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1、V非非.21.let +o+do a chance to do/of doing (Its )no wonder (that) 22.have +o+done have the computer sent to25.make +o+C rid A of B - rid your bedroom of too many mice 27.主主-be opposed to doing=oppose doing 29.regret to do /regret doing 32. make +O+C 33.be doing/ be about to do/ had done+ when(when:这时:

2、这时, 强调一个动作的突然发生强调一个动作的突然发生)1). I was walking along the river when I heard a drowning boy cry for help.2). I was about to leave when it began to rain.3). I had just finished my test paper when the bell rang, announcing the exam was over.Close the door of fear behind you , and you _the door of faith o

3、pen before you. A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. are seeing 34. 原因状语原因状语=Because the manager was annoyed at 谓语动词:谓语动词:23/24/26/28/30/33 句式:句式:31.so+adj/adv+部分倒装部分倒装+that such+n+部分倒装部分倒装+that +35. 含倍数词的比较表达含倍数词的比较表达:31. 1) so, 2) so 3) such 4) so 5) such 6) so 2) so interesting a novel, such an int

4、eresting novel D 34. BABABA 22.C 35.DB 24. 1) dislikes 2) are思考:思考:什么样的作文会成为一篇什么样的作文会成为一篇好作文好作文 v无遗漏信息点(审题)无遗漏信息点(审题)v篇章条理清晰:分段和过渡词篇章条理清晰:分段和过渡词v句式多样句式多样v地道的高级词汇和恰当的词组地道的高级词汇和恰当的词组作文写作训练作文写作训练议论文正反观点对比正反观点对比写作内容写作内容 现在一些中学生把电子设备现在一些中学生把电子设备 iPad 引进课堂,用它代替引进课堂,用它代替传统教材,并辅助教学活动。请根据下表内容写一篇短传统教材,并辅助教学活动

5、。请根据下表内容写一篇短文,介绍这些看法,并发表自己的观点。文,介绍这些看法,并发表自己的观点。支持者支持者认为认为节约纸张节约纸张,有利于,有利于环环保;保;方便高效,可以极大地提高学生的学方便高效,可以极大地提高学生的学习习成成绩绩。反反对对者者认为认为价格昂价格昂贵贵;容易使学生沉迷于容易使学生沉迷于电电子游子游戏戏;不利于注意力集中。不利于注意力集中。你的你的观观点点审题审题体裁体裁: 时态时态:人称人称: 要点要点: 议论文议论文一般现在时一般现在时 第一人称第一人称(1)现在一些中学生把电子设备现在一些中学生把电子设备 iPad 引进课堂,引进课堂,用它代替传统教材,并辅助教学活动

6、。用它代替传统教材,并辅助教学活动。(2) 支持者的观点支持者的观点:a.节约纸张,有利于环保;节约纸张,有利于环保;b.方便高效,可以极大地提高学生的学习成绩。方便高效,可以极大地提高学生的学习成绩。(3)反对者的观点反对者的观点:a.价格昂贵;价格昂贵;b.容易使学生沉迷容易使学生沉迷于电子游戏;于电子游戏;c.不利于注意力集中。不利于注意力集中。(4)我的观点我的观点:文章结构文章结构正反正反观点观点对比对比类的类的文章文章提出问题提出问题不同观点对比不同观点对比说明自己观点说明自己观点文章结构文章结构 (1)现在一些中学生把电子设备现在一些中学生把电子设备 iPad 引进课堂,用它代替

7、传统教引进课堂,用它代替传统教材,并辅助教学活动。材,并辅助教学活动。对电子设对电子设备备 iPad 引进课堂大致有两种态引进课堂大致有两种态度度. (2)支持者认为支持者认为: a.节约纸张,有节约纸张,有利于环保;利于环保;b.方便高效,可以极方便高效,可以极大地提高学生的学习成绩。大地提高学生的学习成绩。 (3)反对者的观点反对者的观点:a.价格昂贵;价格昂贵;b.容易使学生沉迷于电子游戏;容易使学生沉迷于电子游戏;c.不利于注意力集中。不利于注意力集中。(4)我的观点我的观点:我们要合理利用它我们要合理利用它, 提出问题提出问题不同观点对不同观点对比比说明自说明自己观点己观点句型短语句

8、型短语(1) 对电子设备对电子设备 iPad 引进课堂大致有两种态度引进课堂大致有两种态度. a. There are different attitudes towardsb. Different students hold/have different opinions. c. Students take/hold different attitudes towards d.Students have different opinions on this problem.句型短语句型短语(2) 支持者认为支持者认为: a.节约纸张,有利于环保;节约纸张,有利于环保;b.方便高效,方便高效,

9、可以极大地提高学生的学习成绩。可以极大地提高学生的学习成绩。save paper, do good to the environment, be good for the environment, environmental friendly Some students are for/support it . Some students hold the opinion that they want the teachers to introduce iPads into classrooms to replace traditional textbooks.convenient, high

10、ly efficient, high-efficiency(adj)improve students grades greatly, achieve high gradesFirstly,.secondly, On one hand,on the other hand, besides,.(3)反对者的观点反对者的观点:a.价格昂贵;价格昂贵;b.容易使学生沉容易使学生沉迷于电子游戏;迷于电子游戏;c.不利于注意力集中。不利于注意力集中。 However/On the other hand/ On the contrary, some students are against it.expen

11、sive, make sb do ,be addicted to playing games, ,be unable to do ,concentrate on ones study focus on, be bad for putting ones hear into the study ,devote oneself to studyFirstly,.secondly, On one hand,on the other hand, besides,.,Whats more, Whats worse(4)你的观点你的观点: 句型短语句型短语in my view / opinion, As f

12、or me, As far as I am concerned,I agree with表示不同观点的套语表示不同观点的套语v总起总起: Different people hold different opinions. People have taken different attitudes towards People have different opinions on this problem. v不同观点之间的衔接不同观点之间的衔接: On the contrary, others hold a different view. However, each coin has two

13、sides. On the other hand, people object that .However, on the other hand, on the contrary, unlike be different from , 比较、对比比较、对比 We middle school students have had manytests or exams and have both achieved successand suffered from failure, but different studentstake different attitudes to failure. S

14、ome fall in low spirits when they dont do well in the exams, losing heart and no longer studying as hard as before. However, most students take an active attitude towards failure. By encouraging themselves to be self-confident,They find out and analyze the causes so that they will no longer make similar mistakes. In my opinion, failure is the mother of success, which can teach us a lot in the process of reaching our goals, and only by tasting failure can we enjoy the pleasure of success.



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