高中英语 6.1 War and Peace课件 外研版选修6.ppt

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1、The symbols of peaceWe humans love to express ourselves with images. The symbols of peace now in use may have been invented to express a specific idea, or evolved from a form that meant something completely different in times gone by. By knowing their origins and many interpretations (解释), you can c

2、hoose the peace symbol that best expresses your views. Make it your personal peace sign and let your friends and the world know where you stand.VV_for_victory_is_likely_to_begin_in_the_Second_World_War._In the 1960s and 1970s, it was adopted as a greeting of love, and became associated with both pea

3、ce and love. Some say it means victory for peace and truth.Olive branchThis has a near universal(普遍的) significance as one of the symbols of peace. Greeks have long used it as a peace symbol. They also awarded olive wreaths(花环) to champions in the ancient Olympicswhen wars were traditionally suspende

4、d (暂缓)Noah released(放飞) a dove from the ark (方舟)_It_returned_carrying_an_olive_branch,_symbolizing_the_end_of_the_flood_and_a_future_home_for_man.Peace doveLike the olive branch, this has at least part of its origins in the ark story. Noah released several birds from the ark, but only the dove retur

5、ned with the olive branch. It became a peace symbol in the 1949 International Peace Conference in Paris.The pace flagThe word “pace” means peace in Italian and Romanian. The rainbow design has several possible origins. Rainbows also signify coexistence among different people. The flag itself began i

6、n Switzerland at the 1923 International Cooperative Congress, where people wanted to symbolize their ideas of international economic efficiency, equality and peace. The colors signify:* Violet: warmth, beauty, friendship* Dark Blue: pessimism(悲观), reminding us of the less fortunate* Sky Blue: far ho

7、rizons and the need to reach goals* Green: growth* Yellow: the challenge that Green kindles(激起)* Orange: the vision of possibilities* Red: courage1佳句仿写他有可能会赢得一等奖。(be likely to do sth)He _ _ _ _ the first prize. 那些孩子们跑出房间,愉快地笑着、说着。(现在分词作伴随状语)The children ran out of the room, _ _ _.2翻译佳句放眼高考By knowing

8、 their origins and many interpretations (解释), you can choose the peace symbol that best expresses your views._is likely to winlaughing and talkinghappily通通过了解它了解它们的起源和多种解的起源和多种解释,你可以,你可以选择最能表达最能表达你的想法的和平符号。你的想法的和平符号。.单词识记1_ adj.very eager to punish someone who has done something bad2_ vto enter a co

9、untry, town, or area using military force, in order to take control of it3_ vgive up completely (esp sth begun)4_ nactivity, often involving several people and/or spread over a period of timevengefulinvadeabandonoperation5_ vto die from being under water for too long, or to kill someone in this way6

10、_ nsomeone who continues to live after an accident, war, or illness7_ vto continue for a particular length of timedrownsurvivorlast.短语天地1_向宣战2_取得重大突破(进展)3_停下来让某人搭车/船,救起4be situated on/at_5get off_ declare war onmake a breakthroughpick up 位于位于下下车;动身身.句型搜索1The operation was extremely dangerous and man

11、y soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats.信息提取 before引导一个时间状语从句,意为“还没有来得及就”例句仿写 还没有等我解释那件事,他就离开了。He left _ _ _ _ _.before I could explain it2The survivors lay on the beach,exhausted and shocked.信息提取 exhausted and shocked为形容词短语作状语表伴随例句仿写 他又饿又累地回到家里。He arrived home,_ _ _.hungry and tir

12、ed3The cemetery and memorial are situated on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel,from where the boats attempted their landings.信息提取 from where 引导非限制性定语从句例句仿写她登上山顶,从那里她可以一览全城风光。She climbed up to the top of the hill, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the whole town.from where shecould have a good vi

13、ew of(2)From the passage, we know_took the most dangerous task in the DDay landings.A. Canadian troops BBritish troopsCAmerican troops DFrench troops(3)From Passage 2, we know that_soldiers of Able Company were either killed or drowned during the landings.Aabout one hundred Btwenty or so Cexactly tw

14、entysix Dmore than sixty(4)The sentence “Two men. Two rifles. This was Able Companys contribution to DDay” gives us a suggestion that _.AAble Company lost few soldiers during the landingsBAble Company hadnt made much contribution to the landingsCAble Company had made great contribution to the landin

15、gsDAble Company managed to land with only two men and two rifles lost(5)Passage 3 is intended to _.Atell us not to forget those who lost their lives in the DDay landingsBintroduce a famous British poem to usCdescribe how the French beaches became a famous attractionDtell us of the importance of the

16、DDay landings答案(1)D(2)C(3)D(4)C(5)A2Careful Reading:Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.The DDay LandingsTimeEventsIn September,1939Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded_(1)_. The war is known as the _(2)_. During the war, Germany occupied many countries,including France.

17、The most important battle was_(3)_In _(4)_Troops from_(5)_, Britain and Canada started Operation Overlord by landing on the beaches of _(6)_in France, known as_(7)_. TimeEventsOn June 6th,1944The soldiers of Able Company crossed_(8)_ in seven boats. Most soldiers were killed or drowned and only_(9)_

18、 joined a group from another company and fought with them.On_(10)_(11)_of the DDay landings from many countries returned to_(12)_to remember their lost comrades.【归纳拓展】【完成句子】作为一名学生,你不应该迷恋网络游戏。As a student, you shouldnt _ _ _ Internet games.这对老夫妇已经抚养了三个被遗弃的孩子了。The old couple have brought up three _ ch

19、ildren.abandon yourself toabandoned【归纳拓展】occupy a position/ones mind/thoughts/attention 占据位置/某人的头脑/思维/注意力occupy oneself/sb with sth/in doing sth.从事于, 忙于 be occupied with/in.从事于, 忙于occupation n职业;占有【翻译句子】她正忙着做饭。_这张大桌子占了太多的地方。_She occupied herself in cooking./She was occupiedin cooking.The big table o

20、ccupies too much room.3condemn(1)v.谴责,责备The papers were quick to condemn him for his mistake.报纸及时地指责他的错误。(2)v.判罪,定罪,注定He was found guilty and condemned to be shot.他被判有罪,处以枪决。【归纳拓展】condemn sb/sth for doing sth因而责备condemn sb/sth as某人/某物被指责为condemn/sentence sb to death判处某人死刑【完成句子】她知道社会会谴责她遗弃孩子。She knew

21、 that society would_her_abandoning her child.这项法律被指责为对人身自由的侵犯。The law has_ _ _an attack on personal liberty.condemnforbeen condemned as【单项填空】It has been revealed that some government leaders_ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.Aemploy Btake Cabuse Doverlook答案C句意: 据披露,

22、一些政府领导人滥用权力和职位谋取私利。abuse滥用,符合句意;employ 雇佣,使用;take 拿,取; overlook 忽视;视而不见。【归纳拓展】(1)declare sth宣布某事declare that.宣布declare sb/sth (to be)adj.宣布某人/某物declare against/for sth公开反对/支持某事declare.open 宣布开幕(2)at war处于交战状态答案declaredto bedeclare war ondeclared againstdeclared【归纳拓展】break through 突破,取得重大成果【完成句子】The

23、police are expecting to _ _ _(取得重大进展) in their investigations.make a breakthrough【归纳拓展】【单项填空】Tom _Chinese when he was in Beijing. Now he can speak it freely.Apicked out Bmade outCmade up Dpicked up答案D句意:汤姆在北京时学会了中文,现在他能说得非常流利。pick up学会,符合句意。pick out精心挑选;make out开具,弄清;make up编造,弥补。(2)It was 时间段before

24、.过了多久It was not long before.不久就It will (not) be时间段before.要过多久才It is (has been)时间段since过去式自从到现在多久了【单项填空】Someone called me up in the middle of the night,but they hung up _ I could answer the phone. Aas Bsince Cuntil DbeforeIt was not long _ his name became a household word. Awhen Bafter Cbefore Dsince答案D句意:半夜有人给我打电话,但是在我应答之前对方就挂断了。before表示在之前,符合题意。 C考查句式It was not long before.表示不多久就。句意:不久之后,他的名字就家喻户晓了。it was not long beforeshortly。



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