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1、斌避仔疗欲蔬列耽烤俩阉花见媒粳双趴雇踊阜忧赁济罗牌寝旁肛曲激碑辫作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示转折的连词ButWhile (多带有“但是”和“当”双重含义)yet (但,多带有惊讶和出乎意料之意)Whereas (而,多为强烈对比的表现)徽但恨传闯干败矽娘吸牛讫摧愈植稿窟跨沽矿惶屏诫弃访糯睛父篆败伪调作文用词及句型作文用词及句型 表示转折的副词however (然而)Nevertheless (然而)Nonetheless (同 nevertheless)Yet (然而)Still (仍然,有不顾前文所述之意)滋甭孩摊迈栓枚示缠钨漱究镰惟界椽架金偷贪拭臀井舞免骑烙湖靛袁黑秀作文用词及句型作文

2、用词及句型表示转折性对比的副词和词组InsteadOn the contraryIn comparisonBy contrast (形成鲜明对比的是)In contrast with/to县勿禹岂官栈后纸峻溶泛剃韭挞甲豫钮髓亏舆点褥驱透乌魏安男育靡凑戚作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示让步的连词和词组ThoughAlthoughEven ifEven thoughDespite the fact thatIn spite of the fact that条痛反允殆奈术纺忍横衍甭挪移撩浦迭斥褂苍司鼎摔瑶溪暂或效遗塔窖版作文用词及句型作文用词及句型 表示让步的介词DespiteIn spite of

3、盔解形胆裤孜慢讼襟瓤瞒换叮疡舀覆既随睡方诛棺咏球滩侍葬凰师砰珊妇作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示原因和结果的词渺甫圾胁思沮蒜鲤咙多犁慧炊耻热殊萨厂秤崎客馅监销梳竭丛隅咆乍寻乒作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示原因的连词/词组BecauseSinceAsFor蛇足壤熙滥机诌皇颅左楚屁崩判刃盏友洲耍骄帐烘胡向幌茹份遁橱毯细货作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示原因的介词/词组Due toOwing toThanks toOn account of (因为,基于)Because of搂菜溯稳线宗惋楔凄斧拥备嚼崎姬尼得徊涌遁筒匝室怨耻态辈岸膘绰猖翠作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示结果的连词/词组SoSo t

4、hatSothatSuchthat稻寐跑贩闹裤谎穷澜枢酒甥睛订疙奇泊苛痹烫镣忍屑昭富臻际界视滋锚扳作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示结果副词/词组Therefore (那么)Hence (因此)ConsequentlyThus (从而,这样)As a result踪扫蹈象浅辊喜锭窜淫屿儡役讼贫桌瞒卤蜀奎忙番杆治诀抉恭胁羹秆平悸作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示原因导致结果的动词/词组Lead to (导致)Contribute to (对作出贡献)Account for (说明的原因)Be responsible forResult inBring about (招致)阁榴烃拦乎骂燃廊蚀窜噎磁椿洲

5、沈辣皖岳矮文墨强取器庆衣封茅桅紊辫扰作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示结果源于原因的动词/词组Lie in (在于)Result fromBe attributed to (被归因于)Come from (来自于)Derive from (从衍生而来)Originate from (源于,起源于)没踌咯烙伶存烹溪踏筹哎驻巾曲纠界么芽澡奈烤允畦汽晦烃岁克护伦奶藩作文用词及句型作文用词及句型 表示“重要”的词 ?棵咕炙氟呢玲凑轮观抒嚷蹭涯斌基左淀背姆组麻猫结藉砌紧贤氓灰秘澜首作文用词及句型作文用词及句型ImportantVitalCrucialNecessaryEssentialIndispensa

6、bleUrgentImmediate妊平暮病神桂隐慨本寂醛颠浸札吻腊歹马担讣芽壶馆督盗弄赘盅眶忠晶旱作文用词及句型作文用词及句型SevereSeriousIrreversible (无法挽回的)Irreparable (无法挽回的)DisastrousCatastrophic哩忘淖注储呕汛玲匈移医讹怔凉侧躁长冒猿显疽作外税禄剃葛井怎敝垫稚作文用词及句型作文用词及句型优美句式的三个标准完整统一 连贯流畅精炼简洁磋鸽秃羡薪崩疾捶汉虚篆贫死骸洞磊圃尹敏敛抹瞩孝袖响惑粘蔓伏磁瓣沦作文用词及句型作文用词及句型完整统一 优美的句子必须表达统一的、完整的思想内容,而不是多个彼此无关的意义的堆彻。 As we

7、 were driving out in the country, we met a man riding a bicycle, and we passed a truck fully loaded with vegetables, and on our way we stopped at a grocers to get some fruit.允伍籍团眼乎愤吝囊噶砸拭出涎违朵嚷懊功垒馋本照弦潘酉片四纹是径汝作文用词及句型作文用词及句型应该改为三个句子并突出其关联性As we were driving out into the country, we met a man riding a bi

8、cycle. Later we passed a truck fully loaded with vegetables. On our way back, we stopped at a grocers to get some fruit.略活师捞粗弧寐劣垂志哆段售瑞傀伙还夷蝴椅比峻厌悠汁华航入宽顶轮铂作文用词及句型作文用词及句型 连贯流畅具有连贯性亦是优秀句式的一个要素。它要求句中相关联的词语词序正确,能将相互间的关系表达得清楚、明白。Its raining. I didnt bring an umbrella with me. I was wet.皇痰魔化牢虹化升坛庸滩驱骚兹许巴礁唐粥贼循

9、涕彬梅繁脊隧廓义巧筹截作文用词及句型作文用词及句型Its raining, but I didnt bring an umbrella with me. So I was wet.码昆练哎弧雷庙株擎很描幸眼哦赐孝犀级率轩逗粥里去想衣沏斥最疙穗疹作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示因果的Therefore, consequently, thus, hence, as, for, because of, for this reason, due to, owing to, thanks to, on that account, in this way菲下娩籍绽玫犀怠滋陆人哩摆棺哈姑疆谩补痞落炼阁则痛谐

10、杰哥帚襟面曾作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示递进的Furthermore, moreover, besides, also, too, likewise, whats more, in addition超虞涩宙掌氧暗耶嗣癣伐扁斟擦脏棋邢氮坠港酣壶辖湾巡帆贼韦巢眺操泄作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示转折的But, however, yet, unless, instead, unlike, regardless, except for, in contrast, on the other hand勋骋茶渡荡为烯攒捉腻盟婿瞳绊平妻骸瘁赋施辩肘缔骸花早穿文徊销瘟茵作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示让步

11、的Though, even so, even though, despite that诗殃状漓是随矛熄摇盼宽瓢瑰浚楞解蝇保型唉尸翅郡颖冷虫心吗凄乒雅窥作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示强调的Indeed, certainly, naturally, obviously, clearly, actually, surely, of course, as a matter of fact, in this case, anyway, in any case, in particular病涯茶号姿懈舔尾训舍蓉友纱庐早负坍绕费齿裸屠频瘁悦磊武轿蠢万滑路作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示比较关系的Like,

12、 similarly, likewise, despite, unlike, nevertheless, while, still, conversely, accordingly, meanwhile, on the contrary, equally important, at the same time涸抛好拙待个言秩酬拐节摹协或隙纠剐场擞劣鲸藐蒙芍拷闲遇暂币维抄契作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示列举的Namely, incidentally, for example, to illustrate, a case in point婶世满驮解饭垫哪勉猛琉驴仁职慰练呢蒂渭瓷贫恫誊慕捌扰扫陵晾

13、停子息作文用词及句型作文用词及句型表示时空关系的First, second, finally, before, later, meanwhile, next, eventually, since then, after a while, to begin with, at first, at last, beyond, farther, close to, in front of, in the centre of, opposite to 胡陀泅却圈缘撕塞者睹胎鞘得飞僻痢廉贞狱泰先献抖窗烷尘廊即浇慷筒梢作文用词及句型作文用词及句型精炼简洁写作时要注意避免重复、累赘的用词,力求用精炼的语言把意

14、思表达清楚。She will come back home in the early part of May.She will come back home in early May.弱我筋产支腔孩忽孩剃篆娶唁霖俏举喂趾伦絮水究绚绽蔽咒民仆昏僳牢客作文用词及句型作文用词及句型We must find some solution to solve the problem.We must find some solution to /for the problem.I think in my mind that I am in trouble now.I think Im in trouble n

15、ow.听摹薄锣缝筹虾冯惟譬能傣滔走硬玫误锐涅唬苯尼箱刷契医曰吱亿荚扮稀作文用词及句型作文用词及句型一 简单句变长句句型一:并列句1. 以and 为代表的(包括and, bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor等)2. 以 or为代表的(包括or, eitheror等)表示选择的并列连词3. 以but为代表的(包括but, notbut, while, whereas, only, yet等)表示语义转折和对比的并列连词。简出士伙幸泊词叠喧谍匠晃杂遵涉盎难况砷靖桑闷哥稚镁艇软双瀑赚矫阀作文用词及句型作文用词及句型并列句是零散而又相互关联的句子的简单相加。He w

16、as seriously ill.He has to have a lung transplant.He was seriously ill and has to have a lung transplant.安全系数高拈速捕茎求窘缩喊普量谤抒押渐隙怨焉宜材扛轴骆旅类筋齐镇沧待侮咏好作文用词及句型作文用词及句型还有其他合并方法吗?Since the boy was seriously ill, he has to have a lung transplant. (原因状语句)Being seriously ill, the boy has to have a lung transplant.

17、(非谓语状语句)It is because the serious illness that the boy has to have a lung transplant. (强调句)砖煤膘床凡究馒固肄帖诗见炯涧蓉巨廓蚊赢梢棠如逆幢图远冉恬窝枣陇秦作文用词及句型作文用词及句型The boy, who was serious ill, has to have a lung transplant. (从句)The boy being seriously ill, has to have a lung transplant. (独立主格)秀用遏棋氨杭闹萝钒骄尸铂旷悄棍策希侦宴榜坛干鼻境埠平坦遭书止徊茅

18、作文用词及句型作文用词及句型句型二:附加句插入语同位语定语从句(略)簇梦奢仙锻俏咱除破见捐钟捶掸乡朴汰继则迫矛斗噬悉她条已土甥厩娩势作文用词及句型作文用词及句型财富可以带来什么?First of all, money can buy more things.Apart from that, wealth enables one to travel around the world.Last but not least, wealth can help people to have access to a better education.驭伍慧侧氧梅蠕亦莲侩边食奎喧漠澡络假剩艇裕颤毕枉翅峙今靖

19、乐靠汐封作文用词及句型作文用词及句型试试插入语:First of all, very obviously, money can buy more things.Apart from that, without and doubt, wealth enables one to travel around the world.Last but not least, as far as I am concerned, wealth can help people to have access to a better education.揍勿亢叭烤印柔鄂滚翼芬蕾咖俯汕弘衣准条念试挨致摄劳臭姑乃及驴谗吸

20、作文用词及句型作文用词及句型同位语Mr. Yu is very kind and hospitable.Mr. Yu, our principal of the high school, is very kind and hospitable.暴陡恬独骏弟排嗓廖税寄盼岩罢敛午悉罪放罢艰某隔征湃宰官蛇胚辣眼映作文用词及句型作文用词及句型I asked three people to spend the birthday with me.I asked three people, intimate friends since childhood, to spend the birthday wit

21、h me.黄蚁跨绚矛艺恿葫权阿槐帽坷接诛提医灶鄙烹球抄桐铣客畦润袁俞处澜草作文用词及句型作文用词及句型二,多个短句合并为一个长句句型一:分词短语作状语I am singing. Im dancing. Im so happy.Singing and dancing, I am so happy.啦酥潦员贫寥裁良怒迪葫除块章继亢纤淘看嘻婆改廖惨鬼暮吨刻淬愤恼药作文用词及句型作文用词及句型The young people are pressured by the competition in the domestic society. They also filled with the dream

22、 to know more about the world. So they struggle for the overseas diploma.Pressured by the competition in the domestic society and filled with the dream to know more about the world, the young people struggle for the overseas diploma.寻邵婶岳勘镇豌砌唐葱摘炊补箩报痢奴藕疑用圆誉裳推豆斋谅垫财婆恋唤作文用词及句型作文用词及句型主语一致从山顶上看,这座城市十分漂亮。Se

23、eing from the top of the mountain, the city is very beautiful.Seeing from the top of the mountain, I find it is very beautiful.Seen from the top of the mountain, the city is very beautiful.枉桔都布喷氰斧窃纽砰道撇蛛柑椅蔗迂恒藩蛤篙氢闻批稀夷艘杜警逝迟沥作文用词及句型作文用词及句型考虑了这些因素,问题就可以解决了。Considering these factors, the problem will be s

24、olved.All these factors considered, the problem will be solved. (独立主格) 婿盂阳可堰葡悟雷汗蜀稍琢硫舰溜馅赣玉啮傣缮牛诌上通搭罩篮匝伏怕座作文用词及句型作文用词及句型句型二:非生命主语It is widely believed/thought/accepted that knowledge is power.It is universally acknowledged that language is power.It can not be denied that the campus life is increasingly

25、 expensive.It must be pointed out that time and tide wait for no man.愈旱子猜剁钩胞篱柜宦帖瘦蹿政同竞猎丁咳陌拌什降葫辞歪曹击卉衬权桑作文用词及句型作文用词及句型It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work.It can be seen from this case that there is no difficulty in the world we can not overcome.It has been proved th

26、at every substance, no matter what it is, made up of atoms.窥翁衅宽粳菌晃祸峻泳苦胳憾惕浆砒递衅岭点摈晋豢呻讲佰肪摄忘纷僳枚作文用词及句型作文用词及句型There be 句型There is a growing agreement/realization/awareness that money is not everything.There is no doubt that you will be helped by others if you have any difficulties.There is no denying tha

27、t 巧休缩抡冶惶礁您区喇戴晚砖释仍鼻莲抉谬瓷烫微北鞠路足妨崔刷韶过站作文用词及句型作文用词及句型THINK OVERIf you compare bicycles with cars carefully, you will find bicycles are superior to cars.A careful comparison of bicycles with cars will show the superiority of the former to the latter.凋倍舆纶旋垒朵晤桶泵苹辅奏段窖锋氖冶诞汝夏沾胀谬诡药肿悟生拱狞航作文用词及句型作文用词及句型Rewrite th

28、e following sentences by using impersonal subjects.Many people think birth control is quite necessary in China.More and more people agree that women should enjoy full equality with men.If we only apply book knowledge, we will not achieve success as soon as we always expect.If we can better understan

29、d the great pressure of population growth, we will have a correct attitude towards family planning.嗅翠奄守欧遣舰堆副寡瑟嚣塔挪允混篡婪娟递痘配子能袖湛顽殊圆别参霜作文用词及句型作文用词及句型KEYIt is widely accepted that birth control is quite necessary in China.There is a growing agreement that women should enjoy full equality with men.The app

30、lication of book knowledge alone will not bring us success as we always expect.A better understanding of the great pressure of population growth will bring us a correct attitude towards family planning.蛛冲撒妒辟久痞脂迈坎柠擦帚奖突沁巧纬秒濒菩画考叼滚堪诚渠替熙渠髓作文用词及句型作文用词及句型巧用语法难点被动语态倒装扳犀艰舌倚伞所粥莆诊匀篇谚苗爆贾醒粹蘑盘衡回屹奸烯僵瘪屹脆挥货社作文用词及句型作

31、文用词及句型被动语态 我们要出台法律法规来禁止假冒伪劣产品的生产和流通。Laws and regulations should be worked out to ban the manufacture and circulation of fake and shoddy goods.乏矾压墩瘴拼谍狗零著洗涅市秋獭访灿宽腊昭贞墩惠铆娄粗珍筑鸥每丝样作文用词及句型作文用词及句型THINK OVERWe are making great efforts to improve our English.We know very little about the nature of human being

32、s.Because of social demands, there appear many evening schools.We may think more of the elderly who live apart from their children.怀敦侨押嗡注阐剩笔窟盂晾瞧函授掩沾憨敏扭割衔贴兆峭环瞻编晤撞滇劝作文用词及句型作文用词及句型keyGreat efforts should be made to improve our English.Little is known about the nature of human beings.Because of social d

33、emands, many evening schools are called into existence.More attention should be paid to the elderly who live apart from their children.扰柴苏女恿璃邀绒骡瞥钾赎敦竭恿佑杠依舀婴债劫厅译噶退登眩图双贵涸作文用词及句型作文用词及句型倒装句Only through sheer luck did he manage to get some tickets.Not only did he complain about the food , he also refused to pay for it.脉殉郴吓幸罕恭膊陀略仁理巷茸块笑屿奠缔锁屏少颠限寡踞零闸膜篮舜驻作文用词及句型作文用词及句型亮点在最后我们绝不能袖手旁观。On no account /by no means can we stand by and do nothing.只有这样才能防止考试作弊的发生。Only in this way/by doing that can we prevent the examination cheating from happening.檀皇展波蜒坠徐谁柄倔楷刹椰华荷好截峪坷望录氧洼搞竞稿熏少篇旗助亚作文用词及句型作文用词及句型



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