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1、中考英语中考英语综合复习指导综合复习指导Part1:ListeningPart2:Vocabulary&GrammarPart3:ReadingComprehensionPart4:Writing PartOneListening(听力)Part1:Listening第一类题型是听句子,选出与句第一类题型是听句子,选出与句意相符的图画。意相符的图画。Part1:Listening第二大题是选出你听到的句子第二大题是选出你听到的句子的最佳应答。测试重点是对交的最佳应答。测试重点是对交际功能项目的掌握及运用能力。际功能项目的掌握及运用能力。examplesThank you.Thank you.Y

2、oure welcome.Youre welcome. Its a pleasure. Its a pleasure. My pleasure. My pleasure. Thats all right. Thats all right. Not at all. Not at all.examplesThank you./ Sorry.Thank you./ Sorry.Thats all right.Thats all right.examples Whats your teacher like?Whats your teacher like?和和What does your teacher

3、 What does your teacher like?like?回答是不一样的。回答是不一样的。Part1:Listening第三大题是根据你听到的对话和问题选择最恰第三大题是根据你听到的对话和问题选择最恰当的答案。当的答案。做这一题时,要先快速扫视做这一题时,要先快速扫视A、B、C、D四个四个选项,以便有目的地获取有效的信息。边听还选项,以便有目的地获取有效的信息。边听还要边记要边记KeyWords,减少遗忘和差错。从以往减少遗忘和差错。从以往的题目看,四个选项可能涉及到职业、地点、的题目看,四个选项可能涉及到职业、地点、数字、干什么、颜色、谁的物品、某某人怎么数字、干什么、颜色、谁的物



6、思颠倒过来,因此,我们不仅用幽默的结束语把全文意思颠倒过来,因此,我们不仅要听懂全文,还要理解全文的含义。要听懂全文,还要理解全文的含义。examples( ( )1.Both )1.Both the the man man and and his his wife wife worked worked for for the the businessman.businessman.( ( )2.After )2.After the the wife wife found found nothing nothing in in the the box, box, she she managed

7、 managed to to close the box.close the box.Once a man and his wife went to Once a man and his wife went to work for a businessman. The wife work for a businessman. The wife cooked his meals and the man cooked his meals and the man drove his car.drove his car.One day she decided to find out One day s

8、he decided to find out what was in it. She went to the what was in it. She went to the box, opened it and looked inside. box, opened it and looked inside. She found nothing in the box. She found nothing in the box. ”How strange.” She thought. She ”How strange.” She thought. She tried to close the bo

9、x,but she tried to close the box,but she couldnt.couldnt.Part1:Listening第五大题是听短文后在表格内填上所听到第五大题是听短文后在表格内填上所听到的信息,主要考查学生获取信息和处理的信息,主要考查学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。做本题之前应先看一下表信息的能力。做本题之前应先看一下表格内涉及到什么项目,这样可以抓住主格内涉及到什么项目,这样可以抓住主要信息。其次要注意大小写、词性与表要信息。其次要注意大小写、词性与表格栏中已给内容保持一致。格栏中已给内容保持一致。NameCountryLanguageJobBlack(1)_F

10、rench(2)_WhiteTheUSA(3)_SellerGreen(4)_(5)_(6)_DoctorTeacherTimeFromMondaytoFridayIn the (1)_and onweekendsPeopleMorethan(2)_%Nearly(4)_About16%About8%ActivitiesTheyarebusyworkingor(3)_UsuallywatchTVGotothe(5)_Takepartin(6)_studyingPart2Vocabulary&Grammar(词汇和语法)(一)选择填空失分的主要原因1.对词汇掌握的深度不够。对词汇掌握的深度不够。

11、2.盲目审题。盲目审题。3.不会看新的语境。不会看新的语境。4.胡乱猜测。胡乱猜测。对词汇掌握的深度不够如:如:take,spend,pay,cost;rise,raise;other,others,another;takepartin,join,joinin;say,speak,tell,talk等等盲目审题盲目审题对对有有些些句句子子,有有的的考考生生题题目目没没看看完完就就开始选择,造成不必要的错误。如:开始选择,造成不必要的错误。如:(1) He was waiting _ the busstop.A.forB.inC.atD.(2)Iwanttoknow_motherhasputth

12、elittlepresentsroundtheChristmastree.A.thatB.whereC.whenD.whether易易错错题题1To plant this big tree needs to dig a_hole.A.fivefeetdeepB.five-feet-deepC.five-foot-deepD.fivefootdeepcTheholeisfivefeetdeep.2.365isreadas_.A.three-hundredandsixtyfiveB.threehundredandsixty-fiveC.threehundredsandsixty-fiveD.thr

13、eehundredsixtyandfiveB3.About_ofthebooksinourschoollibraryarewritteninChinese.A.four-fifthB.four-fifthsC.fourth-fifthsD.fourths-fifthBnineninthtwelvetwelfthforty-fortieth4 There are fewer _ in ourhospitalthanintheirs.A.womandoctorB.womandoctorsC.womendoctorsD.womendoctorC5Weare_.Theyare_.A.Chinese.G

14、ermenB.Chinese.GermansC.ChineseGermanyD.ChineseGermansD6. Edison is one of the greatest_intheworld.A.inventionsB.inventersC.inventorD.inventorsD7. Mr Li often gives us _ by e-mail.(2000)A.somegoodinformationB.somegoodinformationsC.goodinformationsD.agoodinformationA8. Linda, Ive bought many _.Nowlet

15、smakethebirthdaycake.(2003)A.fresheggsB.chocolatemilkC.frozenfoodD.ricedumplings.A9.The small village is too far away. _peoplehavebeenthere.A.AfewB.AlittleC.FewD.LittleC如果句子空格前用副词如果句子空格前用副词only,still,just,quite等修饰,那么用等修饰,那么用afew或或alittle 如果用副词如果用副词very,too,so等修饰,应等修饰,应该用该用few或或little。10.-DoyoulikeEn

16、glishormaths?-Idontlike_.A.eitherB.allC.neitherD.anyA11.Somepeoplespendtheirholidaysat home, _ go traveling duringtheirholidays.A.othersB.theotherC.theothersD.anotherA12. Im sorry Im late. There is_withmybike.A.anythingwrongB.somethingwrongC.wronganythingD.wrongsomethingB13.Look_atthephoto.Doyouknow

17、theman?A.carefulB.carefullyC.morecarefulD.mostcarefullyBHelooked_.(sad,sadly)14. Sending e-mails is much _thansendingordinaryletters.A.fastandconvenientB.fasterandmoreconvenientC.fastandmoreconvenientD.fasterandconvenientB15. It is spring now. The days aregetting_.A.longerandlongerB.longandlongC.the

18、longerandthelongerD.thelongestandthelongestA16. _all the stars, the sun is thelargest.A.InB.WithC.ToD.OfD17.WhenwasTomborn?-_July5,1999.A.AtB.InC.OnD.OfC固定词组的搭配。固定词组的搭配。如:如: be different from, be different from, be famous for be famous for等。等。 (1 1)用了)用了thoughthough就不能用就不能用butbut。(2 2)用了用了becausebec

19、ause就不能用就不能用 soso;反之亦然。反之亦然。(3 3)SinceSince有两个意思。一个是有两个意思。一个是“自从自从”,如,如I haveI have lived here since I came to Shanghai.lived here since I came to Shanghai.另一个意思是另一个意思是“既然,由于既然,由于”,与,与now thatnow that可以互换可以互换。(4 4)固定搭配:)固定搭配:not onlybut also; neithernor; not onlybut also; neithernor; either.or eithe

20、r.or (5)if (5)if 引引导导状状语语从从句句和和宾宾语语从从句句时时的的用用法法不不一一样样: If If it it rains rains tomorrow, tomorrow, we we will will not not have have a a barbecue.barbecue. I I dont dont know know if if it it is is going going to to rain rain tomorrow.tomorrow.18._itistotalkwithfriendsontheInternet!A.WhatgreatfunB.H

21、owfunC.WhatagreatfunD.HowfunnyA19. -Must I finish all the worktoday?-No,you_.must必必 须须 , mustnt 禁禁 止止 做做 某某 事事 , neednt不必。不必。neednt20.Look,Sueiswalkingslowly. She_beverytired.A.oughttoB.canC.mustD.maynotC21. You _ worry about yourlessons.Wewillhelpyouwhenyouarewellagain.A.cantB.mustntC.dontneedD.nee

22、dntD22. I have many difficult problems_.A.toworkthemoutB.tobeworkedoutC.toworkD.toanswerC 1. 1. 动词不定式与疑问词动词不定式与疑问词what, which, who, what, which, who, whom, when, where, howwhom, when, where, how等连用,做宾语。等连用,做宾语。2.2.在在let, make, see, hear, watch let, make, see, hear, watch 等动词后,等动词后,作宾语补足语的动词不定式不带作宾语补

23、足语的动词不定式不带toto。3.3.不定式做表语也是常考的题目。如不定式做表语也是常考的题目。如: : My My fathers fathers job job is is to to make make sick sick people people better.better. My hope is to be a writer. My hope is to be a writer.23. Judy likes Chinese paintings andshe _ the hobby group atschool.A.hastakenpartinB.hasjoinedC.hasatte


25、ainstomorrow,Iwillstayathome.在在条条件件状状语语从从句句和和时时间间状状语语从从句句中中,用用一一般现在时代替将来时。般现在时代替将来时。B26.Thestudentswerereadingthetext_ the teacher came into theclassroom.A.whileB.whereC.whichD.whenD(二)词性转换解题特征和技巧1、当当所所选选择择的的词词处处于于主主语语、宾宾语语、表表语语位位置置时时,需需将将所所给给的的词词转转换换成成相相应应的的名名词词填填入:入:如如 : The group _ was very good.

26、(sing)An honest child should always tell the _.(true)The computer is a great _ in thiscentury.(invent)singingtruthinvention2当当所所选选的的词词处处于于定定语语、表表语语、宾宾语语补补足足语语时时,需需将将所所给给的的词词转转换换成成相相应应的的形形容容词填入:词填入:如如 : They wont go fishing on such a_(rain)day.Hegot_atthebadnews.(angrily)When I got there, I found the

27、 river_.(freeze)rainyangryfrozen3.所选的词在句中修饰动词、形容词、副所选的词在句中修饰动词、形容词、副词、分词时,需将所选的词转换成相应词、分词时,需将所选的词转换成相应的副词填入:的副词填入:如如:Wetclothesdontbecomedry_inwinter.(easy)You are _ wrong, arent you ? (real)Thegirlfoundathiefcoming_outoftheshopwithabag.(slow)Theworkerswentonstrikebecausetheywere_paid.(bad)easilyrea

28、llyslowlybadly4.所选的动词用做谓语时,将所给的词转所选的动词用做谓语时,将所给的词转换成动词的适当形式。换成动词的适当形式。如:如:Thedoctorsis_ontheheartoftheboynow.(operation)Wemuststudyhardsothatwecan_thepeoplewellinthefuture.(service)operatingserve 第一,掌握英语的基本句子形式,如陈第一,掌握英语的基本句子形式,如陈述句,各种形式的否定句,一般疑问句,述句,各种形式的否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,反意疑问句,感叹句,主特殊疑问句,反意疑问句,感叹句,主

29、动语态和被动语态等动语态和被动语态等 。examples1.He has lunch at school.1.He has lunch at school.(改为否定句)改为否定句) He _ _ lunch at school.He _ _ lunch at school.doesnthave2.The T-shirt cost five dollars.2.The T-shirt cost five dollars.(改为改为一般疑问句)一般疑问句) _ the T-shirt _ five _ the T-shirt _ five dollars?dollars?Did cost3. T

30、he photo 3. The photo near the doornear the door is the best. is the best.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问) _ _ is the best?_ _ is the best?Whichphoto4. We have studied in this school for 4. We have studied in this school for four years.four years.(改为特殊疑问句)改为特殊疑问句) _ _ have you studied in _ _ have you studied in th

31、is school?this school?Howlong5. Lets go to the exhibition this 5. Lets go to the exhibition this afternoon.afternoon.(改为反意疑问句)改为反意疑问句) Lets go to the exhibition this Lets go to the exhibition this afternoon, _ _ ? afternoon, _ _ ? shallwe6. He could hardly see the words 6. He could hardly see the wo

32、rds on the blackboard. on the blackboard. (改为反意疑问改为反意疑问句)句) He could hardly see the words He could hardly see the words on the blackboard, _ _ ?on the blackboard, _ _ ?couldhe 第二,要熟悉第二,要熟悉“保持句意保持句意”的改写。的改写。如简单句和复合句的转换,两句并如简单句和复合句的转换,两句并一句,形容词、副词比较级句型的一句,形容词、副词比较级句型的转换,词语的不同搭配等。转换,词语的不同搭配等。1. It was

33、eleven oclock when he 1. It was eleven oclock when he finished his homework last night. finished his homework last night. He _ finish his homework _ He _ finish his homework _ it was eleven oclock last _ it was eleven oclock last night. night. didnt2. He is the tallest in his class. 2. He is the tal

34、lest in his class. No one _ in his class is as No one _ in his class is as _ as he. _ as he. elseuntiltall3. He didnt make as many mistakes 3. He didnt make as many mistakes in his homework as you. in his homework as you. He _ _ mistakes in his He _ _ mistakes in his homework _ you. homework _ you.

35、madefewer4. These stamps belong to my elder 4. These stamps belong to my elder brother.brother. These stamps are my elder These stamps are my elder _ . _ . brothersthan5. The box is so heavy that I cant 5. The box is so heavy that I cant carry it. carry it. The box isnt _ _ The box isnt _ _ for me t

36、o carry. for me to carry. lightenough6. The question is very difficult. 6. The question is very difficult. No one can answer it. No one can answer it. The question is _ difficult The question is _ difficult _ _ _ answer. _ _ _ answer. tooforanyonetoThe question is The question is soso difficult diff

37、icult thatthat no one can answer no one can answer itit. .句型转换归类一一. .改成反意疑问句改成反意疑问句1 1 Mary Mary bought bought some some shampoo shampoo in in the the supermarket, _ _ ? supermarket, _ _ ? 2. 2. He He never never returns returns books books to to the the library library on time, _ _ ? on time, _ _ ?

38、 didnt she does he 二二. . 改成一般疑问句改成一般疑问句1. I enjoy team sports.1. I enjoy team sports. _ you enjoy team sports? _ you enjoy team sports? 2.We do eye exercises every day.2.We do eye exercises every day._ you _ eye exercises every day? _ you _ eye exercises every day? 3.Every Monday morning he has a me

39、eting.3.Every Monday morning he has a meeting._ _ he he _ _ a a meeting meeting every every Monday Monday morning? morning? 4.He set the alarm clock for seven.4.He set the alarm clock for seven._ he _ the alarm clock for seven? _ he _ the alarm clock for seven? Do Do do Does have Did set 三三.改成否定句改成否

40、定句1.The captain worked at the South Pole last year.1.The captain worked at the South Pole last year.The The captain captain _ _ _ _ at at the the South South Pole Pole last year. last year. 2.Alice attends the lecture once a week.2.Alice attends the lecture once a week.Alice _ _ the lecture once a w

41、eek. Alice _ _ the lecture once a week. 3.Peter collected some old coins two years ago.3.Peter collected some old coins two years ago.Peter Peter _collect _collect _old _old coins coins two two years years ago. ago. 4.Youd 4.Youd better better go go to to see see him him off off at at the the railwa

42、y railway station.station. Youd Youd better better _ _ _ _ to to see see him him off off at at the the railway station. railway station. didnt workdoesnt attend didnt any not go 四四. .改成感叹句改成感叹句 1.Its a very easy 1.Its a very easy mathsmaths problem problem _ _ _ _ easy easy mathsmaths problem proble

43、m it it is! is! 2.She played the piano wonderfully.2.She played the piano wonderfully._ _ _ _ she she played played the the pianopiano! What an How wonderfully 五五. .对划线部分提问对划线部分提问 1.I was born 1.I was born in 1980in 1980. . _ _ you born? _ _ you born? Whenwere2.The teacher had a meeting 2.The teache

44、r had a meeting yesterdayyesterday. . _ _ the teacher have a _ _ the teacher have a meeting?meeting?Whendid3.The postage is 3.The postage is three three yuanyuan and six and six jiaojiao. . _ _ is the postage? _ _ is the postage?Howmuch4.We had learned 4.We had learned sixsix pop songs by the pop so

45、ngs by the end of last week. end of last week. _ _ pop songs had you _ _ pop songs had you learned by the end of last week? learned by the end of last week? Howmany5.He went to hospital 5.He went to hospital to have a checkup on to have a checkup on eyesight. eyesight. _ _ he go to hospital? _ _ he

46、go to hospital?Whydid6.We have a class meeting 6.We have a class meeting once a once a week.week. _ _ do you have a class _ _ do you have a class meeting?meeting?Howoften7.At the age of five, Martin weighted 7.At the age of five, Martin weighted 25 kilos25 kilos. . _ _ did Martin weigh _ _ did Marti

47、n weigh at the age of five? at the age of five? Howmuch8.He lost 8.He lost the key to his bikethe key to his bike on his on his way to the lecture. way to the lecture. _ did he _ on his way _ did he _ on his way to the lectureto the lecture?Whatlose六六. .改为被动语态改为被动语态 1.They 1.They took took the the w

48、ounded wounded soldier soldier to to the field hospital.the field hospital.The The wounded wounded soldier soldier _ _ _ _ to to the field hospital. the field hospital. 2.Where did they grow vegetables?2.Where did they grow vegetables? Where _ vegetables _ ? Where _ vegetables _ ? 3.They must keep t

49、he classroom clean.3.They must keep the classroom clean.The The classroom classroom must must _ _ _ _ clean. clean. was taken were grown be kept 七七. .改成简单句改成简单句 1.I 1.I dont dont know know when when we we shall shall leave leave for for NanjingNanjing. . I I dont dont know know when when _ _ _ _ for

50、 for NanjingNanjing. . 2.The 2.The water water was was so so dirty dirty that that we we couldnt drink it.couldnt drink it. The The water water was was _ _ dirty dirty for for us us _ drink. _ drink. to leave tooto八八. .改为复合句改为复合句 1.The 1.The words words on on the the notice notice board board are ar

51、e very small.very small. I cant see them clearly. I cant see them clearly. The The words words on on the the notice notice board board are are _ _ small small _ _ I I cant cant see see them them clearly. clearly. so that 九九. .合并为一句合并为一句 1.Tim 1.Tim doesnt doesnt collect collect coins. coins. Jack Ja

52、ck doesnt collect coins ,either.doesnt collect coins ,either. Neither Neither Tim Tim _ _ Jack Jack _ _ coins. coins. 2.She 2.She is is tall tall and and thin. thin. She She has has long long hair.hair. She She is is _ _ tall tall and and thin thin girl girl _ _ long hair. long hair. nor collects a

53、with 十十. .保持原句意思保持原句意思 1.The boy was too frightened to say a 1.The boy was too frightened to say a word. word. The boy was _ frightened _ The boy was _ frightened _ he couldnt say a word.he couldnt say a word.sothat2.He prefers milk to tea. 2.He prefers milk to tea. He likes milk _ _ He likes milk _

54、 _ teatea.betterthan3.The motorcycle is Mr. Clarks. 3.The motorcycle is Mr. Clarks. The motorcycle _ _ Mr The motorcycle _ _ Mr. . Clark.Clark.belongsto4.How is the weather today? 4.How is the weather today? _ the weather _ today? _ the weather _ today?Whatslike5.Our foreign teacher will go back 5.O

55、ur foreign teacher will go back home tomorrow. Well say goodbye home tomorrow. Well say goodbye to him at the airport. to him at the airport. Our foreign teacher will go back Our foreign teacher will go back home tomorrow. Well _ him home tomorrow. Well _ him _ at the airport._ at the airport.see6.M

56、rs. White told Tom that he 6.Mrs. White told Tom that he mustnt throw paper on the ground. mustnt throw paper on the ground. Mrs. White told Tom _ _ Mrs. White told Tom _ _ throw paper on the ground. throw paper on the ground. nottooff7.Mary works very hard at school. 7.Mary works very hard at schoo

57、l. Her teacher often praises her. Her teacher often praises her. Mary is often praised _ her Mary is often praised _ her hard _ .hard _ .for8.The dictionary cost me 20 8.The dictionary cost me 20 yuanyuan. . I _ 20 I _ 20 yuanyuan _ the _ the dictionary.dictionary.spentworkonI _ 20 I _ 20 yuanyuan _

58、 the _ the dictionary.dictionary.paidfor9.The recitation was kind of boring 9.The recitation was kind of boring and I liked the cross talk better. and I liked the cross talk better. The recitation was _ _ The recitation was _ _ boring and I preferred the cross boring and I preferred the cross talk.

59、talk. abit10.Sams grandfather died 10 years 10.Sams grandfather died 10 years ago. ago. Sams grandfather has been Sams grandfather has been _ _ 10 years. _ _ 10 years. deadforbuy-havehadborrow-havekeptbegin-havebeenonleave-havebeenawayjoin-havebeenin11.11.Jacks mother asked him, “Have Jacks mother a

60、sked him, “Have you packed your things?” you packed your things?” Jacks mother asked him _ Jacks mother asked him _ he _ packed his thingshe _ packed his things. .if12.After a quick breakfast, Mary left 12.After a quick breakfast, Mary left in a hurry. in a hurry. After a quick breakfast, Mary After

61、 a quick breakfast, Mary _ _ ._ _ .hurriedoffhadPart3ReadingComprehension(阅读理解)READINGCOMPREHENSION阅读理解阅读理解MAY,2005一、中考阅读理解的题材一、中考阅读理解的题材题材广泛,贴近学生生活,内题材广泛,贴近学生生活,内容包括生活故事、名人轶事、容包括生活故事、名人轶事、生活常识、科普史地、广告、生活常识、科普史地、广告、电话留言、节选的小说原著等。电话留言、节选的小说原著等。二、中考阅读理解的题型:二、中考阅读理解的题型:判断正误题、选择题、根据判断正误题、选择题、根据短文内容书面回答问

















78、下几点:写话注意以下几点:一、要学会审题一、要学会审题仔细地看清题目要求,认真阅读题仔细地看清题目要求,认真阅读题目的目的指令性语言指令性语言 2002年中考题目是:年中考题目是:“MyFavoritethings”.要要求求根根据据英英文文提提示示,以以“我我的的心心爱爱之之物物”为为题题写写话话,不不少少于于50个个词词。内内容容必必须须包包括括英英文文提提示示中中的的三三项项要要求求,标标点点符符号不占格。号不占格。Makesureyou:IntroducewhatthethingsareSaywhenandorwhere,andhowyougotitExplainwhyyoulikei


80、k and looks very beautiful My fatherboughtit whilehewasinAmerica. Whenhecameback,hegavemethewatchasabirthdaypresent.Hesaidtome,“Dontwasteanytime,mygirl.Makefulluseofyourtime.”Ilikethewatch very much because it keeps good timeanditshowsmyfatherslovetome.WheneverI look at my match, I will thinkof what





85、Helikesreadingverymuch.Heworks hard in his hospital. He is a gooddoctor.Heisagoodfather,too.(B)Myfather,whoisoverforty,isadoctor.Heisnottall,butheisstrong.Heisagooddoctorbecauseheworkshardinhishospital.Heputsallhisheartinhisworkandheiswelcomedbyall his patients. He likes reading very muchandknowsalo


87、dpickedoutafewpairsthatheliked.First,hepickedoutapairofnice blue shoes. But when he triesthemon,theyweretoosmall.Next,hepicked out a pair of attractive redshoes.Butwhenhetriesthemon,theyweretoobig.Finally,hechoseapairofwhilesportsshoes.Thistimewhenhetriedthemon,theyseemedtofitperfectly.Hedecidedtobuythepairofwhiteshoes.Whatsmore,thewhitepairwasthecheapestofthethree.Theyonlycost$60.Sohepaidthemoneyandwenthomehappily.



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