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1、Lecture Market Power Monopoly and Monopsony-210.1 MonopolyCharacteristics: 1.The sole producer of a product. So The monopolist is the market and completely controls the amount of output offered for sale. 2. However, it doesnt mean that the monopolist can charge any price it wants to maximize profit.

2、Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue经济含义?The Monopolists Output DecisionA Rule of Thumb for PricingEffect of Excise Tax on MonopolistThe Multi-plant FirmStep 1:Step 2:10.2 Monopoly PowerMeasuring Monopoly PowerMonopoly Power: The Ability to set price above marginal cost.Lerner Index of Monopoly Powe

3、r10.3 Sources of Monopoly PowerThree factors determine a firms elasticity of demand: 1. The elasticity of market demand; 2. The number of firms in the market. 3. The interaction among firms.1. The elasticity of market demand;2. The number of firms in the market指标液化石油气生产行业产量集中度(2006)%指标广州市建筑业集中度(2002

4、)%CR519.5CR410.16CR1031.89CR815.88CR2050.23CR2028.41CR3063.94CR5044.23CR40743. The interaction among firms.Collusion or Competition?OPEC:Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries10.4 The Social Costs of Monopoly PowerRent SeekingArcher Daniels Midland Company (ADM) successfully lobbied the C

5、linton administration for regulations requiring that the ethanol used in motor vehicle fuel be produced from corn. Ethanol is chemically the same whether it is produced from corn, potatoes, grain, or anything else. Why require that it be produced only from corn?据河南商报2007年12月24日报道,河南虞城县城管局标有“城管监制”的伞价

6、格高达130元,商贩称只要买了这种伞就可以在街头摆摊,不管你用不用,市容局就不会再找麻烦。计划生育政策是否应该取消?Price RegulationNatural MonopolyNatural Monopoly: is a firm can produce the entire output of the market at a cost that is lower than what it would be if there were several firms.Local Utility Company, such Water for life, Telecommunication, N

7、atural Gas etc.Under natural monopoly, whether is it efficient for only one producer in the industry? Is natural monopoly efficient?Traditional viewpoint argue that in natural monopoly industry there should be only one producer for efficiency.However, factually there are more than one producer in na

8、tural monopoly industry, such as telecom, water supply. Why?10.5 MonopsonyMonopsony refers to a market in which there is a single buyer.An oligopsony is a market with only a few buyers.Monopsony power is a buyers ability to affect the price of a goodCompetitive buyer and sellerMonopsony Buyers Decis

9、ionGovernment monopoly and excess land expropriationIn Chinas land market, the government acts as two role: one is monopoly in second-class land market and monopsony in first-class land market. What is the effect of the dual role of government in land market?10.6 Monopsony PowerSources of Monopsony

10、PowerElasticity of Market SupplyNumber of BuyersInteraction Among BuyersThe social costs of Monopsony Power第三次作业:(要求图文并茂)(要求图文并茂)1.中国政府农业政策效果分析 为保障十三亿人口的粮食安全问题,中国政府的农业政策目标是增加粮食生产,但在市场经济中粮食增产又会打击农民生产积极性,进而影响粮食产量增长。为此,中国政府采取了减免农业税、政府粮食保护价、粮食直补等政策鼓励农民增加粮食生产。请分析中国政府这些农业政策的效果及存在的问题。2.政府垄断与双轨制的分析 1999年土地管理法从法律上确立了政府在土地一级市场及二级市场的垄断地位,政府一方面以较低的补偿价格从农民集体中征用土地转换为建设用地,另一方面则以较高的价格出让国有土地使用权获取巨额土地租金收益。试分析政府在土地市场的买方垄断和卖方垄断地位对一级、二级土地市场均衡及农民土地权益的影响。3.航空公司定价一般采取“早订低价、晚订高价”的原则,即乘客订票时间越早折头越大、订票越晚折头越少。甚至出现在仓位很少时突然将票价定得很高的情形。请分析航空公司这种订票策略的原因,并指出其利弊。(提示:可以从价格歧视的角度考虑)



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