核按钮高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans考点突破课件 新人教版选修9

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1、选修九选修九Unit 2Sailing the oceans 1. 课前自测课前自测2. 课堂学案课堂学案词汇接龙 1. _(vi. 计算;估计)_(n. 估计;计算)2. _(vt. 离开;出发;去世)_(n. 出发;离开)3. _(adj. 安全的;可靠的)_(n. 安全;保护;保障)4. _(vt. & vi. 提到;参考;涉及)_(n. 参考书;提及;查阅)5. _(vt. 勘查;探究)_(n. 探测;探险)_(n. 探险家;勘探者)6. _(adj. 紧张的;拉紧的 vt. 变得紧张;使拉紧 n. 时态)_ (n. 紧张;不安;张力 )7. _(vt. 挨饿;饿死)_(n. 挨饿;饿

2、死)_(adj. 饥饿的;很饿的)课前自测课前自测 Key:1. reckon;reckoning2. depart; departure3. secure;security 4. refer; reference5. explore;exploration;explorer 6. tense;tension7. starve; starvation; starving/starved词汇接龙 8. _(vi. & vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于)_(n. 幸存;生存) _(n. 幸存者;遗物)9. _(vi. 单一化;简单化)_(adj. 简单的;单纯的) _(adv. 简单地;朴素地;仅仅)1

3、0. _(n. 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯)_(adj. 仁慈的;宽恕的) _(adj. 冷酷无情的;残忍的) Key:8. survive; survival; survivor9. simplify; simple; simply10. mercy; merciful; merciless词块互译1. 使确定一艘船的位置成为可能 _ to plot a ships position2. 算出它们的纬度 _ their latitude3. _ observe the clouds over islands4. 通过颜色和气味来判断 _5. _ identify the position of a s

4、tream6. 在水里前进 _7. _ set a straight course8. _ its easier to handle9. 减少犯错误的可能性 _ to make mistakes10. 使计算更精确 make the calculations _ Key:1. make it possible2. work out3. 观察岛屿上空的云朵4. tell by the colour and smell5. 确认小溪的流向6. advance through the water7. 制定一条笔直的航线8. 操作起来更容易9. reduce the tendency10. more

5、precise句型补全 1. We may well wonder how seamen explored the oceans before latitude and longitude _ plot a ships position on a map. 我们可能很想知道,在经纬度被用来在地图上确定船只位置之前,海员们是如何探索海洋的。(make itadj.to do句型) 2. This seems _ the first and most useful form of exploration which carried the minimum amount of risk. 这似乎是最

6、早的、最有用的也是风险最小的探险方式。(seem 不定式)3. Its shortcoming was _ it still used the moving ship as one of the _ points of reference. 它的缺点是它仍然使用移动船舶作为固定参照点。(表语从句;非谓语动词作定语)Key:1. made it possible to2. to have been3. that; fixed 句型补全 4. All the time the captain tried to preserve our good spirits by telling stories

7、 and talking hopefully about _ when we got back to England. 船长一直试图让我们保持良好的精神状态,他给我们讲故事,并且满怀希望地同我们谈论回英国后要做的事。(what引导名词性从句) 5. Our clothes were torn, we had fever and our faces showed the hardships we _. 我们衣衫褴褛,发着高烧,我们的脸上写着遭受的苦难。(过去完成时态)Key:4. what we would do5. had suffered 课文回顾课文回顾Key:1. plotting2.

8、reference3.at4. to be covered5. were6. where7. hid 8. swiftly9. himself 10. How 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Samuel the sailor was extremely good at _1_ (plot) his course using the stars as a _2_ (refer). One day he was determined to set out on a voyage across an unknown sea to an unknown con

9、tinent. He set out with his instruments so he would not be _3_ the mercy of the sea. He found on his outward journey a rocky island. It seemed _4_ (cover) in nests. Suddenly, as Samuel looked, an enormous bird swooped down and picked him up as if he _5_ an awkward parcel. It accelerated its speed an

10、d rose straight up into the air so as to reach the precise place on the rocks _6_ its nest lay. Once there, it shook itself and threw Samuel in the approximate direction of the nest. There seemed to be nowhere to hide but then he noticed lots of seaweed on his left and quickly _7_ (hide) under it. T

11、he bird landed nearby and pecked randomly at the rocks. Samuel rolled over _8_ (swift) and found _9_ (he) at the edge of the cliff. He looked down slowly with a beating heart. Below him was his boat lying alongside the shore! “_10_ lucky I am!” Samuel thought to himself. He then gave a mighty leap a

12、nd landed in it. One inside he could safely sail away. 课堂学案课堂学案1. mercy n. 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯;幸运;善行仁慈;宽恕;怜悯;幸运;善行 1. The king showed no mercy and killed all the prisoners. 这个国王毫不留情,杀死了所有的犯人。2. The enemy was at the mercy of us. 敌人在我们的掌控之中。 have/take mercy on/upon sb. 对表示怜悯/同情show mercy to 对表示怜悯at the mercy of

13、sb. 在某人的支配或摆布之下without mercy 残忍地;毫不留情地 【词块助记词块助记】【拓展】mercy可具体化,表示“幸运的事”,如What a mercy!多么幸运的事情啊! 1. What mercy that you are here!2. I managed to pay off the debt. I dont want to put _ (I) at the mercy of the bank.Key:1. 在mercy前加a2. myself 【词块助记词块助记】2. deposit vt. 把钱存入银行;放置把钱存入银行;放置 n. 存款;保证金存款;保证金 1.

14、 She made two deposits of $500 last month. 她上月存了两笔500英镑的存款。2. The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit. 商店答应,倘若我付定金就给我保留这批货。3. He deposited the books on the desk. 他把书放在办公桌上了。 deposit money in the bank 把钱存入银行deposit sth.with sb. 把某物寄存在某人处deposit the book on the desk 把书放在桌子上a cur

15、rent/fixed deposit 活(定)期存款put down a deposit /pay a deposit on sth. 给付定金 1. How much do you want to deposit for us?2. Id like to put down deposit on the house. Key:1. for 改为with2. 在deposit前加a 【词块助记词块助记】3. precise adj. 精确的;准确的;精细的精确的;准确的;精细的 1. I cant give you a precise date. 我无法告诉你确切的日期。2. His instr

16、uctions were not very precise. 他的指示不太明确。3. We had precise orders to come home by nine oclock. 我们得到精确的命令须于九点前回家。 precise calculation 精确的计算at that precise moment 正在那时to be preciseprecisely speaking 准确地说 【构词】precisely adv. 明确地;精确地;正是这样 1. ( 2012全国卷改编)By _ (know) precisely what you are receiving and wha

17、t you are missing out on, you ought to be able to make better-informed, more _ (reason) decisions.2. The shelf is about a meter long well, 98cm, to be precisely.Key:1. knowing; reasonable2. precisely改为precise 4. tear vt. & vi. (tore, torn) 撕扯;撕裂;撕毁撕扯;撕裂;撕毁 vi. 流泪;撕破流泪;撕破 n. 泪水泪水 1. I suggest that yo

18、u tear up the letter and start over again. 我建议你把信撕了,再重新开始写。2. ( 2014福建卷)The elderly woman was moved to tears by Tenysons gesture. 那个老太太被坦尼森的姿态感动得落泪了。3. (2015全国卷)When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for whatever his family might need, he burst into tears. 当我把礼品卡递给他说可以用这张卡为家人购买生活必需品

19、时,他感动得流下眼泪。 【词块助记词块助记】tear sth. to/into pieces 把撕成碎片;撕碎tear sth. in half/into halves 把撕成两半tear sth. open 把撕开tear sth. up 撕成碎片;撕毁(文件、合同等)tear sth. down 把推倒;拆毁burst into tears 突然大哭move sb.to tears 使某人感动得流泪 1. This material tears _ (easy), so be careful when you wear it.2. Bridget burst into _ (tear) a

20、nd ran out.Key:1. easily2. tears 5. set loose 出发;开始;释放;引起出发;开始;释放;引起 1. The Browns set loose in a traveling boat. 布朗一家在游船上出发了。2. She sets aside a bit of money every month. 她每月都存一点钱。3. Why dont you set your ideas down on paper? 你怎么不把你的想法写在纸上呢?4. Do be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark

21、 could set them off. 这些烟火要格外小心,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。 set aside 留出;驳回;撤销;不顾set down 放下;记下;制定;让(乘客)下车set up 竖起;建起;建立set off 出发;引起;使爆炸【头脑风暴头脑风暴】6. reckon on 指望;依靠指望;依靠 1. I believe that one should never reckon only on wealth to achieve happiness. 我认为人们永远也不应该只依仗财富去获得幸福。 2. Id like to come with you but thats not a

22、 promise, dont reckon on it. 我愿意与你一起去,但这不算允诺,别指望我一定来。3. We had hoped to hold the garden party this weekend, but we reckoned without the weather! 我们原想在本周末举行游园会,但忽略了天气的因素! reckon sth. in 将计算在内reckon without 没有考虑到I reckon so. 我认为是这样。depend on 依靠;依赖 【头脑风暴头脑风暴】【微解析微解析】7. Seabirds could be used to show th

23、e way to land when it was nowhere to be seen. 当什么也看不清的时候,可利用海鸟来指引到陆地的路。当什么也看不清的时候,可利用海鸟来指引到陆地的路。 本句是when引导的时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”。注意when, while, as引导时间状语从句的区别:(1)when可以和延续性动词连用,也可以和短暂性动词连用;而while和as只能和延续性动词连用。(2)when从句的谓语动词可以在主句谓语动作之前、之后或同时发生;while和as从句的谓语动作必须是和主句谓语动作同时发生。(3)当主句、从句动作同时进行,从句动作的时间概念淡化,而主要表示主

24、句动作发生的背景或条件时,只能用as。这时,as 常表示“随着;一边,一边”。 【仿写】1. Why do you want a new job _ such a good one already? 你已经找到如此好的工作,为何还想再找新的? 2. _, the weather got worse. 随着时间的流逝,天气更糟糕了。【单句改错】3. (2012安徽卷改编) While asked for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding. Key:1.

25、when youve got2. As time went on/With time going on3. While改为When【微解析微解析】8. You could not imagine a more disturbing sight than what we looked like when arriving in Timor over forty days after being set loose in our small boat. 你你简简直直无无法法想想象象我我们们被被放放逐逐在在小小船船上上漂漂泊泊了了40多多天天后后在在帝帝文文岛岛登登陆陆时凄惨的样子。时凄惨的样子。

26、What islike? 意为“怎么样?”常用于询问天气情况或人的特征、品质等,指人时既可指外表,也可指内在品质。What do/doeslook like? 意为“长得怎么样?”常用于询问外貌。 【仿写】1. _?你的老师怎么样?【单句改错】2. Can you tell me how he looks like?Key:1. Whats your teacher like?2. how改为what 你所在的小区的Green Leaf 咖啡馆在招聘暑期服务生,请你根据下面表格所提供的信息写一篇招聘广告。 主题咖啡馆招聘女服务生岗位三名暑期服务生要求1. 身高1.60米以上;2. 有责任心;3

27、. 能够保证工作时间;4. 能用英语交流者优先。工作时间每天900 am-500 pm工作待遇每天工资100元面试地点Green Leaf咖啡馆Three Waitresses Are Wanted _. In the coming summer vacation three waitresses are wanted.The applicants should be taller than 1.60 meters. And the waitress needs to work between 900 am to 500 pm every day. _. And she must ensure

28、 working time. Priority will be given to those who can communicate with foreigners in English. The salary per day is one hundred yuan. _. 【写作导航】1. 建议第一句用含有定语从句的复合句来介绍:Green Leaf是社区新开的一家时尚而又舒适的咖啡馆;2. 这里提出招聘要求:因为接下来的两个月咖啡馆会很忙,所以应聘者要有责任心而且能够努力工作。建议用原因状语从句的复合句来表达;3. 最后一句用一个定语从句来表达对这份工作感兴趣的女生可以到咖啡馆来应聘。Key: Green Leaf is a new cafe in the community, which is modern as well as comfortable Because the cafe will be very busy in the following two months, the applicants should be responsible and hardworking The girl students who are interested in the job please come to our cafe to have an interview



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