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1、Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa moden hero课前课前10分钟分钟短文填空短文填空Having good manners is seen by many people _ a sign of cultural understanding and good taste.Knowing about the good manners of _ countries is interesting and very useful.Good manners are not only about the _ we talk,but also about all other things w

2、e do _ we communicate with other people.When _ the house of Americans or Europeans it is _ to look at their books,paintings and small objects in the living room.It is also thought to be a sign of good _ to sayas different way when visiting polite taste 虫硼率戍褂然衍骂铡禄篮食龄纱吾饿理尾葬屠豢纬锁贺湾焉调阮沉梨贤氛高考英语一轮复习必修UnitN

3、elsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑something nice about those things._,in the Middle East,you should never do that._ that you like a painting or other things in their house will give your Arab host the _ that they must give it to you.However Saying feeling 漫画欣赏漫画欣赏 画面描述

4、画面描述 A boy is shouting at his dad,who looks upset and doesnt know what to do with his son. It seems that the kid does not respect his dad. 库窑液愿含砖乃孟力拢彦蜗跟持骸蓬荡玄捕掏匈盯昭架吟绘鞍梯漳痒独追高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑寓意理解寓意理解 Nowadays many families with teenagers fa

5、ce the problem: parents and their children dont get along well. Lack of understanding and communication is the source of the problem. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?词左右的小短文?.词义辨析词义辨析1Most dogs will not _ people if they are left alone. Abury Bescape Creward DattackD钳纸尚恋烬阜歧漆赏汤天宣帽册漓枷撒灵啤桌莽浚滞潮挟烩容抨浸

6、刑伶杏高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑2If they break the agreement,well take _ action against them. Alegal Bsincere Cequal Dfrequent3The aim of these activities is for people to be happy,so that there are no more wars or _. Ashortcoming Bviolence Cshelter

7、 Ddisadvantage4A _ will be offered for information leading to the arrest of the bank robber. Apipe Bvote Creward Dfare5We were invited to give our _ about how the work should be done. Aattitudes Bidentities Copinions DpurposesABCC算蛇茧弟媚肄狸啊臭痈刨欲巨琳芬枣厚靖亚尧败阜萧菊组驹艺皑堰晦咀满高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可

8、编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑6Shes always been _ with money.Whenever we eat out,she never pays a bill. Amean Bgenerous Clegal Dselfish7Everybody likes Jack very much because he is _ in giving help. Astubborn Bgenerous Cloose Dreliable8All our activities took place under the _ of an expe

9、rienced teacher. Astage Breward Ctitle Dguidance9Teenagers need to be _ about the dangers of smoking. Arecognized Bescaped Ceducated Drescued10The United States is now playing a leading role in the international _. Apace Btrack Cevent DstageABDCD芦吭羚多斌刽枯段或泼堵逾液敛创缮泛吾妙蹈殊凝极瘫庙鞠癌歇搞税键祁高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMa

10、ndelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑.短语填空短语填空 as a matter of fact;in trouble;turn to;come to power;set up;free from;believe in;stop.from.;find out;blow up1Nobody seems to understand.I dont know who to _.2After Hitler _ in Germany,Einstein was forced to go to America.3When her s

11、on returned,she was at last _ worries.4A police officer was killed when his car _.5You cant _ people _ saying what they think.6I knew him when we were in college_ we were on the same course. turn to came to power free from blew up stopas a matter of factfrom疙太椅咨途烫氧跨聘私询扩锣玛蝶锗点蜗镭件婿豌玖嚎靳千还拽累沙贝缄高考英语一轮复习必修

12、UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑7Nothing gives him more pleasure than helping someone _.8The student cheated in the exam,but he was _ soon.9You have got to _ yourself,or youll never succeed.10He _ his own business after he graduated from university.完成句子完成句子1It w

13、as in 1952 and Mandela was the black lawyer _ (我去向他征求建议我去向他征求建议)(advise) 2It was very dangerous because if I was caught _ (我可能要坐牢我可能要坐牢)(prison) in trouble found out believe in set up to whom I went for advice I could be put in prison 郡江刁近这螟泪态喇鲁抉框题酬知众躯嚼碍匪勤醋夕叔匝象维酪商浪现别高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamoden

14、hero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑3He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings _ (那时我们本来应该睡那时我们本来应该睡 觉觉)(asleep).模仿造句模仿造句1We have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all. 翻译翻译最后,这家工厂到了大量生产这种产品的阶段。最后,这家工厂到了大量生产这种产品的阶段。 _ _when we should have been asleepFinally,the

15、 factory reached a stage where the products could be made in large amounts. 腆绞灸春帧晴晚侈甭邮缉姨旗苏体胜腔姻潭疽酪早霓巷捐朗素跑绑又嗽哦高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑3Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 翻译翻译直到那个时候,我才有机会去实现我的梦想。直到那个时候,我才有机会去实现我的梦想。 _ 4Since

16、 I was better educated,I got a job working in an office. 翻译翻译因为我日语懂得不多,所以听不懂她说的话。因为我日语懂得不多,所以听不懂她说的话。 _ _5I felt bad the_first_time I talked to a group. 翻译翻译我初次见到她时,就认为她善良诚实。我初次见到她时,就认为她善良诚实。 _ Only then did I get a chance to achieve my dream. Since I understood very little Japanese,I couldnt catch

17、what she said. I thought her nice and honest the first time I saw her. 街端詹侦桌标丢挣榜符嫉健投羽届佯邹历美硬汹吕盆馒正起咀袁赴啼缉虏高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑核心词汇梳理核心词汇梳理1devote vt. 投身于;献身;致力于投身于;献身;致力于 搭配搭配 devote.to.献身于献身于;专心于;专心于;花;花( (时间、精力时间、精力 等等) )做做 be devoted to.忠诚于

18、;专心于;热爱;喜欢忠诚于;专心于;热爱;喜欢 He devoted his efforts to the improvement of the parks in his city.他致力于城市公园的改善。他致力于城市公园的改善。 Kiko is devoted to her music.基科热爱她的音乐。基科热爱她的音乐。 牟贤她类帧点微慢晰月过闷匣屠缺渝倒新铸国求勇链敬啼樟帆沼唐似龚标高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑提示提示 to是介词,后接名词或动名词。是介词,

19、后接名词或动名词。 Im devoting all my time and energy to being a mom right now.目前我把所有时间和精力都放在当妈妈这件事上。目前我把所有时间和精力都放在当妈妈这件事上。Mother Teresa has devoted herself to caring for the poor.特雷萨修女把自己的全部身心都倾注在照顾穷苦人上。特雷萨修女把自己的全部身心都倾注在照顾穷苦人上。枝熙擞氏枪反荫邦难见妒鸥砰炙供晨届忠阵校滩湖逼驱坝瘪罢惨难亏堑何高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必

20、修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑2escape n逃亡;避难逃亡;避难v v逃脱;避开逃脱;避开 识记识记 a narrow escape幸免于难;侥幸逃脱;九死一生幸免于难;侥幸逃脱;九死一生 make ones escape逃离;溜走逃离;溜走 More than once he had a narrow escape from being eaten by sharks.他有好几次差点被鲨鱼吃掉。他有好几次差点被鲨鱼吃掉。 The party was boringwe couldnt wait to make our escape. 聚会很无聊,我们迫不及待

21、地要溜走。聚会很无聊,我们迫不及待地要溜走。 句型句型 escape from.从从逃走逃走 escape being done差一点被差一点被;侥幸没有被;侥幸没有被 He narrowly escaped being drowned.他险些被淹死。他险些被淹死。 He narrowly escaped being hurt in the accident. 他在意外事件中差一点受伤。他在意外事件中差一点受伤。慈菩釜彪帖下喘肿砸肾褂扭己收火滔雪埂蜀百睡纱截乐莲娩廉抛友辐撂抿高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelson

22、Mandelaamodenhero可编辑3equal adj. 相等的;平等的;胜任的相等的;平等的;胜任的 搭配搭配 be equal to与与相等,等于相等,等于 A pound is roughly equal to 500 grams.1磅约等于磅约等于500克。克。 句型句型 be equal to sth./doing sth.能胜任;能够做能胜任;能够做 Im sure Barbaras quite equal to the task. 我确信巴巴拉完全有能力承担这项任务。我确信巴巴拉完全有能力承担这项任务。 I hope that he proves equal to the

23、challenge. 我希望他最后能应付这一挑战。我希望他最后能应付这一挑战。 My grandfather is not equal to walking long distances these days. 我祖父近来不能走远路了。我祖父近来不能走远路了。夯泞愈鸳牛俯岳啼穴挡君贬泡诞失抖疏栅睬送非啡仗嗽型陈骄幕癸赂嘘捞高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑v. 等于;比得上;与等于;比得上;与相匹敌相匹敌 Trade should balance when supply

24、 equals demand.供需相当时贸易便达到平衡。供需相当时贸易便达到平衡。Simon is younger but he equals his brother in all sports.西蒙年纪小一些,但各项运动都比得上哥哥。西蒙年纪小一些,但各项运动都比得上哥哥。链接链接 be similar to与与相似相似be superior to比比优秀;地位比优秀;地位比高高be junior to比比年龄小年龄小be senior to比比年龄大年龄大 隐怜苦适擂做雄惟重讲阻恿哼卸丈是揍迄币董休蔗荚泌撑欢炼忙川愉疑凝高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhe

25、ro可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑重点短语例释重点短语例释1lose heart 泄气;灰心泄气;灰心 The team had won no games,and they lost heart. 这支球队从没有赢过任何比赛,他们没信心了。这支球队从没有赢过任何比赛,他们没信心了。 So dont lose heart,whatever you do. 所以不管做什么都不要气馁。所以不管做什么都不要气馁。 链接链接 lose ones heart to sb.爱上某人爱上某人,钟情于某人钟情于某人 lose face丢脸,失面子丢脸,失面

26、子自吱岔彩链纠页便烦翟等珠剐漾缮耗蝶随瞧殴斤戏耶铬渤胚畸阎瘸颜转玄高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑2as a matter of fact 实际上;事实是;确实实际上;事实是;确实 I didnt go yesterday,and as a matter of fact,I didnt go all week. 我昨天没去,事实上,我整个星期都没去。我昨天没去,事实上,我整个星期都没去。 He appears strong and healthy,but as a m

27、atter of fact,he suffers from a weak heart. 他看起来很结实健康,但实际上,他患有心脏病。他看起来很结实健康,但实际上,他患有心脏病。 娥鹰游盂袒过对脯伏菱卜奸褪叭聂孪贞殉挠骋是跺缉军几唾现流奴妓猛挫高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑3come to power 执政;掌权执政;掌权 This government came to power in 1998. 本届政府于本届政府于1998年执掌政权。年执掌政权。 The Rus

28、sian working class came to power in November 1917. 1917年年11月,俄国工人阶级掌权了。月,俄国工人阶级掌权了。政隔募措属妇射冤鉴邮再潮惮磁掐欢半或站胯插捌鸵挣荤亥改忱樱闻锋惯高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑4turn to 转向;转而去转向;转而去;求助于;查阅;求助于;查阅 He turned to drugs after his wife left him. 妻子离开他之后,他开始吸毒。妻子离开他之后,他开始

29、吸毒。 Shock at the killings quickly turned to anger. 屠杀引发的震惊很快就变成愤怒。屠杀引发的震惊很快就变成愤怒。 After working as a clerk for 5 years in the government,he turned to driving a taxi. 在政府当了在政府当了5年职员后,他转而去开出租车了。年职员后,他转而去开出租车了。 链接链接 refer to参考,查阅参考,查阅焰迸挞禽遇鞭匙萝长锤娥堂诀嗜皋辈宦灾丙航施万年漾梳臼倔牲编标静蓝高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero

30、可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑5.5.set up 设立;创立;建立设立;创立;建立 A new government was set up after the civil war. 内战结束后成立了新政府。内战结束后成立了新政府。 The school has set up a special class to help poor readers. 学校设立了一个特别班级来帮助阅读差的学生。学校设立了一个特别班级来帮助阅读差的学生。 链接链接 set about着手做着手做 set aside储蓄;搁置储蓄;搁置 set off动身,启

31、程;引爆,燃放动身,启程;引爆,燃放 set out出发;开始做出发;开始做 叁伙昆二怒颈氢邻返踌投拜帖嘱拧抢昧翔公梅枪抹镑统券耕墒漳宗堤卜劣高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑6blow up 爆炸;炸毁;充气;吹,刮爆炸;炸毁;充气;吹,刮 They blew up the large rock that blocked the road. 他们炸掉了阻塞道路的那块大岩石。他们炸掉了阻塞道路的那块大岩石。 I saw him blowing up the tire.我

32、看到他在给轮胎打气。我看到他在给轮胎打气。荫惧梭谦雾千答炎炽斡毁星眺琶胀胀氏斑阔洪掣收蛔冶烟剔荔展柄辫降芳高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑疑难语句细解疑难语句细解1The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no r

33、ights at all. 过去过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺我们的权利,阻挡我们的年来所出现的大量法律剥夺我们的权利,阻挡我们的 进步,一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶进步,一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶 段。段。 【要点指南】【要点指南】 此处此处The last thirty years have seen.是一种拟人是一种拟人 化的写作手法,以增加句子的表现力。化的写作手法,以增加句子的表现力。see意为意为“( (在某段时期在某段时期 或某地或某地) )发生,经历,经受发生,经历,经受”。扭烁赃咖婉肝网呻搁计羡摔狼县注睹宣劈瓜圾檄戈故嗓袄菇豫枉捷邢雨冲高考

34、英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑The next few years saw a series of bad harvests.接下来的几年里发生了连年的粮食欠收。接下来的几年里发生了连年的粮食欠收。The 5th century saw the end of the Roman Empire in the West.五世纪见证了西方罗马帝国的灭亡。五世纪见证了西方罗马帝国的灭亡。The city has seen many changes in the last ten

35、 years.这个城市在过去的十年间经历了多次的变革。这个城市在过去的十年间经历了多次的变革。孙疏类其媚绒丽宵捂禽悟凌冠勺孰炳毕城萧煽弦性哩纳茵彤匪诸旷抨饼贬高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑2Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 只到这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。只到这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。 【要点指南】【要点指南】 句子使用了部分倒装结构。当句子使用了部分倒装结构。当“o

36、nly副词、介副词、介词词 短语或状语从句短语或状语从句”放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序。放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序。 Only then did I realize I was wrong. 只到那时我才意识到我错了。只到那时我才意识到我错了。 Only by this means can you make greater progress in your work. 只有这样你才能在工作中取得更大的进步。只有这样你才能在工作中取得更大的进步。 Only when the game started did I feel nervous. 只是在比赛开始时我才感到紧张。只是在比赛开始时我才感到紧张。杰撒信敷彻腋滨疆闯皖蝉县呕绑抉混庐胳沦韧神冰倾闲婆损旱仁癣居究姆高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑点击此处进入点击此处进入 课后能力训练课后能力训练点击此处进入点击此处进入 高考阅卷现场高考阅卷现场椰扣巡尔窿粒展惮裁磐渭搽歧忍承馏材税范捷肩干流缄婿他虽闹糙博柒银高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitNelsonMandelaamodenhero可编辑



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