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1、现代大学英代大学英语2two-kindsThe AuthorAmy Tan譚恩美譚恩美van American writer of Chinese descent whose works explore mother-daughter relationshipsvborn February 19, 1952vIn 1993, Tans adaptation of her most popular fiction work, The Joy Luck Club (1989), became a commercially successful film.Fiction, Plot and More

2、vFiction: a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on factvPlot: the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc., which is the deliberately arranged sequence of interrelated events that constitute the basic narrative structure of a novel or short storyConflictvUsually a p

3、lot starts from a significant conflict.vThis conflict sets the plot of a story in motion.vIt (a) retains the readers attention,(b) builds the suspense of the work, and(c) arouses expectation for the coming events. Structure of a plotvBeginningvMiddlevEndvExposition (阐释说明)vRising action (情节升高)vCrisis

4、(Climax) (高潮)vFalling action (情节转弱)vResolution (尾声)Essential Questions 1.Do parents always know whats right for their children? Do they ever make mistakes?2.What happens when kids dont live up to their parents expectations?3.What can parents and children do to have a good relationship?4.Do parents e

5、ver make their children do things so that they look good?Pre-reading QuestionsvWhats the meaning of the title “Two Kinds”?vHow is the story arranged?vHow many characters are there in the story?Reading StrategyvAnalyzing a characters motivations. Ask why the character does what he/she does. Put yours

6、elf in his/her shoes.Analyzing Characters Motivations 1.Why do you think the mother wants her daughter to be a prodigy? If you had a daughter, would you want her to be a prodigy? (Consider what the mother has gone through.) Why or why not?2.Why do you think the daughter starts to rebel against her m

7、other? If you had a mother that pushy, would you rebel against her? Why or why not?3.Why does the daughter get mad about the piano lessons? If you were the daughter, would you get mad about it too? Why?4.Why do you think the two mothers lie to each other about their daughters? Would you do the same

8、if another mother came to you telling how great their kid was? Why or why not?5.Why do you think the daughter refuses to continue her piano lessons? Would you do the same? Why or why not?6.Why do you think it frightened the daughter that her mother had “given up hope”? Would you be frightened too? W

9、hy or why not?7.Why do you think the mother decides to give her daughter the piano?Delving In1. Do you think the mother has unrealistic expectations for her daughter? Why or why not? (Write your claim, and list 2 quotes from the story to back up your point).2. Do you think the mother is a good mothe

10、r? Why or why not? (Write your claim and list 2 quotes to back up your claim.)3.How does the daughter act when she continually fails her mothers expectations?4.How would you describe the mother?5.How would you describe the daughter?6.How would you describe the relationship between mother and daughte

11、r?7.Why does the daughter refuse to live up to her mothers expectations?Academic Challenge1.Write a guide for parents, titled: “How to be a good parent” or “How to form good relationships with your kids.” Have at least 15 points on your guide.2.Explain the significance of the two pieces: “Pleading C

12、hild” and “Perfectly Contented”.CharactersvJing-mei JunevSuyuanvJunes fathervLindovOld ChongII. Dictionary Work1. prodigy :a young person who is extremely clever or good at doing something,2. mesmerize: make someone feel that they must watch or listen to something or someone, because they are so int

13、erested in it or attracted by it.3. squawk :to utter a loud, harsh cry, as a parrot or chicken. 4.sulky: showing annoyance, resentment, dissatisfaction5. to anchor sth.: to keep something from drifting or giving away ,etc. by or as by anchor.II. Dictionary Work6. manger: a long open container that h

14、orse, cattle, etc. eat from7. discordant: not in harmony8. nonchalantly: without warmth or enthusiasm; not showing interestIII. Library Work The Joy Luck Club is Amy Tans first and most successful novel. The book comprises a series of short- story- like vignettes that move back and forth in time and

15、 space, between the lives of four Chinese women in pre-1949 China and their American-born daughter in California. It tells stories about four pairs of mothers and daughters-Suyuan Woo and Jing-mei(June); III. Library Work Anmei Hsu and Rose; Lindo Jong and Waverly; Ying-ying St. Clair and Lena. Thes

16、e stories are told by seven voices, those of the mothers and daughters except for Suyuan Woo, who is dead when the story begins in the book. The different points of view enable the reader to look at the bittersweet mother-daughter relations from different angles.IV. Organization of the TextPart I. B

17、eginning (Paras. 1-3): tells about the mother and her hopes for her daughterPart II. Development (P4-76):Subsection 1 (Paras. 4 11) the mothers unsuccessful attempt to change her daughter into a Chinese Shirley Temple. Subsection 2 (Paras. 12 20) the mother was trying very hard to train her daughter

18、to be genius.IV. Organization of the TextSubsection 3 (Paras. 21 28)the mother wants the daughter to play the piano, the conflict would go furtherSubsection 4 (Paras. 29 46)how the girl was made to learn the piano under the instructions of Old ChongSubsection 5 (Paras. 47 60)the girl was to perform

19、in a talent show held in the church and she made a mess of her performanceIV. Organization of the TextSubsection 6 (Paras. 61-76)The climax of the story. they had the most fierce quarrel on playing piano.Part III (Paras 77 - 93):the end of the story Subsection 1 (Paras. 77 89): the clash between mot

20、her and daughter subsided. Subsection 2 (Paras. 90 93): a few year later after the previous sceneV. Key Points of the TextPart I You could buy a house with almost no money down: You could buy a house without any down payment, that is , completely on loan.family home: In China, family home is one whe

21、re a big, extended family with three or more generations live togetherPart IIa beauty training school: 美容培训班美容培训班lop off: to cut a part of something off, esp. a branch of a tree.a dainty ballerina girl: a small, pretty and delicate girl who dance in ballets.give up on me: to stop hoping that someone

22、 will change, do something, etc.to pick on someone: to blame someone for something, esp. unfairlywhined: complained in a sad, annoyed voiceIf she had as much talents as she has temper, she would be famous now”: 如果她的才气和解气一样大如果她的才气和解气一样大的话的话,他早就出名了他早就出名了.Squabble(over/about): to quarrel continuously a

23、bout something unimportantTo dawdle(over): to take a long time to do somethingDebut: a first appearance in public as of an actor. I wedged myself more tightly in front of the TV:I pushed myself more tightly in front of thethe TV.Part IIIfall short of expectation: to fail to meet the expectationAnd f

24、or the first time, or so it seemed, I noticed the piece.longer, but faster.:第一次,第一次,或好象感觉是第一次,我注意到或好象感觉是第一次,我注意到右边的乐曲。它的名称是右边的乐曲。它的名称是“心满心满意足意足”。我也试着弹这首曲子。我也试着弹这首曲子。它的曲调比较轻松,但节奏同样它的曲调比较轻松,但节奏同样流畅,不是很难。流畅,不是很难。“祈求的孩子祈求的孩子”较短、较慢,而较短、较慢,而“心满意足心满意足”更长、更快一些。更长、更快一些。VI. SA to Ex. V, P. 34, 1. I imagined m

25、yself as different types of prodigy, trying to find out which one suited me the best.2. I had new thoughts, which were filled with a strong spirit of disobedience and rebellion.3. The girl was Shirley Temple-like,slightly rude but in an amusing way.4. When I said those words, I felt that some nasty

26、thoughts had got out of my chest, and so I felt scared. But at the same time I felt good, relieved, because those nasty things had been suppressed in my heart for some time and they had got out at last.VII. SA to Ex. V, P. 345. I could feel that her anger had reached the point where her self-control

27、 would collapse, and wanted to see what my mother would do when she lost complete control of herself.6.When the lid to the piano was closed, it shut out the dust and also put an end to my misery and her dreams.Group ProjectG3: Write a guide for parents, titled: G3: Write a guide for parents, titled:

28、 “How to be a good parent” or “How to “How to be a good parent” or “How to form good relationships with your form good relationships with your kids.” Have at least 15 points on kids.” Have at least 15 points on your guide.your guide.G4: Explain how you understand the title G4: Explain how you understand the title “Two Kinds” in a comprehensive view.“Two Kinds” in a comprehensive view.谢谢!



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