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1、酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒酒 店店 英英 语语 ENGLISH FOR CAREERS新职业英语新职业英语中国劳动关系学院高等职业技术学院Unit 10Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒酒 店店 英英 语语 新职业英语新职业英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Warming-UpReadingListeningSpeaking4123Writing5Project6Vocabulary and Structure7Listening Script 8Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Depar

2、tment酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语 Task 1 Complete each sentence with the word or phrase in the box.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Departmentvaluables emergency shining lost and foundIf the fire alarm rings, the room attendants should be able to deal with_ effectively.2. Guests can put their shoes outsid

3、e their door for shoe _service.3. Another part of the housekeeping job is handling _articles since guests occasionally leave their personal belongings behind.4. The hotel can help guests deposit their _if they want them in a safe place.emergencyshininglost and foundvaluables酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语 Task 2 W

4、rite each of the words under its corresponding picture. Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping DepartmentDepositing valuables Shoe shining service Dealing with emergency Baby-sitting service Handling lost and found articles 酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语 Task 3 Work in pairs. Think of two more services provided i

5、n the Housekeeping Department apart from those in Task 1 and those in Units 8 and 9.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping DepartmentFor example, arranging fresh flowers for VIPs,room service, decorating guestrooms.酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 1 Try to answer the following questions before you read the pass

6、age.What qualities should a baby-sitter possess?2. How does a hotel usually provide baby- sitting service?ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Reading A baby-sitter should be reliable, patient, fond of children and responsible.Suggested Answers2. What qualities sho

7、uld a baby-sitter possess?Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Reading A hotel usually asks some room attendants to dobaby-sitting for guests. And some hotels may hirebaby-sitters through nanny/baby-sitter agencies.Suggested Answers2. How does a hotel usually provide baby

8、- sitting service?Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Chicago Nannies International 1. Welcome to Chicago Nannies International. We specialize in finding nannies and au pairs from around the world for families in Chicago and for families worldwide. Our service is unique

9、we do all the hard work for you. We thoroughly screen all au pairs and nannies. We dont just say we do these checkswe prove every single one. Records of these checks are available for families to read. All you need to do is choose the applicants you would like to meet online, meet them and make your

10、 decision! The process is quick and simple. We make finding a nanny/au pair as simple and as easy as possible to avoid the stress and worry it has become for many parents and families.ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Chicago Nannies International ReadingUnit 10

11、 Other Services in Housekeeping Department2. The services we provide are: Nannies (permanent and temporary) Au pairs Baby-sitters Hotel baby-sitters酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Chicago Nannies International ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department 3. Chicago Nannies International provides a hotel

12、 baby-sitting service of excellence to US top hotels. Some of our clients include the Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro Hotel, Chicago Marriot Midway Hotel and Hilton Hotels. Our hotel baby-sitting service is a quick and easy process, which saves you time and stress.酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Chicago Nannies Internat

13、ional 4. High quality babysitters: All of our nannies are trained and qualified in childcare with years of childcare experience. They are mature, responsible and professional. ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Chicago Nannies International 5. Online booking syst

14、em: Its simple and easy to book a nanny with usjust fill in the form below and confirmation of a babysitter will be emailed to you. ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Chicago Nannies International 6. An available baby-sitter guaranteed: We have a large number of

15、highly skilled baby-sitters available. They check the website on a daily basis to pick up any hotel bookings.ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Chicago Nannies International 7. Please Note: All our bookings are now taken through our online service using our websi

16、te (and the form below) rather than phoning through to us. We require a minimum of 24 hours notice in advance to ensure we can provide a baby-sitter for your guest.ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Chicago Nannies International 8. Agency fees per day/evening: $2

17、0paid at the time of registration; Baby-sitter rate: $18/hr till midnight, then $20/hr after midnight.ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Chicago Nannies International 9. To book a baby-sitter, please click Hotel Baby-sitting Booking Form.ReadingUnit 10 Other Serv

18、ices in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语specialize v. 专门从事;专攻e.g. Tom specialized in international law. Tom专攻国际法。e.g. That shop specializes in hand-made chocolates. 那家商店专门制作手工巧克力。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语screen v. 审查;甄选e.g. I think its ridiculous

19、 that the company screens the applicants. 我认为那家公司对应聘人员进行审查太可笑了。e.g. Recently a number of workers have been screened for lung cancer. 最近一批工人接受了肺癌的检查。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语provev. 证明e.g. They hope the new evidence will prove her innocence. 他们希望这份新的证据会证

20、明她是无罪的。e.g. She tried hard to prove to everyone that she was capable of doing that. 她努力向大家证明她有努力做那件事情。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语applicantn. 申请人;求职者e.g. There were over 500 applicants for the job. 有500多人应聘这份工作。e.g. 50% of the applicants to this university

21、 were from Asia. 申请这所大学的人50都来自亚洲。 ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语avoid n. 避免e.g. Everyone tried to avoid mentioning her ex-boyfriends name before Jenney. 大家都避免在Jenney面前提到她前男友的名字。 It seemed that the disaster couldnt be avoided. 看来这场灾难在所难免。 ReadingUnit 10 Other

22、 Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语stress n. 压力e.g. Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. 人们在压力之下,办事容易出差错。e.g. You have to take effective measures to cope with stress. 你得采取有效措施应对压力。 ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语permanenta

23、dj. 永久性的e.g. The accident has not done any permanent damage to his life. 这次事故还没有对他的生活造成永久性的损失。e.g. Could you give me your permanent address? 您能告诉我您的永久居住地址吗? ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语temporaryadj. 临时的e.g. Working as a waitress is just a temporary job for

24、 me. My goal is to work in the Microsoft company. 作服务员只是我的临时工作。我的目标是进微软公司。e.g. Working as a secretary is just a temporary arrangement for you. 作秘书是对你的临时安排。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语matureadj. 成熟的e.g. Jane is only ten years old, but she is very mature for

25、 her age. Jane只有10岁,可是很成熟。e.g. Please take a mature attitude to this matter. 请在这件事情上采取成熟一点的态度。 ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语in advance 提前;事先提前;事先e.g. Its cheaper if you book the tickets one month in advance. 提前一个月订票会便宜点。e.g. The villagers had been moved to

26、a safer place in advance of the storm. 在暴雨到来之前村民们已经被转移到安全的地方了。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语agency n. 代理处e.g. We need to design your advertisement in an advertisement agency. 我们需要到广告公司设计你们的广告。e.g. I prefer to work in a travel agency because I enjoy travellin

27、g. 我想到旅行社工作因为我喜欢旅游。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语芝加哥国际保姆公司芝加哥国际保姆公司 1. 欢迎来到芝加哥国际保姆公司。我们致力于为芝加哥以及其他国家的家庭提供来自世界各地的专职兼职保姆。我们的服务独树一帜我们为您做好了一切辛苦的工作:我们仔细全面地对所有的兼职和专职保姆进行筛查。我们不止口头上声称我们做过这些筛查,我们可以证明每一个检查,我们保存每次检查的记录,以供有意向的家庭查阅。您需要做的就是在网上选出您满意的申请人,然后与之见面,最后作出决定。这个过程简

28、单快捷。我们尽可能简化这一过程,以避免很多父母和家庭曾经为找到一个合适保姆而遭遇的烦恼和焦虑。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语芝加哥国际保姆公司芝加哥国际保姆公司2. 我们提供的服务项目有: 保姆(长期和短期) 换工女留学生 临时保姆 酒店临时保姆ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语芝加哥国际保姆公司芝加哥国际保姆公司3. 芝加哥国际保姆公司为美国多家高级酒店提供优质的托婴服务

29、,我们的顾客包括皇冠假日芝加哥都市酒店、芝加哥万豪中途酒店、希尔顿酒店等。我们为酒店提供的托婴服务快捷方便,为您节省时间,帮您减轻顾虑。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语芝加哥国际保姆公司芝加哥国际保姆公司4. 优秀的临时保姆:我们所有的保姆都经过专业培训,有资质,有多年的婴儿护理经验。他们成熟、有责任心、专业。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语芝加哥国际保姆公司芝加哥国际保姆

30、公司5. 网上预约系统:预约我们的保姆非常快捷方便您只需填写下面的表格,我们会把确认信息及时发邮件给您。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语芝加哥国际保姆公司芝加哥国际保姆公司6. 人员保证:我们拥有大量高技能的保姆。他们每天查看我们的网站查找酒店的预约信息。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语芝加哥国际保姆公司芝加哥国际保姆公司7. 请注意:所有的预约需通过我们的网上预约系统(以

31、及下面的表格),我们不接受电话预约。为保证能够找到合适的保姆,请提前至少24 小时预约。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语芝加哥国际保姆公司芝加哥国际保姆公司8. 每天/ 每晚中介费登记时缴纳20 美元;保姆价格:午夜前每小时18 美元,午夜后每小时20 美元。ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语芝加哥国际保姆公司芝加哥国际保姆公司9. 要预约保姆,请点击酒店保姆预订表。Read

32、ingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 2 Match each of the paragraphs with its corresponding main ideas.ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 3 Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passa

33、ge.ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department 1. The passage might be part of an advertisement. 2. The company mainly provides nannies from Chicago. 3. Clients can hire a nanny or baby-sitter through their online system, over the phone or through a face-to- face interview in the compan

34、y. 4. For guests staying at Hilton Hotels, they can find a baby-sitter through the online system any time they want.TFFF酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 4 Answer the questions about the words.ReadingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department1. Is a nanny likely to be (a) a baby-sitter, or (b) a grandmoth

35、er?2. If you screen something to find out if it is correct or true, do you (a) protect it, or (b) check it?3. If you try to avoid the stress, do you try to avoid the (a) pressure, or (b) importance?4. Does rate mean (a) speed, or (b) price in the expression of baby-sitter rate?酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 1

36、 Listen to five short dialogs and decide what service each dialog is about and mark () where appropriate.ListeningUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 2 Listen to a conversation between a guest and a clerk in the Guest Service Center. Answer the following questions a

37、ccording to what you hear.ListeningUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping DepartmentWhat types of deposit boxes does the hotel provide? _2. What item does Ms. Williams want to store? _3. Who will Ms. Williams contact in order to use the safe deposit box? _The hotel provides two kinds of safety depos

38、it box. One is for suitcases, and the other is for briefcases and small items.She wants to store a laptop computer.She will contact the Front Desk clerks.酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 3 Listen to the conversation in Task 2 again and fill in the blanks with the words or expressions provided in the box.availab

39、le briefcases reservation suitcase return Room 704 In that case pick it up storingListeningUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语available briefcases reservation suitcase return Room 704 In that case pick it up storingListeningUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Departm

40、entKey 酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语KeyRoom 704 (2) available (3) suitcases (4) briefcases (5) storing (6) pick it up (7) return (8) reservation (9) In that caseTask 3 Listen to the conversation in Task 2 again and fill in the blanks with the words or expressions provided in the box.ListeningUnit 10 Other Servic

41、es in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 4 A guest calls the Room Center for help. Listen to the conversation and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).ListeningUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department 1. The hotel can help the guest find good baby- sitters f

42、rom some agencies. 2. The guest must hire a baby-sitter for 30 yuan an hour for at least four hours. 3. The guest thinks the charges are acceptable. 4. The guest doesnt have to pay the baby- sitting service in cash.FFTT酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 5 Complete the following sentences according to what you hea

43、r.ListeningUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department1. The guest calls from Room _ .2. Baby-sitters should be _and _.3. To hire a baby-sitter the guest needs to sign_ .4. Normally the hotel will add the charges for baby-sitting service to _.803experienced professional a confirmation form the

44、 guests hotel account酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingTask 1 Read and practice the conversation in pairs.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingTask 1 Read and practice the conversation in pairs.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingTask 2

45、The following sentences are used in the procedure of dealing with emergency. Put them in the correct order.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping DepartmentA. Whats the matter, sir/madam?B. Ill call the doctor/get an ambulance immediately.C. Im sorry to hear that.D. Let me give first aid to you.E. D

46、ont worry. Ill see to it. Correct order: _A C E D B酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingTask 3 Mrs. Perry doesnt feel well today. She asks the floor attendant for help. Role-play the situation according to the instructions below, using the expressions in Task 2.Suggested Sample Unit 10 Other Services in Housekee

47、ping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Sample Attendant (A): Floor attendant. May I come in?Mrs. Perry (P): Yes, please.A: What can I do for you, madam?P: I dont feel very well today.A: Im very sorry to hear that. Whats the matter?P: Ive got a headache and I fee dizzy.A: Oh, thats too bad. Perhaps

48、 youve had a cold.P: I dont know for sure. Do you have a clinic in your hotel?SpeakingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Sample A: Yes, we do. The clinic stays open 24 hours. The doctors and nurses there are professional ones. Most of the staff and guests go t

49、o the clinic for common illnesses such as a cold or a bruise.P: Thats good. Can you tell me where it is?A: Its on the first floor. Dont worry, madam. Ill take you there.P: Youre so kind. Thank you very much. Lets go then.SpeakingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Speaki

50、ngTask 4 Mrs. Williams has invited some friends over to her room. She asks the room attendant to bring something for her. Work in pairs. Role-play the following situation, using the expressions in the box.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语SpeakingTask 4 Mrs. Williams h

51、as invited some friends over to her room. She asks the room attendant to bring something for her. Work in pairs. Role-play the following situation, using the expressions in the box.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping DepartmentSuggested Sample 酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Sample Mrs. Williams (W): E

52、xcuse me, miss. Can you do me a favor?Attendant (A): Yes. Whats it?W: I have invited four friends over this evening. Can you bring me two more chairs to my room?A: Ill have someone bring the chairs right away.W: And I need a mobile phone charger for my mobile. Do you have a universal charger that I

53、can use?A: Yes. But according to the hotels policy, you need to fill in the Articles Rent Form.W: OK. Ill fill in the formSpeakingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Suggested Sample A: Anything else I can do for you?W: Yes. Can you possibly buy a bunch of flowers and so

54、me fruit for me?A: Im afraid I cant do that. Its against the hotel regulations. We room attendants are not allowed to buy things for guests.W: Oh, thats too bad. But Im a stranger here you see.A: Dont worry, madam. The concierge is responsible for that. Ill tell him to do that for you.W: Thatll be g

55、reat. Thank you for your help.A: Youre welcome, madam. Please wait a moment for the chairs and the mobile charger, and Ill have the concierge come to your room immediately.SpeakingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语WritingTask 1 Jean Williams has lost her purse. She is

56、now writing a notice, hoping to give it to the Front Office tomorrow. Please read her notice.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语WritingTask 2 Before Jean Williams gives her notice to the Front Office, she reads a notice of Lost and Found downstairs. She is happy to find

57、 that her purse has been found and turned in to the Housekeeping Department. Please complete the following notice with the words or phrases in the box. Change the form where necessary.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语WritingUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Depar

58、tmentKey 酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语WritingKey Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Departmentfound (2) other things(3) owner (4) claim(5) opens酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语ProjectProject GuidelinesThis project aims to go through the process of other services provided in the Housekeeping Department. The whole task is div

59、ided into three steps. Step One calls for a research of the other services provided in the Housekeeping Department in a local four- or five-star hotel. Step Two is about a presentation about these services. Step Three is a complete role-play of one of these services.Please follow the Task Descriptio

60、n to complete the project.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语ProjectTask DescriptionStep One Organize small groups of 3 or 4 students in your class. Choose a local four- or five-star hotel. Look up information on the services provided in the Housekeeping Department apar

61、t from the services covered in Units 7 and 8, e.g. shoe- shining service, handling lost and found articles. Focus on one of these services that is relatively special, e.g. baby-sitting service.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语ProjectTask DescriptionStep Two Work in th

62、e same group. Choose one student in each group to give a presentation of the service that you worked on in Step One; trying to use multimedia aid, e.g. pictures, music, etc. Focus on how the service you choose is done in this hotel.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Pro

63、jectTask DescriptionStep Three Work still in the same group. Prepare a role-play of the service in the Housekeeping Department that you worked on in Steps One and Two. One or two students play the role of guest(s), the other the clerk or attendant in the Housekeeping Department. The guest(s) ask(s)

64、about one service and the staff offers it.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 1 Match the words in the box with their definitions.nanny applicant avoid excellence temporaryUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Departmentexcellencenannytempor

65、aryavoidapplicant酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 2 Decide which service each sentence may belong to in the Housekeeping Department, then put the letter of each sentence in the box after each service. Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping DepartmentA, J D, HB, I, L C, E G, KF酒店英语酒店英语酒店英

66、语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 2 Decide which service each sentence may belong to in the Housekeeping Department, then put the letter of each sentence in the box after each service. Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping DepartmentA. Im sorry to disturb you, but may I clean the room now?B. My swe

67、ater shrunk after you cleaned it.C. Im out of toilet paper.D. My curtains are stuck. I cant open them.E. Id like to have more Sprites and Cokes in my minibar.F. May I suggest the baby-sitting service in our department?G. Ill get help immediately. Please dont move.H. Theres a terrible smell coming fr

68、om the air-conditioner.I. Can you possibly remove the stains on my shirt?J. Ill press the “DND” button for you. Have a good rest, maam.K. May I have your attention, please? This is an emergency. The hotel is on fire. Please leave your room immediately and get out from the emergency exit door.L. Well

69、 deliver it within four hours at a 50% extra charge.Key 酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 3 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in the box.faint minimum professional avoid in advanceUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping DepartmentI almost _when she told me the news t

70、hat she had been robbed.2. Employers all like to have _and hard-working employees.3. You need to pay a(n) _of $500 for our VIP service.4. Guests need to fill in a form with what they want to buy and pay 100 yuan_ .5. He_ meeting me ever since the accident. Whats the matter with him, or me?faintedpro

71、fessional minimum in advancehas avoided 酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 4 Complete the following sentences with the words given below, paying attention to the expression “on a basis”.regular monthly permanent part-time individualUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping DepartmentYou dont

72、have to worry about the security of this area. The police come to inspect the security on a(n)_ basis, probably every other week.2. The staff in our department meet on a(n)_ basis to discuss the problems that have occurred in the past month.3. Considering the increasing number of women guests every

73、year, the hotel decided to add a woman concierge on a(n) _basis for their special need.regularmonthly permanent 酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 4 Complete the following sentences with the words given below, paying attention to the expression “on a basis”.regular monthly permanent part-t

74、ime individualUnit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department4. Can you come to teach my son music every day? Im afraid I cant. I could do that on a(n) _basis since I have classes to attend at school on weekdays.5. I just gave you the advice on a(n)_ basis. I dont know how other guests think of yo

75、ur bell service.part-timeindividual 酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 5 Choose the best Chinese translation for each sentence.1. We dont just say we do these checkswe prove every single one.A. 我们不仅说我们做过这些检查我们证明每一个。B. 我们不止口头上声称我们进行过这些检查我们可以 证明我们做的每一个检查。C. 我们不止口头上声称我们做过这些检查我们证明每 个单一的检查过程。D.

76、 我们不只是说我们负责检查我们还证明每一个检查。B Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 5 Choose the best Chinese translation for each sentence.2. We specialize in finding nannies and au pairs from around the world for families in Chicago and for families worldwide.我们

77、的特长是为芝加哥的家庭找到世界各地的保姆和做换工的女留 学生。B. 我们专攻为芝加哥和世界各地的家庭找到居住在芝加哥的保姆和做 换工的女留学生。C. 我们专门为芝加哥和世界各地的家庭找到居住在芝加哥的保姆和做 换工的女留学生。D. 我们专门从事于为芝加哥和世界其他各地的家庭找到来自全世界的 保姆和做换工的女留学生。D Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 5 Choose the best Chinese translation for each

78、 sentence.3. We require a minimum of 24 hours notice in advance to ensure we can provide a baby-sitter for your guest.我们要求至少提前24小时告知我们以保证我们能够为 您的客人提供育婴师。B. 我们需要一份最多提前24小时的通知以保证我们能够 为您的客人提供育婴师。C. 我们要求一份至少24小时的告知书以保证我们能为您 的客人找到一位保姆。D. 我们需要至少提前24小时告知客户来确保我们为您提 供保姆。A Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeepi

79、ng Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Vocabulary and StructureTask 5 Choose the best Chinese translation for each sentence.4. Do not smoke in the lift, at stairways or in bed. Do not litter cigarette ends or burnt matches.请勿在电梯间、走廊和床上吸烟;请勿丢弃香烟和划过 的火柴。B. 请勿在储物间、楼梯间和床上吸烟;请勿乱扔香烟和火 柴。C. 请勿在储物间、走廊和床上吸烟;请勿乱扔烟头和火柴。

80、D. 请勿在电梯间、楼梯间和床上吸烟;请勿乱扔烟头和火 柴。D Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 1 Listen to five short dialogs and decide what each dialog is about and mark () where appropriate.Listening ScriptScript: Dialog1: Guest: My husband and I are going out this evening. Can you look af

81、ter my son? Room attendant: Im afraid I cant. Its against our hotels regulations.Dialog 2: Guest: Can you give me one more bathrobe? Room attendant: No problem, sir. Ill get it for you immediately.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Listening ScriptScript: Dialog3: Guest

82、: Where can I store my computer while Im away? Room attendant: Theres an in-room safe in your room. You can put your computer in it.Dialog 4: Guest: My husband has fainted in the bathroom. What shall I do? Floor attendant: Please dont move him. Ill call the ambulance immediately.Unit 10 Other Servic

83、es in Housekeeping DepartmentDialog 5: Guest: My leather shoes are dirty. Can you possibly polish them for me? Receptionist: Sure. Just leave them outside your room.酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 2 Listen to a conversation between a guest and a clerk in the Guest Service Center. Answer the following questions

84、 according to what you hear.Listening ScriptScript Clerk (C): Good evening. Guest Service Center. Can I help you?Ms. Williams (W): Yes. Its Ms. Williams here, from Room 704. I wonder if you have a safety deposit box I can use.C: Yes, madam. We have two sizes of safety deposit box available for our g

85、uests. The bigger one is suitable for suitcases, and the other is for small items such as briefcases.W: Good. I have a laptop computer that needs storing. Could I store it in one of your safety deposit boxes and then pick it up when I come back next week?Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Depart

86、ment酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 2 Listen to a conversation between a guest and a clerk in the Guest Service Center. Answer the following questions according to what you hear.Listening ScriptScript C: Next week? May I ask if you are staying at our hotel when you return?W: Oh, yes. I have a reservation for n

87、ext Sunday.C: In that case, theres no problem. If you go to the Front Desk, I shall tell them what you want to do, madam.W: Thank you very much.C: Youre welcome, madam.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语Task 4 A guest calls the Room Center for help. Listen to the conver

88、sation and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Listening ScriptScript Room Center (C): Good morning. Room Center. How may I help you?Guest (G): This is Monica Perry calling from Room 803. I wonder if you could look after my kids this evening.C: Sure. We provide first-class b

89、aby-sitting service. The baby-sitters are experienced and professional.G: Thats great. Could you tell me about the charges?C: OK. Its 40 yuan an hour, for a minimum of three hours.G: OK. Thats quite reasonable. What should I do then for the baby- sitting service?C: Well send you a confirmation form for you to sign.G: Shall I pay in cash?C: Not necessarily, Ms. Perry. Normally we add it to your hotel account.Unit 10 Other Services in Housekeeping Department酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒店英语酒酒 店店 英英 语语 ENGLISH FOR CAREERS新职业英语新职业英语中国劳动关系学院高等职业技术学院Thank you !酒酒 店店 英英 语语 新职业英语新职业英语



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