下 Unit 8 3a The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. David Smith of North London has a pot-bellied pig named Connie. “Pot-be

43、llied pigs make the best pets,”said David. “She watches TV on the sofa with me every night. She is my best friend.” However, life with a pig isnt always perfect. “When I got my pig, she was small,”said David, “but she eats a lot. Now shes too big to sleep in the house, so I made her a special pig ho

44、use. Also, pigs need a lot of love. Sometimes I dont have enough time to spend with her.”70I.Lead-in (3 m)Step 1 :展示pot-bellied pig的图片,引导学生谈 一谈对这种宠物的看法。 -Whats this? - What do you think of this animal?-Will you keep such a pet? Why?II. While-reading (18m)Step 2: What is the text mainly talked about?

45、(1st reading , 1 m.) Read the text again and complete the table.(2nd reading , 6 m.) 71 Keeping pot-bellied pigs Advantages DisadvantagesThey make good friends.They can watchTV on the sofa with their mastersThey eat a lot.They may become too big to sleep in the house.They need a lot of love.完成信息搜索和信

46、息处理、转换,对后续的深层次挖掘阅完成信息搜索和信息处理、转换,对后续的深层次挖掘阅读材料和模仿性写作有益;读材料和模仿性写作有益;72Step3: Read the text closely and then paraphrase some imp. words and expressions ( 3rd reading, 3 m.) most fashionable,called, 100% good, unusual(采用替换解释进行词汇教学,帮助学生从思维采用替换解释进行词汇教学,帮助学生从思维层面认知词汇,并在写作时逐步提高用词的丰层面认知词汇,并在写作时逐步提高用词的丰富性和准确性

47、;学生感兴趣,富性和准确性;学生感兴趣, 能积极思考能积极思考)Step 4: Learn to use some words and structures in the text (6m)对一些重要词汇和结构进行更细致的点拨式教学73I dont have enough time to spend with her.T: Look at the word “spend”.Can you use the word to make some sentences? What other words can you think of? Can you ues “take” and “cost” to

48、 make some sentences? Can you tell me how these three words are used?(先了解学生对语言点理解的程度,然后有针对先了解学生对语言点理解的程度,然后有针对性地进行知识点补充,最后引导学生运用各所性地进行知识点补充,最后引导学生运用各所学语言知识学语言知识)74Step 5: Listen to the tape and read the text aloud to improve your pronunciation and understanding ( 4th reading, 3 m.) (模仿朗读有益于培养语感,改善发音

49、)III. Post-readingStep 6 : Group words and expressions about hamsters into two columns: advantages and disvantages(2 m)(控制性写作的铺垫。设计与Step 2中相同形式的表格,引导学生分类提炼仓鼠的优缺点) 75Step 7: Read the text again very quickly and find out how the writer connects advantages and “disadvantages”. (5th reading, 1 m.) (再次浏览

50、,寻找衔接手段。是文本结构进行分析的点睛之笔)Step 8: Write an article (50+ words) about hamster.( 5 m.) (完成一个控制性写作练习,安排在词汇和文本结构教学之后,学生完成效果好)76Step 9: Read and highlight a writing sample (3 m)( 提供写作范文非常必要,教师需在这个步骤标出关键的信息, 帮助学生反思和评价自己的作文,如表达优缺点的词汇的使用与分布情况连接词however的使用 以及文章的开头和结尾)Step 10: Interview: -What is your favorite p

51、et?-What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping it ?( 6 m)(结对互问;转述同伴话语,体会语言形式对内结对互问;转述同伴话语,体会语言形式对内容观点的影响容观点的影响)77Step 11:Reading the text again quickly and find out if the writer uses direct or indirect speech? Why? (6th reading, 2m) ( 引出文章风格的问题,启发学生思考直接引语和间接引语在传递意义时的不同作用。直接引语生动,间接引语相对呆板)S

52、tep 12:Ask students to write an article (60+ words) about their neighbours favorite pet after class. Direct speech is encouraged. (布置作业,鼓励使用生动的语言通过文本与读者“对话”)78Step 13: Explain how to do peer editing.(2m)(教师向学生讲授在互助编辑加工时需要注意的语言问题,如连接词,大小写,词汇搭配,单三等)IV. 课堂总结阶段(2m)Step 14:Summarize what has been learned

53、 in this class(学生参与总结能反映他们是否真正理解了教学重点,培养学习习惯和学习策略,比教师总结效果好)79Step 15:homework( Use handouts)-Finish the writing and peer editing.-Read more for practice and fun.(作业紧扣阅读教学的焦点,即“为了写作的阅读教学”,让学生运用课堂上所学范文中的语言结构,结合实际完成写作和互助编辑。发给学生与本单元话题和语言难度相匹配的阅读材料,作为课后泛读)80-阅读课焦点的选择 -teaching reading for reading -teaching reading for writing -阅读课的层次设计 “意义”层次:分析文章大意,中心思想,所陈述的事实和作者的观点 “形式”层次:认知并掌握材料中的重要语言形式,及语言知识点:词汇,语法,句型等 “运用”层次:谋篇布局,阅读赏析 81外语教学的过程 act activity activate 知 能 熟 活 知识 技能 能力 82 Tell me, Ill forget; Show me, Ill remember; Involve me, Ill learn.83 Thank you ! email: Tele: 0351-2279354 code: 03001284



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