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2、然灾害Typhoon 台风Heavy storm 强风暴Boisterous weather/heavy weather/bad weather恶劣天气Strong winds with heavy seas & swells大风浪Earthquake 地震Tsunami 海啸Dense fog 浓雾Iceberg 冰山Tarnaodo/spout 龙卷风灭失和损害 通常海事声明会提及到船体、设备和/或货物三方面的灭失和损坏,即:losses of and damages to the hull, equipment and/or cargo报送海事声明应报送下述机构之一: 1. 船籍国驻船舶

3、所在国的官方代表,如Chinese Diplomatic Representative, Consulate General of P.R.C 2. 船舶所在地的公证处,Notary Public Office 3. 船舶所在港的港务当局,The Harbour Master, Port Authority 4. 有关人员,To Whom It May Concern海事声明的结构地址 海事声明中,本船地址和报送地址同一般信函一样。标题标题一般在报送方地址下方,居中打印。英文名称通常为:Marine Note of ProtestSea ProtestNote of Sea Protest正文

4、海事声明的正文详略不一,通常正文中应包括下列内容: 本船船名、船籍港、吨位、货种、货物数量、出发港、目的港及挂靠港等; 遭遇自然灾害的时间、地点或海域; 自然灾害的性质、程度; 声明对可能发生的灭失和/或损坏不负责任; 保留在适当时间和地点延伸该项声明的权利; 署名通常由船长署名,然后交由船旗过驻当地的外交代表或公证人员或港务局长,作为永久文件存藏。海事处理中用到的海事声明是由上述人员签字的原海事声明的复印件。证人海事声明通常需要2至3名经历灾难的人员作证,证人应在海事声明上签字。航海日志摘要海事声明中,通常应附有记录当时海况、天气状况及采取的相应措施等的航海日志摘要。这种摘要,原则上应由公证

5、人员制取或经公证人员核实。中国远洋运输(集团)总公司海事声明格式Port:Date:To: (1)Port Authority, or (2)Chinese Diplomatic Representative, or (3)Notary Public: Name of Vessel: _ Tonnage of Cargo:_Gross Tonnage: _ Sailed from _ to_Port of Registry:_ Bound for_Shipowner:_ Calling on route at _Kind of Cargo:_ And arrived at _ on _ In

6、view of the following:_ And fearing loss or damage, I hereby note my protest against all losses, damages, etc., reserving the right to extend same at time and place convenient. Witnesses on board:_ (name and rank)_ (name and rank)_ (name and rank)Master of (name of vessel) _ Enclosures: Abstracts of

7、 deck logbook 美国海事声明的格式THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MARINE NOTE OF PROTEST(22 United States Code 1173)On this _ day of _, 20_, before me _ American _ for _ and the dependencies thereof, personally appeared _ , Master of the vessel called the _ of the burden of _ tons or thereabouts, and declared tha

8、t on the _ day of _ last past he sailed in and with _ , and arrived, in the ship, at _ on _ and having experienced, _(state facts which contribute the protest)Hereby enters this Note of Protest accordingly, to serve and avail him hereafter, if found necessary._ of the United States of AmericaAtteste

9、d: _ Master_ (Date & Place)I HEREBY CERTIFY that the within documents is a true copy of Marine Note of Protest, the original of which is deposited as a part of the permanent archives of the American consulate at _ of the United States of America.MARINE NOTE OF PROTEST On this twenty-third day of jun

10、e,1992, before me, L. Smith, General Consul from American consulate at Nagoya and dependencies thereof, personally appeared Thomas Y. Parka, Master of the vessel called Blue Stream motor ship of the burden of 35,261 tons or thereabout, and declared that on the ninth day of June last past he sailed i

11、n and with the ship from the port of Singapore, laden with Logs, and arrived in the ship on the twenty-third day of June and having experienced boisterous weather and heavy seas, hereby enters this Note of Protest accordingly, to serve and avail him hereafter, if found necessary. L. Smith, Consulate

12、 at Nagoya General Consul of the United States of America Attested: Thomas Y. Parka, Master of Blue Stream motor ship 23rd June 1992, NagoyaI hereby certify that the within document is a true copy of a Marine Note of Protest, the original of which is deposited as a part of the permanent archives of

13、the American Consulate at Nagoya.K. Wall/Consul, US Consulate at Nagoya 英国海事声明格式 NOTE OF PROTESTOn this _ day of _ in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and _ personally appeared and presented himself before me _ British _ of _ official Number _ and _ tons Register, which sailed from _ on or about th

14、e _ day of _ with a cargo of _ bound for _ and arrived at _ on the _ day of _ and fearing loss or damage owing to _ during the voyage, he hereby note his protest against all losses, damages, etc., reserving right to extend the same at time and place convenient.Signed before me _, British Consul/Nota

15、ry Public at _Master of _ (Signed)British Consul/Notary Public_ (Signed) This _ day of _ , Two Thousand and _.I certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the original Note of Protest, entered in the Acts of this Consulate and copied thereform.British Consulate, _ of _ , 20_NOTE OF PROTE

16、STOn this 5th day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety three personally appeared and presented himself before me, M. Revere, British Consul at Antwerp, Belgium, K. Malan, Master of the British Motor Vessel the Green Land of London, Official Number H785604 and 23,416 To

17、ns Register, which sailed from Jedda, Saudi Arabia, on or about the 26th day of April with a cargo of 34,893 tons grain bound for Hamburg, Germany, and arrived at Antwerp on the 5th day of May and fearing loss or damage owing to boisterous weather and heavy seas during the voyage, he hereby notes hi

18、s protest again all losses, damages, etc. , reservingthe right to extend the same at time and place convenient. Signed before me M. Revere, Master of MV Green Land K. Malan British Consul M. Revere This Fifth Day of May of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Three I certify the foregoing to be a tr

19、ue and correct copy of original Note of Protest, entered in the Acts of this Consulate and copied therefrom. British Consul General L. Hart British Consulate, 5th May 1993延伸海事声明船舶抵港卸货后或检验后,若发现遭到的灭失和/或损坏与以前提交的海事声明中所述的灾害有关,则船长可以提交更为详细具体的延伸海事声明,申明对由于灾害造成的灭失和/或损坏及随后进一步的灭失和/或损坏不负责任,并且保留向有关方面提出索赔和继续延伸海事声明

20、的权利。主要内容包括: 本船船名、船籍港、吨位、货种、货物数量、出发港、目的港及挂靠港等;其内容应与以前提交的海事声明中所述的情况一致; 本船先前提交海事声明的时间及地点; 经检验发现的灭失及损害情况,必要时详细列出; 声明对已发现的灭失和损坏以及以后再发现的灭失和损坏不负责任; 保留向有关方提出索赔及再次伸该项声明的权利海事声明中常用术语Sea Protest/Note of Sea Protest/Marine Protest海事声明 Extended Sea Protest Note of Extended Marine Protest 延伸海事声明 strong winds / boi

21、sterous wind 强风 rough sea 大浪 Heavy swells 大涌Consul General 总领事 Consul 领事 Consulate 领事馆 Ambassador 大使 Embassy 大使馆Diplomatic Representative 外交代表Commercial Attache 商务官员The dependencies thereof 附属机构Harbour Master 港务局长Losses of and damages to 灭失与损坏Reserve the right to extend same保留延伸该声明的权利At time and pla

22、ce convenient 在适当时间和地点Whenever and wherever necessary在必要时间和地点For fear of / fearing 担心experience经历Meet with 遇到Encounter 遭到sustain蒙受,遭受declare宣布Serve and avail 免责enter填写note提出In view of 考虑到Hereby 在此Thereby 在那里Herewith 此处Therewith 那里Hereto 到这里Hereof 此处的Thereto 到那里Thereof 那里的Herefrom 此后Therefrom 那以后海上事故

23、报告1. 海上事故报告的结构国际上并无公认一致的规范格式,但许多航运国家和大的航运公司制有专门的海上事故报告表。船长撰写的海上事故报告通常应包括下述内容: 1) 标题海上事故报告中的标题中常列明船名、事故性质、发生事故的地点及时间。2) 船舶参数船舶参数可用表格给出,也可用文字叙述。一般包括下列各项:name 船名official number 注册编号 built 制造年份及地点call sign 呼号 number of crew 船员数量port of registry 登记港 propulsion 推进装置flag 船旗 cargo 货载数量及货物种类type 船舶种类 class 船

24、级length 长度(总长) owner 船舶所有人breadth 宽度(型宽) operator 船舶经营人depth 型深 charterer 承租人GT 总吨位 insurer 保险人NT 净吨位3)引言在引言中应简要说明事故的经过、采取的措施及产生的后果。引言常用下列术语作为标题:abstract 摘要 introduction 引言summary 概要 synopsis 概述4)事故发生之前的状况叙述紧迫局面发生之前船舶的技术状况、营运状况、船舶配员状况及海况和天气情况等。5)紧迫局面的发生叙述紧迫局面如何发生,应说明为了避免紧迫局面的形成而采取的措施,对方因为没有采取哪些措施而导致

25、了紧迫局面的形成。6)事故经过详细说明事故发生的经过,说明本船和他船采取的具体操作步骤,实施的时间,产生的效果等。7)事故发生后采取的措施叙述全体船员采取的救助措施及援救人员的措施,如回航搜救方式,发现的残骸,打捞出的残货,救助出的人员等。8)结果叙述事故产生的后果。9)附录附录中应包括航海日志摘要、引航员、当时在场人员的证词、证物、现场照片等。2. 海上事故报告的语言特点1)严谨准确 时间:精确到分钟,并表明属于何种时间。GMT 格林尼治时间 Z 格林尼治标准时间 LT 地方时间 UTC 协调世界时地点:应精确到0.1海里,可用经纬度表示,也可用距离和方位表示。名称:应准确无误。人名应与其证

26、件一致;船名应与船舶证书所载现名一致;货名应与提单上载明的名称一致;地理名称应与海图所示名称一致破损部位对破损部位的描述通常应精确到厘米。若当时不能确定,则必须说明所述数值系估计值,确定值与估计值必须明确区分。损坏程度损坏程度分为灭失和损坏,损坏分淹损、烧损、磨损、断裂、粉碎等。采取的措施在描述采取的措施时,通常要说明命令下达时间、接受命令的人员姓名、使用的工具名称、实施的效果等。翔实所述事实必须有依据。简捷 -与事故无关的事项不必叙述;-有些表示程度、频数的形容词、副词尽量不用,如very, often, deeply等;-不宜使用语法结构过于复杂的句子;-不宜使用生僻的单词和短语,不使用方

27、言和俚语。1. Fearing damage to the ship and cargo through rough and boisterous weather during the passage, I hereby notes my protest against all losses and damages caused thereby, reserving the right to extend the same at time and place necessary.2.During the voyage, my vessel encountered very heavy weat

28、her with strong winds and manoeuvred with great difficulty, and she had to change her course from time to time in order to avoid and reduce the damage caused to the ship and cargo.3. I hereby extend the previous protest to include all losses or damages and reserve my right to claim compensation from

29、 the parties concerned. 4. Now it is ascertained that the following losses or damages have occurred as a result of the event mentioned in the previous sea protest of this vessel on 12th May 1990.5. Finding the damage to the ships gears and cargo and fearing some other unseen damages to the ships hull and machinery, he hereby enters this note of protest to serve and avail him hereafter, if found necessary.



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