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1、饼图真题饼图真题2 2 题题练习步骤:第 1 步手写:用铅笔手写。不需要严格控制时间,主要是追求质量。第 2 步自查:对照雅思 UP 版本的参考答案自查,自己修订错误;(最好是等两天之后再做第 3 步,因为当时马第 3 步复盘:重新写一遍,仍然要求手写。上写的话,容易变成背诵) ,写完之后再对照原文。自己写过的文章考前一定要多复习几遍,因为考试的时候你一定会去写自己最熟悉的词汇和句子。 小作文写作的关键是思路条理清晰,适当变换一些句式。饼图题 1 : The charts show the result of a survey which indicates the percentage of

2、 peoplewho stay in and leave the UK. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the mainfeatures,and make comparisons where relevant.(2013年 1月 5 日 日 考题)这个题目是 是 2013 年 年 1 月 月 5号的雅思写作考题,属于静态饼图。 静态饼图在但是考虑到剑 11的饼图非常之多,所以大家还是需要引起注意。雅思考试里面并不多见,和动态饼图的写法不同,这个题目没有时间变化,所以不能使用增加、减少这样的表达。因为只有两个饼,所以选择

3、按饼 的顺序 来写 ,比较简洁 和清晰。先写第一个饼里面的各个项目的情况,一边对比一边读数,记得变换一些句型。然后写第二个饼的情况,仍然是一边对比一边读数。但是这里要注意,在写第二个饼的时候,需要将 这些项目和第一个饼的项目做一些适当的对比 (当然也不需要每个都去比,不需要面面俱到,选择有代表性的就可以了) 。1参考范文:题The two charts compare differentcauses that makepeople stayin and leave the UK.According to the first chart, the percentage of people who

4、 stay in the UK because offamily and friends is the largest (43%, and the second largest reason is social life,with 21% of people choosing this reason. 15% of people stay in the UK because ofemployment, and those who stay in the UK for financial and language reason accountfor the smallest (both abou

5、t 10%.In comparison, the most important reason for leaving the UK is quality of life(37%,which does not exist in the first chart. “Family and friends”accounts for thesmallest percentage (10%. 23% of people leave the UK for financial reason, and thisfigure is twice as much as that in the first chart.

6、 The percentage of employment andweather is the same (15%,while nobody in the first chart choose weather.Overall, the reasons that prompt people to stay in and leave the UK are quitedifferent.题目 2:The pie charts below show the percentage of five kinds of books sold by a bookseller between1972 and 20

7、12. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, andmake comparisons where relevant.三个饼图,有三个时间点,可以按照线图写法,当成 5条线来写。可以按照图表的数据大小和类别来分段,adult fiction 和 和 childrens fiction分为一段,另外三个项目分一段。参考范文:The pie charts show the change of sales of five different kinds of books by abookselle

8、r in 1972, 1992 and 2012.Adult fiction books accounted for 20% of sales in 1972 and it increased to 25% in1992. In the next 20 years, its sales grew dramatically to 45% and became the largestpart of the total sales. Childrens fiction books also increased, but not as significantlyas adult fiction boo

9、ks. It grew from 20% in 1972 to 25% in 2012.The percentage of biography was also 20% in 1972, but it showed a downward trend,falling to 15% in 1992 and 8% in 2012. Travel books made up 15% of total sales in1972. It rose to 18% in 1992, but dropped to 10% in 2012. Other books accounted forone quarter in 1972, but it declined rapidly to 20% in 1992 and then to 12% in 2012.Overall, adult books and childrens fiction books increased obviously in the fourdecades and other books declined during this period.



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