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1、Unit10sports-Unit10sports-运动运动Athens Where is the city of Athens?GreeceWhat do you know about the Olympic Games?Olympic flame lit in AthensThe flag of Olympic Games2008BeijingOlympicGamesThe Olympic TorchDancing Beijing, the emblem (徽章)of the 2008 Olympic Games“Fuwa”: the Official Mascots of Beijing

2、 2008 Olympic GamesThefiveOlympicRingsMedals:GoldMedal,SilverMedal,BronzeMedalThe Water CubeBirds Nesttennisbadmintontable tennistrack and fieldbasketballfootballMarathon Howmanykilometersisthemarathonrace?42.195kilometersReadingThespiritofMarathonKeep on, never give up!在在之间之间1. 49BC, a fierce battl

3、e between the Persians and the Greeks happened 公元前公元前 由于由于和和(原因)(原因)between ourselves (仅你我知道的秘密)(仅你我知道的秘密)Between you and me, hes not very reliable.Between the noise outside and lack of sleep, he couldnt concentrate.2. north of Athens.tothenorthof范围之外范围之外有距离有距离inthenorthof范围之内范围之内onthenorthof表两地接壤表两

4、地接壤擅长于擅长于 3. With great joy, the Greeks sent Pheidippides, a solddier who was good at running, back to Athens to tell their people the news of victory.欣喜若狂地欣喜若狂地 Send sb. do 4. Pheidippides was eager to get to Athens as soon as possible.急着做;渴望做尽快地long to dobe dying to do be dying thirsty anxious for

5、be in anxiety of dream of doing 5. He kept on running and running.keep on doing n. 继续做、不断地做The girl kept on practicing, at last she realized her dream.6. He couldnt move any more.notany more 不再;再也不eg: We wont believe WenZhang any more after his scandal.7. were held in Athens at the end of the 19th c

6、entury,people were looking for a big在末尾、末端寻找、寻求8. The idea of a marathon race came up.出现、被提出来来come back 回来;想起来come about 发生、产生come out 出来、出版come across 偶然遇见 not all(eacheveyboth)部分否定(并非所有)9. such a long way to run that not all the runners can finish the race.such+n.+that从句从句so+adjadv.+that从句从句eg: En

7、glish is such an useful subject(language), but not all the students can master it . 10. the runners feet wil strike the ground about 26000 times.敲打、击打beat hit strikebeat连续不断地打、心脏的跳动hit一次性的撞击、命中strike =hit 但还有划(火柴)给深刻印象The man looks dead,but his heart is still beating weakly.He hit the ball so hard t

8、hat it flew over their heads and fell into the lake.He went into the room and struck a match。11. why do people still think of running a marathon?think of doing 考虑、认为think about over 仔细考虑12. They take part in a marathon race to show their strength 参加attendjoin inparticipate in eg: Will you take part

9、in the English evening?I hope you all can join in the discussion.Ill never forget the day when I joined the Party.Everyone in the class is expected to participate in the discussion.Grammarpoints介词介词一.表示时间:表示时间:1.in/on/atin通常表示大的时间。通常表示大的时间。on通常表示具体的某一天。通常表示具体的某一天。at通常用来指小的时间,时间点,通常用来指小的时间,时间点,时刻。时刻。





14、态。动作在某个时期里处于连续不断的状态。可以用于多种时态。如:如:Ithasrainedfortwodays.Hewillstaythereforaweek.2.since指指“自从自从,自自起起”,表示持续至说话时刻的动,表示持续至说话时刻的动作开始于什么时候,多用于完成时,其后接表示时间点的词作开始于什么时候,多用于完成时,其后接表示时间点的词或句子。强调开始的时间,且一直持续。或句子。强调开始的时间,且一直持续。如:如:Ihavebeenheresinceeightoclock.Theyhaveneverquarreledsincetheygotmarried. 3.during指指“在

15、在期间期间”,它既可指某个动,它既可指某个动作在某个时期里连续不断地进行,也可以指作在某个时期里连续不断地进行,也可以指某个动作在这段时期里的某个时间发生。其某个动作在这段时期里的某个时间发生。其后必须带有限定成分的时间状语。后必须带有限定成分的时间状语。如:如:Iwakeupseveraltimesduringthenight.Myfatherwasinhospitalduringthewinter二、表示地点方位的介词图解方位介词on面面overin体体abovealongto(towards)fromthroughin front ofbehindbelowundernearintoou



18、dafterme跟我读跟我读comeinoneafterone一个一个进来一个一个进来 Keys: reading 1.490BC; happened; 26; north of 2. was good at running; the news of victory3. was eager to get to Athens as soon as possible.4. kept on; did not give up5. not move any more; fell down and died. Keys: reading 6.the first modern Olympic Games;

19、19th centry; looking for a big event7. can finish the race8. Keep and develop; keep on, never give up Keys: Language Stud1. take part in 2. is good at 3. look for 4. keep5. At the end of 6. not any more7. As soon as possible 8. kept on9. are eager to 10.think of11. Happened 12. was held Keys: Gramma

20、r Focus1.after 2. from; from3. for 4. for5.with 6.in 7. before 8. with 9. since 10. on11. from 12.for13. on 14. with 15. in进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故乡,每逢进入夏天,集市上最常见的便是蒲扇、凉席,不论男女老少,个个手持乡,每逢进入夏天,集





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