牛津译林英语九下Unit 3 Asiappt课件之二

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1、although 意思是尽管,虽然意思是尽管,虽然 可用于句可用于句首或者句中,但是不与首或者句中,但是不与but 连用连用。虽然我的小汽车很旧,但是仍然跑的很好。虽然我的小汽车很旧,但是仍然跑的很好。Although my car is very old, it still runs very well.It still runs very well although my car is very old .My car is very old but it still runs very well.尽管他们很穷,但是他们很慷慨。尽管他们很穷,但是他们很慷慨。Although they ar

2、e very poor, they are very generous.They are very generous although they are very poor.They are very poor but they are very generous.1.尽管天在下雨但是我们一直踢球。尽管天在下雨但是我们一直踢球。2.虽然我爷爷年龄大了但是仍然很健康。虽然我爷爷年龄大了但是仍然很健康。Although it was raining ,we still played football.Although my grandfather is very old, yet he is qu

3、ite strong.2.although 不与不与as even 连用,连用, even though 即使即使 as though 好像好像1.即使它是一项艰苦的工作,但我乐意做。即使它是一项艰苦的工作,但我乐意做。Even though it is hard work, I enjoy it.2.即使失败,我仍然继续尝试下去。即使失败,我仍然继续尝试下去。Even though I fail, I will keep to trying .3.他夸夸其谈,好像无所不知。他夸夸其谈,好像无所不知。He talks as though he knows everything.3.though

4、 用作副词意思是用作副词意思是“可是,然而,可是,然而,不过不过” 此时此时though 常放句子尾。常放句子尾。It is hard work, he enjoys it though.He said he would come, he didnt come though.I told you to close the door, you didnt close it though. 九下1You took a pill before you got on a ship but you got seasick.You have enough time but you wont be able

5、 to visit all places of interest.Although you took a pill before you got on a ship , you got seasick.Although you have enough time , you wont be able to visit all places of interest.hUnless 意思是意思是“如果不如果不. ;除非除非.可可以放在句子首或者句子的中间以放在句子首或者句子的中间”有时可有时可用用if not 替换替换1.他不来电话我就去他不来电话我就去.I will go unless he te

6、lephones .2.不要离开房子除非我叫你离开不要离开房子除非我叫你离开.Dont leave the house unless I told you to .Dont leave the house if I didnt tell you to.I will go if he doesnt telephone . 1.Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily. unless=if not Dont leave the building unless you are told to do so. You wont catch the e

7、arly bus unless you get up earlier. 除非有人叫你这么做除非有人叫你这么做,否则不要离开大楼否则不要离开大楼. 如果你不早点起床的话如果你不早点起床的话,你就赶不上早班车你就赶不上早班车 I will not go there unless I hear from him. I shall go there unless it rains. 九下1If you dont read the map carefully, you will get lost easily.2If you dont sleep well, you wont feel comforta

8、ble.Unless I read the map carefully, you will get lost easily.Unless you sleep well, you wont feel comfortable.More exercise1.为了能和父亲去游泳为了能和父亲去游泳,我迅速做完了家庭我迅速做完了家庭作业作业.2.为了能得到一些锻炼为了能得到一些锻炼,我每天骑车上学我每天骑车上学.I finished my homework quickly so that I could go swimming with my dad. I go to school by bike eve

9、ry day so that I could get some exercise.so that: 等同于等同于 in order that, 用来用来引导引导目的目的状语从句状语从句.可以放在句子中间,可以放在句子中间,之后通常有之后通常有can ,will ,could may 等情等情态动词。态动词。in order that1.我努力学习以便能通过考试。我努力学习以便能通过考试。I study hard so that I can pass the exam.2.我早起床是为了能够赶上车我早起床是为了能够赶上车.I get up early so that I can catch th

10、e bus.3.我大声说话是为了让你听见。我大声说话是为了让你听见。I speak loudly so that you can hear me.so that 也可以表示结果,引导结果也可以表示结果,引导结果状语从句。此时和状语从句。此时和as a result 同意。同意。1.他不努力学习,结果他没有通过考试。他不努力学习,结果他没有通过考试。He didnt study hard so that he didnt pass the exam.2.他起床晚了结果没有赶上车。他起床晚了结果没有赶上车。He got up late so that he didnt catch the bus.

11、So that 意思是如此意思是如此以至于以至于.so 之之后经常接形容词和副词。后经常接形容词和副词。Such that如此如此以至于以至于.such 之后之后经常接名词。经常接名词。这个箱子是如此的重以至于我搬不动。这个箱子是如此的重以至于我搬不动。The box is so heavy that I cant carry it.It is such a heavy box that I cant carry it.他是如此的胖以至于无法通过这门。他是如此的胖以至于无法通过这门。He is so fat that he cant go through the door.He is such a fat man that cant go through the door.



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