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1、Unit 5 Viewpoints on Science新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5In this unit you will:1. learn about the scientific method, viewpoints on science, and scientific discoveries from reports, speeches and lectures given by professors;2. familiarize yourself with the words and expressions related to the theme of the unit;3

2、. learn to use these words and expressions;4. learn how to speak English with correct intonation and listen for numbers in spoken discourse;5. practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials;6. use the proper expressions and sentence structures to apply for a visa.Learning

3、objectives新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Part I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart II Listening and Speaking Part II Listening and Speaking Strategies Strategies Part III Extensive ListeningPart III Extensive ListeningPart IV Communication SkillsPart IV Communication SkillsPart V Assessme

4、nt LogPart V Assessment Log新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Part I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart I Theme-Related Activities Section I Report About Scientific Discoveries ( Part I ) Section II Report About Scientific Discoveries ( Part II ) Section III Interview新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni51. How do you feel about new scientific

5、 discoveries?2. What do you aspire to invent or discover if you were a scientist now?Lead-in questions:Unit 5 Part I Section I Lead-in questions新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Word Bankself-evident /selfevdnt/ adj.显然的显然的diagnose /danz/ vt.诊断,查出诊断,查出spontaneous /spntenis/ adj.自发的自发的generation /denren/ n.产生,发生产生,发生f

6、ormulate /fmjlet/ vt.制订,规划制订,规划hypothesis /hapss/ n.假设,假说假设,假说hypothesize /hapsaz/ v.假设,假定假设,假定flask /flsk/ n.长颈瓶,烧瓶长颈瓶,烧瓶broth /br/ n.肉汤肉汤neutron /njutrn/ n.中子中子microbe /makrb/ n.微生物;细菌微生物;细菌sterile /steral/ adj.无菌的,消过毒的无菌的,消过毒的Unit 5 Part I Section I Word Bank新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5NotesUnit 5 Part I Se

7、ction I Notes新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 1 Watch the video clip and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.TaskUnit 5 Part I Section I Task 11. The ancient Greeks were acclaimed as great thinkers and observers because they tested their ideas in a systematic and scientific way. 2. T

8、he scientific method is widely used in daily life, from troubleshooting car problems to major scientific discoveries.(They did not believe in testing their ideas in an orderly, unbiased way.F_T_新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni53. French scientist Louis Pasteur was the first one to apply the scientific method. 4. Th

9、ere was a controversy over where microbes come from.5. Pasteur conducted an experiment to prove that microbes are created by a special life force in the air. (But the video only claims that he conducted an experiment with all the features of scientific method.)(He rejected this theory and the purpos

10、e of his experiment was done to disprove this idea.)T_F_F_Unit 5 Part I Section I Task 1新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni51.Pasteur believed that .2. He hypothesized that .3. He placed the broth in and heated it to .Task 2 Watch the video clip for a second time and then complete the following sentences. microbes cou

11、ld be carried by, but not created by the air _ _ TaskUnit 5 Part I Section I Task 2 a flask of broth would stay sterile as long as no airborne microbes could get in and use the nutrients in the broth to multiply _ _ force out all the air_ a special swan neck flask_ 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni54. He observed th

12、e cooled broth and found that when he broke off the neck of the flask .5. Pasteur concluded that . Unit 5 Part I Section I Task 2 airborne obes could get in and the broth became cloudy as they multiplied _ his experiment proved his hypothesis / he should accept his hypothesis rather than rejecting o

13、r modifying it _新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then work in pairs to describe the experiment Pasteur performed, based on the video clip and the following pictures. Afterwards, each group will give a brief report to the class.TaskUnit 5 Part I Section I Task 3【Script】新核心大学英语B版

14、听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part I Section I Script新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Word Bankgerminate /dmnet/ v. (使)种子发芽(使)种子发芽address /dres/ vt.对付,处理对付,处理variable /veribl/ n.变量变量vermiculite /vmkjlt/ n.蛭石蛭石deprive /dprav/ v.剥夺剥夺straggling /strgl/ adj.四散的,散落的四散的,散落的modify /mdfa/ v.改变,修改改变,修改Unit 5 Part I Section II Word B

15、ank新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5NotesUnit 5 Part I Section II Notes新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni51. A hypothesis is _. A. an educated guess or prediction B. a discussion after data is collected C. a conclusion drawn after observations and experiments D. a scientific method used to prove or disprove ones belief2. The experim

16、ent is intended to test the hypothesis, “ _ ” A. do plants need light to grow? B. plants need light to grow. C. the plants without light dont look healthy. D. without light, the plants will eventually die.Task 1 Watch the video clip and choose the best answers to the following questions.TaskUnit 5 P

17、art I Section II Task 1新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni53. The way to test the accuracy of an experiments results is to_. A. repeat the experiment B. find a basic experimental model C. keep trying different approaches and collecting data D. change the variables and repeat the experiment4. Which of the following is

18、NOT mentioned as the variables that affect the growth of plants? A. The presence or absence of light. B. The temperature of the air. C. The type of soil. D. The quality of seed.Unit 5 Part I Section II Task 1新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni55. If the data partly support the hypothesis, researchers should_. A. exten

19、d the experimental time B. have a basic experimental model C. change the hypothesis and redo the experiment D. give up the old hypothesis and come up with a brand new oneUnit 5 Part I Section II Task 1新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 2 Watch the video clip and rearrange the sentences in the order that you hear

20、 them. Briefly describe each picture to illustrate how the scientific method is applied.TaskUnit 5 Part I Section II Task 2abcdef新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part I Section II Task 2d First we made some observations and found more plants seem to grow in areas that receive light than in dark places.c We f

21、ormulated a hypothesis that plants need light to grow.e To test our hypothesis, we designed an experiment to make sure that the plants in two sides of the box grow in the same environment but get different light exposure.f We observed the growth of the plants and collected data we need.b We found th

22、at the side that received light is more dense with green leaves while the side with little light grew straight with yellow-brown leaves.a We drew a conclusion that the experiment partly supported our hypothesis, and we need to modify our hypothesis and experiment again.1._ _2._3._ _ _4._ _5._ _ _6._

23、 _ _新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 3 Apply the scientific method, as learned from the video clip, to an experiment that you would like to perform. After the experiment, explain the whole process to your partner. Pay attention to the sequence of the experiment.TaskUnit 5 Part I Section II Task 3【Script】Exampl

24、e: You may conduct an experiment to prove Archimedes law or Galileos law of free-fall.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part I Section II Script新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Word Bankempower /mpa(r)/ vt. 赋予权力赋予权力revenue /revnju/ n.(公司的)收益(公司的)收益uniform /junfm/ adj. 相同的;整齐划一的相同的;整齐划一的overwhelmingly /vwelmli/ adv. 压倒性

25、地压倒性地in terms of在在方面;根据方面;根据来看来看strategy /strtdi/ n. 战略;策略战略;策略interface /ntfes/ n. 界面界面radical /rdkl/ adj. 根本的;彻底的根本的;彻底的dramatically /drmtkli/ adv. 明显地;剧烈地明显地;剧烈地Unit 5 Part I Section III Word Bank新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5NoteUnit 5 Part I Section III NotesBefore Microsoft came along, there really was no

26、software industry. come along: to appear or arriveFor example: A bus should come along any minute now. I will take whatever comes along. I gave up scuba diving when my first child came along.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 1 Listen to the audio clip and choose the best answers to the questions below.TaskUnit

27、5 Part I Section III Task 11. Microsoft was founded when the competition among software companies was intense. 2. Microsofts main competitors are not software but hardware companies.(There really was no software industry before Microsoft.)F_T_新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni53. Books and the PC were hugely popular

28、when they first appeared because of their positive effects. 4. The PC business is a fun business mainly because it is the most profitable. 5. Bill Gates is very confident about the future of digital devices.(When they came along, it is hard for people to accept them because they knew little about th

29、eir positive effects.)(It is a fun business because companies can develop new versions of software based on customer feedback.)F_T_F_Unit 5 Part I Section III Task 1新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 2 Directions: Listen to the audio clip again and work out an interview in question-and-answer form. Practice with

30、 your partner.TaskUnit 5 Part I Section III Task 2For reference:【Script】新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part I Section III Script新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Part II Part II Listening and Speaking StrategiesListening and Speaking Strategies Section I Pronunciation SkillIntonation Section II Listening SkillListen

31、for Numbers新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5 Intonation is crucial for communication. Intonation is about how one says things, rather than what he says. Without intonation, it is impossible to understand the expressions and thoughts that go with words. Awareness of intonation aids communication. Incorrect intonatio

32、n can result in misunderstandings, speakers losing interest or even taking offence! General rules Statements usually have a falling tone at the end. The six question words (who? what? when? where? why? how?) also have a falling tone at the end. Yes/No questions (questions one can answer with “yes” o

33、r “no”) usually have a rising tone.Pronunciation SkillIntonationUnit 5 Part II Section I新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part II Section IFor example:1. How did you spend your vacation? (falling tone)2. I went to Venice with my fianc last summer. (falling tone)3. Was it your own choice? (rising tone) Yes, in

34、deed. ( falling tone)4. Are you going to the seashore this spring? (rising tone)新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 1 Read the following sentences with the correct intonation.TaskUnit 5 Part II Section I Task 11. That is the person who robbed the bank! ( falling tone)2. Do you mean the man with the black pants? (

35、 rising tone)3. No. The woman with the plastic bag. ( falling tone)4. Are you saying that we are going to cancel this project? ( rising tone)5. There are not many visitors this time of year. ( falling tone)6. Everyone is going swimming. Dont you want to come along? ( rising tone)新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Uni

36、t 5 Part II Section I Task 17. Do you mean the largest state in area or in population? ( rising tone)8. He looks happy, does he not? ( falling tone)9. How awful it is! ( falling tone)10. Mother has gone to town. ( falling tone)新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 2 Listen to the following tongue-twisters and then

37、repeat.Task1. Sixty-six sick chicks2. The sixth sick sheiks sixth sheeps sick.3. She sells seashells by the seashore.4. Do you agree, if you are free, to come to tea with me by the sea?5. Its Billys kitten sitting in the kitchen.6. Tims as thin as a pin, but it isnt a sin to be thin.7. Will you sit

38、still, Bill? Ill sit as still as a hill.8. An English fisherman wishes to get a foolish fish for a cold dish.9. Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.10. Spring is showery, flowery, bowery. Summer is hoppy, croppy, poppy. Autumn is wheezy, sneezy, freezy. Winter is slippy, drippy, nippy.

39、Unit 5 Part II Section I Task 2新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5 Numbers are important in daily life. When going shopping, one needs to calculate prices. In a restaurant one needs to calculate and pay the bill after eating. When booking a concert or a flight, or making an appointment or a date, time is a big issue.

40、 In the bank one calculates interest rates and the balance after withdrawing or depositing money. A good sense of numbers is therefore indispensable to smooth everyday communications.Listening SkillListen for NumbersUnit 5 Part II Section II新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Rule of Thumb 1 Be familiar with cardinal

41、and ordinal numbers in English and know how to count numbers with multiple digits in English.Rule of Thumb 2 Know how to express time, prices, and rates.Rule of Thumb 3 Some knowledge of basic arithmetic is desirable.Unit 5 Part II Section II新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5mortgage /md/ n. / v. 抵押抵押down payment(分期

42、付款中的)预付款(分期付款中的)预付款premium /primim/ n.保险费保险费up-front /pfrnt/ adj.在前面的在前面的amortize /mtaz/ vt.分期偿还分期偿还Word BankUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 1新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5NotesUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 1FHA The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is a United States government agency created as part of the

43、National Housing Act of 1934. Insured loans made by banks and other private lenders for home building and home buying. The goals of this organization are: to improve housing standards and conditions; to provide an adequate home financing system through insurance of mortgage loans; and to stabilize t

44、he mortgage market.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 1 Complete the following passage after the second listening.TaskUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 1 The FHA does not make loans; rather, it insures mortgages from lenders who would not otherwise offer loans to those who can make down payments of only 1) percent

45、and who have credit scores of 2) or less. Borrowers pay an FHA insurance premium 3) ways: with an upfront fee that can be included in the total loan amount and amortized over the life of the mortgage, or in a monthly fee.3.5_ 620_ two_ 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part II Section II Task 1Starting this s

46、pring, the administration said, the upfront fee jumps to 4) percent of the loan amount from 5) percent, adding about 6) to a 7) loan. Monthly premium charges will essentially be unchanged. Previously, the FHA insured loans made to those with credit scores of less than 8) , with no penalties. Startin

47、g early this summer, the FHA said, anyone with a credit score below 9) must make a down payment of at least 10) percent. (Credit scores are typically measured on a scale of 11) to 12) ;2.25_ 1.75_ $1,000_ $200,000_ 580_ 10_ 300_ 850_ 580_ 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part II Section II Task 1most non-FHA

48、 lenders require larger down payments and offer higher rates if borrowers have credit scores below 13) .) But because lenders have not been offering loans to those with scores of 14) or below, another FHA change will most likely have a bigger impact. The seller could previously finance up to 15) per

49、cent of the homes closing costs when the borrower used an FHA mortgage. That will drop to16) percent this summer.700_ 580_ 6_ 3 _ 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 2 Listen to the audio clip and then do the following exercise.TaskUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 21. What happened to Ashley after a family dinner o

50、f lasagna and spinach salad? A. Ashley came down with a bad cold. B. Ashley contracted bird flu. C. Ashleys kidneys failed. D. Ashleys liver failed.2. What was the consequence of her contracting this disease? A. Ashley will one day need a kidney transplant. B. Ashley can not go back to school. C. As

51、hley will be on medication all her life. D. Ashley will be handicapped for life.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part II Section II Task 23. Which statement is TRUE according to this dialogue? A. The Armstrongs did not like salads, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits before, but they like them now. B. Ashley A

52、rmstrong was once a healthy, rambunctious boy. C. Ashley Armstrong died from eating the contaminated salad. D. The Armstrongs testified before Congress asking for tougher food safety laws.4. What is the reporters tone in this interview? A. Sympathetic. B. Neutral. C. Critical. D. Emotional.新核心大学英语B版

53、听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part II Section II Task 25. How many years does a transplanted kidney usually last? A. 15 years. B. 20 years. C. 25 years. D. 30 years.6. When did Ashley come down with an illness? A. Last June. B. Last July. C. Last August. D. Last September.7. According to the CNN reporter, how many

54、 E. coli outbreaks have occurred since 1995? A. More than twelve. B. More than two thousand. C. More than two hundred. D. More than twenty.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part II Section II Task 28. When Ashley got sick, how old was she? A. One year old. B. Two years old. C. Three years old. D. Four years o

55、ld.9. What is the full name of the disease attacking Ashley? A. E. coli 0157 : H6. B. E. coli 0156 : H7. C. E. coli 0157 : H7. D. E. coli 0165 : H7.10. How many times did Ashleys mother wash the fresh greens before eating? A. Once. B. Three times. C. Twice. D. Four times.【Script】新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Scr

56、iptUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 2新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 3 Write down the numbers you hear in the blanks.TaskUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 31 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 10_11_ 12_ 13_ 14_ 15_16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_21_ 22_ 23_ 24_ 25_26_ 27_ 28_ 29_ 30_31_ 32_ 33_ 34_ 35_36_ 37_ 38_ 39_ 40_41_ 42_

57、 43_ 44_ 45_46_ 47_ 48_ 49_ 50_新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni51. $5002. $6.503. 50C4. 8005. 5P6. 3.57.1,9008. 4,000,000,0009. 75410. 4,567,80911. 1,23412. 23,68713. 5,678,120,00014. 200, 438, 67415. 541 B.C.16. 50 A.D.17. 180018. 105819. 170120. 200021. in the 1840s22. in the 60s23. in the early 1770s24. in the l

58、ate 1590s25. in the 2nd century26. in the mid 13th century27. 8:0028. 6:0529. 9:1530. 11:3031. 7:5032. 4:30 a.m.33. 5:45 p.m.34. 24:0035. 505-661036. 37. Room 34438. 882 West Yanan Rd. , Mailbox 186, Donghua University, Shanghai 20005139. 1/340. 7/1241. 21/243. 2.46844. 0.15745. 20%46. 16.09%47. 2+4

59、=648. 8-3=549. 3 5=1550. 24 8 = 3Unit 5 Part V Part V 1 1新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5 Previously, the FHA insured loans made to those with credit scores of less than 580, with no penalties. Starting early this summer, the FHA said, anyone with a credit score below 580 must make a down payment of at least 10 pe

60、rcent. (Credit scores are typically measured on a scale of 300 to 850; most non-FHA lenders require larger down payments and offer higher rates if borrowers have credit scores below 700.) But because lenders have not been offering loans to those with scores of 580 or below, another FHA change will m

61、ost likely have a bigger impact. The seller could previously finance up to 6 percent of the homes closing costs when the borrower used an FHA mortgage. That will drop to 3 percent this summer. Task 4 Read the following passage after the clip. Pay particular attention to pronunciation and intonation.

62、TaskUnit 5 Part II Section II Task 3新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Part III Part III Extensive Listening I News Reports II Interview III Lecture IV Short Conversations V Passage Listening VI Compound Dictation新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5clutter /klt(r)/ n.杂乱的东西杂乱的东西neuron /njrn/ n.神经元,神经细胞神经元,神经细胞hippocampus /hpkmps/ n.海马区海

63、马区rodent /rdnt/ n.啮齿动物(如老鼠等)啮齿动物(如老鼠等)sprout /sprat/ v.生长,发芽生长,发芽neocortex /nikteks/ n.新(大脑)皮层新(大脑)皮层shuffle /fl/ v.把把搬来搬去,把搬来搬去,把移来移去移来移去Word BankUnit 5 Part III I News Reports I新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Notes1. Cell Cell is a peer-reviewed biweekly scientific journal which publishes exceptional research ar

64、ticles including molecular biology, genetics, structural biology, biochemistry, cell biology, neurobiology and immunology in animals, plants, microbes and viruses.2. hippocampus Hippocampus is a major component of the brains of humans and other mammals. Belonging to the limbic system, it is thought

65、to be the centre of emotion, memory and the autonomic nervous system, playing important roles in long-term memory and spatial navigation.Unit 5 Part III I News Reports I新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni51. By using the analogy between the brain and room arrangement, the speaker means_. A. the old stuff is usually be

66、tter than the new stuff B. the working of the brain is similar to that of the room C. a clean and tidy environment is a good way to boost memory D. the brain is continuously edging out the old memories for new ones2. The research shows that the brain frees up space by means of_. A. making new neuron

67、s B. killing old neurons C. preventing neurons from being created D. shuffling neurons from other places to the hippocampusListen to the report and then do the following exercise.Unit 5 Part III I News Reports I新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni53. The speaker points out that the study _ . A. is based on the wrong as

68、sumption B. only looks at the hippocampus C. is conducted not on humans but rodents D. has only documented fearful memoriesUnit 5 Part III I News Reports I【Script】新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part III I News Reports I新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5bazaar /bz/ n.市场,集市市场,集市stall /stl/ n.摊位摊位hands down唾手可得地,容易地唾手可得

69、地,容易地cater (for) /ket(r)/ v.迎合,满足迎合,满足smuggle /sml/ v.走私走私patchy /pti/ adj.时好时坏时好时坏broadband /brdbnd/ n.宽带宽带infrastructure /nfrstrkt/ n. 基础设施基础设施Word BankUnit 5 Part III I News Reports II新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5NotesUnit 5 Part III I News Reports II新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5 1. The Blackberry has won over the iPhon

70、e mainly because_. A. of its wider price range B. it has more features C. of reliable after-sale service D. of its better reception2. Which of the following is true about the Blackberry in Indonesia? A. The Blackberry sells well only among the most wealthy. B. One can buy a Blackberry for less than

71、$ 500. C. The price of the Blackberry fluctuates between $500 and $900. D. The Blackberry is the cheapest mobile phone on the grey market.Listen to the report and then do the following exercise.Unit 5 Part III I News Reports II新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni53. Why do the research groups predict that within the ne

72、xt year, half of the Indonesian population will have a mobile phone? A. Because network infrastructure will be more developed. B. Because a new Blackberry will be released next year. C. Because Indonesia does not have any other forms of telecommunication. D. Because these phones allow people for who

73、m the Internet is too expensive to have web access.Unit 5 Part III I News Reports II【Script】新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part III I News Reports II新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5droplet /drplt/ n. 小滴小滴sneeze /sniz/ v. 打喷嚏打喷嚏divert /davt/ v. 使转向使转向filter /flt(r)/ v. 过滤过滤mask /msk/ n. 面罩面罩;面具面具particle /ptkl/ n. 微

74、粒微粒Word BankUnit 5 Part III I News Reports III新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Listen to the news report and then answer the questions orally afterwards. Compare what you have said with the reference answers provided.1.What is the purpose of surgical masks?2.How are special respiratory masks different from surgical

75、 masks?They prevent the wearer from spreading germs when he sneezes coughs._They protect the wearer from infection but are uncomfortable to wear for long periods._Unit 5 Part III I News Reports III新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni53. Influenza spreads around the world seasonally, resulting in the deaths of between 2

76、50,000 and 500,000 people every year. What are some effective ways to prevent it and the common cold? To prevent the transmission of influenza and common cold, one needs good personal habits such as: washing hands frequently with soap and water not spitting avoiding close contact with sick people we

77、aring a face mask if caring for the sick staying at home when sick covering ones mouth when sneezing or coughing exercising regularly to improve ones immune systemOne can also get a flu shot._【Script】Unit 5 Part III I News Reports III新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part III I News Reports III新核心大学英语B版

78、听说教程uni5versatile /vstal/ adj. 多功能的多功能的forum /frm/ n. 论坛论坛, 讨论会讨论会sedan /sdn/ n. 小轿车小轿车resin /rezn/ n. 树脂树脂,松香松香epoxy /pksi/ n.环氧树脂环氧树脂lumpy /lmpi/ adj.高低不平的;粗笨的高低不平的;粗笨的vibration /vabren/ n. 震动震动fad /fd/ n.时尚;狂热时尚;狂热Word BankUnit 5 Part III II Interview新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5NotesUnit 5 Part III II Inter

79、view新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni51. What characteristic is most important for the bamboo used in making bikes? A. The right color. B. The right length. C. The right flexibility. D. The right thickness.2. What is the right order for making a bamboo bike? A. baketreat with torchframewrap the joints B. treat with

80、torchbake framewrap the joints C. baketreat with torchwrap the jointsframe D. treat with torchbakewrap the jointsframeListen to the audio clip and choose the best answers to the following questions.Unit 5 Part III II Interview新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni53. What might surprise the new owner after he has made hi

81、s own bamboo bike? A. He will have a bumpier ride than on a regular bike. B. Other bikers will envy him. C. He will be emotionally attached to his newly-made bike. D. He will learn about the mechanics of how a bike works.4. What concerns some people about the wheels of bamboo bikes? A. Their style.

82、B. Their cost. C. Their ability to drive on roads. D. Their flexibility.Unit 5 Part III II Interview新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni55. Which of the following is NOT true about the growing interest in bamboo bikes? A. The bamboo bike-making classes in Brooklyn are filled. B. Some bamboo bike builders are from Europ

83、ean countries. C. The interest in bamboo bike is widely believed to die out soon. D. Amateur bikers can make them with no previous experience.【Script】Unit 5 Part III II Interview新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part III II Interview新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 1 Spot Dictation Directions: In this passage, the

84、re are 15 blanks. Fill in the missing words after watching the video clip twice.Task Less than three months ago at platform hearings in Salt Lake City, I asked the Republican Party to lift the shroud of silence which has been draped over the issue of HIV and AIDS. I have come tonight to bring our si

85、lence to an end. I bear 1) , not self-congratulation. Iwant your attention, not 2) .a message of challenge_Unit 5 Part III III Lectureyour applause_新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5 I would never have asked to be HIV positive, but I believe that in all things 3) . And I stand before you and before the nation gladly

86、. The reality of AIDS is 4) . Two hundred thousand Americans are dead or dying. 5) are infected. Worldwide, forty million, sixty million, or a hundred million infections will be counted in 6) . But despite science and research, White House meetings, and congressional hearings, despite good intention

87、s and 7) , campaign slogans, and hopeful promises, it is, despite it all, the epidemic 8) tonight.there is a purpose_brutally clear_A million more_the coming few years_bold initiatives_which is winning_Unit 5 Part III III Lecture新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5 In the context of 9) , I ask you, here in this great

88、hall or listening in the quiet of your home, to recognize that AIDS virus is not 10) . It does not care whether you are Democrat or Republican. It does not ask whether you are black or white, 11) , gay or straight, young or old. Tonight, I represent 12) whose members have been reluctantly drafted fr

89、om every segment of American society. Though I am white and a mother, I am one with a black infant 13) in a Philadelphia hospital. Though I am female and contracted this disease in marriage and enjoy 14) of my family, I am one with the lonely gay man sheltering a flickering candle from 15) .an elect

90、ion year_a political creature_male or female_an AIDS community_struggling with tubes_the warm support_the cold wind of his familys rejection_Unit 5 Part III III Lecture新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 2 RepetitionDirections: Repeat the five sentences in the video clip. Pay attention to pronunciation and intona

91、tion for each word and sentence.Task1. We may take refuge in our stereotypes, but we cannot hide there long, because HIV asks only one thing of those it attacks.2. Until we genuinely embrace this message, we are a nation at risk.3. It is our task to seek safety for our children, not in quiet denial,

92、 but in effective action.4. I want them to know that courage is the strength to act wisely when most we are afraid.5. I ask no more of you than I ask of myself or of my children.Unit 5 Part III III Lecture新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 3 Listen and WriteDirections: Listen to the speech again and then write a

93、 summary with brief comments in about 150 words. Exchange summaries with a classmate, and then read the summary to the class.TaskFor reference【Script】Unit 5 Part III III Lecture新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part III III Lecture新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Short ConversationsDirections: In this section, you will

94、 hear 8 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and choose the best an

95、swer .1. A. The man does not believe in true love. B. The woman thinks love is too good to be true. C. The woman believes that love, unlike Santa Claus, is painful. D. The man has no idea about love as he has no experience with it.Unit 5 Part III IV Short Conversations新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni52. A. To chang

96、e his job. B. To learn how to balance work and play. C. To snatch the opportunities opening up in China. D. To work hard and become rich as soon as possible.3. A. At the airport. B. At the travel agency. C. At the American Embassy or Consulate. D. At the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Se

97、rvice.4. A. Start exercising. B. Give up smoking. C. Try to put on weight. D. Eat less.Unit 5 Part III IV Short Conversations新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni55. A. She has had a month to complete the project but wants an extension. B. Her delay will result in many problems. C. Her hesitation will cause the press co

98、nference to fail. D. She hasnt told the man about the details of the press conference.6. A. The woman is unwilling to lend the man her camera. B. The man is very confident about his photography skills. C. The woman is very disrespectful, looking down on the man. D. The man is patient, listening very

99、 carefully to the womans explanation.Unit 5 Part III IV Short Conversations新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni57. A. Reluctant. B. Indecisive. C. Indifferent. D. Enthusiastic.8. A. He is fond of simple things. B. He likes browsing and finding bargains at the store. C. He likes bargaining with the shop assistant. D. He

100、 doesnt like browsing movies online.【Script】Unit 5 Part III IV Short Conversations新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part III IV Short Conversations新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Passage Listening Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear several questions.

101、Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Passage 11. A. He interviewed everyone who wanted to join his army. B. He celebrated the founding of his army with his soldiers. C. He inspected

102、his army, rewarding and punishing his soldiers. D. He asked the same three questions to every one of his soldiers.Unit 5 Part III V Passage Listening 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni52. A. He was nervous. B. He was anxious. C. He was confident. D. He was surprised.3. A. He was nicer to the Frenchman. B. He asked mo

103、re than three questions. C. He changed the order of the questions. D. He chatted with the Frenchman for a longer time.4. A. Puzzled. B. Irritated. C. Satisfied. D. Disappointed.【Script】Unit 5 Part III V Passage Listening 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part III V Passage Listening 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Pas

104、sage 25. A. Honor. B. Honesty. C. Politeness. D. Family loyalty.6. A. Because he is dishonest. B. Because he does not know the distance. C. Because he intends to be encouraging. D. Because he wants to trick the American.7. A. To teach people how to negotiate contracts. B. To convince readers that ho

105、nesty is always important. C. To illustrate the importance of sweet nothings in advertisement. D. To show the importance of understanding cultural differences.【Script】Unit 5 Part III V Passage Listening 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part III V Passage Listening 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Passage 38. A. Public

106、 affairs. B. The humanities. C. Civil engineering. D. Math and science.9. A. They must be male. B. They have to pass an English test. C. They must meet a physical requirement. D. They need the recommendation of their governments.10. A. To ease the acute shortage of soldiers. B. To foster West Point

107、graduates cultural awareness. C. To help West Point graduates better understand their hometowns. D. To promote communication between America and Iraq or Afghanistan.【Script】Unit 5 Part III V Passage Listening 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5ScriptUnit 5 Part III V Passage Listening 新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Compound Dictat

108、ion Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read the first time, listen carefully for the general idea. When the passage is read the second time, fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. When the passage is read for the third time, ch

109、eck your answers. Today we discuss some ways to help bed-wetters stay dry all night long. First of all, health experts say bed-wetting should be treated with 1) . Children do not wet the bed to upset their parents. The young people who do it are usually physically and emotionally 2) .understanding_U

110、nit 5 Part III VI Compound Dictation normal_新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5 Health experts say the causes of bed-wetting are not known. However, they think most cases probably result from a mix of things including 3) physical development. Often there is a strong family history of bed-wetting. The good news is tha

111、t most children grow out of it over time. So, until that happens, here are some steps that might help: First, consider a 4) on the amount of liquid a child drinks before bedtime. Also make sure children use the 5) right before bedan empty bladder at bedtime should help. Some parents wake their child

112、ren at night to use the bathroom.Unit 5 Part III VI Compound Dictation slower_limit_bathroom_新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5 Others 6) a timer to sound, so children wake up on their own. Experts say even going to bed thirty minutes 7) can help some children stop wetting the bed. If children do have an accident at

113、 night, some experts suggest parents should let them help 8) up. For example, children could rinse out their wet nightclothes. 9) .However, others warn having to clean up may seem like punishment if other children in the family do not have similar duties. They advise families to establish a “no teas

114、ing” rule. 10) . Some parents put a plastic cover on the bed, then a cloth sheet, followed by an additional set of plastic and cloth sheets. This way, 11) .Unit 5 Part III VI Compound Dictation set_earlier_clean_Taking responsibility may help the bed-wetter feel a sense of control over the situation

115、_ Bed-wetters usually feel shame enough without having other children make fun of them _ it is easy to remove wet coverings and have a dry set ready _新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Part IV Part IV Communication Skills Useful Expressions of Visa Application新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IVPart IVUseful Expressions o

116、f Visa ApplicationWords to knowPhrases to knowvisabusiness/immigrant/visitors visaembassygo through proceduresimmigratevisa applicationimmigrantin personcertificateAmerican citizen/citizenshipmarital statusfamily reunificationcurriculum vitaevisa officerpassportbusiness cardnotifyissue/approve/grant

117、 visascholarshipletter of recommendation/admissionsupervisoracademic recordbilingualbe refused新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IVPart IVdiplomaapplication was rejectedlicenserefuse a visaTOEFLacademic environmentGREpreliminary courseGMATundergraduate/graduate/doctoral programIELTSfield of studydepositfu

118、ll scholarshipfundbank statementsponsoraccommodation officeraccompanyacceptance letterregisterednet incomemotiveround trip air ticket新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IVPart IVwelfarebank certificatecultural gap/shock/assimilationpersonal/professional qualificationprincipal/second applicantleading person

119、 of fielddepartment/person concernedVisa officerApplicantI would like to ask you a few questions. Would you mind answering a few questions? To begin with, I would like to ask you Some questions.Sure.Go ahead.No problem.Okay. I am ready.Please.Not at all. Please go ahead.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part

120、IVPart IVWhat is your name, please?Would you please tell me your name and current address?May I know your name please?My name isI amI live in/atis where I live now.What is your marital status?How long have you been married/separated/divorced?May I ask you how long you have been separated from your w

121、ife?How many children do you have?Do you have any children?I am single/married/divorced.My wife and I have been separated for/sinceI have been married forWe married/divorced inI havekids.Only one child/boy/daughter.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IVPart IVWhat have you been doing since college?What are

122、 you doing now?What is the nature of your job?What type of work do you do?Where are you working now?What are your current responsibilities?What is your current job?Could you say something briefly about your Current job?I work asMy main responsibilities areI am working inI support myself byI work for

123、I mainly I am in charge ofI am responsible forMy routine work includes新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IVPart IVWhat is the purpose of your trip?Can you tell me why you want to go to?Why do you want to study for a PhD degree in?What do you intend to do in?Why do you want a visa?Why are you applying for

124、a visa?Do you have any particular reason to study at the university of?Why did you happen to choose the university of?What is your motivation to visit?I want to studyI want to continue my research inI want to see my relatives there.My purpose is to studyI am interested inI take a special interest in

125、I want to search for relevant information and materials.I think thatcan offer me better educational opportunities.I can continue my education.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IVPart IVVisa officerApplicantHave you ever applied for a visa before?When did you come last?Do you know why you were refused las

126、t time?What are the reasons the visa officer gave you for your refusal last time?How can you prove the refusal for your visa application was not reasonable?No, sir. This is the first time for me.I forgot to bring the photocopies of my materials.Last May, May 6th, to be exact.My listening comprehensi

127、on was poor. Several times, I did not respond properly to the visa officers questions.I failed to give a detailed description of the courses I intend to take at the University of.This is my second time applying for a visa.I forgot to bring my letters of invitation.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IVPart

128、 IVWhat is your annual income?Who will pay for all the expenses during Your stay in America?Who will finance your tuition and other expenses?Please give me your bank statement. Who will provide you with money?Who is your sponsor?What is your relationship with your sponsor?I earnMy annual income is a

129、roundMy sister iscitizen and she has a stable salary inMy father will take the financial responsibility.He is my cousin, and he works for Microsoft.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IVPart IVMay I have your admission letter? TOEFL and GRE, please.Can you show me your letters of invitation/ recommendation

130、/ admission?Please show me the original certifications/ qualifications.Can you show the bank certificate?Could I see your invitation letter?Sure. Here it is.Of course. Here you are.No problem.Sorry, I left them at the office.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IVPart IVI cannot grant you the visa now.Sorry

131、, your request for a visa is refused.I am afraid that your documents have some Obvious problems, so we cannot approve your visa.Your academic record is problematic. Therefore your visa is not granted.You have failed to present bank statement/ Recommendation letter/admission letter/ TOEFL scoreI was

132、wondering when I can apply for my visa again.When can I reapply for a visa?I am sorry. I left the original documents at home. Would you accept photocopies?.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IVPart IVYour visa is approved.I will issue it to you.You may come to get your visa at 4 p.m. tomorrow.We will cont

133、act you when your visa is ready.In one month, maybe. We will notify you in writing as soon as it is ready.You will be granted the visa within.We will try to have your passport issued and Inform you about it as soon as possible.You can go to pick up your passport at window.Your visa is granted.Thank

134、you.Thanks a lot.Thank you very much.I appreciate your work.Thanks a million.I am glad to have talked to you.It is my pleasure to meet you.I feel it is my honor to talk to you.新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 1 Blank FillingDirections: Listen to the audio clip twice and complete the following dialogues.Dialogu

135、e 1 F: Sir, good morning. I am Janet Johnson, a visa officer here. ?M: Good morning, madam. I am Zhang jun. I am 25 years and single. . My major is architecture.F: Okay. Ive read your rsum. You are excellent. You have applied visa before. Well, ?TaskWould you please introduce yourself_Unit 5 Part IV

136、 Part IV Task 1Task 1 I graduated with a bachelors degree from Nankai University in 1996 _ what is your purpose of your visa application this time _新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5M: My purpose is to continue my education at Columbia University. Professor Richard Stone from Columbia University once taught at Nan k

137、ai and .F: Sure. I have all your documents for the visa application. What is your plan?M: After finishing my PhD, I will come back and find a teaching position at a university.F: Well, your visa is approved. .M: Thank you maam.he wrote me a letter of recommendation_Unit 5 Part IV Part IV Task 1Task

138、1 In one month, we will notify you in writing _新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5M: Excuse me, madam. I am on a tourist visa. F: .M: Really?F: May I have your student ID please? Well, you are in luck. You can apply for a student visa while you are still here.M: That is great. What should I do?F: I will make an appoi

139、ntment for you to see a student service officer. .M: Thanks.Dialogue 2 I want to apply for a student visa. _Unit 5 Part IV Part IV Task 1Task 1That depends on the country you come from_Is that possible?She will guide you through the process_新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Task 2 Situational DialogueDirections: One

140、 student (A) plays the role of visa officer; another student (B) plays the role of a student applying for a visa.Example: You come to the US embassy and wait for your turn. When it is your turn, you enter the visa officers room and are interviewed by the visa officer.TaskUnit 5 Part IV Part IV Task

141、2Task 2新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Unit 5 Part IV Part IV Task 2Task 2student visaapply forgo throughpassportletter of recommendationacademic recordTOEFLbank statementgrant visamotiveextend visavisa officersponsormajordegreetuitionStudent A: _.Student B: _.Student A: _.Student B: _.Student A: _.Student B: _.新核

142、心大学英语B版听说教程uni5Part V Part V Assessment Log新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni51 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 10_11_ 12_ 13_ 14_ 15_16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_21_ 22_ 23_ 24_ 25_26_ 27_ 28_ 29_ 30_31_ 32_ 33_ 34_ 35_36_ 37_ 38_ 39_ 40_41_ 42_ 43_ 44_ 45_46_ 47_ 48_ 49_ 50_Unit 5 Part V Part V 1 1新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni51. fad2.

143、versatile3. premium4. filter5. neutron6. broadband7. address8. formulate9. clutter10. sprout11. forum12. interface13. hypothesis14. bazaar15. shuffle16. upfront17. empower18. mortgage19. patchy20. particle21. broth22. diagnose23. self-evident24. revenue25. cater26. divert27. strategy28. dramatically

144、29. deprive30. uniform31. rodent32. bariable33. spontaneous34. radical35. germinate36. stall37. vibration38. mask39. modify40. microbe41. lumpy42. smuggle43. infrastructure44. sterile45. straggly46. uniform47. sneeze48. overwhelmingly49. droplet50. dramaticallyUnit 5 Part V Part V 1 1新核心大学英语B版听说教程un

145、i52. Review the content covered in this unit. How well can you do each of the following?Very wellFairly wellNot very wellI can hear and use intonation.I can identify different kinds of numbers.I can take notes on what I hear.I can apply for a visa.Unit 5 Part V Part V 2 2新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!113新核心大学英语B版听说教程uni5



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