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1、西方文化的源頭西方文化的源頭 董董 崇崇 選選中興大學外文系教授懂更懂學習英文網站負責人網址:I. 何謂何謂 文化?文化?辭海辭海:人類社會由野蠻而至文明,其努力所 得之成績,表現於各方面者,為科學、 藝術、宗教、道德、法律、風俗、習慣 等,其綜合体,則謂之文化。Culture: The ideas, customs, skills, arts, etc. of a given people in a given period. (Websters New World Dictionary, 1985)按按:文者紋也,理也,質之對。文辭、文字、道 藝皆文化之工具,文化之 後,始見其真、其善、其

2、美。 II. 何謂西方文化?何謂西方文化?西方有大西洋 (the Atlantic Ocean) 大西洋兩岸有美洲、歐洲、非洲西方文化以歐美文化為主今日其他各洲皆受西方文化之入侵、影響、與支配III. 西方文化的源頭:西方文化的源頭:時間:c. 850 B.C.? 與 c. 750 B.C.?地點:地中海 (the Mediterranean Sea) 四周民族:the Greeks and the Jews語言:Hellenic (古希腊語),Hebrew (古閃族語)文類:mythological (神話的),religious (宗教的)代表作:the Homeric epics (荷馬

3、的史詩), The Bible (聖經)IV. 荷馬的史詩:荷馬的史詩:作品:The Iliad (伊里亞德) & The Odyssey (奧迪賽)內容:the Trojan War (c. 1200 B.C.) for Ilios (Troy) or for Helen Odysseus homeward wanderings趣事:a. The Golden Apple: “To the fairest” Peleus & Thetis, Eris (Discord) Hera, Athena, Aphrodite Zeus, Paris, Helen, Menelaus, Agamemn

4、onTo the FairestIV. 荷馬的史詩:荷馬的史詩:趣事趣事:b. Achilles Anger: Agamemnon, Chryseis, Apollo Briseis, Achilles, Patroclus, Hector, Priam c. The Escape from Sirens: Odysseus and his men, the Sirens Filling ears with beeswax, tying to the mast d. The Chaste Penelope: 50 suitors, weaving a shroud, Telemachus, O

5、dysseus bow Achilles and Patroclus Odysseus & the Sirens Penelope & her SuitorsV. 聖經聖經 (The Bible):包括:the Old Testament, the New Testament (& the Apocrypha)舊約:共 39 Books (篇) in 6 groups (類) written originally in Hebrew: History, Prophetic Books, Lyric Poetry Drama, Wisdom Literature, Tales故事:Genesis

6、: the creation of the world and man, the fall of Adam and Eve, Noahs flood, the Tower of Babel Tower of BabelV. 聖經聖經 (The Bible):Exodus: the escape by the Jews from their bondage in Egypt, led by Moses, crossing the Red Sea, wandering 40 years in the Sinai wilderness, reaching Canaan. “The Book of J

7、ob” (drama): the problem of evil. Satan, God, Job, the Voice out of the Whirlwind theodicy (神義論) “Jonah and the Whale” (tale): Jehovah wanted the prophet to preach in Nineveh. Rebelliousness & selfishness; universality & mercifulness of God. Job suffering from boilsMoses & TabletVI. 二源二源 即即 二元:二元:Th

8、e Hellenic Tradition The Hebraic Tradition 希腊的:神話的文化 希伯萊的:宗教的文化 Mythological culture Religious culture Polytheistic 多神 Monotheistic 單神 Humanism 人文主義 Theism 神文主義 Hedonism 享樂 Asceticism 禁慾 For this world 今生 For the other world 來世 Secular life 世俗生話 Divine life 神明生活 Id (抑德) & Ego (本我) Super-ego (超我)VII. 至今的影響:至今的影響:建築、雕刻:繪畫、音樂:戲劇、文學、電影:日常生活:Its a choice between Scylla and Charybdis.We are David and Jonathan. Scylla and Charybdis David and Jonathan



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