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1、week-2-2-Chaucer-week-2-2-Chaucer-and-English-Balladsand-English-Ballads3.Wat Tyler and John Ball are the leaders of the Rising of_.4. The peasants Rising of 1381 had shaken the _system in England to the root.1381feudal25. The most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England was the _.6. The the

2、me of the romances is the _ to king and lord.romanceloyalty37. Malorys _ was a 15th-century masterpiece which influenced the later writers.8. Malory used simple and idiomatic English prose to translate The Death of King Arthur from _ into_. Le Morte DArthurFrenchEnglish4Choosetherightanswer.9. The g

3、reat majority of the romances fall into groups as matters of_. A. Britain B. France C. Rome D. A,B and C ?D510. _was written in alliterative and rimed English verse. A. Layamons Brut B. Malorys The Death of King Arthur C. King Alfreds Chronicle D. Geoffrey of Monmouths History of Kings of Britain?A6

4、 11. _ marked the establishment of feudalism in England. A. Roman Conquest B. English Conquest C. Danish Conquest D. Norman Conquest ?D7 English Ballads8MostofthewrittenliteratureinfeudalEnglandwasintendedonlyforupperclasses.TheEnglishpeoplehadaliteratureoftheirown,notwrittenbutoral-Englishfolksongs

5、.9Popular BalladsDefinition: A ballad is a narrative poem that tells a story, and is usually meant to be sung or recited in musical form.An important stream of the Medieval folk literature10Features of English Ballads1. The ballads are in various English and Scottish dialects.2. They were created co

6、llectively and revised when handed down from mouth to mouth.3. They are mainly the literature of the peasants, and give an outlook of the English common people in feudal society.111. Composed in couplets or in quatrains known as the ballad stanza, rhyming abab or abcb, with the first and third lines

7、 carrying 4 accented syllables and the second and fourth carrying 3.2. Simple, plain language or dialect of the common people with colloquial, vivid and, sometimes, idiomatic expressionsStylistic Features of the Ballads123. Telling a good story with a vivid presentation around the central plot. 4. U

8、sing a high proportion of dialogue with a romantic or tragic dimension to achieve dramatic effect. Stylistic Features of the Ballads13Subjects of English Ballads1. struggle of young lovers2. conflict between love and wealth3. cruelty of jealousy4. criticism of the civil war5. matters of class strugg

9、le14The Robin Hood Balladsvarious ballads of Robin Hood The Geste of Robin Hood (act, deed) description of the whole life of the herovaliant (brave) outlaw(逃犯逃犯)archery(射箭射箭), greenwood tree,take from the rich, give to the poor,wage war, hunted by the sheriffs, outwits(智胜智胜)151. Origin of the Robin

10、Hood Balladsthe perpetual (continuous)struggles of the peasants the landlordsagainst the local official the kings judgesrobbed only the rich, invincible archers (弓箭手弓箭手)tireless (不屈不挠的不屈不挠的)idol of the country folksaintlike hero162. Character of Robin Hoodstrong, brave, clever, tender-hearted, affec

11、tionate,humorous, hearty laughhatred for the nobleslove for the poordevout(虔诚虔诚), orthodox(正统正统) in religionreverence (respect) for the Kingfighting spirit, indomitable courage, revolutionary energy17The BalladsThemostimportantdepartmentofEnglishfolkliteratureisthe_.Whatisaballad?Aballadisastorytold

12、in_,usuallyin_stanzas,withthe_and_lines_.balladsong4-linesecondfourthrhymed18Geoffrey Chaucer杰弗里乔叟therepresentativewriteroftheMedievalEnglishLiterature19GeoffreyChaucer(13431400)20I.ChaucersLifeStory1343bornintoanaffluentwinemerchantsfamilyinLondonattheageof19-tookpartintheHundredYearsWarandwastaken

13、prisonerOnhisreturn-marriedPhilippa,amaidofhonortothequeenandrelativeoftheDukeofLancaster21SenttotheContinent(Italy&France)ondiplomaticmissionsandwasappointedhighofficials1400-diedandwasburiedinWestminsterAbbey,thusfoundingthePoetsCorner22II.GeoffreyChaucersLiteraryCareer:The French period The Itali

14、an period The English/mature period23Chaucersthreeliteraryperiods:1.ThefirstortheFrenchperiod:1)The Romance of the Rose 玫瑰传奇atranslationfromFrench,popularinMiddleages2)The Book of the Duchess 悼公爵夫人 thebestworkofthetime242.ThesecondortheItalianperiod: Troilus and Criseyde: 特罗伊拉斯和克莱西德 apoemofalovestor

15、y3.ThethirdortheEnglishperiod,hisbestperiod: The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集hismasterpieceandarepresentativeworksoftheMiddleAges251.MessengerofHumanismAffirm mans right to pursue earthly happinessPraise mans energy, intellect, quick wit and love of lifeExpose and satirize the social vices, including re

16、ligious abusesIII.ChaucersArtisticFeatures: 262.ThefirstimportantrealisticwriterCreate a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of lifePresent a comprehensive realistic picture of the English societyExplore the theme of the individuals relation to the society273.“Father”ofEnglishpoetryIntr

17、oduce the rhymed stanzas of various types to English poetry (esp. heroic couplet)Develop his art of poetryMaster of the English language28IV.The Canterbury Tales1. The Framework(1)PreviouscollectionsofStories The Thousand and One Nights Confessio Amantis byGower MetamorphosesbyOvid DecameronbyBoccac

18、cio29(2)Chaucersplan30 pilgrims 4 stories each altogether 120 stories(3)ChaucersworkconsistsofthreepartsThe General Prologue24 tales, two of which left unfinishedSeparate prologues to each tale with links, comments, and quarrels in between302. Pilgrims Pilgrims fall into several groups according to

19、Chaucers attitude toward them.Five ideals Chaucer treats seriously (Knight, Squire乡绅, Clerk, Parson牧师, Plowman) Some he pokes fun at (Prioress女修道院院长, Monk, Wife of Bath)31Some he is quiet about; short portraits with personal view coming through (Prioresss entourage随从) Some not very good; Chaucer is

20、just a little negative (Shipman) Hardened sinners, all of them religious officials (Friar男修士, Pardoner卖免罪符者, Summoner召唤者)32Chaucer3334353. The General Prologue OccasionTimeSketches of the pilgrimsPurposeMotivationSatire364. The TalesThe stories are well suited to the different characters of the pilg

21、rims.Sometimes the pilgrims tell stories against each other; sometimes the stories form a group.375. The famous ones are the stories of :1) the wife of Bath(巴斯妇人)2) the Knight(骑士)3) The Oxford Scholar38TheWifeofBathHasmarriedfivehusbandsandexpectsoneortwomoreHusbandisoldanduglyandsheyoungandbeautifu

22、lAlwaysgetstheupperhandEvokes her husband to beat her and pretends to be dead39TheWifeofBath(巴斯妇人)She is the owner of a cloth factory, light-hearted, merry, somewhat vulgar, and exceedingly talkative.It shows Chaucers keen observation and his unsurpassed talent for characterization.It is a vivid ske

23、tch of a woman of the middle class, and a colorful picture of the domestic life of that class in Chaucers day.40Chaucerslanguage:1.His language is full of humor and satire.2. His language is vivid, exact and smooth, a master of word-pictures.3. He is the first great poet who wrote in the English lan

24、guage, making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech.41 CommentonChaucer:Chaucers The Canterbury Tales is a panorama of the 14th century England. His 30 pilgrims, coming from all walks of life, stand for all classes of his time.As a pioneer of humanism, Chaucer affirms men

25、and womens pursuit of their happiness on earth and opposes the dogma of asceticism preached by the church.42 Chaucer is the first important poet who writes in the English language. He is a great master of English. His language, known as Middle English now, is vivid and exact. He makes English the la

26、nguage of literature and London dialect the standard English.Chaucers contribution lies chiefly in his introduction of Heroic couplet, or lines of iambic pentameter in rhymed couplets, into English poetry.43Whatis“heroiccouplet”?Heroic couplet: the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter; a verse form i

27、n epic poetry, with lines of ten syllables and five stresses, in rhyming pairs.英雄诗体英雄诗体/ /英雄双韵体:用于史诗或叙事诗,每英雄双韵体:用于史诗或叙事诗,每行十个音节,五个音部,每两行押韵。行十个音节,五个音部,每两行押韵。44meter:A generally regular pattern of stressed and u n s t r e s s e d s y l l a b l e s i n p o e t r y .iambicpentameter:A poetic line consis

28、ting of five Verse feet (penta- is from a Greek word meaning “five”), with each foot an iamb- that is, an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.couplet:Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme.A heroic couplet is an iambic pentameter couplet. During the Restoration period and the 18t

29、 h C. it was a p o p u l a r v e r s e f o r m .rhyme:The repetition of sounds in two or more words or phrases that appear close to each otherin a poem, e. g. river/shiver, song/long.45Questions for Unit II:1.WhatisRenaissance?Howandwhydiditcomeabout?2.Whatisthedevelopmentofdrama?Whatweretheoriginalformsandcontentandpracticeofdrama?3.WhydiddramaflourishinElizabethanage?Whoarethemajorplaywrightsofthetime?464.WhoisMarlowe?WhatcontributionsdidhemaketoEnglishdrama?5.WhoisShakespeare?Whatfamousandgreatplays(history,comedy,tragedy)?Whatfeatures?6.WhatdidJohnsonwriteabout?Representativework?47结束结束



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